Special Destiny
More Cosmic Encounter (from Mayfair) included a number of new Destiny Cards that do not have a
color on the cone, but have instructions instead. These instructions tell the offensive player whom
to challenge. For Alien Powers that relate to the color of the Destiny Card (Assassin, Will, etc),
treat the card as if the color of the indicated defensive player had come up. The Dictator can still
direct the cone unless more than one player fits the description on the card, in which case it follows
the same rules as wild, meaning the Dictator has no effect.
If the instructions indicate the offensive player, he or she has the same options as if they had
drawn their own color. If more than one player fits the description, the offensive player can choose
which to target. The Assassin can choose a different target among those tied, just as if with a wild
Destiny. The cards that indicate a regular challenge mean that the offensive player must make a
challenge in the system of the player indicated, either challenging that player on a planet, or making
a moon challenge in that system against the moon's occupant (or taking a vacant moon).
The Worldships player can use these instructional Destiny Cards from his hand just as he does normal
Destiny Cards, and he can use a card from his hand to override an intructional Destiny Card.
Mayfair numbered the cards, and they appear as follows.
1 Challenge any moon.
2 All other players vote on who should be defensive player. The offensive
player votes only in case of a tie. Make a normal challenge in that system.
3 Make a normal challenge in the system of the player to your left.
4 Make a normal challenge in the system of the player to your right.
5 Make a normal challenge in the system of the player with the most total bases
(other than yourself).
6 Make a challenge against any base of a player who has a base in your system
where you do not. If there is no such player, draw again.
7 Challenge the base with the most defensive tokens (other than your own).
8 Make a Warp challenge against the most plentiful color of tokens in the Warp.
If you win, you get a base in that player's system. If the other player wins, he
frees all his tokens from the Warp. If there is a tie for the most tokens in the
warp, you choose among those tied. Draw again if there are no tokens in the
9 Make a regular challenge in the system of the player with the most lucre.
10 Make a regular challenge in the system of the player with the most cards.
See also: Comets.
New Special Destiny Cards
From Jack Reda
Genesis Effect
When the Genesis Effect card is drawn, the next system that turns up in the Destiny Pile undergoes
a system change. Switch to the Reverse Hex on the back of that system (or switch to a new Reverse
Hex from those unused). Players should establish the same number of bases as they had previous to the
Genesis Effect, but they may rearrange their tokens into any denomination they choose. Play then proceeds normally.
From Patrick Riley
Make a normal challenge against another player's base in your home system. If
there is no such base, draw again.
Make a normal challenge against any base you share with another player. You must
use tokens from the shared base and may not use tokens from other bases. If you
lose, all your tokens on the base go to the Warp.
Make a normal challenge against any base you want, other than your own, of
course. Other players may make suggestions and bribes of cards and/or lucre.