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CHIMERA [O:Warp] Fuses with Other Ships Jack Reda (Uses 20 Extra Ships)
Game Setup: Choose one unused player color and take the 20 ships in that color (16 in a 4-planet game), placing them on your alien sheet. These are your Chimera ships. Your player color is that of the planets you use. Do not use this power unless you have an unused player color.
You have the power of Fusion. As a main player, after the encounter is resolved, you may use this power to fuse with any or all opposing ships. If you won the encounter, you may place Chimera ships on top of ships you are fusing before they go to the warp. You now control these ships for the rest of the game and they only count as your ships. If you lost the encounter, you may place Chimera ships under any or all opposing ships. These ships are still controlled by their owners, but their value no longer counts against you in encounters where you are a main player, and any colonies where these ships are located count as if you occupy them.
History: The freakishly distorted Chimeras are composed of genetic material from every enemy race they have ever encountered over the millenia. The Chimera have an uncanny ability to harness this genetic material, mastering the aliens with whom they share qualities. The familiar becomes hideous, and few can oppose their ministrations.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may play two attack cards as a main player. When revealed, their combined total counts as one card.
Super: When you win an encounter, you may fuse opposing ships by releasing other ships from your control. Move the Chimera ships from the released ships to the ones you wish to fuse.
CRUSHER [O:CE] Reduces Ships to One Fantasy Flight (Uses 20 Extra Ships)
Game Setup: Choose one unused player color and place the 20 ships of that color on this sheet (16 if you are playing with four planets per player) as crusher ships. Do not use this power unless you have an unused player color.
You have the power to Crush. As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, you may use this power to crush the ships of the other main player and his or her allies. For each affected player, stack his or her involved ships and place one of your crusher ships from this sheet on top. Each crushed stack is controlled by its owner, and moves and counts as a single ship in every way. A crushed stack may not have ships added to or removed from it and may not be re-crushed into another stack.
Whenever one or more of your ships go to the warp, you may use this power to choose one other player and crush all of that player’s ships in the warp that are not already crushed.
During the alliance phase, you may use this power to release one or more crushed stacks in exchange for anything their owners could give you as part of a deal, and/or in exchange for their owners agreeing to receive cards from your hand. The released ships remain in place and the crusher ships return to this sheet.
If this sheet is lost or turned facedown, all crushed ships are released wherever they are.
History: The Crushers are a simple, rather brutal race with straightforward tactics.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: As a main player, after encounter cards are selected but before they are revealed, you may make your opponent's ships in the encounter count as just one ship for encounter totals, compensation, and rewards.
Super: When losing ships to the warp, each ship you lose may crush a different player's uncrushed ships in the warp.
DRONE [O:BGG] Uses Drone Ships Andy Leber (Uses 20 Extra Ships)
Game Setup: Choose one unused player color and take the 20 ships in that color (16 in a 4-planet game), placing them on your alien sheet. Do not use this power unless you have an unused player color.
You have the power of Disposability. As a main player, after cards have been selected, you may use this power to add any number of your disposable Drone ships from your alien sheet to your side of the encounter. If you lose the encounter, instead of being captured or going to the warp, the disposable Drones are removed from the game. You do receive compensation for lost Drones when you would receive it for your normal ships. Drones also collect rewards on your behalf when appropriate. At the end of the encounter, disposable Drones that were not lost return to your alien sheet.
History: Over the eons, many races created automaton servants to do their bidding, and invariably these servants became sentient and rebelled against their masters. The Drones were one such product, and rather then rejecting the methods of their former masters, they saw the practicality of having a subservient class of disposable soldiers to deploy into battles. Once the final conquest has occurred, the Drones are certain they will be able to retire their disposable forces before they become the wiser.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: You may discard cards from your hand as though they were reinforcements worth +1 each.
Super: During your regroup, instead of retrieving a ship from the warp, you may take a disposable Drone that has been removed from the game and add it to your alien sheet.
DRONE [O:BGG] Uses Drone Ships Jack Reda (Uses 20 Extra Ships)
Game Setup: Choose one unused player color and take the 20 ships in that color (16 in a 4-planet game), placing them on your alien sheet. Do not use this power unless you have an unused player color.
You have the power of Disposability. As a main player, after cards have been selected, you may use this power to add any number of your disposable Drone ships from your alien sheet to your side of the encounter. If you lose the encounter, instead of being captured or going to the warp, the disposable Drones are removed from the game. You receive compensation for lost Drones when you would receive it for your normal ships. Drones also collect rewards on your behalf when appropriate. At the end of the encounter, disposable Drones that were not lost return to your alien sheet.
History: Over the eons, many races created automaton servants to do their bidding, and invariably these servants became sentient and rebelled against their masters. The Drones were one such product, and rather then rejecting the methods of their former masters, they saw the practicality of having a subservient class of disposable soldiers to deploy into battles. Once the final conquest has occurred, the Drones are certain they will be able to retire their disposable forces before they become the wiser.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may discard cards from your hand as though they were reinforcements worth +1 each.
Super: During your regroup, instead of retrieving a ship from the warp, you may take a disposable Drone that has been removed from the game and add it to your alien sheet.
LIZARD [M:CD] Metamorphoses After Winning Fantasy Flight (Uses 20 Extra Ships)
Game Setup: Choose one unused player color and place all the ships of that color on this sheet. Do not use this power unless you have an unused player color.
You have the power to Transmogrify. As a main player, after you win an encounter using any of your normal ships, use this power to morph those winning normal ships. Remove them from the game and replace them with an equal number from this sheet. Your morphed ships count as ships of your color, except that each one adds an extra +2 to your side’s total when involved in an encounter as a main player or ally (even after this power is zapped or lost).
When you have no normal ships remaining in the game, you win the game. You may still win the game via the normal method.
This power cannot be stolen, copied, or separated from your player color through any means.
History: The Lizards’ lifecycle comprises metamorphic stages not unlike those of other sentient reptilians. Due to their world’s proximity to a neutron star, however, they have developed an additional hyper-metamorphism that is triggered only by extreme adrenal overload. Finding battle victories to be effective activation events, the Lizards now seek physical perfection through conquest.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Alternate Win type power.
Wild: As a main player or ally, after your side reveals an attack card, you may either double the values of all reinforcements you play after this flare or add one to the multiplier of a kicker you revealed as a main player.
Super: When using your power, you may also morph two of your normal ships that are not involved in the encounter.
ROACH [O:CS] Spawns Additional Ships Fantasy Flight (Uses 20 Extra Ships)
Game Setup: Choose one unused player color and place the 20 ships of that color on this sheet (16 if you are playing with four planets per player). Ships of this color are your roach ships. When not on this sheet, roach ships function as normal ships in every way. Do not use this power unless you have an unused player color.
You have the power to Breed. When you are determined to be the defense during another player’s turn, you may use this power to place up to four ships from this sheet among the planets in your home system, including planets where you have no current colony.
During your regroup phase, you may use this power to place up to four ships from this sheet among your colonies outside of your home system.
Whenever a roach ship would be sent to the warp, it is placed on this sheet instead.
This alien power cannot be stolen, copied, or separated from your player color through any means. You do not lose this power because of having too few home colonies.
History: The Roaches tend to scurry, scamper, and outnumber their enemies into submission. Wherever you see one, there are bound to be more. In fact, in the vast sprawling cities of Nova Yorkk, locals say you are never more than two meters from a Roach at any time.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: After gaining a colony as a winning ally, you may add up to four of your ships from the warp to the newly established colony.
Super: After establishing a colony as the offense or an ally, you may remove up to four ships from your sheet and add them to any of your colonies in any system.
SMUGGLER [O:BGG] Delivers Cargo Jon Gon (Uses 20 Extra Ships)
Game Setup: Place one unused planet in front of your home system with 20 ships (16 in a four planet-game) of the same color on it. The planet is your freighter and the ships are cargoes.
You have the power of Contraband. At the start of any turn, you may discard any card from your hand to move your freighter one system leftwards or rightwards. Whether your freighter moves or not, remove one cargo and place it on that system\'s owner alien sheet. The system\'s owner receives one reward.
After the hyperspace gate is aimed, if it is in the same system of your freighter, all cargoes on that system\'s owner alien sheet return to your freighter.
At the start of any turn, if a player has four or more cargoes on his or her alien sheet you may use this power to establish a colony, with one of your ships, in any planet of that player\'s system. Afterwards, return four cargoes from that player\'s alien sheet to your freighter.
You may add cargoes to an alien sheet or return cargoes to your freighter as part of a deal.
History: The audacious Smugglers, evolved in a sector regulated by the harsh economic ruling of a prosperous race. The scarcity of resources of their home worlds, the constant embargos and taxes imposed by their masters, molded them into gifted contrabandists. Now, their smuggling network and underworld connections cover the entire Cosmos.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Colony Gain type power.
Wild: At the start of your turn you may remove two of your ships from the game to receive four rewards. A player cannot be reduced to fewer ships than the number of foreign colonies needed to win the game.
Super: After the hyperspace gate is aimed, if it is in the same system of your freighter, you may use this flare. Remove two cargoes, on your freighter, from the game and avoid the return of all cargoes on that system's owner alien sheet to your freighter.
SPAWN [O:Warp] Replaces Other Players\' Ships Jack Reda (Uses 20 Extra Ships)
Game Setup: Choose one unused player color and take the 20 ships in that color (16 in a 4-planet game), placing them on your alien sheet. Your player color is that of the planets you use. Do not use this power unless you have an unused player color.
You have the power to Produce. As a main player, use this power when you lose an encounter. Place a ship from your alien sheet under each ship that opposed you in the encounter. After you have placed the last ship in this manner, remove all ships that have a spawn ship under it from the game. Your spawn ships now count as your ships for the purposes of having a colony. You can not move these ships for any reason and they do not count toward encounter totals. If a spawn ship should be sent to the warp, place it instead on your alien sheet to be respawned the next time you lose an encounter.
History: The Spawn are weak, but their ability to reproduce with any alien lifeform, even after death, makes them extremely tenacious. The gestation period of the Spawn varies greatly, but the parturition is always fatal to the host. The deadly seeds have been planted within unknowing carriers, and eventually the Spawn will reclaim all that they lost.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: When you lose an encounter as a main player, you may free up to as many ships you have in the warp as you lost, returning them to your existing colonies.
Super: You may use your spawn ships as you would your normal ships, placing them in the hyperspace gate, and adding them to your encounter totals. You are still limited to 4 ships total in the gate.
SYMBIOTE [M:CI] Has Twice as Many Ships Fantasy Flight (Uses 20 Extra Ships)
Game Setup: Choose one unused player color and take the 20 ships in that color (16 in a 4-planet game), placing twice as many ships as usual on each of your planets. Your player color is that of the planets you use. Do not use this power unless you have an unused player color.
You have the power of Symbiosis. You have twice as many ships as normal. Your power cannot be zapped, lost, stolen, or copied through any means.
History: The environmental extremes on the Symbiote\'s home world drove its two sentient species into a mutual interdependence. Now this exceptionally tough hybrid has discovered that the warp gives this two-in-one race a distinct advantage over its adversaries.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may retrieve a ship from the warp during every regroup phase, not just your own.
Super: Discard this flare at the start of any regroup phase to rescue all of your ships you choose, even ones in the warp, captured, or removed from the game. Place up to eight rescued ships on each of your home planets, even if you no longer have a colony on one or more of your home planets. Your ships coexist with any ships already there, regardless of any other game effects. This flare may not be canceled through any means.
Displayed 9 powers.