The Amazing Alien Database
Show aliens that match these criteria:
AMOEBA [O:AH] Unlimited ship movement Avalon Hill
You have the power to ooze.
After you and your opponent play Encounter cards face down, but before they're revealed, you may increase or decrease the number of your ships in the encounter. You may add as many ships as you want from any of your colonies, even beyond the normal limit of 4, or you may remove some of all of your ships from the Encounter to any of your colonies.
You may ooze after you and your opponent play Encounter cards, but before they are revealed. At least one Amoeba ship must be in the encounter at the start.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
ANTI-MATTER [M:AH] Lower total wins Avalon Hill
You have the power of negation.
If you and your opponent both play Attack cards in an encounter, the lower total wins.
Furthermore, instead of your total being card plus your ships, it is the Attack Card minus ships (including allies). Your opponent's total is figured normally, except that allied ships are subtracted from his or her total.
You negate when both you and your opponent play Attack Cards.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
CHRONOS [O:AH] Can replay encounter Avalon Hill
You have the power of time travel.
After you and your opponent reveal Encounter cards, you may avoid the outcome. Return the card you ust played to yuor hand and put your opponent's card aside face down. Now replay the encounter, starting at the point where you selected cards to play. You both can use any card in your hands, and this time the out-come is final. Afterward, your opponent takes back the set-aside card.
If your opponent's first card played was his or her last Encounter card, then that card is played again instead of being set aside.
You may time travel as a main player in an encounter, after both players reveal an Encounter card, and only once per encounter.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
CLONE [O:AH] Keeps own encounter card Avalon Hill
You have the power to replicate.
You do not have to discard any Encounter card that you play. You may instead keep the card. You discard Artifact cards normally.
You may replicate only after you reveal an Encounter card.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
EMPATH [M:AH] May change attack to negotiate Avalon Hill
You have the power of harmony.
Whenever you are a main player in an encounter, if you reveal a Negotiate Card, it changes your opponent's card into a Negotiate Card. You create harmony only when you reveal a Negotiate Card during an encounter.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
FILCH [O:AH] Takes opponent's used card Avalon Hill
You have the power of theft.
After you and your opponent have revealed Encounter cards, and after the outcome has been determined, you may steal your opponent's discarded Encounter card. Put the card into your hand for future use.
You may stead a card only when you are a main player in an encounter after your opponent discards his or her Encounter card to the discard pile.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
HEALER [O:AH] Can save others's ships from warp Avalon Hill
You have the power to heal.
When another player loses ships to the Warp, you can return to that player all the ships he or she just lost and earn one card from the deck for doing so. Being healed does not prevent a player from receiving Compensation.
The player places healed ships on any of his or her existing colonies. You may heal several players at once, receiving one card for each player.
You may heal whenever another player loses ships to the Warp.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
LASER [M:AH] Makes opponent play blind Avalon Hill
You have the power to blind.
Your opponent does not choose his or her Encounter Card. After you play an Encounter Card face down, you select a card at random from your opponent's hand. If the card is an Encounter Card, your opponent must play that card. Artifact Cards drawn this way are set aside until an Encounter card is picked. After the encounter, these Artifact cards go back into the opponent's hand.
You blind your opponent after you play an Encounter Card face down.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
MACRON [M:AH] Each ship is worth 4 Avalon Hill
You have the power of mass.
Each of your ships has a value of 4.
You may place only one ship on to the Mothership or your Carrier, but this single ship counts as 4 towards the total number. When collecting Compensation or Defender Rewards, this ship counts as one, just as any other player's.
You use your mass when totaling points in an encounter, as a main player or ally.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
MIND [O:AH] Sees other players' cards Avalon Hill
You have the power of knowledge. You may look at the enture hand of one of the two main players involved in the encounter. If you are one of the main players, you may look at your opponent's hand. You may not tell other players what you see.
You may use knowledge before Encounter cards are placed face down in any encounter.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
MUTANT [O:AH] Maintains 7 card hand Avalon Hill
You have the power to regenerate.
You may fill out your hand to a full seven cards, by drawing cards, at random, one at a time, from any other player(s) or from the top of the deck.
You may regenerate only once per encounter.
You may only regenerate when you have fewer than seven cards in your hand, you are a main player, and before you play an Encounter card.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
ORACLE [M:AH] Foresees opponent's card Avalon Hill
You have the power to foresee.
When you and your opponent must play cards in an encounter, your opponent plays a card face down but you do not. Once your opponent reveals his or her card, you then choose a card to play.
You foresee when you must play an Encounter Card.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
PACIFIST [M:AH] Wins with negotiate Avalon Hill
You have the power of peace.
If you reveal a Negotiate Card and your opponent reveals an Attack Card, you win the encounter. If you both play Negotiate Cards, you try to make a deal, as usual. If you reveal an Attack Card, treat the encounter normally.
You use your peace power when you reveal a Negotiate Card and your opponent reveals an Attack Card.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
PARASITE [O:AH] Join alliance at will Avalon Hill
You have the power to infest.
Unless specifically prevented by an Artifact or another power, you may ally with one side in an encounter, whether invited or not. You may add 1 to 4 ships to the side you choose. Consequences of allying remain the same.
You may infest before Encounter cards are played, when you are not a main player in the encounter.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
PHILANTHROPIST [O:AH] Gives away cards Avalon Hill
You have the power of giving.
Before Encounter Cards are played, you may give one of the cards in your hand to either the offensive or defensive player. This player must keep this card or play it.
You may give only when you are a main payer or an ally in an encounter, before Encounter Cards are played.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
POWER HOUSE [O:Con] Always has more power Avalon Hill
You have the power of extra power. You may use an Encounter card to cancel any Artifact card. When any other player plays an Artifact card, you may an Encounter card which stops that Artifact. Your Encounter card and the Artifact card are discarded. You may not use this power to cancel a Cosmic Zap played on you.
Any time before cards are played in an encounter, you may pick random unused alien power card and use that power as well as your own during that encounter. You must discard that power before the beginning of the next encounter and it is set aside for the rest of the game. If there are no powers left to choose, you cannot use this power.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Meta type power.
SORCERER [O:AH] Can switch played cards Avalon Hill
You have the power of magic. Before Encounter cards are revealed, you may switch the two Encounter cards so you play your opponent's card and your opponent plays your card. If your opponent is the Oracle, you may switch the two cards when your has been revealed but the Oracle's card is still face down. You may use magic only after you and your opponent both play an Encounter card, but before the cards are revealed.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
TRADER [O:AH] Trades hands with opponent Avalon Hill
You have the power of transference.
You may exchange hands with your opponent. You and your opponent each keep the new hand.
You may transfer only when you are a main player, before either side plays an Encounter Card. You may only trade once per encounter.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
VIRUS [M:AH] Multiplies in attack Avalon Hill
You have the power to multiply.
When you determine the outcome of an encounter, you multiply the number of ships on your side (yours plus your allies) times the value of the Attack Card you revealed, instead of adding the two.
You always multiply when you reveal an Attack Card.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
VULCH [M:AH] Collects discarded artifacts Avalon Hill
You have the power to salvage.
When any other player plays or discards an Artifacts Card, you pick it up and take it into your hand.
When you play an Artifact card, you must discard it.
If you collect a new hand, you keep your Artifact cards after revealing them. Then you draw seven new cards.
You always salvage Artifact cards after they are played or discarded by other players.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
ZOMBIE [M:AH] Never goes to warp Avalon Hill
You have the power of immortality.
Whenever you are about to lose any of your ships to the Warp, you instead place them on any of your colonies.
You may also free any number of an opponent's ships from the Warp as part of a deal (when two Negotiate cards are played). Your opponent places the freed ships on his or her own colonies as he or she chooses.
You always use your power whenever you are about to lose ships to the Warp. You may use it in making a deal.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Displayed 21 powers.