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Anti-Matter [M:CEO] lower total wins CE Online

You have the power of negation. If you and your opponent both launch Attack pods in an encounter, the lower total wins. Also, instead of your total being pod plus your ships, it is the attack pod minus ships (including allies). Your opponent's total is figured normally, except that allied ships are subtracted from its total. You negate when both you and your opponent launch attack pods.

History: Spewed forth from a white hole, the worlds of the Anti-Matter careen through space negating whatever they encounter. Opposed to the very existence of gross matter, the Anti-Matter is dedicated to reducing all opposition to less than nothing.

Brat [O:CEO] moves game to next step CE Online

You have the power of impatience. When you are NOT the main alien in an encounter, you can throw a fit whenever you want. Each fit moves the game to the next game-state often causing default actions to replace a player action. When the game jumps ahead it will also skip certain element might have come next in the play sequence. This could include an alien power, an artifact, alliances, defensive rewards, compensation, etc. Be careful, a fit thrown in haste can have unintended consequences.

History: The Brats were spawned in an under populated world, where every baby was spoiled beyond imagination. Kept in a permanent state of infancy by the doting assemblages of quadruple parent-forms, the canny toddlers have long since honed the art of manipulation by tantrum to perfection. Gazing into the mirror and seeing only a little queen gazing back, they now turn a tear-reddened eye to the outer reaches of space, with nary a thought to the consequence of rash action.

Calculator [O:CEO] reduces higher attack pod CE Online

You have the power to equalize. When you are one of the two aliens in a challenge, once pods are launched you may declare "equalize". If you do so and both pods are revealed as Attack pods, the value of the higher pod is reduced by the value of the lower pod. . So, if a 10 and a 4 are played, the 10 becomes 10 - 4 = 6. And the 4 is still worth 4. The encounter is then concluded normally.

History: Defenseless on a jungle world, the order of Calculators grew adroit at ensnaring their powerful but bungling competitors. Now adept at turning strength back against itself, they study the prospects of galactic empire, trusting that other grosser beings will not also grow calculating.

Clone [O:CEO] keeps own encounter pod CE Online

You have the power to replicate. You do not have to jettison encounter pods that you launch. Instead, you may choose to keep the pod and have it returned to your console. Any artifact pods that you launch are jettisoned. You may replicate only after an encounter pod you launch has been revealed.

History: A prolific species on a slowly cooling globe, the Clones traditionally selected the best of their kind to represent them in territorial struggles. But as the gene pool thinned, one clan developed techniques to artificially duplicate their champion before battle. Thus, always rejuvenated, they came to dominate their world during the geologic crisis and emerged from it eager to carry their new knowledge into a Cosmic competition.

Phase 9 - Discard cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Dictator [O:CEO] controls destiny CE Online

You have the power to command. Whenever destiny is about to send any other alien to a system, upon your order you may send that alien to a system of your choosing.

History: Grotesque creatures rejected by an old and cultured world, the Dictators pushed and clawed their way to planetary domination. Relentless in their demands, they turn friend against friend to do their bidding. Recently they have begun to tire of toying with the weak entities of their home world and seek to call terms for the entire Universe.

Dork [O:CEO] blocks opponent alien's view CE Online

You have the power to annoy. When you are the main alien in an encounter you may annoy your opponent. Your lovely likeness accompanied by soothing music will appear floating across your opponent's console, strategically blocking key areas.

History: The prehistoric home world of the Dork was the ninth planet orbiting the star "Itmustbe". Once it reached a technologically advanced state, the Dork ostensibly left its homeworld in search of cosmic inspiration and exploration (in reality, however, the Dork was actually forced off the planet by other sentient races it simply annoyed too much). Realizing the power to Annoy could be bent to its own will, the Dork soon formed a corps of annoying Hussars and now roams the galaxy, seeking to combat other alien life forms, leading with its terribly annoying battle-cry: "Hussar! Itmustbe Nine!"

Empath [O:CEO] may change attack to negotiate CE Online

You have the power of harmony. Whenever you are a main alien in an encounter, if you launch a negotiate pod, it changes your opponent's attack into a negotiate. You create harmony only when you reveal a negotiate pod during an encounter.

History: Eons of overpopulation forced the highly social Empaths to cooperate in order to survive. On their lush, tropical planet, they learned the value of deference and yielding. Now, they are striving to teach harmony to all other cosmic life forms.

Filch [O:CEO] takes opponent's used pod CE Online

You have the power of theft. After you and your opponent have revealed Encounter pods, you may steal your opponent's Encounter pod before it is jettisoned. The pod will be moved into your console for your future use. You may steal a pod only when you are a main alien in an encounter after your opponent's pod has been revealed and would normally be lost.

History: Within their genteel, sophisticated tribes, the Filches have refined the art of acquisition to a high aesthetic. The most judicious and subtle thefts are memorialized in legend and song. Lately they have taken to eying the depths of space and thoughtfully rippling their tentacles.

Phase 9 - Discard cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Ghost [M:CEO] ships are invisible CE Online

You have the power of invisibility. Your ships are invisible to everyone except yourself. This includes your ships on any planets, totals in the mothership, in alliances, and in the warp. It also includes your colony counter - it is invisible to everyone except you.

History: The specter of being driven from their ancestral homelands by stronger beings caused the Ghosts to evolve a spirit of secret defiance towards all who would dare encounter them. Haunted by the lack of a strong physical presence, the Ghosts took to lingering in the shade and perfecting the art of being ever unobtrusive. Some would spook at the slightest provocation but that strain slowly died out. Successive generations became as phantoms to the unobservant, and in time the Ghosts and their threats to dominate the Cosmos were all but invisible to mere mortals.

Healer [O:CEO] can save others' ships from warp CE Online

You have the power to heal. When another alien loses ships to the warp, you can return to that alien all the ships it just lost and earn one pod for doing so. (Being healed does not prevent an alien from receiving compensation.) The alien's healed ships are placed on any of its existing colonies. You may heal several aliens at once, receiving one pod for each alien. You may heal whenever another alien loses ships to the warp. Your power to heal is invoked at the end of a challenge. All ships in the last group to go into the warp are eligible. This may lead to your ability to heal ships that were lost to a Plague at the beginning of an encounter, in the event that no other ships were lost after that time.

History: Rapid geologic activity forced extreme biological diversification of the Healer home world. Possessing vast knowledge of herbal lore, Healers are now prized by other beings for their life-sustaining skills. Amidst loud rejoicing over renewed health, who can deny them their small fee?

Laser [M:CEO] makes opponent launch blind CE Online

You have the power to blind. Your opponent does not choose its encounter pod. Instead, its encounter pod is chosen at random.

History: Descended from an ancient sun-worshiping cult, the modern Lasers have learned to focus stellar power accurately enough to bedazzle any opposition. They are now embarked on a plan to spread confusion and fear among their enemies before stepping in to build a coherent Cosmos in their own image.

Loser [O:CEO] winner loses and loser wins CE Online

You have the power of upset. When you are main alien in an encounter, you may declare an upset before pods are launched. At the appropriate time both aliens must launch an attack pod if possible. If an upset is declared, the winning side loses and the losing side wins.

History: The enigmatic Losers have proved to be quite cunning in battle. Strengths become weaknesses and weaknesses strengths as the Loser shows its opponents that nice guys finish first.

Machine [O:CEO] can continue turn CE Online

You have the power to continue. Your turn is not limited to two encounters. As long as you have encounter pods, you may continue as offensive alien, even if you lost the previous encounter. As you continue, if you win on any 'first encounter' you will automatically have a second encounter. If you lose or fail to make a successful deal you will still be able to continue if you wish. Thus, at the end of each unsuccessful encounter, and each successful second encounter, you will have the choice to continue your turn.

History: A race long lost to antiquity had the foresight to construct a mammoth Machine in the core of their planet. Pouring all their knowledge and ambition into its memory banks, they programmed it with this mandate: "Top priority . . . Expand control, never cease . . . Eliminate opposition, never cease . . . Achieve mastery, never cease . . ."

Macron [M:CEO] Each ship is worth 4 CE Online

You have the power of mass. Each of your ships has a value of 4. You may take only one ship as the offensive alien or as an ally, but this single ship counts as 4 towards the total outcome. When collecting compensation or defender rewards, this single ship counts as one, just as any other alien's. You will see your ship's value as part of the encounter total for your side whenever encounter points are totaled and you are a main alien or an ally.

History: Beginning life on a gargantuan planet, the Macrons accustomed themselves to tremendous atmospheric and gravitational forces. Power comes so naturally to them, they scoff at the fragile intelligences they crush on their way to Universal dominance.

Martian [M:CEO] shuts off opponent's power CE Online

You have the power of reality. When you are one of the main aliens in an encounter, your opponent's alien power is shut off when either alien initiates contact.

History: An abundance of sand coupled with low gravitation enabled the Martians to raise the art of 'kicking sand' to a galactic art form. Fully sentient for many Martian moons, the ethereal beings became increasingly annoyed at flybys, orbiters and probes poking about their dusty abode, where one rock too many was finally flipped. As if that were not intrusion enough, the Martians began picking up signals which seemed to indicate that scores of rival aliens were to be encountered in the immediate locale. Taking the opportunity for a brief sojourn to the offending location, they were quickly disabused of that notion. The spirited Martians instantly understood that they, and they alone, were the only 'real' aliens to be found. The simplicity of kicking sand in the faces of the 'so-called' alien powers masquerading as 'real' was so trivial as to be almost beneath their bother. Or so they thought.

Mind [O:CEO] sees other alien's pods CE Online

You have the power of knowledge. You may look at all of the pods of one of the two aliens involved in the encounter. If you are one of the main aliens, you may look at all of your opponent's pods. You may not tell other aliens what you see. You may use knowledge power before encounter pods are launched in any encounter.

History: Springing forth on a triple star system subject to constant energy fluxes, the Mind thrives on shifting wave pulses, ultraviolet rays, and gamma release explosions. Extreme sensitivity to potentialities has enabled it to view with wisdom (and some skepticism) the threats of cosmic competitors.

Mite [M:CEO] demands colony or loss of pods CE Online

You have the power to cut down to size. When you are the offensive alien, you demand that the defensive alien give you a colony. If it does not, you cut the defensive alien's console down to size leaving it with three pods. The encounter continues normally. The defense's pods are lost to salvage. When the defense has three pods or less your power does not activate. If the defensive alien gives you a colony, the ships you brought in the mothership land on the intended planet. The defense does not lose any ships.

History: Long stigmatized by others as being pests, swarms of microscopic mites learned to use their omnipresence to advance the collective dream of being accepted in the community of respected life forms. Having worked their way through a plethora of slogans such as 'sneeze this' and 'eat dirt' they settled on the cry 'Mite makes right' and now seek to fulfill their dreams.

Mutant [O:CEO] can always have 7 pods CE Online

You have the power to regenerate. You may fill your console to a full seven pods by taking pods, at random, from any other alien or from the pod source. If the alien you chose does not have enough pods, you will get the balance from the pod source. You may regenerate only once per encounter. You may only regenerate when you have fewer than seven pods in your console, you are a main alien, and before you play an encounter pod.

History: Evolving on a highly radioactive and unshielded moon, the protean Mutants quickly learned to augment their silicon-based heredity. Before long they began to control and accumulate key genetic codes of other life forms, stripping opponents of their most basic defenses in a Mutant drive to transform the Universe.

Oracle [M:CEO] foresees opponent's pod CE Online

You have the power to foresee. When you and your opponent must launch pods in an encounter, your opponent launches a pod but you do not. Once your opponent's pod is revealed, you then choose a pod to launch. You foresee when you must launch an encounter pod.

History: During millennia of civilization, the ancient Oracles developed perceptiveness about the intentions of others to uncanny lengths. While reluctant to test the outer limits of their vision, they find even short-range prescience has given them the reputation of great wisdom.

Pacifist [M:CEO] wins with negotiate CE Online

You have the power of peace. If you reveal a negotiate pod and your opponent reveals an attack pod, you win the encounter. If you both launch negotiate pods, you try to make a deal, as usual. If you reveal an attack pod, treat the encounter normally. You use your peace power when you reveal a negotiate pod and your opponent reveals an attack pod.

History: A simple but ungainly life form, the Pacifists long ago learned how to turn the power of an opponent against that opponent. Always ready to demonstrate the superiority of retreat in unbalancing an aggressor, the Pacifists now seek to bring the galaxy to its knees by yielding at just the right moment.

Parasite [O:CEO] joins alliance at will CE Online

You have the power to infest. Unless specifically prevented by an artifact or another power, you may ally with one side in an encounter, whether invited or not. You may add 1 to 4 ships to the side you choose. Consequences of allying remain the same. Timing: You may infest before encounter pods are launched, when you are not a main alien in the encounter.

History: Evolving late on a polluted world, the Parasites had to depend on the dominant life forms for survival. So rapidly did they succeed in infesting their home planets, they now need unsuspecting hosts to carry them throughout the far reaches of space.

Philanthropist [O:CEO] gives away pods CE Online

You have the power of giving. Before encounter pods are launched, you may give one encounter pod in your console to either the offensive or defensive alien. You may give only when you are a main alien or an ally in an encounter, before encounter pods are launched.

History: Rejecting a heavy-handed, dogmatic religious background, the cynical Philanthropists have learned to parody greed itself. Knowing the Universe cannot bring itself to reject a gift, even when it is no present, these aliens have grown cunning in the art of self-serving charity.

Reincarnator [B:CEO] uses powers not in game CE Online

You have the power of reincarnation. Whenever you lose a ship or ships to the warp you reincarnate. You will become a new alien at random from the set of aliens not in the game. When you lose a ship as that new alien, you will reincarnate again. Until you use your new power, only you will know what alien you are. To read your new power, click on the reincarnated alien name in your console.

History: Having conquered the fear of death, the Reincarnators rejoice with the passing of each of their kind. Feeling kinship with all life forms, they know that those who die will soon be born again in an endless cycle.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power.

Sapient [M:CEO] adds wisdom points CE Online

You have the power of wisdom. When you are an ally in an encounter, if your side wins you gain 1 wisdom point. If your side loses you gain a wisdom point for each of your ships committed. Starting at zero, a running total of your points will be kept throughout the game. Wisdom points are accumulated by you at the end of the encounter. Previously accumulated wisdom points are added your side of the main alien's total when you are an ally. You will see your wisdom points by your Sapient name.

History: Brewed in the cauldron of a gorgeous planet circling a robust star in a spectacular galaxy, the Sapient race evolved a unique intelligent design which enabled them to genetically pass accumulated wisdom to the next generation. Their culture thus became dominated by those who combined beauty with brilliance. Thus endowed, they spawned the most fascinating and entertaining progeny who became all but irresistible to the unsuspecting and hapless riffraff they encountered. Now they turn their alluring essence outward, secure in the knowledge that all life forms will be charmed into desiring them as allies.

Sorcerer [O:CEO] can switch launched pods CE Online

You have the power of magic. After encounter pods are launched, you may switch the two pods so that you launch your opponent's pod and your opponent launches your pod. Generally, you may use magic only after you and your opponent both launch an encounter pod, but before the pods are revealed. But if your opponent is the Oracle, you may switch the two pods when your pod has been revealed and the Oracle's pod has been revealed.

History: Over eons the clan of Sorcerers studied the cosmic flow and learned to channel these tides to their own needs. Beginning with minor alterations in the probability patterns of matter, they progressed to transportation of objects over great distances. Undaunted by an occasional backlash of fate, they even now are humming the incantations of mastery.

Trader [O:CEO] trades console pods with opponent CE Online

You have the power to swap. You may swap all the pods in your console for all the pods in your opponent's console. You and your opponent each keep the new pods. You may swap only when you are a main alien, before either side launches an encounter pod.

History: Originating on a Trojan Cloud in a heavily traveled star system, the crafty Traders learned to use the most valuable debris that drifted their way and discarded the rest. As their numbers grew, however, they began to search out markets for their low-grade material. With a wealth of resources always at hand, they became adept merchants and soon were carefully scrutinizing all galactic transactions. Now they have begun to parlay their economic foundation into Cosmic control.

Tripler [M:CEO] low pods triple, high pods 1/3 CE Online

You have the power of thrice. When you play an attack pod 10 or below, it is worth three times its value. When you play an attack pod of more than 10, it is worth one-third its value (rounding up). 40 = 13 30 = 10 23 = 8 20 = 7 18 = 6 15 = 5 14 = 5 13 = 4 12 = 4 10 = 30 8 = 24 6 = 18 4 = 12 1-1 = -3 -4 = -12

History: Millennia of obsessive racing and of betting on the minutiae of each race has infused the jittery Triplers with a knack for making something out of nothing. The unfortunate downside of such flimflammery is that they have become equally prone to making nothing out of something. Often heard rattling the Tripler mantra of 'threepeat, threepeat, threepeat', the Triplers now wish to redefine the Universe as an opportunity for their final call, the Grandtrippler of all Trifectas, forcing all sentient and non-sentient beings to bet everything they have (and don't have) on one final mad dash across the Cosmos.

Vacuum [O:CEO] sucks other aliens' ships to the warp CE Online

You have the power to suck. Whenever you lose ships to the Warp, you may take along an equal number of one other alien's ships. You specify which alien must lose ships. Ships lost to the Vacuum are in addition to any ships normally lost in an encounter. If you lose ships to the Plague or for other reasons during an encounter, those lost ships will be added to the total number you can suck to the Warp at the end of the round.

History: Suffering from severe necrophobia, the panicky Vacuum clings to others in a desperate attempt to save itself from the warp. Succeeding only in dragging innocent bystanders along, it takes solace in not going to its doom alone.

Play at any time

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Virus [M:CEO] multiplies in attack CE Online

You have the power to multiply. When you determine the outcome of an encounter, you multiply the number of your ships times the value of the attack pod you revealed and then add your allies. You always multiply when you reveal an attack pod.

History: Able to multiply rapidly in the presence of other life forms, the Virus soon overwhelmed its own planets and now waits for opportunities to proliferate throughout the galaxy.

Phase 8 - Reveal cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Void [M:CEO] eradicates opponents' ships CE Online

You have the power to eradicate. When you are one of the main aliens in an encounter or launch the Plague , any of your opponent's (or your opponent's allies') ships that are to be lost to the Warp from your attack or failure to make a deal are permanently removed from the game. Zombie ships are subject to eradication. When an alien has lost 12 of its original ships through eradication, no more of it's ships can be eradicated.

History: Taught from vortexhood that no other intelligent life existed, the Voids were deeply offended to learn of alien life forms. They are now on a Holy campaign to cleanse the heavens of all gross, material beings. When done, they anticipate a cosmos where all other aliens are tagged 'Void where prohibited'.

Phase 8 - Reveal cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Vulch [O:CEO] collects jettisoned artifacts CE Online

You have the power to salvage. When any other alien launches or discards an artifact pod, you salvage it to your console. When you launch an artifact pod, it is jettisoned to salvage. If you collect new pods for your console, you keep your artifact pods and still get 7 new pods. You always salvage artifact pods after they are launched or jettisoned by other aliens.

History: Originally developing as a structured, bureaucratic people, only those Vulches who were most able to grasp new opportunities rose to the top. Over millions of years, this inbred scavenging talent flourished and spread throughout their species. Now, Vulches are prepared to use the jettisoned refuse of others to achieve their goal of Universal supremacy.

Play at any time

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Warpish [M:CEO] adds ships in warp to total CE Online

You have the power of necromancy. All ships (including your own) in the Warp add to your total as a main alien in an encounter. You will see your Warp value as part of the encounter total for your side whenever encounter points are totaled and you are a main alien. The ships in the Warp do not count when you get compensation or when you are an ally.

History: Born of the slime and unpalatable scum in repulsive cheap bars of dying planets, the Warpish seeks the pall of miserable places. Now it has found comfort in the despairing ambiance of the cosmic Warp.

Phase 8 - Reveal cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Warrior [M:CEO] adds experience points CE Online

You have the power of mastery. Each time you are one of the two aliens in an encounter, you accumulate two points if you win (or make a deal), or four points if you lose (or fail to deal) Starting at zero, a running total of your points will be kept throughout the game. Whenever you launch an Attack pod in an encounter, your experience points will be added to your total in the encounter. You will see your experience points by your Warrior name and as part of the encounter total for your side whenever encounter points are totaled and you are a main alien. If the encounter is 'recalculated' for any reason the points you gained in the first outcome will be instantly added to your total in the 'redone' outcome.

History: Once considered ferocious but dull-witted by more "enlightened" life forms, the Warrior clans were bred as fighting stock for the petty squabbles of their lords and ladies. Throughout the ages, however, they have learned the value of both defeat and victory. This wisdom gives them mastery over those who would sneer at their potential.

Phase 8 - Reveal cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Will [O:CEO] not controlled by destiny CE Online

You have the power of choice. You are not controlled by Destiny. Instead you may choose the alien you wish to encounter. If you don't make a choice a random alien will be chosen.

History: Arising on a cold and barren asteroid, the Wills gave no thought to the legal niceties in their relentless struggle to capture the faint rays of a dying star. Unfairly charged with preying on the weak, they wish only to find locations in which they may spread their solar membranes, unopposed.

Phase 2 - Destiny

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Zombie [M:CEO] never goes to warp CE Online

You have the power of immortality. Whenever you are about to lose any of your ships to the Warp, they relocate to your colonies.

History: Shadowy forms on a dark and murky world, Zombies prized all sources of energy. They could flourish only by careful recycling of their own kind. Living on decomposed organic matter, they abhor the needless waste of war and have developed effective techniques to make sure their numbers will not be reduced.

Play at any time

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Displayed 35 powers.