Reverse Hexes
The Eon and Mayfair editions of Cosmic Encounter had alternate systems with unique rules and abilities (as opposed to simply having five normal planets in your system). Below are all of the explanations for those systems, and several new ones as well.
Eon Hex Rules
| At the start of the game, place all 20 of your tokens on the Gas Giant. During play you move them off of the planet normally. When challenged at home you may, once during the challenge after alliances have been declared and before cards are played, withdraw as many tokens as you wish as long as you leave at least one token as your defending force. You must move the tokens you choose to withdraw away from the cone to the opposite end of the Gas Giant to clearly signify their neutrality Thus, your tokens "on the planet" after withdrawal can be any number down to one. If you have no tokens on the Gas Giant, you lose the use of your alien power until you regain a base there. In this case, you defend with a force of zero just as you would in a game with regular hexes.
Note: The Gas Giant is immune to all planetary cataclysms eg. those perpetrated by the Moon Wraith, the Wild Loser, the Wild Demon, Eviction Moon, etc. Also, do not use in a game with the Filth or the Terrorist. and do not use in a two player game. The Gas Ginat player can not begin the game as the Sniveler.
| Start the game by placing tokens as you wish on your planets as long as you place at lest one on each planet. Whenever you are challenged on a planet in your home system, unless you are silenced, you must declare (before the offensive player puts tokens into the cone) whether the winner, if an Attack card is played, will be the player with the higher total or the player with the lower total. Unless prevented by the Silencer, Will, etc., you also choose which planet must be challenged as long as the offensive player does not already have a base there. Your statement of Attack win conditions changes the normal win conditions even if you do not have a token on the challenged planet. If the Anti-Matter is a main player, you may not "pulse high".
The central planet and each of its four rings count as separate planets. When setting up, distribute your tokens however you wish among the rings and central planet. The rings and central planet have special defensive characteristics, namely, the outer ring adds two to the defense, the second outermost ring adds four, the second from the planet adds six, the inner ring adds eight, and the central planet adds ten.
The Rings player can subtract these values instead of adding them at his option.
| At the beginning of play, place your tokens as you wish as long as you place at least one token on each planet. As defensive player, whenever you defend a home system planet on which you had tokens at the start of the challenge, whether you win or lose, you get a "reward" of one of more cards from the deck and/or tokens from the Warp to bases (or from the Praw to the Warp) corresponding to the number printed on the planet you are defending. You get this "reward" immediately after the outcome is determined. If you get cards, they are subject to the Extortionist.
| At the beginning of play, place your tokens as you wish as long as you place at least one token on each planet. You lose the use of your alien power if you lose four of your home bases. Once you have drawn your Alien Power(s), draw six more Alien Powers at random and place each of these behind a planet as a specific "planet power". When you are defensive player in a challenge on a planet in your home system (if the offensive player has not declared a moon challenge) before the offensive player places tokens into the cone you: 1) choose which of your planets will be the defensive planet (as long as the offensive player does not already have a base there) unless otherwise prevented, e.g. by the Silencer, Will, etc, and 2) for the duration of the challenge have the planet power of the planet which is being challenged instead of your own Alien Power(s). When you lose a defensive challenge on a planet in your home system, you lose the planet power, but not until the end of the challenge in which it was used (unless Zapped, of course). Therefore, if you lose such a challenge and thus a base, you may still exercise your planet power if it affects the outcome of the challenge, e.g. the Judge's judgement, but after the challenge you lose the use of that power for the rest of the game. Note: when using planet powers which call for beginning-of-the-game effects, e.g. Miser and Schizoid, set those effects at the beginning of the game as you would ordinarily. These effects will only be used, however, when that particular power is being used.
At all times when you are not defending a home base where you have a planet power, you have your main Power(s) or you may choose instead to have one of your planet powers (any which has not been lost) after which at the end of the challenge that planet power is permanently lost. For purposed of identification you are considered to "be" the alien you are currently using. If you do not specify a particular planet power, you will be considered to be your main Alien Power(s). Do not use Warpish as any of your powers.
| Initially, place all 20 of your tokens and three of your four Star Discs on your Planet Hex (the fourth Star Disc is the one with the "reverse cone" sticker on it. It goes into the Destiny Pile). Each token (and Star Disc) you have on your hex counts as a planet base for you, even though there are no actual planets there; and, if you remove a token or Star Disc that planet base disappears from your hex. You move your tokens and Star Discs onto and off of your hex normally (as if it were one big planet). But; 1) if you have no home bases as described above (neither tokens nor Star Discs on your hex) you lose your Alien Power; and 2) if you have no home bases, you can not place a new token onto your hex when released from the Warp, returning from an alliance, etc. When you are the defensive player on Space Dust, the offensive player picks one of your tokens (or Star Discs) to challenge (as if it were a planet). Your defending token value in such a challenge is one, unless a Star Disc is challenged which has a value of ten (see below). If you have no tokens on your hex, only then may you be challenged there as though you had a planet base with no tokens.
Whenever another player is entitled to establish a base on your hex as a result of an interaction (bested you in an Attack, made a deal, etc), he or she simply stacks their tokens on top of one another and places them onto your hex as a base. Any other players (allies, wild Force, etc.) also entitled to a base do the same with their tokens. On susbsequent challenges, each base is established in this manner. Each stack of one or more tokens counts as a separate base. Your Star Discs on your hex are treated as any other token except: 1) in an Attack they are worth ten rather than one, even if you are the Macron (but twenty if the Mini Mac Moon is in effect); 2) you may only move one Star Disc token into a challenge; 3) any Star Disc token which should go to the Warp immediately enters the Destiny Pile discard stack instead and is shuffled into the new pile when the existing pile is used up; and 4) when you establish a base on another player's hex with a Star disc token, it may not be moved again except to go to the Destiny Pile (in lieu of going to the Warp for any reason). Items normally kept on a Star Disc, i.e. Lucre, "Assessed" tokens, etc. are kept just off the hex and are treated as if they were on a Star Disc. As an Amoeba playing this hex, you may ooze to defend but must disperse "dust to dust" after the challenge. The player of this hex can not use Moon Boon.
Mayfair Hex Rules
When setting up at the beginning of the game, the Binary player distributes his tokens among his five planets however he wishes. When determining alien Powers, the Binary player draws two Flare Cards, assigning one power to each star. From this point on, the Binary player can use either power, but not both on the same challenge.
If the binary player loses two bases, he loses the use of a power, but the other is unaffected. For the Binary player to lose both of his powers, he would have to be reduced to two bases.
BINARY: (Variant) Two suns, eight planets
When setting up at the beginning of the game, the Binary player distributes his tokens among his eight planets however he wishes. When determining alien Powers, the Binary player draws two Flare Cards, assigning one power to each star. From this point on, the Binary player can use either power, but not both on the same challenge. When the binary is challenged, he or she must use the power(s) of the base attacked.
If the binary player loses Three bases in either of his system, he loses the use of the corresponding power, but the other is unaffected. For the Binary player to lose both of his powers, he would have to be reduced to one base or no base on each system.
Place your 20 tokens on the planets in any combination. When challenged, the Rosette player can use his tokens on the two adjacent planets to compute the outcome of the challenge. These tokens are not at risk, and they are added in after cards are revealed and after all other effects are computed. The rosette player cannot use an adjacent planet if he does not have a base there.
The rosette player does not have to add his tokens from adjacent planets, as when opposing Anti-Matter, and in fact can evacuate the tokens from the challenged planet to an adjacent planet if he has a base there.
When trying to regain a planet in his own system, the Rosette player can use his tokens on planets adjacent to the one he is challenging to compute the winner of the challenge. As when he is defensive player, the Rosette player does not put these tokens at risk.
After shuffling the Destiny pile, deal three Destiny Cards to the Worldships player, who keeps them as a separate hand, immune from consolation or other incursions. The Worldships player can use one of these cards to override a card turned up from the Destiny pile to divert an attack from himself or to redirect his own attack. If it is a wild card, the Worldships player decides the color. Both Destiny Cards then go to the discard pile.
When the Destiny Pile is exhausted, the worldships player discards any unused Destiny Cards and draws three new ones from the reshuffled deck.
The Worldships player has no effect on the Will.
Internet Hex Rules
Copyright (C) 1991 by Ken Cox. Distributed as Freeware. Permission is given to copy, modify, and distribute this material freely provided this notice is retained.
You may use this hex when you have the Warpish Power. The hex has been introduced largely to prevent the occasional problem where tokens IN the Warp drift ONTO Warpish planet bases and vice-versa. (Of course, sometimes that's half the fun....)
Alternate play for Warpish Hex
Tokens lost in system go in the system's warp. For everyone but the system owner this is mandatory. The system owner gets to decide whether theirs go to the system warp or the main warp.
The system owner can release tokens from the system warp as part of a deal. This can be to either the main warp or to planets.
Tokens can leave the system warp for any reason they could leave the main warp. However, Mobius Tubes/Warp break will only affect one warp at a time. IE you must choose which warp will be affected when you play it.
From mar hawkman
At the start of the game, place two tokens on each space station and the remaining eight on the central planet. Each station and the central planet counts as a separate planet for game purposes, and you lose the use of your Alien Power if you have tokens on less than three of them.
During play, each station may have at most two tokens on it. A station may be challenged with more than two offensive tokens, but if the offensive player wins you select two of the tokens to arrive on the space station and the rest return to bases. No player (including yourself) may add tokens to a space station that already has two tokens.
Whenever you attack or defend your central planet, you may count all of your tokens on the space stations toward your total as if they were your allies; however, you do not get ally rewards for these tokens, and they are not affected by the challenge outcome.
In addition, provided you have a base on your central planet, before the start of each challenge you may rearrange your tokens freely among the central planet and those space stations where you have bases. You are subject only to the rule that you not add tokens to a station that already has two tokens.
Comment: The central planet is very strong defensively. The stations are weaker, but the offensive player will generally not invite allies (and even if he does, they probably won't accept) so the situation is not that bad.
At the start of the game draw five Moons at random and place them on the crescents. Do not use Moon Boon, Moon Wraith, or any other Moon whose effect causes it to be moved. Place your tokens as you wish on the central planet and Moons. [ With the variant hex, draw six Moons and place tokens as you wish. ]
The central planet and each Moon count as a planet for game purposes, and you lose the use of your Alien Power if you have tokens on less than three of them. [ With the variant hex, if you have tokens on less than four of them; OR, if you have no tokens on the two planets -- decide which before starting play. ]
1) Bases on your Moons count as planet bases for a win, and for the use of Powers (e.g. the Plant), Flares, Edicts, etc..
2) No Moon-related effects (Sanity, Vanish Moon, Moon Win, Wild Disease "discard a Moon", etc.) apply to your Moons.
3) All your Moons are treated as Secret; their effects do not occur until the occupying player OR YOU reveal them. Thereafter they are treated as Continuing Moons (their effect can be used only once per challenge), except that if you re-occupy a Moon you may conceal it again without its effect occurring.
4) Moons that say "discard after use" are not discarded when used, but the effect cannot be used again during the game.
Note on rule 3: Only you or a player who actually occupies a Moon can invoke its effect. Thus, you can keep tokens on (for example) the Null Moon without problems, but if another player takes over the Moon you can reveal it and he suffers from the effect. You may re-take the Moon without losing your power (per the rule, you may conceal it upon re-occupying it).
Also note that your Moons are challenged and occupied as Moons; i.e., no alliances are allowed in the challenge, you do not play a card to defend the Moon if it is unoccupied, any player who flips your color may challenge any other player on one of your Moons, occupancy cannot be granted in a deal, and so on.
If you are playing with Moons, you get the appropriate number of additional Moons which are treated according to the Moon rules.
The Singularity is divided into five numbered levels. The disc-shaped portion of the Singularity has no effect on play.
Set up by arranging your tokens as you wish on your planets. You lose the use of your Alien Power if you have tokens on less than three planets.
Whenever a planet or Moon in your system is the target of a challenge, any tokens other than your own that are lost in the challenge go to the Singularity instead of the Warp. Your own tokens go to the Warp. The number of tokens lost determines where the tokens are placed. If one to two tokens are lost, they are placed in the level labeled 2, if three are lost they go in the level labeled 4, and so on; if ten or more are lost, they go in the level labeled 10.
At the start of each player's turn all tokens in 1st level of the Singularity are released and go to the Warp (Zombie tokens return to bases). Tokens in the lower levels each move up one level (those from 4 go to 2, those from 6 to 4, etc.).
Variants: do the move only when your color is flipped; do the move at the start of each challenge; tokens at the top level return to bases instead of the Warp.
As part of a deal you may move a player's tokens up any number of levels in the Singularity, or release them to the Warp or to bases.
Mobius Tubes and Warp break do not affect the Singularity. Warp-related powers such as the Healer and Zombie do not apply to tokens lost to the Singularity; tokens adhering to the Fungus continue to adhere in the Singularity.
Comment: We (and other groups) have tried this with a few variants, and the above seems appropriate. Releasing tokens to bases, or moving them up once per challenge, cuts back on the fear factor; the idea is that the system should act like a short-term Void and people would be reluctant to commit a lot of tokens to the attack.
Set up with four tokens on each planet. You lose the use of your Alien Power if you have tokens on less than three planets.
Whenever a challenge is made against a planet or Moon in your system, players other than yourself are restricted in placing tokens into the Cone. The main player may put at most two of his tokens into the Cone; an ally (on either side) may put at most one. You may place tokens in the Cone normally. This restriction applies to ALL placement of tokens in the Cone, including Amoebic oozing, Super Parasite, etc.
In addition, whenever other players must return tokens to bases from the Cone or Warp, at most one token may return to a base in your system. All other tokens must if possible return to bases outside your system. Only if a player has no bases outside your system may he return more than one token to your planets.
Comment: The idea is that he's WAY out there and everyone else has a great deal of trouble getting there. Defensively it's very good; also, the bases that other players get in the system are very weak and can't be reinforced rapidly, making them prime Assassin-Bully fodder.
The Ringworld is divided into seven segments, delineated by the light-dark alternations and the lines. The inner ring of shadow squares is not used for game purposes.
Set up by placing two or three tokens on each of the segments of the Ringworld. Each of the segments counts as a separate planet for game purposes; you retain your Power as long as you have any tokens on the Ringworld.
When you return tokens to bases, if you have a base on the Ringworld you may place tokens on any Ringworld segment, even if you have no base on that segment. This ability does not apply to other players' tokens.
Whenever you are defending any segment, immediately after the Cone is pointed at the segment you may move tokens between that segment and the two adjacent segments. You may remove any or all of your tokens from the challenged segment to the adjacent segments, or you may add more tokens to the challenged segment from the adjacent segments (even if you had none there to begin with). You may also remove some tokens and add others, e.g. if you are the Fungus and your tokens have different values.
Tokens belonging to other players may not move from segment to segment; each separate segment counts as a different base for other players.
Comment: Combines some aspects of Space Dust (ability to return anywhere, lose power only if you lose all bases) with some of Gas Giant (the ability to choose, in a limited fashion, the number of tokens that will defend).
SHATTERED: Individual Planets with a Destroyed Planet on the reverse side. 
Whenever a challenge is won in this system, if either side had a total of greater than 15, the planet the challenge was won on gets flipped. "Shattered" planets are treated as moons for purposes of maintaining and establishing bases (unoccupied shattered planets may be occupied without having to play a challenge card; there are no alliances allowed in shattered planet challenges; shattered planets do not count toward the win). You must control at least half of the non-shattered planets (rounded up) to maintain use of your alien power.
NOTE: Getting shattered is a two way street. If someone attacks a broken one with enough force it'll "fix" itself.
A player must have tokens on at least one non-shattered planet and half of the shattered ones in order to maintain his or her power.
From mar hawkman
Jack's Hex Rules
When this system's color is flipped, the owner secretly writes down on a piece of paper either "White" or "Black". The challenge then proceeds normally.
If the attacker wins the challenge, he or she then states which color they were challenging. If they say the color the MIRROR owner wrote, then they land. If they were wrong, then their tokens were only attacking the reflection planet, and do not land. Those tokens go home.
Regardless of who wins, or if they land, losing tokens go to the Warp. When challenging their own system, the MIRROR owner does not have to guess. He/She retains their alien power with three bases. Moons are not affected by the mirrors.
Due to the high levels of radiation in this system, some game components do not work. The planets each represent an aspect of the game that other players must do without when making a challenge.
The components are: Powers, Flares, Edicts, Lucre, and Wild (in a game without Lucre, you may substitute another component if possible, or repeat an existing one).
The player controlling system Nebula is unaffected by the Hex conditions, even when attacking.
An alternate version of this exists with Tech in place of Lucre, and using the new terminology of Artifacts in place of Edicts.
At the start of the game, this player draws 5 Comets (before special Destiny cards are added to the
Destiny Deck). During any turn, when the Destiny Pile is flipped, the Oort Cloud player may play a
Comet card from his hand to affect the upcoming challenge, or cancel the effects of another Comet
that turns up. The Oort Cloud player may play his Comets after the defensive system has been
determined. When all 5 Comets have been used, he may draw 5 more.
This system is a blank hex with a number of planetoid markers (or Moons) for each player in the game. Each planetoid is marked with a symbol that corresponds to a special objective detailed on the list below.
During the game, when a player flips their own color in the Destiny pile, they may opt to attack System X instead of their own system.
If no tokens are on the base already, the offensive player automatically occupies the base, then checks to see what marker is on the planetoid. Occupied bases are challenged normally. Once they read the objective, they must fulfill it at some point in the game before the base counts as an external base. Until that time, the base counts as a Home base.
Objectives may not be kept secret before they are fulfilled. System X bases do not count as both External and Home bases after objectives are fulfilled.
Alliances in System X challenges are not allowed.
¢ - Maintain 11 or more tokens in the Warp for one turn.
£ - Allow each other player to occupy a base in your system (including Moons).
¤ - Win a challenge as a Main Player after having been Cosmic Zapped during that challenge.
¥ - Lose two challenges in a row as a Main Player.
§ - Win as an Offensive Ally in a Reverse Cone challenge.
« - Play a Super Flare.
µ - Lose a Moon challenge.
¶ - Lose a challenge as a Main Player to each other player in the game.
» - Win a challenge when all other players in the game are allied against you.
ø - Lose a challenge by a total of more than 30.
Ð - Win a challenge by a total of 1.
Þ - Control 2 fewer external bases than every other player.
Reverse Hex Cards (courtesy of Paul Gestwicki): Hex Cards
Also see Rebellion as an alternate hex.