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The Amazing Alien Database

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AMOEBA [O:Mayfa] Unlimited Token Movement Mayfair

You have the power to ooze. When you are a main player in a challenge, after selecting Challenge Cards but before revealing them, you may increase or decrease the number of your tokens in the challenge. You may remove some or all to your bases, or you may add as many more as you want to your side of the challenge from any of your bases (as long as you had some in the challenge to start with). If you are the offensive player, you may ooze more than four tokens into the cone.

History: Spawned on a totally liquid world, Amoebas are highly conscious of vibrations. Though quick to withdraw from danger, they are equally able to ooze menacingly into combat when confronted with the proper turbulences. Amoebas have no pity on those who are less able to respond to circumstance.

Phase 7 - Play cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: As a main player, you may increase or decrease the number of your tokens in the challenge before Challenge Cards have been selected. You can ooze more than four tokens onto the cone as the offensive player.

Super1: You may ooze into or out of a challenge as an ally. You must commit at least one token during the alliance accept/decline step in order to use this Flare.

Pro: You may ooze your tokens out of the challenge after cards are revealed.

Con: As main player against Amoeba, he may only ooze in or out of the challenge before Challenge Cards are selected.


You have the power of improbability. Once per challenge, you may cancel a random event (e.g. drawing cards from the Deck, drawing cards randomly from another player, flipping the Destiny Pile) and force it to be done again.

History: Born on the seventh planet of their solar system, the unpredictable Anomaly continually beats the odds against it. When a starship crashed on their planet, its warp drive miraculously intact, they quickly adapted the technology and now test their luck throughout the cosmos.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: Cancel the flip of the destiny pile. The offensive player must draw again.

Super1: You may use your power twice in a challenge.

Pro: You may redo the same event twice in a challenge. You may also play this card when drawing a new hand for the option of redrawing, but this card is discarded.

Con: When Anomaly flips your color in destiny, you may force him to flip again. This does not count against Anomaly's one use per challenge.

ANTI-MATTER [M:Mayfa] Lower Total Wins Mayfair

You have the power of negation. If you and your opponent both play Attack Cards, the lower total wins. Furthermore, your tokens as well as any offensive and defensive allies are subtracted from the appropriate side's card. Your opponent's tokens are added to his card as usual.

History: Spewed forth from a white hole, the worlds of the Anti-Matter careen through space negating whatever they encounter. Opposed to the very existence of gross mass, the Anti-Matter is dedicated to reducing all opposition to less than nothing.

Phase 8 - Reveal cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: As the defensive player, you may generate a burst of Anti-Matter that sends to the Warp one token from the offensive end of the cone for each token you have in the challenge. You choose which tokens to send to the warp. If the offensive player has no tokens remaining in the cone, the challenge ends immediately and any allies return home.

Super1: As a main player, you may discard any number of cards as long as you keep at least one Challenge Card. These cards act as Anti-Matter, consuming a like number from other players. You choose who loses how many.

Pro: Your opponent's allies' tokens add to his challenge total.

Con: When opposing Anti-Matter, all allies' tokens add to their side's challenge total.

ARISTOCRAT [B:MCE] Picks Hand And Draws Flares Mayfair

You have the power of privilege. This gives you two special abilities.
1. At the start of the game, instead of being dealt a hand, you look through the challenge deck, choosing any seven cards as your starting hand. You may not select the Aristocrat Flare or the Keeper Edict as part of your hand. After you have made your choices, shuffle the deck and deal regular hands to the other players.
2. Whenever you are a main player, you draw the top card from the pile of unused Flares. Once you have drawn one in this manner, you must discard a Flare from your hand (if you have one) before drawing a new one. Flares so discarded are removed from the game; they do not go onto the regular discard pile.

History: Beginning life with every advantage, the Aristocrats expect deference and respect from others. Drawing on a storehouse of great wealth from their feudal planet-estates, they now turn their majestic gaze upon the squabbling villains of space.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: You may look through the challenge deck and select one card to add to your hand. Discard this Flare, then reshuffle the challenge deck, but do not include discards.

Super1: Trade this Flare for three drawn from the unused Flare deck.

Pro: You need not discard a Flare when you have one to draw a new Flare from the unused Flare deck.

Con: Aristocrat must discard a Flare before he can draw one from the unused Flare deck or else he cannot draw.

ASSASSIN [M:Mayfa] Removes Others' Tokens Mayfair

You have the power to execute. Whenever any other player's color comes up in the destiny pile, you must send one token of that color from any base to the Warp. You select which token to execute. You assassinate a token of the player whose color was turned up, even if that player does not end up being challenged because of the Will or some other effect. On a Wild Destiny card, you may assassinate any token of your choice regardless of whom the offensive player chooses to attack.

History: After being subjected to colonial domination for thousands of years, a hive of Assassins rose up on an outpost planet in a forgotten empire. Devoted to terrorism and adept at choosing the most isolated and vulnerable as their victims, they mercilessly cleansed their sector of it overlords. Having become imperialists themselves, however, they learn new uses for their old talents.

Phase 2 - Destiny

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: When you lose as defensive player, you may send all offensive tokens, including allies', into the warp. In this case, the offensive player and his allies do not get bases, and all tokens in the challenge, both offensive and defensive, go into the Warp.

Super1: As the offensive player, you may execute three opposing tokens instead of one.

Pro: When you assassinate, you also take a random card from the player's hand and discard it.

Con: Assassin cannot make you lose a base unless there's no alternative.

ASSESSOR [B:MCE:L] Taxes Use Of Cone Mayfair (Lucre)

You have the power to tax. Whenever any other player puts tokens into the cone, he must either pay you two Lucre or he must take one of his tokens from any base and place it on the star in your home system, as collateral. In order to release his collateral tokens, the player must pay you three Lucre for each token he wishes to free from your system. This must be done at the start of his challenge. You may include collateral tokens as part of a deal. If you lose your power, taxes may not be collected, but you maintain the collateral tokens to use as described above.

History: The Bureau of Warp Management and Assessment excels in its persistence to duties. Once proud and beautiful, the race has come to resemble their unabated greed. Their huge, misshapen bodies are the butt of many an interstellar joke.

Restriction: Do Not Use With Insect Use Only In A Game With Lucre

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: Each player must pay you one Lucre per base he has in your system or give up the base.

Super1: At the start of your turn, you may insist that any one player whose tokens you hold as collateral must tender immediate payment for their release. He must pay to release as many tokens from your control as possible (no more than he has Lucre).

Pro: Your tax increases to 3 Lucre. Collateral tokens are returned for 4 Lucre each.

Con: You only have to pay Assessor 1 Lucre as tax.

AURA [M:Mayfa] Makes Others Reveal Hands Mayfair

You have the power of honesty. On any challenge, you can force both main players, except yourself, to expose their hands before soliciting allies. After allies commit themselves, the main players pick up their hands and the challenge proceeds normally. You never reveal your hand. Edicts and Flares may be played directly from face up hands.

History: Radiating its presence upon all who cross its pass, an intelligent star instills openness and honesty wherever it shimmers. Other life forms cannot resist the vast power of the Aura as they open their hearts and minds to one another.

Phase 3 - Point Cone

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: You may ask another player how many Attack Cards he has and what is their total.

Super1: When a main player declines to invite you to become his ally, you may choose which of his Challenge Cards he must play, revealing it at the usual time.

Pro: All other players' hands are always face up except for phase 7.

Con: Only Aura gets to see your hand.

BERSERKER [B:MCE] May Challenge Everyone Mayfair

You have the power to go berserk. As the offensive player, you may challenge any and all players on a planet in the defender's system. You decide which of the attacked players will represent his side. Players under attack may not ally, but their attacked tokens count toward their side's totals. In addition, any time you play a Compromise Card, treat it as an Attack 15.

History: The Berserkers started out on their home world as a trusting and friendly race. After they narrowly saved themselves from extinction at the hands of several native predators, the Berserkers adopted the viewpoint that everyone is their enemy. That attitude, plus a desire to make their home world safe for Berserkocracy, vaulted them to domination. From there, it was a small step to neighboring worlds and then a large sector of the cosmos.

Wild1: When a player is about to take consolation from you, you may pillage his hand by taking that many cards from him instead.

Super1: After beating multiple opponents, you may challenge any other planet containing multiple colors at +10 to your Challenge Card. This is an extra challenge that does not count against your two per turn.

Pro: All of the attacked players must play a Challenge Card as if a defensive player. When cards are revealed, you decide which card represents the defense. All played cards are discarded.

Con: If you are one of Berserker's attacked players (but not the only one) his Compromise Card will be treated as normal, not as an Attack 15 for this challenge. Berserker may declare you no longer under attack to end this effect.

BOOMERANG [M:MCE] Challenges Challenger Mayfair

You have the power to return. Whenever you are the defensive player in a challenge, you must immediately challenge the offensive player in his home system. Plays is suspended while you complete your challenge, but you begin the challenge from step 3 (pointing the cone). That is, you do not receive new Lucre or tokens, nor is a Destiny card flipped. Once you have completed your challenge, play resumes with the original offensive player's challenge in your system.

History: Not long after popping out of the egg, the baby Boomerang learns to toss twigs, shards of bark, and even dried fruit peels (properly shaped, of course) in widening circles of flight. As the species ripens toward maturity, this athletic pursuit becomes an all-consuming game. Fully grown, the Boomerang discovers the wonders of warp science, and unable to resist the ultimate opportunity to display their skill and cunning, they sally forth into happy orbits, barely perturbed by the threats of others.

Restriction: Do Not Use With Insect Or Changeling
Not Recommended In A Three-Player Game

Wild1: As a winning ally, one of your tokens can return to a base with one of your allies, even if you did not have a base there before, unless this would be your fifth outer base.

Super1: After you complete your Boomerang challenge, play passes to the left of the player who was about to challenge you.

Pro: After your opponent finishes his challenge, you may challenge him again.

Con: As offensive player against Boomerang, you may have your challenge before Boomerang has his.

BULLY [M:MCE] Selects Losing Tokens Mayfair

You have the power to intimidate. If you win as a main player and both players played Attack Cards, you select which tokens your opponent must lose. He loses the same number he had in the challenge, but you take them from anywhere. If you are the offensive player and leave defensive tokens on the target planet, your tokens coexist there with your opponent's. If you challenge a moon, you must remove the tokens there or you cannot land. If you are the defensive player and do not select your opponent's tokens from the cone, those tokens return to his other bases.

History: Habitually cruel to those who show signs of weakness, the Bully exploits any opportunity to run roughshod over its opponents. The false courage that is the hallmark of the Bully strikes terror into the less aggressive races in the Universe, and many flee rather than risk a confrontation. If none stand in its way, the Bully seek to trample its way to Cosmic dominance.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: As the main player in a challenge, if your opponent plays a Compromise Card, he must give you a base of your choice or lose two tokens to the Warp.

Super1: You may use your power on opposing allies.

Pro: You may use your power when your opponent plays a Compromise Card.

Con: When you lose to Bully by playing an Attack Card, he can only have you lose one base through his power unless there's no alternative.

BUSYBODY [O:MCE] Can Replace A Challenge Card Mayfair

You have the power to meddle. In any challenge in which you are a not main player or an ally, you may look at either player's Challenge Card after it is played and before it is revealed. You may then trade that card for one from your hand. If you trade the card and the player wins the challenge or makes a deal, you receive a reward of one card from the deck or one token from the warp for every token the player had in the challenge. If you trade and the player loses the challenge or fails to make a deal, you lose the same number of tokens to the warp as he does; you elect which of your tokens to lose.

History: The Busybodies evolved from social insects. In addition to having absolutely no concept of privacy, they take the notion of "pitching in" to extremes. If a Busybody sees someone involved in a task, it will drop whatever it is doing and lend a pedicel. The Busybodies' goal is to obtain a position of dominance from which they can interfere with the affairs of the entire Cosmos.

Wild1: When you are not a main player, you may switch the regular hands of any two other players who have cards.

Super1: You may use your power to meddle as an ally.

Pro: If you traded a Challenge Card and the player loses or fails to make a deal, you lose nothing.

Con: As main player, Busybody may not trade your Challenge Card.

BUTLER [B:MCE:L] Gets Lucre For Tasks Mayfair (Lucre)

You have the power to wait upon. You flip the destiny pile, hand out cards, position the cone, and perform all other manually demeaning chores for the offensive player after he signals the start of his challenge. Unless he gives you a tip of two Lucre, you may perform one of the following as you wish: position the cone on any planet or moon in the defensive player's system where a legal challenge may be made and where he doesn't already have a base, or select the offensive player's tokens from anywhere you wish (you may take only as many as he specifies). If the offensive player does tip you, you must obey his wishes with regard to your chores for the rest of the challenge. You must perform certain functions gratis, such as passing out card that a player is entitled to. You may look at any of these cards which are purchased with Lucre. You must be courteous, and a tip of two Lucre is all you may collect per challenge.

History: "To serve is to live." The motto of the house of Butt guides its family as they build for their true hope: to turn the Cosmic tables and be named first in the Cosmic Will.

Restriction: Use Only In A Game With Lucre

Wild1: You may delay your challenge in favor of one by another player (as a reverse Timegash) in return for 5 Lucre (if he has that much). The other player has no choice in the matter, except for a Flare Zap.

Super: Any players establishing new bases as a result of the challenge must tip you four Lucre or return their tokens to their other bases.

Pro: If not tipped, you may point the cone to a base where the offensive player already has a base in the defensive system.

Con: Butler may not see any cards that were purchased with Lucre by the offensive player.

CALCULATOR [O:MCE] Can Reduce Higher Attack Card Mayfair

You have the power to equalize. When you are a main player, once cards are played down but before they are revealed, you may declare "equalize". If you do so and both cards are revealed as Attack Cards, the value of the higher one is reduced by double the value of the lower one. (Thus if a 15 and an 8 are played, the 15 becomes worth only -1, but the 8 is still worth 8.) This calculation occurs after the effects of Kickers.

History: Defenseless on a jungle world, the order of the Calculators grew adroit at ensnaring their powerful but bungling competitors. Now adept at turning strength back against itself, they study the prospects of galactic empire, trusting that other, grosser beings will not also grow calculating.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: As a main player, once Challenge Cards are played, call "odd" or "even". When the cards are revealed, if their total is as you predicted, your opponent's card value is now reduced by the value of your card. If you were wrong, your card is reduced by the value of his. Then calculate other card effects.

Super1: You need not reduce your own card when you equalize.

Pro: You may equalize as an ally.

Con: As main player against Calculator, he may only equalize before Challenge Cards are played.

CAVALRY [O:Mayfa] Plays Challenge Card As Ally Mayfair

You have the power to reinforce. As an ally in a challenge, you may play a Challenge Card from your hand in addition to the Challenge card played by your side's main player. Play this card face down at the same time as the main players and reveal it along with theirs. Anything that affects the main player's card, such as Chronos, has the same effect on yours. If you play an Attack Card, add it to your side's total. If your ally's card is a Compromise, your card has no effect. If you play a Compromise Card and your side loses the challenge, you receive consolation after the main player has taken consolation, if applicable. In any case, your card is discarded after use.

History: This race of interstellar policemen has gained quite a reputation for keeping peace on the fringes of space. Many diverse aliens have called upon the Cavalry to help suppress outpost revolutions. Now the Cavalry hope to rule the Cosmos by becoming indispensable.

Wild1: As a main player, you can allow all allies, offensive and defensive, to play Challenge Cards and add them to the challenge. It is up to the allies whether they play cards or not, but you cannot restrict the ability to only offensive or only defensive.

Super1: As a main player, you may choose an ally to reinforce your challenge. He may play an Attack or Compromise Card and add it to your total in the challenge with the same effects as described on your Alien Power card.

Pro: You may play any one Attack Card in your hand as a Reinforcement Card.

Con: As main player, if Cavalry is an ally on the opposing side and played a Compromise Card, he does not collect consolation cards from you.

CHANGELING [M:Mayfa] Changes Power With Opponent Mayfair

You have the power to change form. When you are a main player in a challenge, you take over your opponent's Alien Power Card and give him yours. He now becomes the Changeling, and you take on his Alien Power. Do this as soon as the defensive player is determined. The challenge is now carried out. The Changeling power may be used only once per challenge.

History: The childlike Changeling love to play and gleefully anticipate new experiences. Recently they have developed the unsettling ability to shed their psyches in exchange for those of others. Their standard greeting of "I just don't seem to be myself today" provokes panic in many a passing acquaintance as the Changelings leapfrog about the Cosmos.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Meta type power.

Wild1: As a main player, you may borrow the Alien Power of any of your allies in a challenge. You use the power instead of your ally, and you may still use your own power in the challenge.

Super1: When you must change Alien Powers, you may exchange with any player in the game.

Pro: When you change powers, switch seats instead You each get the other player's hand, power(s), tokens, system hex, etc. You keep this card for your new hand.

Con: As main player against Changeling, you may have Changeling switch powers with another player instead.

CHOSEN [O:Mayfa] Takes New Challenge Card Mayfair

You have the power of divine intervention. After revealing Challenge Cards, you may discard yours and replace it with the top card of the Challenge Deck. If you draw a card that is not an Attack or Compromise Card, discard it and draw again until you draw an Attack or Compromise Card. Resolve the challenge using the new card. You may not discard your card more than once per challenge.

History: A deeply spiritual and philosophical race, the Chosen have become attuned to a higher force in the Cosmos that they call upon in times of need. They are every wary, however, for sometimes this omniscient power harms rather than helps.

Wild1: After revealing Challenge Cards, add or subtract 10 from your side's total.

Super1: You may keep any Edicts and Flares drawn from the Challenge Deck while you were drawing for divine intervention.

Pro: If you still lose the challenge after calling for divine intervention, you may try one more time.

Con: As main player against Chosen, if he calls for divine intervention and winds up with a Compromise Card, he may not take consolation cards from you.

CHRONOS [O:Mayfa] Can Replay Challenge Mayfair

You have the power of time travel. When you are a main player in a challenge, after Challenge Cards have been revealed, you may avoid the outcome and gain a second chance by declaring "time travel." In this case, you pick up the card you played and return it to your hand. Your opponent leaves the card he played face down and to one side (unless he shows you it is his last Challenge Card). Now, you both play the challenge again starting from the point at which you selected cards to play. You both can use any card in your hands, and this time the outcome is final. When the challenge is over, your opponent takes back the card that was set aside.

History: Unique among life forms, the Chronos has forever been able to pierce the veil of time and control its own past. Now, the elite of the race grows tired of a world where minor rivalries lead to constant paradoxes and time-quakes and has set out to redesign the Universe. That this involves altering reality comes as past history to the Chronos.

Phase 8 - Reveal cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: After you lose as offensive player, you may immediately challenge the same planet again.

Super1: You may use your power to force other players to put Edicts and Flares back in their hands and not play them during this challenge.

Pro: After calling for time travel, if you still lose the challenge you may use your power again. If your opponent has no other Challenge Card, you decide which of the two he played he uses.

Con: As main player against Chronos, if he calls for time travel he must set aside his Challenge Card as well unless he shows you it's his only Challenge Card.

CLONE [O:Mayfa] Keeps Own Challenge Card Mayfair

You have the power to replicate. You need not discard any Challenge Card that you play. Instead, you may keep it.

History: A prolific species on a slowly cooling globe, the Clones traditionally selected the best of their race to represent them in territorial struggles. But as the gene pool narrowed, one clan developed the techniques to duplicate their champion before battle. Thus, always rejuvenated, they came to dominate their world during the geological crisis and emerged from it eager to carry their new knowledge into a Cosmic competition.

Phase 9 - Discard cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: You need not discard any Edict you play, retaining it for use in another challenge.

Super1: At the end of your turn, you may take any card from the discard pile, showing which card you are taking.

Pro: You need not discard any Kicker or Reinforcement that you play.

Con: Clone must keep his Challenge Card.

CONNOISSEUR [O:Mayfa] Draws Double Cards Mayfair

You have the power of refinement. Whenever you are entitled to draw from the Challenge Deck, including at the beginning of the game, you draw twice the number that you need. After examining the cards, discard half of them.

History: Raised on the best of all possible worlds, the Connoisseur\'s attitude of superiority comes naturally. As the repository of all the important art and literature of the universe, the Connoisseurs have taken exception to the bad manners displayed by the bourgeois species raving their home worlds. Connoisseur legions, outfitted in impeccable taste, have begun to aid the process of natural selection.

Wild1: When drawing a new hand, draw ten cards from the Challenge Deck and discard three of your choice.

Super1: Draw three times the cards you are normally entitled to, and discard two of every three.

Pro: Whenever you are entitled to take cards from the unused Flare deck or another player's hand, take twice as many and discard half.

Con: You may take any or all cards Connoisseur discards when using his power.

CRYSTAL [O:MCE] Tells Allies Number To Commit Mayfair

You have the power of arrangement. Whenever you are a main player or ally in a challenge, you may determine how many tokens each other ally brings (up to 4). They may refuse to ally at all, but if they come in with one or more tokens, you can alter how many each must commit to any number from one to four.

History: Arranged in orderly, three-dimensional lattices, Crystals tend to dominate the arrangement of their local environment. They know that with a few suggestive seeding hints they can bring the entire Universe into the most efficient energy packing: Crystalline order.

Restriction: Not Recommended In A Three-Player Game

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: You may rearrange all tokens in one system. Each player must get as many bases as he had before and no player may have more than six tokens on a base unless necessary.

Super1: You may rearrange the destiny pile (not counting face-up cards) however you wish.

Pro: You may have players ally with more than 4 tokens. You are still limited to 4.

Con: If you ally on the same side as Crystal, he may not determine the number you commit.

DELEGATOR [O:MCE] Assigns Main Players Mayfair

You have the power to delegate. As a main player or ally in a challenge, once all allies have committed tokens but before Challenge Cards are played, you may assign an offensive ally to be the offensive player, or a defensive ally to be the defensive player, or both. Displaced main players are now treated as allies. The delegates use their own Alien Powers, if appropriate, and play Challenge Cards from their own hands. Consolation is collected and given by delegates, and if the delegates make a deal, any displaced main players must return their tokens to bases with other allies. If an offensive delegate wins or makes a deal, it is considered a successful challenge for the original offensive player. After the outcome of a challenge is determined, play returns to the original offensive player, or to the player on his left, as appropriate.

History: Long accustomed to sharing power in their small city-states, the Delegators have learned keen sensitivity to group dynamics. From a mere twitch or eager gaze, they can recognize leaders among their allies; but the slightest quiver surely betrays the weak among their enemies.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: Whenever you are the defensive player on a base occupied by tokens of another player (except the offensive player), you may delegate that player to become the defensive player. You are no longer the main player in the challenge.

Super1: When you delegate the main players, you also delegate which players can use which powers. You remain the Delegator, and each player must have one power.

Pro: If you delegated but do not like the results of the challenge, all cards played return to players' hands, and the challenge is done over by the original main players.

Con: If by winning the challenge you would have gotten a base, you cannot be delegated such that you no longer can.

DEMON [O:MCE] May Replace Offensive Player Mayfair

You have the power to possess. Once the offensive player plays a Challenge Card but before he reveals it, if you are not involved in the challenge you may possess his tokens. The offensive player returns his tokens to bases (he cannot use his power during the rest of the challenge), and you put an equal number of yours into the offensive end of the cone. Determine the outcome of the challenge normally, with you gaining a base or losing tokens as the original offensive player would have. Play then resumes as if the original offensive player had carried out the challenge.

History: Hailing from deep within the core of a molten planet, the Demons were exiled from their original galaxy for unprincipled opportunism. Knowing their mere presence saps others' will to win, they now seek Cosmic vengeance.

Restriction: Do Not Use With Chronos

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: As a main player, you exchange four tokens with another player. You decide where your tokens come from, including the warp, and he decides where his come from, not including the warp. Once selected, the tokens simply switch places.

Super1: You may force another player to use his power.

Pro: You may see the offensive player's Challenge Card before deciding to possess.

Con: If you would have received consolation when Demon possessed you, you still get the cards. Demon does not.

DEUCE [M:Mayfa] Plays Two Challenge Cards Mayfair

You have the power two. When you play a Challenge Card, play an extra one to one side. If both are Attack Cards, add the second card to your side's total to resolve the challenge. If either is a Compromise Card, you have played a Compromise. After the challenge is resolved, discard the Compromise Card if you played one or the higher Attack Card if you did not. When you have only one Challenge Card at the start of your turn or when you are defensive player, draw a new hand as if you had no Challenge Cards.

History: Twin suns and a double moon have endowed the ambidextrous Deuce with twice the strength of its opponents. Cleverly concealing his real value behind an amiable mask, the two-faced Deuce sees universal control within reach.

Phase 7 - Play cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: You can square the number of your tokens in a challenge for computing victory.

Super1: You may discard both your Challenge Card and your extra card after a challenge.

Pro: If you played two Attack Cards, you may discard the lower one instead.

Con: As main player against Deuce, he may only collect consolation cards from you if both his cards are Compromises.

DICTATOR [O:MCE] Controls Destiny Pile Mayfair

You have the power to command. Whenever any other player picks up from the destiny pile, you direct the cone to the system of your choice. Your opponent must then make the challenge in that system, choosing any legitimate planet or moon as if that color had come up. If he cannot make a legitimate challenge in that system, you must choose another system. The Dictator cannot use his power as the offensive player, and he does not change the color of the Destiny Card, only the destination of the cone. (The Dictator has no effect when a wild card is drawn and cannot change the rules of engagement, as with Comets or Destiny Cards specifying a moon challenge or warp challenge, for instance.)

History: Grotesque creatures rejected by an old and cultured world, the Dictator pushes and clawed their way to planetary dominion. Relentless in their demands, they turn friend against friend to do their bidding. Recently they have begun to tire of toying with the weak races at home and seek to call terms for the Universe.

Restriction: Do Not Use With Siren

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: You may propose an alternate color to the one on the destiny card, if it is a single color. All players then vote on either the original flip or your proposed alternate. Each player gets one vote, and you decide ties. Vote results takes priority over the Dictator power.

Super1: You may command the offensive player to challenge a specific planet or moon in the defensive system, and if he can make a legitimate challenge there, he must.

Pro: Ignore Wild Cone and Special Destiny cards. Your power works as normal. You may also use your power when you are the offensive player.

Con: When your color is not flipped from the destiny pile, Dictator may not direct the cone to your system.

DIPLOMAT [O:MCE] Can Negotiate 3-Way Deals Mayfair

You have the power to negotiate. Whenever an Attack card is played in a challenge and you are not one of the main players, you can call out "negotiate". You and the two main players then have two minutes to make a three-way deal. The normal rules apply for making a deal, including that no player can gain more than one base and that you each lose three tokens to the Warp if you fail.

History: A foreboding presence held in awe by other planetary life forms, the Diplomats strike only when their webs are fully spun. Those caught by the consequences of their own rash acts find the diplomat ever ready to negotiate a "reasonable settlement" to the issue.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: You may confront any player who has offended you (in your opinion). You two must then attempt to make a deal or lose three tokens to the Warp. Play then continues from where it left off.

Super1: When you negotiate, you may choose one player to negotiate with. The other player returns his tokens to bases. A deal counts as a successful challenge for the offensive player, even if he was not a party to it.

Pro: Whenever other players are in the process of making a deal, for any reason, you are automatically a participant. Wrack cannot make you lose tokens or cards if you're not the main player opposing him.

Con: As main player, if you won the challenge and Diplomat called for a negotiation, his power proceeds as normal but you proceed as if you won the challenge normally.

DISEASE [M:MCE] Spread To Other Planets Mayfair

You have the power of contagion. Whenever the destiny flip reveals a color corresponding to a system other than your own in which you have a planet base and that base has four or more of your tokens on it, you may take one or more of these tokens from that base and move them to any other planet in that system. You may gain only one base per challenge in this manner. If the wild destiny card is flipped, the color chosen by the offensive player is considered to be the color of the card, and the defensive system on a special destiny card indicates the color for Disease.

History: Long ago, the Disease decimated the life forms on their native planet. On the brink of extinction from their very success as an evolutionary organism, interstellar travel gave the Disease a vast new future. Once having secured a humble position in a new system, it becomes only a matter of time before they rise to dominate it.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: Make all other players, as a group, discard the following: an Attack Card, Compromise Card, Kicker, Edict, Flare Reinforcement, two Lucre, and three tokens to the warp. If they cannot agree on how to do so within two minutes, each loses the entire list, if possible. If no one has an item, they are not penalized.

Super1: You may use your power to spread when you have only three tokens on a base.

Pro: When your color is flipped in destiny, you may spread from any one planet where you have at least 4 tokens onto any other planet in that same system.

Con: Disease must have 5 tokens on a planet to spread.

DOPPELGANGER [B:MCE] Gets Opponent's Cards Mayfair

You have the power to haunt. At the start of the game, you do not receive a seven-card hand. Instead, each time you are a main player in a challenge, you may ask any one player for two cards from his hand. After seeing the cards, you may either accept them and add them to your hand or you may set them aside and examine what remains of his hand and choose any two cards from it. You must take two cards from the player unless he started with only three, meaning he had only one left to take after you set two aside; in this case, you get the one card remaining. After you have taken cards, the player gets the rest of his hand back, including cards that you set aside. The challenge then proceeds normally. As long as you are able to use your power, you never draw a new hand for lack of Challenge Cards. If you have no Challenge Card in your hand when it is time to play a card, you draw from the deck until you get a Challenge Card, discarding any other kinds of cards that you draw. If someone plays the Hand Zap Edict on you, discard your cards and draw a new hand.

History: Haunting its Cosmic colleagues, the Doppelganger often gets the better of them. Each encounter leaves the jittery victim with the feeling that there is more to every passing shadow than meets the eye.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: When you are not a main player, you may play the hand of a player who has a base in your system. Return his hand at the end of the challenge.

Super1: After examining a player's hand, you may take the two cards you previously rejected plus any one card from his hand.

Pro: You may keep any Challenge Card you somehow receive for later use.

Con: Doppelganger may not choose you when getting Challenge Cards.

DRAGON [M:MCE:L] Receives Additional Lucre Mayfair (Lucre)

You have the power of treasure. Whenever another player spends Lucre to the bank, you get one Lucre from each purchase, with the rest going to the bank. Thus if another player buys two cards, you get two of the Lucre, with the other six going to the bank.

History: The overpowering greed of the once comely race of Dragons has gradually misshapen them in the same way as it has the Assessor race. They have turned the natural wealth of their home worlds into an interstellar investment empire and now seek only to increase their treasure and glory in the profits they steal from others.

Restriction: Use Only In A Game With Lucre

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: Collect 10 Lucre from the bank. Use as offensive player.

Super1: You collect all Lucre spent by other players during this challenge.

Pro: You collect half the Lucre, rounded down, of all purchases by other players.

Con: You need pay Dragon only 1 Lucre no matter how many purchases you make in a challenge.

EMPATH [M:Mayfa] Changes Attack To Compromise Mayfair

You have the power of harmony. When you play a Compromise Card, it changes your opponent's card into a Compromise Card also. You then have one minute to make a deal.

History: Eons of overpopulation forced the highly social Empaths to cooperate in every facet of their lives in order to survive. On their lush, tropical planet, they learned the value of deference and yielding. Now, they are striving to teach harmony to all other Cosmic life forms.

Phase 8 - Reveal cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: When you fail to make a deal in a Compromise/Compromise situation, you get another minute to try again, with your adversary incurring double penalty if you fail again.

Super1: If you are a main player or an ally and the player opposing your side reveals a Compromise card, you may exchange it for an Attack Card from your hand. Conclude the challenge as if he had revealed that Attack card.

Pro: If you fail to deal through your power, you still collect consolation cards.

Con: As main player against Empath, if he played a Compromise Card, you may keep the Challenge Card and/or Kicker you played.

ENTREPRENEUR [O:MCE:L] Uses Lucre As Tokens Mayfair (Lucre)

You have the power to invest. You begin the game with five extra Lucre. Whenever you put tokens in the cone, you may put some Lucre in instead. The Lucre acts as tokens for purposes of resolving the challenge and for consolation. If you are on the winning side, you double the Lucre committed in the challenge and tokens get a base or rewards as normal. If you back the losing side, the Lucre invested is lost to the bank. In the event of a deal, take your Lucre back as you would your tokens. You can use some tokens and some Lucre in the same challenge, but the total may not exceed four. If you lose your power during a challenge, return any Lucre from the cone to your Lucre pile, replacing them with tokens from bases.

History: Getting their start by hiring mercenaries to do their fighting, the Entrepreneurs soon found that the risk capital began to function just as well on its own, without renting soldiers from other races. As the Entrepreneurs learned to choose their battles more carefully, their investments began to pay big dividends. They are now trying to bull their way through the Cosmos.

Restriction: Use Only In A Game With Lucre

Wild1: At the start of your turn, you may declare some or all of your Lucre to be invested. This Lucre is put in trust, inaccessible to yourself and other players, until the start of your next turn. At that time, the investment matures and you receive a 50%

Super1: You can ally with both Lucre and tokens, up to four of each.

Pro: The Lucre you invest count towards rewards.

Con: As main player, if you win the challenge and Entrepreneur was on the opposing side, you get the Lucre he invested.

ETHIC [B:MCE:L] Takes Consolation For Attack Mayfair (Lucre)

You have the power of guilt. Every time you are a main player and reveal an Attack Card in a challenge and lose, you collect four cards as consolation. Any cards you receive as consolation you may choose to discard immediately. If he wishes, your opponent may pay you four lucre per card to reduce the number you take.

History: Ascribing to a moral code of the utmost purity, the Ethic sets a universal standard of conduct. Those who would harm the Ethic find themselves curiously repentant, while those who know the Ethic also know the power of the well-placed contribution.

Restriction: Use Only In A Game With Lucre

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: When you take new cards from the deck into your hand, you may feel guilty and give away any or all of them to other players.

Super1: You may refuse to take Lucre and instead claim your consolation.

Pro: You may increase your price to 4 Lucre per card.

Con: As main player against Ethic, you need only pay him 1 Lucre per card to reduce the number of cards he takes.

EXTORTIONIST [M:MCE:L] Receives Opponents' Cards Mayfair (Lucre)

You have the power to extort. Once play begins, whenever any other player acquires cards via consolation, rewards, drawing a new hand, exercising his power (except Miser), Flares, or purchasing with Lucre, you may take half of those cards (rounded down) at random and add them to your own hand. After seeing the cards but before you draw, your victim may block the loss of cards by paying your two Lucre per card he would have lost.

History: Warped by an unstable home environment, the Extortionist is crazed by greed. The Extortionist racket of graft and corruption reaches into the pocketbooks of every decent citizen of the Universe. Using the wealth that they have unjustly siphoned from honest wage earners, the Extortionists hope to amass enough for the final takeover.

Restriction: Use Only In A Game With Lucre

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: After cards have been revealed in any challenge, you may demand five Lucre from the winner of the challenge. If he does not pay you the Lucre, you may reverse the outcome of the challenge; that is, the winner loses and the loser wins. No effect in Compromise/Compromise situations.

Super1: The player may not prevent you from extorting cards by paying you Lucre.

Pro: Players may not see the cards they are getting before deciding whether or not to pay you.

Con: You may pay Extortionist 1 Lucre per card for each specific card you want to keep. Extortionist gets the rest.

FILCH [O:Mayfa] Takes Opponent's Used Card Mayfair

You have the power of theft. After a challenge in which you were a main player, you may pick up your opponent's discarded Challenge Card and add it to your hand for future use.

History: Within their genteel, sophisticated tribes, the Filches have refined the art of acquisition to a high aesthetic. The most judicious and subtle thefts are memorialized in legend and song. Lately, they have taken to eyeing the depths of space and thou

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: You may steal any one Edict of Flare as it is being played. It has no effect on its intended victim, going into your hand instead.

Super1: You can filch any other player's discarded Challenge Card whether you were involved in the challenge or not.

Pro: As main player, you may take all discarded Kickers and Reinforcements played by other players.

Con: Filch must take his opponent's discarded Challenge Card.

FILTH [M:Mayfa] Drives Away Others' Tokens Mayfair

You have the power to reek. When you land on a planet, all other tokens on that planet must leave and go to other bases. However, your allies in a winning offensive challenge can land on any other planet in the defensive system. No player can remain on a planet where you have tokens, and a player who somehow has a base there must immediately leave. When you agree to trade bases in a deal, you and that player must each vacate a planet for the other player to land on. Players who win an offensive attack against your tokens on a planet do not gain a base immediately but must return their tokens to their other bases. Your losing tokens go to the warp normally and the planet is "fumigated". On subsequent challenges, players can challenge the empty planet and move tokens onto it if they win.

History: The Filth's reverence for the past leaves it unable to remove any trace of earlier events, whether yesterday's glatorp stains or last year's diseased kinzosh. Having driven all other life forms from their home worlds, they are slowly extending out to leave their mark, a ring around the Cosmos.

Phase 8 - Reveal cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: You may declare a planet filthy, sending all tokens from there to other bases (or to the warp if a player has no other base). Any tokens that should land there during this challenge return to other bases instead.

Super1: When you point the cone as offensive player, all other players' tokens there go to other bases (or to the Warp if they have no none).

Pro: You can make the Warp reek. If you have tokens in the Warp, all other players' tokens go into limbo. All other tokens going to the Warp go to limbo instead. They remain in limbo until you have no tokens in the Warp or lose this card.

Con: If you win as offensive player against Filth, if there's another planet in his system where he does not have tokens, you may land your tokens there.

FORCE [O:MCE:L] Helps Others Mayfair (Lucre)

You have the power to be with. When you are not a main player, other players may call on you for help and offer you one or more Lucre. The other player may not specify the help he is seeking. If you choose to help him, take the Lucre offered and intercede in a way that you believe will benefit him. You may: 1. alter random events (decide color of destiny flip, choose cards taken in consolation or as rewards, etc.); or 2. limit or moderately expand on the immediate effects of powers, Edicts, Flares, moons, etc. (such as: "The Virus may not multiply allies' tokens, only add them to the total." Or: "The Mobius Tubes just played frees tokens from both the warp and the fan.") You may not aid a player unless called upon, and there is no haggling or communication allowed about your choice of aid.

History: Viewed by most races as a mystical entity, the Force is in fact a noncorporeal race of money-grubbers who value currency over enlightenment.

Restriction: Use Only In A Game With Lucre

Wild1: When you are an ally, the main player on your side can examine and use your hand. You retain any of your cards that he plays.

Super1: You may aid even if not invited. The other player must pay you four Lucre.

Pro: You may exchange help with another player. You both help each other as per your power. No Lucre is exchanged.

Con: When you pay Force, you may discuss with him how you want to be helped. If you can't reach an agreement, take back your Lucre. Force may not help another player that challenge.

FUNGUS [M:Mayfa] Attaches To Other Tokens Mayfair

You have the power to adhere. Whenever you win as a main player or ally, your tokens adhere to tokens of your opponents. Instead of going to the Warp, your opponents' lost tokens stack under at least one of your tokens that was in the challenge. Captured tokens do not have special characteristics, e.g. Macron tokens are not worth four. You control these Fungoid stacks, each of which is considered to be one token for purposes of play, e.g. taking consolation, going into the cone, etc. When your total force is counted in a challenge, however, each token in each stack counts separately as one of your tokens. Tokens lost to the Fungus are released when the Fungoid stack is in the Warp. If you lose your power, each stack counts as one token, but they stay fixed until separated by the Warp.

History: The Fungus clings tenaciously to its basic perceptions, and now its neighbors find its teachings (and tendrils) rapidly growing on them.

Phase 8 - Reveal cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: When you win as defensive player in your home system, you can use all the tokens from the offensive side to ring your planetary system. These tokens then count toward your total when you are again defensive player. captured tokens do not have special characteristics. When you lose a challenge in which you used these tokens, they go to the Warp along with any that were on the planet.

Super1: Any group of your tokens sent to the Warp at one time continue to adhere to the captured tokens in their stack. When you retrieve these tokens, the stack stays with them until they go to the Warp again.

Pro: Each token in your stacks count for consolation and rewards.

Con: Whenever you retrieve tokens from the Warp by normal means, if you have none in the Warp, you may retrieve them from Fungoid stacks. If you can retrieve more tokens than you actually have in the Warp, that counts.

GAMBLER [O:Mayfa] Bluffs About Card Mayfair

You have the power to bluff. After your opponent reveals his Challenge Card, you keep yours face down and declare what it is (lying if you like). If your opponent accepts your declaration, conclude the challenge as if your declaration were your actual card. When discarding, you may bury the card in the discard pile to avoid revealing it. If your opponent calls your bluff, however, reveal your card. If you lied, you lose to the Warp the number of tokens you had in the challenge. If you told the truth about your card, your opponent loses to the warp the number of tokens he had in the challenge. The player losing the bluff chooses which tokens to lose. After taking the penalty tokens from other bases on the losing side of the bluff, resolve the challenge normally.

History: Arising in an era of geological turmoil, the Gamblers trusted only their own audacity. The faint of heart soon perished, but the most daring rose to even greater effronteries and now launch a contest for Cosmic stakes.

Phase 8 - Reveal cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: As a main player, before revealing cards, you may call out any number as a "spread". Then reveal the Challenge Cards. If the two cards are different by the spread or more, you can add the spread number to your Attack Card.

Super1: When declaring what your card is, you can "up the ante" by saying how many extra tokens (1-20) are at risk. This penalty applies to whichever side loses the bluff calling.

Pro: If your bluff was called but you were telling the truth, you automatically win the challenge.

Con: If you call Gambler's bluff and he was bluffing, you automatically win the challenge. Otherwise, you automatically lose. You don't have to call the bluff, but you must play this card if you do.

GHOST [O:MCE] Uses Tokens From Warp Mayfair

You have the power to steal life. As a main player in a challenge, you may place up to four of your tokens from the warp onto the cone to ally with you. Alternately, you may use as allies one to four tokens from the warp of any player not on the opposite side of the challenge. These tokens retain any special characteristics of the owning player. If you win the challenge, these tokens receive the normal benefits of being an ally and join living tokens. If you lose, if you must deal, or if your allies are forced off the cone, the dead tokens return to the warp.

History: Emerging only recently through a black hole from a shadow universe, the Ghosts are spreading terror among other races. Their own dead spring back to life without warning, and they've even managed to harness the departed souls of other beings. so far, the other occupants of the Cosmos have found no way of stopping the Ghosts' advance.

Wild1: When you ally in a challenge, you may use tokens from the warp. If your side wins, these tokens return to life and go to any of your bases. If you lose, they go back to the warp.

Super1: As a main player, you may use as allies all tokens from the warp of players not opposing you in the challenge.

Pro: You may use tokens from the warp that belong to players on the opposite side of the challenge.

Con: Your tokens that Ghost used from the warp return to your bases if he loses the challenge or they are forced off the cone.

GNOME [O:MCE:L] Adds Lucre To Attack Total Mayfair (Lucre)

You have the power of wealth. As a main player in a challenge, you may add one-third (rounded up) of your Lucre to your attack total without sending it to the bank.

History: Reclusive and furtive, the Gnomes work in the background of pan-galactic civilization, scrimping and saving and setting aside. When push comes to shove, however, the Gnomes have always known how to get the most bang for their buck.

Restriction: Use Only In A Game With Lucre

Wild1: You may retain the Lucre you spend to increase your side's total in this challenge.

Wild: As main player, your opponent must spend his Lucre to the bank to add it to his challenge total. He need not spend all or any of his Lucre, but any Lucre not spent does not count towards his challenge total.

Super1: You may add or subtract one third of your Lucre to your side's total as an ally.

Super: As an ally, all Lucre of all players on your side of the challenge are added to your side's challenge total.

Pro: As main player, you may add all your Lucre to your challenge total without sending it to the bank.

Con: If you defeat Gnome as main player, he spends the Lucre he added to the challenge. He may purchase cards from the deck, tokens from the warp, and/or Flares. He keeps any left over.

GORGON [M:MCE] Freezes Others' Tokens Mayfair

You have the power to petrify. Any other players' tokens that share bases with you cannot be removed from those bases for any reason except to go to the warp. Any other players' tokens in your system may not be removed for any reason except to go to the warp.

History: The horrifying sight of the Gorgons petrifies any creature that looks upon them. The effect eventually wears off, but only after the Gorgons have abandoned the area. A stranger to a Gorgon world might think this race overly fond of statuary, only to find the statues spring back to life when the Gorgon's leave. Because of their powerful effect on others, the Gorgons often find it difficult to get others to cooperate in their cosmic conquest.

Restriction: Do Not Use With Reverse System Hexes.

Wild1: You may neutralize all tokens on one planet for this challenge. These tokens may not move, go to the warp, or count in the challenge.

Super1: You may petrify another system. No tokens may be moved from there in this challenge.

Pro: You may petrify the warp. For as long as you have tokens there, no other player may release their tokens from the warp. Mobius Tubes still releases all tokens.

Con: Show Gorgon a card from your hand. He may take it to unpetrify all your tokens for the rest of the challenge. If he does not take it one, and only one, of your tokens is unpetrified.

GRIEF [O:MCE] Gets Cards In Sympathy Mayfair

You have the power over loss. For each token you lose to the Warp, you may draw one card from the deck.

History: The Griefs have learned how to trade in some of their own lives in exchange For increased power For the survivors. Other races, awed at this power lust and callous disregard For life, are often overcome by the powerful Griefs.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: When you are entitled to consolation, you may take the appropriate number of cards from the winning main player and each of his allies.

Super1: When you use your power, you may draw the cards you are entitled to from any combination of players hands instead of the deck.

Pro: For each group of tokens you lose to the warp take a Flare from the unused Flare deck. You draw cards for those tokens as normal.

Con: Grief may only draw one card for each group of tokens he loses to the Warp.

GRUDGE [M:MCE] Penalizes For Refusing To Ally Mayfair

You have the power of revenge. When you are a main player in a challenge, if you invite another player as an ally and he chooses not to come to your aid, he loses 4 tokens to the warp if you win the challenge (or make a deal) or 2 tokens to the warp if you lose the challenge (or fail to make a deal). These lost tokens cannot include tokens he used to ally with the other side.

History: Suffering from a species history of almost uninterrupted betrayal and disappointment, the originally kind Grudges gradually grew cynical. Expecting no good will from others, they began to brood and resolved to wreak vengeance on all who would turn aside from their outstretched suction disc of friendship. Now adept at revenge, the Grudges gaze spitefully at a world that has denied them fellowship. They will get even! They will repay!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: If you lose as a main player, your opponent's allies get nothing for the win and must take their tokens back to bases.

Super1: You may take revenge against each player who did not ally with you by forcing them to lose four tokens regardless of who won the challenge.

Pro: When another player causes you to lose cards and/or tokens, but not tokens lost as a result of a challenge, you may have him lose an equal number. If he took the cards, you get his. If the cards were discarded, he discards his. This card may be played as it leaves your hand.

Con: If you did not ally at all during the challenge, including not even attempting to, you do not lose tokens because of Grudge.

HEALER [O:Mayfa] Can Save Others' Tokens From Warp Mayfair

You have the power to heal. When another player loses tokens to the Warp, you can return to him all the tokens he just lost and earn one card from the deck. Being healed does not prevent a player from receiving consolation.

History: Rapid geological activity forced the extreme biological diversification on the Healer home world. Possessing vast knowledge of herbal and mutant lore, Healers are now prized by other beings for their life sustaining skills. Amidst loud rejoicing over renewed health, who could deny them their small fee?

Play at any time

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: Cancel any Zap edict.

Super1: You receive one card for each token you heal from the warp in one challenge.

Pro: You may have another player heal your tokens. He gets a card from the deck.

Con: Healer must heal your tokens.

HURTZ [B:MCE:L] Leases Game Resources Mayfair (Lucre)

You have the power to lease. At the beginning of the game, deal three unused Alien Powers, two unused Flares, and five cards from the deck face up in front of you. This forms your array of items to be leased to other players. Another player can request to lease an item from this array at any time. You can refuse to lease it, or you can set a price of one or more Lucre. If the player agrees, he gets the use of the item during this challenge, after which it is discarded whether he uses it or not. When you lease an item, draw another from appropriate pile to replace it. At the beginning of your turn, you may discard your entire array and replace it as at the start of the game.

History: As galactic conditions became more perilous, the Hurtz saw the need for a stable supplier of arms to all. Their slogan is: "We'll rent anything that's still face down."

Restriction: Use Only In A Game With Lucre

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: You may lease your power to another player for any agreed price in Lucre. He uses his power instead of his own, and you may not use your power this challenge. If you and the other player cannot agree, you may return this Flare to your hand.

Super1: You may switch the item leased with another from the same grouping.

Pro: You may lease any item that's truly "face down". This includes cards from the deck, unused Flare deck, and the unused powers.

Con: If Hurtz refuses to lease an item to you, pay him 5 Lucre. He must then lease you the item.

INDUSTRIALIST [M:MCE] Adds Losing Attack Cards Mayfair

You have the power to build. When you play an Attack Card but lose the challenge, you do not discard it but place it in front of you. Form a pile of losing Attack Cards. On any subsequent challenge in which you are a main player, choose whether to add or subtract the stack to your total, announcing which after cards are played but before they are revealed. When you play an Attack Card and win a challenge, discard the stack along with the Attack Card you played for that challenge. The stack is not part of your hand; it is never modified by card effects such as Virus or Calculator; and other players cannot take these cards until they go to the discard pile. The stack is not involved when you play a Compromise Card. If you lose your power, your stack does not count but remains just as it is to be used again when you regain your power.

History: The Industrialists have shown themselves to be masters at learning from their own mistakes. From the ashes of each defeat arises a more powerful assault the next time. Even though the Industrialists don't seem to learn as much from their successes, the strength they've gained from their defeats is sufficient to carve out a large piece of the Cosmos for themselves.

Wild1: As a main player, you may draw an Attack Card from your opponent's regular hand and add it to your total. If he has no Attack Cards, you still lose this Flare.

Super1: You may keep your stack after winning a challenge.

Pro: You may stack a Compromise Card. On later challenges you lose by playing an Attack Card, you may take consolation cards if you still have this card.

Con: Industrialist's stack is considered a part of his hand but only for game effects you invoke.

INSECT [O:Mayfa] Copies Opponent's Power Mayfair

You have the power of metamorphosis. When you are a main player in a challenge, you may copy your opponent's Alien Power. The offensive player gets to use the Alien Power first, then the defensive player. You may use his Alien Power even if he has lost the use of it. If the Will is in the game, you may challenge it anywhere, regardless of what you draw from the Destiny Pile.

History: The short-lived Insects rapidly adapt to match the strengths of any opponent. They know that their ability to metamorphose and copy any ecological innovation will lead to ultimate control of the Cosmos.

Restriction: Do Not Use With Oracle Or Terrorist

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Meta type power.

Wild1: If you lose the challenge as a main player, you may discard your hand and draw a new one.

Super1: You may use your opponent's power either before or after he does, at your choice.

Pro: Your opponent cannot use his power that you copy.

Con: You may use your power before or after Insect does at your discretion.

JUDGE [O:MCE] Assigns Extra Win/Loss Terms Mayfair

You have the power of fiat. When you are a main player, before cards are played, you may assign extra gains to the winner or the loser of the challenge (but not both). The gains you dictate are limited by the rules of deals. For example, you may order: "The winner will get all cards in the loser's hand and a base on a planet where the loser has a base." Your fiat is in addition to the normal out come of the challenge and takes effect after all normal challenge results have concluded. If either player plays a Compromise Card or if anything disrupts the normal flow of the challenge (like Diplomat), your fiat has no effect. Before cards are played, your opponent may pay you four Lucre to void your fiat.

History: The Judges have abandoned their physical bodies and now coalesce periodically amidst a natural protocol to deliberate on the fate of civilizations throughout the universe. The Ring of Judges creates a field of psychic in which each creature may ponder its fate.

Wild1: As a main player in a challenge, if the totals in the challenge differ by less than 5, you may call it a draw. Allies go home, and you and your opponent must make a deal or each lose three tokens to the warp.

Super1: Your fiat may include gains for both the winner and the loser.

Pro: You may announce your fiat after cards are played but before they're revealed.

Con: When opposing Judge, instead of his fiat, you can have him look through your hand and take any one card, except this one. Play this card in phase 6. He gets the card after Challenge Cards are played but before they are revealed. You cannot play any

LASER [M:Mayfa] Makes Opponent Play Blind Mayfair

You have the power to blind. After you have played a Challenge Card face down, select a Challenge Card at ran- dom from your opponent's hand (He sets aside any non-Challenge Cards in his hand before you draw). He must play the Challenge Card that you draw. Your opponent may look at his Challenge Card before it is played.

History: Descended from an ancient sun-worshipping cult, the modern Lasers have learned to Focus stellar power accurately enough to bedazzle any opposition. They have now embarked on a plan to spread confusion and fear among their enemies before stepping in to build a coherent Cosmos in their own image.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: As a main player, you force your opponent to select his Challenge Card before asking for allies.

Super1: You may make one of the two main players play blind in any challenge, even in you are not a main player. You draw the Challenge Card that the player must play.

Pro: As main player, shuffle your opponent's hand without looking at the cards and fan them face down in front of him. In phase 7, he picks one card at a time until he draws a Challenge Card which he must play. For this challenge, he may only use his non

Con: As main player against Laser, you may have him choose from only your Attack Cards.

LLOYD [O:MCE:L] Protects Players' Assets Mayfair (Lucre)

You have the power to insure. You may offer to insure any other player's assets (Lucre, Alien Power, tokens, cards, etc.) for a fee which you specify. If your offer is accepted, your opponent pays your fee immediately. The only way to stop the insurance is to zap Lloyd at this point, in which case he returns the fee. If the player insures his Alien Power, he cannot lose his power during the challenge. If he insures his tokens, he returns to bases tokens he would normally lose. If he insures a moon base and loses the challenge, the offensive player must return to other bases. If he insures cards, he may keep any card specified in your agreement instead of being forced to discard it or lose it as consolation or any other way. He may not play a protected card more than once in the challenge. Once you have received payment, you cannot go back on the deal. All insurance deals have a one challenge duration and must be renegotiated at the start of the next challenge. You may not insure anything you yourself possess.

History: The Lloyd has been known to generations of warriors, merchants, and diplomats as the protector and helping hand in time of need. Muttering the ancient phrase "the party of the first part heretofore known as the party of the second part, notwithstanding the part of the aforementioned claimant ..." and finishing with the sacred "signhereplease," the Lloyd is rarely suspect in its own right.

Restriction: Use Only In A Game With Lucre

Wild1: When you are about to lose a base, you may keep one token there instead.

Super1: You may insure any of your assets in a challenge for a fee payable to, and negotiated with, another player of your choice. If you and the other player cannot agree to a fee, you may return this Flare to your hand.

Pro: You may insure assets after the fact. For example, if a player's power is zapped, you may insure to effectively unzap it.

Con: Lloyd must insure your assets. For each different asset you want insured, pay him 2 Lucre.

LOSER [O:Mayfa] Winner Loses And Loser Wins Mayfair

You have the power of upset. As a main player in a challenge and before selecting cards, you may declare an upset. Both main players must play Attack Cards if possible. Then, after the Challenge cards have been revealed, the winning side loses and the losing side wins.

History: The enigmatic Losers have proven to be quite cunning in battle. Strengths become weaknesses and weaknesses strengths as the glassy-eyed Loser shows its opponents that nice guys finish first.

Phase 6 - Allies accept

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: In any challenge in which you are involved, before cards are revealed, you can declare that both sides lose, sending all involved tokens to the warp.

Super1: You may wait until after cards are selected but before they are revealed before declaring an upset.

Pro: You may declare an upset in any challenge, regardless of your involvement.

Con: As main player against Loser, show him this card. He cannot declare an upset if he has no choice but to play a Compromise Card.

MACHINE [O:MCE] Can Continue Turn Mayfair

You have the power of continuity. Your turn is not limited to two challenges. As long as you have Challenge Cards, you may continue as offensive player, even if you lost the previous challenge. You may occupy only two vacant moons per turn.

History: A race long lost to antiquity had the foresight to construct a mammoth Machine in the core of their planet. Pouring all their knowledge and ambition into its memory banks, they programmed it with this mandate: "Top priority ... expand control, never cease ... eliminate opposition, never cease ... achieve mastery, never cease ..."

Wild1: As a main player, you can make your opponent stack his Challenge Cards and Kickers as he wishes. In this and subsequent challenges, he must play the cards in that order, from the top, until he uses up the stack. If he gets new cards, he holds them as a regular hand for use when his stack is gone. Other players may take consolation from his stack or his hand as they wish.

Super1: Draw seven cards and add them to your hand.

Pro: On your turn, when you are out of Challenge Cards, you may get a new hand and keep this card to continue your turn. You may only play this card once on each of your turns.

Con: If Machine loses two challenges, his turn ends.

MACRON [M:Mayfa] Each Token Is Worth Four Mayfair

You have the power of mass. Each of your tokens has a value of four. You may bring only one token in an offensive challenge or as an ally, but it counts as four toward your side's total. When collecting consolation or rewards, your token counts as one, just as any other player's.

History: Coming from a gargantuan planet, the Macrons are accustomed to tremendous atmospheric and gravitational forces. Power comes so naturally to them, they scoff at the fragile intelligence they crush on their way to universal dominance.

Wild1: As an ally or offensive player, you may put as many tokens in the cone as you have bases, including home bases in your own system.

Super1: You may put up to four tokens in the cone as an ally or as offensive player.

Pro: You may have as many tokens in the cone as the defensive main player has in the challenge.

Con: Macron's tokens are only worth one each when defending against you.

MAGNET [O:Mayfa] Attracts Or Repels Allies Mayfair

You have the power of magnetism. As a main player or an ally in a challenge, you may force any one player to ally with one side you specify or prevent him from allying altogether. If you make him ally, he decides how many tokens to bring. You use your power after normal commitments of allies' tokens.

History: Originating on a highly ferrous planetoid, the Magnets thrived on the intense radiation generated at its poles. Soon, they achieved the ability to manipulate and reverse energy fields by group induction, and now they are attempting to magnetize the Universe.

Wild1: You may force all other tokens off a planet where you have a base.

Super1: You decide which players ally with whom. They decide how many tokens to bring if forced to ally.

Pro: You need not be involved in the challenge to force a player to ally or not to ally.

Con: Magnet cannot force you to ally or not to ally unless it is a three-player game.

MESMER [O:MCE] Can Change Own Edicts Mayfair

You have the power of mass hypnosis. When playing an Edict, you may change it to any Edict you name. It has the effect of the new Edict. If you are zapped, you return the Edict to your hand. You may still play it for what it is.

History: Raised in a society where grace and physical charm are equated with success, the unsightly Mesmers have as a defense developed the power to entrance all who might gaze upon them. Now accomplished performers, the Mesmers can bedazzle a crowd into believing anything. Only long after the glow has faded do the most astute begin to wonder how much was real and how much imagined.

Wild1: After revealing cards, if yours is an Attack Card with a value less than 10, you may declare it to be a Compromise Card, and it then has the effect of one in that challenge.

Super1: You may change another player's Edict card into any other Edict as he attempts to play it. The player then determines the target of the new Edict if necessary. The new Edict must be playable at this time.

Pro: When you play a Wild Flare, you may change it to any other Wild Flare except for Wild Void.

Con: Mesmer cannot zap your power through his power.

MIND [O:Mayfa] Sees Other Players' Cards Mayfair

You have the power of knowledge. Before cards are played face down in any challenge, you may look at the entire hand of one of the main players. If you are one of the main players, you may look at your opponent's hand.

History: Springing Forth on a triple star system subject to constant energy Fluxes, the Mind thrives on shifting wave pulses, ultraviolet rays, and gamma-release explosions. Extreme sensitivity to potentialities has enabled it to view with wisdom (and some skepticism) the threats of Cosmic competitors.

Phase 6 - Allies accept

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: You may look at all the cards in the Challenge Deck without changing their order.

Super1: You may ask any player what card he will play next. He must keep his word if possible, and he cannot deliberately answer with a card that would not be eligible. For instance, if this Flare is played as another player is about to choose a Challenge Card, he cannot answer that he will play the Macron Flare, which is played only when placing tokens in the cone.

Pro: You may look at the hands of both main players.

Con: Mind can only see your hand when you're both main players.

MIRROR [O:Mayfa] Transposes Digits On Attack Cards Mayfair

You have the power of dyslexia. After you and your opponent in a challenge select cards, you may call out "reverse." This reverses the digits of both Attack Cards. Treat single-digit cards as if they have a 0 in front, such as 08. reversing the digits would make an Attack 15 into 51, a 20 into an 02, and (0)8 into an 80, and so forth. resolve the challenge using these reverse values.

History: Springing from a world with such a high surface silver content that everything reflected off everything else, the Mirrors adapted to the difficulty of separating mirror images from reality. They also developed an inner symmetry that confounds their opponents across the Cosmos.

Wild1: Whatever Challenge Card you played becomes identical to your opponent's.

Super1: As an ally, you may call a "reverse" of both main players' Attack Cards after they are revealed.

Pro: You may unreverse after cards are revealed.

Con: As main player against Mirror, he may only reverse the digits before cards are played.

MISER [B:MCE] Gets Second Hand Mayfair

You have the power to hoard. At the beginning of the game you are dealt two 7-card hands. You designate one as your hoard and keep it separate from your regular hand. You may play cards normally from this or your regular hand, as you choose, but the hoarded hand is not subject to loss of cards because of other powers, Edicts, consolation, or other effects. You may not add cards you get to your hoard. When either your hoard or your regular hand is out of Challenge Cards, you may get a new one according to normal rules. If you lose your power, you may no longer play cards from your second hand.

History: Barely eking out a subsistence on their shriveled moon, the Misers for generations secreted away their small annual surplus. But as the hoard grew, so did their greed, until now they prepare to risk their holdings for greater Cosmic booty.

Restriction: Do Not Use With Plant Or Insect

Wild1: You may protect up to half of your cards (rounded down) as exempt from consolation. This could mean that the player drawing consolation might not get all the cards to which he would normally be entitled. You choose which cards to protect.

Super1: Switch your hand with your hoard.

Pro: You may add cards you get to your hoard.

Con: Each challenge Miser can only play cards from his regular hand or hoard, not both.

MUTANT [O:Mayfa] Maintains Seven-Card Hand Mayfair

You have the power to regenerate. When you are a main player in a challenge and you have less than seven cards, you may fill out your hand to seven before playing. To do this, draw one card at a time from any player's hand or from the Challenge Deck. You may continue until you have seven cards in your hand. You need not make all draws from the same place.

History: Evolving on a highly radioactive and unshielded moon, the protean Mutants quickly learned to augment their silicon-based heredity. Before long, they began to control and accumulate key heredity codes of other life forms, stripping opponents of their most basic defenses in a Mutant drive to transform the universe.

Wild1: If you win or make a deal as a main player, draw one card from your opponent and each of his allies.

Super1: You may discard your hand and select a new one of any seven cards from the Challenge Deck (but not discards). Do not disturb the order of the deck as you search, and do not reshuffle after you have made your choices.

Pro: When you fill your hand from other players, you may look through their hand and choose the cards you want.

Con: Mutant may not fill his hand from your hand.

NEGATOR [O:MCE] Reverses Decisions Mayfair

You have the power to reverse. Once, before cards are revealed in any challenge, you may make any other player change a specific game action he has just taken. These decisions are limited to the following: 1. Playing a voluntary card, such as an Edict, Flare, Kicker, or Reinforcement. 2. Selection of a Challenge Card to play. 3. Pointing the hyperspace cone at a particular planet or moon. 4. Moving tokens off a particular base. 5. Entering an alliance. 6. Using Lucre in a certain way. 7. Drawing a new Destiny card after drawing his own color. 8. Placing a certain number of tokens in the cone. If you block the use of a card, moon, or Lucre, the designated player must set aside what he was about to use and refrain from using it for the duration of the challenge. If you change a decision, such as the cone, token movement, or alliance, the player must make a new decision that does not repeat the original decision: that is, a player may be prevented from purchasing cards with Lucre, but may use his remaining Lucre to release tokens from the warp. You may not negate an action that is the player's only legal choice or an action directly related to his power.

History: Null and Void are the twin gods of the Negators. Whenever another being attempts a positive action, Negators are driven to counteract it and deny its existence. Experiencing kinship with all that is not positive, the Negators feel that there is no way for any but their own kind to control the Cosmos - and they will not be denied.

Wild1: After Challenge Cards are revealed when you are a main player, you may cause one of the Attack Cards to have a negative value, i.e., a 10 becomes a -10, a -5 becomes a 5.

Super1: You may use your power twice in a challenge.

Pro: You may negate a player not doing something you know he could have. The player must then do it. This counts as your one negation per challenge.

Con: Negator cannot negate your actions if you are not a main player.

OBVERSE [O:MCE] Switches Signs Mayfair

You have the power of negativity. When you are a main player, after cards are played but before they are revealed, you may call out "switch signs". All negative Attack cards become positive and all positive Attack cards become negative. Proceed with the challenge normally.

History: Just as the alternator improved the effectiveness of electric power, the Obverse have learned to switch the magnetic resonance of subatomic particles. Even though this sometimes has unpredictable results, the Obverse have most often been able to capitalize on it, to the detriment of other races.

Wild1: After Kickers are revealed, you may multiply the value of a Kicker by negative one.

Super1: You may use your power anytime before cards are revealed.

Pro: You may have an action, except powers, take the opposite affect. For example, a Reinforcement is subtracted; the player of the Compromise gives consolation instead of taking. For Mobius Tubes and Warp Break, players put in the warp the same number of tokens already there.

Con: As main player against Obverse, he may only switch signs before cards are played.

ORACLE [M:Mayfa] Foresees Opponent's card Mayfair

You have the power to foresee. As a main player in a challenge, you select your Challenge Card only after looking at the card your opponent is playing.

History: During millennia of civilization, the ancient Oracles developed to uncanny accuracy their perceptiveness about the intentions of others. While reluctant to test the outer limits of their vision, they find even short-range prescience has given them the reputation of great wisdom.

Restriction: Do Not Use With Insect

Wild1: As a main player in a challenge, you may look at your opponent's hand, shuffle the two hands together, and each take the same number of cards as you started with. Continue the challenge as usual.

Super1: You can refuse to play after your opponent reveals his Challenge Card. He retains his card, all tokens go back to bases, and play continues as if a deal had been made.

Pro: As main player, your opponent must play all his non-Challenge Cards one phase earlier. They don't take affect until the proper phase.

Con: As main player against Oracle, show him two Challenge Cards, one of which you will be playing.

PACIFIST [M:Mayfa] Wins With Compromise Cards Mayfair

You have the power of peace. If you reveal a Compromise Card and your opponent reveals an Attack Card, you win. If you both play Compromise cards, you have one minute to make a deal as usual.

History: A simple but ungainly race, the Pacifists long ago learned how to turn the power of an opponent against him. Always ready to demonstrate the superiority of retreat in unbalancing an aggressor, the Pacifists now seek to bring the universe to its knees by yielding at just the right moment.

Wild1: You may prevent a player from making a second challenge, ending his turn.

Super1: If you fail to make a deal in a Compromise/Compromise situation, you lose only one token to the warp instead of three and your opponent loses five.

Pro: If you reveal an Attack Card and your opponent reveals a Compromise Card, you have one minute to make a deal under normal rules. You still win the challenge as normal, but if a deal was made, your opponent may return his losing tokens to bases. This

Con: If you fail to deal in a Compromise/Compromise situation with Pacifist, you only lose 1 token.

PARASITE [O:Mayfa:2] Joins Alliances At Will Mayfair

You have the power to infest. Unless specifically prevented by the Force Field Edict or the Magnet's Alien Power, you may ally with either side in the challenge with one to four tokens as if you had been invited, even when you were not. You may not use your power as a main player.

History: Evolving late on a polluted world, the Parasites had to depend on the dominant life forms for survival. So rapidly did they succeed in infesting their home planets, they now need unsuspecting hosts to carry them throughout the far reaches of space.

Restriction: Do not use in a two-player game.

Wild1: You gain a base (one token) in the system of a player who has just lost the use of his Alien Power.

Super1: You may infest with any number of tokens you want (i.e. more than four).

Pro: You may infest on both sides of the challenge. If both main players reveal Compromise Cards, it is as if you won on both sides.

Con: Parasite may not ally offensively or defensively on reverse cone if he would get his 5th foreign base if his side won the challenge through his power.

PAVLOV [O:MCE] Can Reward Or Punish Opponent Mayfair

You have the power to condition. As a main player or an ally in a challenge, before cards are played, you may give your opponent a Challenge Card from your hand. If he plays that card, any tokens he loses as a result of the challenge return to bases (if he is defensive player, they must leave the challenged planet or moon), and he receives an additional reward of one token from the warp or one card from the deck (his choice). If he does not play the card, after the challenge is resolved put any one of his tokens from a base into the warp. These rewards and punishments apply to any challenge outcome, including failing to deal. After the challenge is resolved, you get the card back that you had given your opponent if he did not play it.

History: The small but wise Pavlovs achieved mastery of their home planets by training all rival species using a system of rewards and punishments. They now apply their skills to their cosmic adversaries, subtly directing their opponents' behavior into a pattern of the Pavlovs' choice.

Wild1: As a main player in a challenge, before cards are played, you may name a Challenge Card (Compromise or specific Attack Card). If your opponent plays such a card, after the challenge is resolved he receives a reward of any combination of three tokens f

Super1: The punishment for disobedience is four tokens from bases to the warp; you select the tokens.

Pro: If the player to whom you gave the card does not play it, he keeps it.

Con: If you played the card Pavlov gave you, your reward is 4 cards from the deck and four tokens from the warp.

PENTAFORM [B:Mayfa] Has 5 Life Stages Mayfair

You have the power to evolve. During set-up, draw five extra Alien Power cards, read them, and arrange them in a stack indicating the order in which they will be used. Use the first as long as you have no outer bases, the second when you have one outer base, the third when you have two, and so forth. If you lose a foreign base during the game, you again use the power you had previously. If you lose the use of your Alien Power, you also lose the active extra power. You can only use the Super Flare for the Pentaform, not for the extra powers.

History: Evolving on the fifth moon of the fifth planet of their solar system, the Pentaforms coincidentally developed with five distinct life stages. Though differing in form from one specimen to another, all Pentaforms go through cataclysmic change from each life stage to the next: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, middle age, and seniority. They have been causing a handful of trouble for the rest of the galaxy.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Meta type power. Gerald Katz: When Changeling opposes Pentaform, it's the Pentaform power that is taken, not the life stage. Therefore, all life stages go with the power.

Wild1: You may discard your Alien Power Card. Draw two from those not in use, and pick which one you want.

Super1: Before any challenge, you may reorder your life stages.

Pro: You may do either one of the following: be able to use all your life stages, up to the life stage for your base count, together or discard your life stages, get 5 new ones, and place them in any order.

Con: You may reorder Pentaform's life stages. When you lose this card the original order returns.

PHANTOM [B:Mayfa] Has Ghost Tokens Mayfair

You have the power to dematerialize. At the beginning of the game, flip over five tokens and place them on your star, and place three tokens on each planet instead of four. As a main player in a challenge, you may add the inverted ghost tokens to your total. Whether you win or lose the challenge, the inverted tokens are unaffected and remain on the star. If you turn any of these tokens back over to use them directly in a challenge, they lose their status as ghost tokens. Tokens may be released from the warp to the star, whereupon they are inverted and become ghost tokens. Other players cannot destroy or interact with ghost tokens.

History: The origin of the Phantoms remains a mystery, but their first contact with other beings was their sudden emergence from a shadow galaxy, which rocked the Cosmos. Their motives and social structure are unclear, but their relentless thirst for Cosmic domination is not.

Wild1: As a main player in a challenge, you may add or subtract up to four tokens after Challenge Cards are revealed. This could leave none of your tokens at risk, hanging your allies out to dry.

Super1: You may add your phantom tokens to your side's total even as an ally.

Pro: Your ghost tokens count for consolation.

Con: Phantom may not convert tokens to ghost tokens.

PHILANTHROPIST [O:Mayfa] Gives Away Cards Mayfair

You have the power of giving. Whenever you are involved in a challenge, before cards are played, you may give one card from your hand to either of the main players. If you are a main player, you may give a card to your opponent. The player you give the card to must put it in his hand or play it immediately.

History: Rejecting a heavy-handed, dogmatic religious background, the cynical Philanthropists have learned to parody greed itself. Knowing the universe cannot bring itself to reject a gift, even when it is no present, the race has grown cunning in the art of self-serving charity.

Wild1: You can lend your Alien Power to another player for one challenge. You lose the use of it for that challenge, and the recipient cannot use his regular power for that challenge.

Super1: Any player who receives a card from you must play it in that challenge if he can.

Pro: You may give away two cards. You may either give them both to one of the main players or one each.

Con: If you are a main player and Philanthropist is not, he cannot give you a card.

PIRATE [O:MCE:L] Raids Others' Lucre Mayfair (Lucre)

You have the power to raid. During any turn when you are not a main player, you may make one raid challenge against the Lucre of either main player. The main challenge is suspended during your raid. Announce your victim and the target number of Lucre you are trying to loot, then place one to four tokens outside his system as if using the cone. The victim may abort the raid by paying you half the Lucre he has at stake. He may not spend the challenged Lucre in any other way. During the raid challenge, the target Lucre count toward the defensive total as if they were tokens. If you win the challenge, you get the target Lucre; if your opponent wins, your tokens go to the warp as normal. No alliances are possible, but if you both play Compromise Cards, proceed with a normal deal situation. Only you may receive consolation. If you lose your power during the raid challenge, return your tokens to bases.

History: Whispering rapacious orders into their ears, a small flock of rogue traders lead their minions into the far reaches of interstellar space.

Restriction: Use Only In A Game With Lucre

Wild1: When you gain a base in another player's system in a challenge, you plunder 5 Lucre from him.

Super1: Your victim may not use his power during your raid challenge.

Pro: You may raid a player's income. Only that particular Lucre counts toward his challenge total, and he cannot spend any of his other Lucre. This raid is in addition to your regular raid challenge.

Con: Pirate cannot raid you.

PLANT [O:MCE:2] Accumulates Opponents' Powers Mayfair

You have the power of grafting. As a main player in a challenge, if you have a base in another player's system and that player has not lost his power, you may use his power and he may not. To do this, you announce before Challenge Cards are played that you are taking over the use of his power during the challenge. You may graft only once per challenge, and at the end of that challenge his power returns to him. If you lose your own power, you may not graft any power until you get your own back.

History: A species of Plant combines the longevity of the redwood, the persistence of the weed, and the delicacy of the fern. Slowly grafting to themselves the traits of others, they can afford to wait quietly until their enemies grow tired, then spread their tendrils unopposed throughout the Cosmos.

Restriction: Do Not Use In A Two-Player Game
Do Not Use With Schizoid Or Wraith

Wild1: As offensive player, you may graft tokens from a base you share. They act as your tokens for the rest of the challenge.

Super1: If you have a base in the system of any player who wins the game, that win is ignored and you win instead.

Pro: You may graft one power of all players where you have tokens in their system. You use them together. Affected players need not have use of their powers and moon bases allow for grafting.

Con: Plant may not graft your power if he can graft another player's power.

PROLONG [O:MCE] Can Extend Challenge Mayfair

You have the power to protract. When you are a main player, if both players reveal Attack Cards you may call "extend." You and your opponent must then play and reveal an additional Attack Card. You may continue to call extend as long as both main player can play Attack Cards. All Attack Cards played add to the challenge total. You may stop extending at any time. When the extension stops, challenge results are determined. Kickers multiply the value of the Attack Card that they are played with during the extension. Card related powers (Chosen, Gambler, Laser, Mutant, Oracle, Visionary, etc.) are applied to each card played during the extension. All cards played are discarded. Players cannot draw new hands during the extension.

History: Possessed of an overdeveloped sense of pride coupled with a love of battle, the Prolongs are rarely willing to admit defeat or claim victory. Their cosmic adversaries dread confrontation with the Prolong because even a minor skirmish is often drawn out into a long and exhausting battle.

Restriction: Do Not Use With Chronos

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: You may make a second challenge after losing the first.

Super1: You may use your power to protract even as an ally.

Pro: When you are out of Attack Cards, you may get a new hand to continue the challenge. You keep this card but may only play this card once per challenge.

Con: If Prolong continues the challenge and you are out of Attack Cards, you may get a new hand.

PROPHET [O:MCE] Predicts Challenge Winner Mayfair

You have the power to predict. If you are not involved in a challenge, you may predict aloud before cards are played which main player will win. A deal counts as a win. If you are correct, you gain a base anywhere. If you are not correct, the winner selects any two of your tokens and sends them to the warp.

History: Declaring themselves to be omniscient, the Prophets set forth into the promised vacuum of space to seek a new home in the interstellar wilderness. Are these Prophets false? Only the Eons will judge.

Wild1: Before cards are played, write down how many Compromise Cards will be played. If your prediction is correct, each other player must lose one token to the warp.

Super1: You may predict after cards are played, but before they are revealed.

Pro: If you predicted incorrectly, you choose the tokens you lose.

Con: If Prophet predicted incorrectly, he loses a third token. He chooses the token.

QUEUE [B:MCE] Selects Order Of Play Mayfair

You have the power to order. At the end of each player's turn, you choose which player will next take a turn. You must give each player a turn in each "round" of play. For example, with four players, you may choose any of them to go first, then you choose any of the remaining three to go next, then one of the remaining two, and finally the last one plays. You may then choose any of the four to play next, starting a new round. If you lose your power, play passes clockwise as normal. You may also order the commitment of allies and decide timing conflicts however you want instead of by the timing conflicts rule. When using your power, you may also accept bribes according to the rules for deals except that you cannot gain a base. At the beginning of the game, each player starts with three Lucre and receives the additional Lucre he is entitled to when you say it is his turn.

History: The semi-metallic Queues generate electropsychic fields that induce them, and all within their influence, to form orderly lines. The Queues use this knack in their attempt to place themselves at the head of the cosmic line.

Wild1: You may take the top 10 cards of the deck, arrange them in any order, and return them to the deck.

Super1: You may give yourself two turns as offensive player.

Pro: You may skip a player in a round of turns. You cannot skip the same player twice in a row.

Con: Queue must accept your bribe for your preferred timing order. The bribe is to look through your hand and take any card he wants, except this one.

REINCARNATOR [B:Mayfa] Uses Power Not In Game Mayfair

You have the power of reincarnation. When you fail to make a deal or lose a challenge as a main player or ally, you must reincarnate. Just before the next challenge begins, draw a new Alien Power card at random from those not in use. If you draw a power that affects set-up or a power that is illegal to use with one already in the game, discard and draw again. You become the new alien and use its power until you are forced to reincarnate again, drawing a new power. You keep the Reincarnator along with the new card you draw. If you face a player who can copy your power, he copies only your current incarnation and must reincarnate himself if he mimics your power and loses the challenge.

History: Having conquered the fear of death, the Reincarnators rejoice with the passing of each of their kind. Feeling kinship with all life forms, they know that those who die will soon be born again in an endless cycle.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power.

Wild1: You may force all players (including yourself) to reincarnate, discarding Alien Power Cards, and drawing new ones. Discard powers that only affect game setup and powers that cannot be used together, and draw again.

Super1: You need not reincarnate when you lose a challenge or fail to make a deal.

Pro: Regardless of whether you won or lost in the challenge, you may discard your Reincarnator power and keep your incarnation. This card then becomes the Pulsar Card for that power.

Con: If Reincarnator was a main player or ally, he reincarnates regardless of whether he won or lost.

RESERVE [O:MCE] Can Use Other Cards As Reinforcements Mayfair

You have the power to reinforce. You can use Attack Cards from -6 to 6 as Reinforcements. In addition, you can play a Compromise Card to cancel another player's Reinforcement Card.

History: The Reserves became the dominant species on their home world by waiting for other beings to wear each other out and then arriving with timely force to deliver a knockout punch. Showing the effective use of timing, the Reserves call in extra strength just when they need it most. Other races are often deceived by weak appearances, in fact believing the battle won, only to have the Reserves arrive to tip the balance.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: You retrieve all the Reinforcement cards played during this challenge.

Super1: You may use any one Attack Card as a Reinforcement.

Pro: As main player, you may have your power allow you to use the cards as Kickers as well.

Con: If Reserve used his power, he cannot cancel any of your Reinforcement cards.

SCHIZOID [B:MCE] Changes Goal Of Game Mayfair

You have the power to alter reality. At the start of the game, before cards are dealt, write down how many outer bases (at least 3) are needed to win. Then add one other game condition which 1) is possible for all players to meet, 2) is clear to all as it happens, 3) does not require remembering past events (e.g. "Winner(s) must have 3 (foreign) bases and fail to make a deal.", and 4) relates directly to the game. On each challenge, the offensive player may ask you a "yes" or "no" question about the win. You must answer truthfully, aloud. When your conditions are met, you declare the winner. (If you lose your power, normal win conditions prevail.)

History: Long ago their system slipped into a cascading series of alternate space/times. Now the Schizoids believe that universal acceptance of their current reality will end the madness that has gripped their world for so long.

Restriction: Do Not Use With Insect Or Plant

Wild1: You may switch planet hexes (and thus colors) with any player.

Super1: At the end of your turn, you may change the terms of victory as long as this does not give anyone an immediate win.

Pro: You may add on a second condition to winning the game abiding by your power's terms. It's in effect even if you don't have this card. You may only play this card once. If you play the Super Schizoid Flare afterwards, you still have the second condition.

Con: As offensive player, you may ask Schizoid two questions concerning how to win the game.

SEEKER [O:Mayfa] Asks "Yes" Or "No" Questions Mayfair

You have the power of truth. When you are involved in a challenge, you may ask one of the main players a "yes" or "no" question. He must answer truthfully. You may ask him the question any time before cards are played, and he must answer it then. If it involves his intentions, he must decide then and subsequently abide by that decision if he can. The question must relate to a single specific challenge or to the player's current hand. You may not bind the player to an action beyond one specific challenge. Examples: "Are you going to play a Compromise Card?" "Are you going to play an Attack Card greater than 10?" "Do You have the 40 Attack Card in your hand?".

History: Evolving during an intense struggle between more developed species, the Seekers gained ecological room only by acute sensitivity to their opponents' disposition. Always probing, they closely evaluate what is known. Lately, Seekers have turned searching eyes upon the Cosmos.

Wild1: When a player asks you to ally, you may demand to see the Challenge Card he intends to play. He must play that card whether you ally with him or not if he can.

Super1: If you are a main player or an ally, you may ask one of the main players any question regarding a single challenge, not just a "yes" or "no" question. He must answer it truthfully. This question takes the place of your normal Seeker question.

Pro: When you are involved in a challenge, you may ask one of the main players two "yes" or "no" questions.

Con: Seeker cannot ask you a question regarding your intentions.

SERPENT [O:MCE] Leads Others Astray Mayfair

You have the power of temptation. Before cards are revealed, you may tempt any other player in the challenge, including allies. You may offer him a base on any planet where you have a base or 1 to 4 of any combination of the following: tokens from the warp, Lucre from the bank, or cards from the deck. If he accepts, he moves his own tokens back to bases and sends all other tokens from his side to the warp. This includes all defensive tokens on the challenged planet, but he must leave a single token of the offensive player. Then play out the challenge normally.

History: One of the most ancient races in the cosmos, the Serpents have been tempting other races to betray each other since the earliest recorded times. One of the Serpents' most unnerving practices, as far as their victims are concerned, is their common use of the term Big Apple when referring to the cosmos.

Wild1: You may offer another player a base in your system in return for a specific favor, which can fall outside the normal rules for deals but is binding. If the other player does not agree, you may keep this Flare but cannot try again this challenge.

Super1: If the player refuses your temptation, you can force him to lose what you had offered to give him.

Pro: If the player you tempted does not accept, you may offer another player a temptation. Keep doing this until someone accepts or no one does. If no one does, take a card from the top of the deck.

Con: As defensive player, if another player on your side of the challenge accepts Serpent's temptation, your tokens are not removed.

SILENCER [O:MCE] Stops Communication By 1 Player Mayfair

You have the power to isolate. Once during each challenge you may silence any one player as he attempts to communicate by calling out "silence." He now may not speak, gesture, or communicate in any way until the end of the challenge. He may play tokens and cards normally if their meaning is clear, but he cannot explain them. He may not solicit allies or make deals. Mandatory powers must still be used. Optional powers are allowed if the player can simply perform the action without speaking or communicating otherwise and without requiring any other player to take action. In most cases, this is clear, but ambiguous cases are listed in the rulebook under the Silencer.

History: Expanding outward with all matter since the dawn of creation, the Silencers have long dwelt in a state of pure meditation. Aghast at the sudden proliferation of jabbering life forms, they feel a holy duty to bring the blessings of quietude to all other species.

Wild1: You may prevent another player from allying.

Super1: Silence every player in the game (including yourself) instead of just one.

Pro: At the start of your turn, silence a player. He is considered silenced until the start of your next turn or you lose this card. You cannot silence a player in this way again until you have silenced another. You still have your power as normal.

Con: Silencer cannot silence you.

SIREN [O:MCE] Entices Challengers Mayfair

You have the power to lure. Unless a wild Destiny Card is flipped, you may lure the offensive player to your system. You immediately become the defensive player in the challenge and your opponent must point the cone to a planet in your system. The challenge then proceeds normally, but if you win the challenge, you establish a base in the offensive player's system, on a planet of your choice. You may use your power to lure even when your system's color is revealed.

History: Born on a planet of beauty and illusion, the Siren entices unsuspecting travelers into her traps. Seduced by her call, the luckless guests are totally unaware of the destruction awaiting them.

Restriction: Do Not Use With Dictator.

Wild1: As another player is about to make a random draw, you get the items (rewards, consolation, etc.). He then draws as normal.

Super1: You may offer to take all defensive allies' tokens to establish a base in the offensive player's system should you win the Siren challenge. They may choose to join you on the base or take defensive rewards if you win.

Pro: If you lured when your color was flipped in destiny and you win the challenge, you establish two bases in the offensive player's system.

Con: As offensive player, Siren cannot lure if you flip his color in destiny.

SKEPTIC [O:MCE] Doubles Risk Of Challenges Mayfair

You have the power to doubt. As a main player or ally in a challenge, before cards are played you may tell the main player opposing your side: "I doubt that you will win." If he agrees and is offensive player, he ends his turn and all tokens in the cone return to bases. If he agrees and is defensive player, all offensive tokens in the cone establish a base on the planet as if they had won (but defending tokens already there remain) and defending allies return to bases. If he disagrees or "double doubts" you, cards are played. If one side loses or a deal is not made, the number of tokens normally lost by either of you is doubled.

History: During growth, one colony of marine Skeptics achieved the size and organization necessary for neuronic activity. Proliferating into super-rationality, they doubt the brash claims of others and see no reality but their own.

Wild1: After cards are played, you can doubt that one of the main players played the highest Attack Card he could. If you were right, you get his highest Attack Card after the challenge. If you are wrong, he gets your highest.

Super1: When you use your power, you also tell the opposing main player how many additional tokens (1-20) are at risk. If he double doubts you and plays the challenge, the loser (or both in a failed deal) loses that number of tokens in addition to the number

Pro: If you were double-doubted and lost the challenge, give this card to the opposing main player instead of losing the extra tokens.

Con: If you double-doubted Skeptic and lost, give him this card instead of losing the extra tokens.

SNIVELER [O:Mayfa] Catches Up When Behind Mayfair

You have the power to whine. As a main player, whenever you: have the most tokens in the warp, the fewest bases of any player, or lack a Challenge Card you need, you may "whine" about it. If you whine about your tokens, either all other players agree that you can free all your tokens from the warp, or they must place tokens into the warp until each matches your number there. If you whine about a base, either all other players must agree to let you have one extra base (you pick where) or they each lose one base (their choice). If you whine about cards, you name what you need (example: "I don't have an Attack Card higher than a 15."). You can't lie. Either one player gives you such a card, or all players must discard all such cards in their hands. You may whine only once per challenge.

History: The Snivelers developed in the evolutionary shadow of a closely related but older and more gifted race. Beset by adversity at every turn, they looked to their elder brethren for succor and defense. Now adept at self-pity and having liquidated their generous patrons, they turn their wet, envious gaze towards the heavens.

Play at any time

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: When not a main player and not invited to ally at all, you may complain to one of the main players. If that player still does not invite you to ally with him, he may not invite any allies during that challenge.

Super1: If another player wins the game and you have just one base less, the winner(s) must grant you a joint win or face one more challenge. If you win the challenge, you and your allies win the game. If you lose, the first result stands.

Pro: You may whine twice in the challenge.

Con: Play this card when Sniveler whines. Your bases, tokens, and cards do not count. Sniveler may whine about something else instead or keep the same whine. The new whine may be for something that now qualifies where as because of your game effects it did not.

SORCERER [O:Mayfa] Switches Played Cards Mayfair

You have the power of magic. As a main player in a challenge, you may transpose Challenge Cards before they are revealed so that you play the card your opponent picked, and he plays yours. Neither main player may look at the cards after they are swapped.

History: Over eons, the clan of Sorcerers studied the cosmic Flow and learned to channel these tides to their own needs. Beginning with minor alterations in the probability patterns of matter, they progressed to transportation of objects over great distances. Undaunted by an occasional backlash of fate, they are humming the incantations of mastery.

Phase 7 - Play cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: You may make the two main players in any challenge trade Alien Powers before playing cards. They keep their new Alien Powers after the challenge ends.

Super1: When you are an ally in a challenge, you may switch the Challenge Cards before they are revealed.

Pro: After transposing Challenge Cards, you may look at your new card. You may transpose the cards back if you want.

Con: As main player against Sorcerer, if he transposed Challenge Cards, you may look at your new card. If you played a Kicker, you may take it back into your hand.

SPIFF [M:MCE] Receives Base As Loser Mayfair

You have the power to crash land. Whenever you are the offensive player in a challenge, both players play Attack Cards, and you lose by a total of 10 or more, you take one token you would otherwise lose to the warp and place it on the winning defensive planet. Your power cannot be used to crash land on moons.

History: Attacking vicious space monsters at incredible odds comes naturally to the valorous Spiffs. Their cunning and courage have let them save the day even when their doom seemed imminent. Let those who face them beware!

Restriction: Do Not Use With Filth

Wild1: As a losing offensive ally, you may place your tokens on the planet in the challenge.

Super1: You may crash land if the difference was more than 5.

Pro: As an offensive ally on normal cone or defensive ally on reverse cone, if your side loses the challenge by 7 or more, you may crash land on the attacked planet as per your power.

Con: As Spiff's ally, if he can crash land, so can you.

STING [O:MCE] Switches Dying Tokens Mayfair

You have the power to substitute. Whenever you lose tokens involuntarily, you may designate another player to lose them instead. Your tokens return to bases, and he chooses an equal number of his own to lose. He then may draw one card from your hand for each token he lost. If you have too few cards, he may draw the remainder from the deck or may take that many Lucre from you, at his choice.

History: Genetically sterile through a side-effect of their colony's energy shield, the Sting desperately sought a way to save themselves from extinction. In their quest, they stumbled upon a vampiric form of immortality. Emboldened, they now scour the Cosmos in search of a cure for their sterility, and woe to those who try to stop them.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: When you are required to give consolation, you may instead designate another player to give it instead.

Super1: When you send another player's tokens to the Warp instead of yours, he gets nothing in return.

Pro: You choose the cards from your hand the player gets.

Con: Sting cannot choose you to lose tokens.

SUBVERSIVE [O:Mayfa] Lures Opponent's Allies Mayfair

You have the power of subversion. As a main player in a challenge, after Challenge cards have been revealed, you may take the tokens of one of your opponent's allies and move them to your end of the cone. The ally's tokens are then treated just as if the player had allied with you. That is, the tokens are added to your total, the ally is rewarded if your side wins, the tokens go to the warp if your side loses, and so on.

History: Born on a planet of illusion and deceit, the Subversive has learned sophisticated techniques for undermining its enemies. As the unsuspecting enemy is building an elaborate alliance, the Subversive is setting its trap to turn defeat into victory.

Wild1: After winning a challenge as the offensive player, you can subvert your allies' new bases, sending their tokens to the warp.

Super1: You may subvert the opposing side's allies when you are an ally in a challenge.

Pro: As main player, you may subvert all of your opponent's allies.

Con: As an ally on the opposing side of Subversive, if Subversive is losing the challenge, he may not subvert your tokens if he would still lose the challenge.

SYMBIOTE [M:Mayfa] Has 40 Tokens Mayfair

You have the powers of numbers. At the start of the game, you receive a second set of 20 tokens of a color not in play. Use only the destiny cards of your system color. Place eight tokens on each home planet during setup. During play, use the second-color tokens just as your normal ones except that only your system-color tokens count as bases, either for winning or for keeping your Alien Power. If you do lose your power, the second-color tokens are frozen in place and may not be moved until you regain your power. Likewise, you cannot retrieve them from the Warp for any reason, commit them as an ally, or use them to defend a planet.

History: The environmental extremes on the Symbiote's home world drove its two sentient species into a mutual interdependence. Now this exceptionally tough hybrid has discovered that the Warp gives this two-in-one race a distinct advantage over its adversaries.

Play at any time

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: As defensive player, you may add all tokens on the planet to your total, regardless of their allegiance. If you lose, your tokens go to the Warp but the others remain.

Super1: You may swap any tokens of your second color for tokens of your system color in the Warp. Tokens that come out of the Warp in this way must go to bases where the second color tokens had been.

Pro: Your Symbiote tokens on bases count for the win and keeping your power even if you do not have your regular tokens on such bases.

Con: When Symbiote takes consolation cards from you, his Symbiote tokens do not count. If he only had Symbiote tokens in the challenge, he gets one card as consolation.

TERRORIST [M:Mayfa] Booby Traps Planets Mayfair

You have the power to booby trap. Before play begins, you may "plant bombs", one for each player in the game. To do this, note the appropriate location of each booby-trapped planet (numbering from each player's right hand side), such as red planet #1, blue planet #3, and so on. Distribute the bombs any way you like, even all in one system or all on one planet. Whenever new tokens arrive on a booby-trapped world, the bomb automatically explodes, sending all tokens there to the warp. Each bomb explodes only once. If there is more than one bomb on a planet, only one explodes each time new tokens land there. When all of your bombs have exploded, you may booby trap another series of planets. If you lose your power, your bombs still explode, but you may not booby trap new planets until you regain your power. A Cosmic Zap nullifies an explosion.

History: Long demented by the magnetic unbalance of their own planet, the Terrorists can see no way but their own and are determined to achieve it by violence.

Restriction: Do Not Use With Reverse Planetary Hexes Or Insect

Wild1: If you are a main player and share a base with your opponent, you may declare his tokens on that base hostage. Hostage tokens cannot leave the planet until the challenge is concluded except as part of a deal. If you lose the challenge, or fail to make a deal, the hostage tokens go to the warp.

Super1: You may booby trap three more planets.

Pro: Your tokens are immune to your bombs. They remain on the bombed planet. If only your tokens land on a bombed planet, they do not set off the bomb. Do not publicly invoke this card in such a case.

Con: You may see if a specific planet is bombed. You may not reveal this information to any player for any reason.

TRADER [O:Mayfa] Trades hands With Opponent Mayfair

You have the power of transference. As a main player in a challenge, you may exchange hands with your opponent before playing Challenge Cards. You each then keep the new hand. You may use your power only once per challenge.

History: Originating on a Trojan Cloud in a heavily traveled star system, the crafty Traders learned how to use the most valuable debris that drifted their way and discarded the rest. As their numbers grew, however, they began to search out markets for their low-grade material. With a wealth of resources always at hand, they became adept merchants and soon were carefully scrutinizing all galactic transactions. Now they have begun to parlay their economic foundation into Cosmic control.

Phase 6 - Allies accept

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: In any challenge, you may trade one token from the defensive system planet with any other token, except your own, on any other planet.

Super1: You may trade hands with any player, not just your opponent.

Pro: If this card is in your hand before exchanging cards, you may keep it before exchanging. If you get this card through the exchange, you may not play it. After exchanging hands, you may decide to exchange them back.

Con: As main player against Trader, if he wants to exchange hands, he instead trades hands with any other player of his choice.

VACUUM [M:Mayfa] Takes Other Tokens To Warp Mayfair

You have the power of catharsis. Whenever you lose tokens to the Warp, you take along an equal number of other tokens. You specify which players must lose them, and how many the players must lose. They may decide which tokens go to the Warp. Tokens lost to the Vacuum this way are in addition to any tokens lost in a challenge.

History: Suffering from a severe necrophobia, the panicky Vacuum clings to others in a desperate attempt to save itself from the warp. Succeeding only in dragging innocent bystanders along, it takes comfort in not going to its doom alone.

Play at any time

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: Choose four tokens to send to the Warp. No single player can lose more than two tokens.

Super1: You may choose which tokens go to the Warp with yours.

Pro: When you lose tokens to the Warp, all other players must lose an equal number.

Con: Vacuum cannot choose you to lose tokens.

VAMPIRE [M:Mayfa] Uses Eliminated Tokens Mayfair

You have the power to enslave. When you win a challenge as a main player, do not send opposing tokens to the warp. Rather, take the tokens and invert them, keeping them as your own and distributing them among your bases. These tokens act as yours until they are freed by a Mobius Tubes or Warp break, when they go back to their rightful owners. As a winning ally, you enslave one token of each opposing player.

History: The Vampires sowed terror on their home planet for centuries before wiping out all other life forms, turning them into vampires one by one. Then they turned their attention, their blood lust, and their fangs to the blackness of the Cosmos.

Wild1: As a main player, you may take one other player's tokens on any planet where you have a base, switching his tokens with yours from the warp.

Super1: You may enslave all tokens in a challenge, regardless of who wins. If you lose the challenge, your tokens go to the warp as normal.

Pro: Tokens are not freed by Mobius Tubes or Warp Break.

Con: This card frees all your tokens enslaved by Vampire.

VIRUS [M:MCE] Multiplies In Attack Mayfair

You have the power to multiply. When you play an Attack Card in a challenge, you multiply the number of tokens on your side (yours plus your allies') times the number on your card, instead of adding. If there are no tokens on your side of the challenge, multiply the Attack Card times zero.

History: Able to multiply rapidly in the presence of other life forms, the Virus soon overwhelmed its own planets and now waits for opportunities to proliferate throughout the Universe.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: The value of your tokens multiplies times the value of the other tokens on your side of the challenge instead of adding.

Super1: Your power of multiplication applies to your side's total in a challenge even if you are only an ally.

Pro: Your tokens multiply for consolation and rewards. For example, 3 tokens allows you 9 consolation cards.

Con: As main player against Virus, he only adds his allies' tokens. His tokens still multiply, however.

VISIONARY [O:Mayfa] Dictates Challenge Cards Mayfair

You have the power of perception. As a main player, you may specify which Challenge Card your opponent must play. If the opponent has that card, he must play it. If he doesn't have the card, he can play whatever he wants.

History: Once an ancient race of wandering fortune tellers, the Visionaries have recently stirred debate among philosophers throughout the cosmos. Does the mystic sight of the Visionary merely foretell the future, or does it shape it? This intellectual debate between advocates of causationism and free will has masked the alarming growth of the Visionary empire. The Visionaries themselves loathe logic and philosophy, preferring a more intuitive approach to the problems of cosmic domination.

Wild1: As a main player, you may name a specific card. Each player then secretly shows you that card if he has it or any other card if he doesn't have it.

Super1: You can use your power even if you are not a main player, but you must specify which player you are addressing.

Pro: You may name two different Challenge Cards. If your opponent has either, he must play one of them.

Con: As main player against Visionary on a planet base, if you have the card he told you to play, you may abort the challenge. If you are offensive player, your turn ends. If he is offensive player, he gets the base, but you do not lose it. Allies return

VOID [M:Mayfa] Eradicates Opponents' Tokens Mayfair

You have the power to eradicate. When you are a main player, any of your opponent's and his allies' tokens that are lost as a result of the challenge are permanently removed from the game instead of going to the Warp. If a player loses more than 15 of his original tokens through eradication and can no longer win, he discards his hand and is out of the game.

History: Taught from vortexhood that no other intelligent life existed, the Voids were deeply offended to learn of alien races. They are now on a holy campaign to cleanse the heavens of all gross, material beings.

Phase 8 - Reveal cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: You may take one planet, and all the tokens on it, out of the game.

Super1: You may use your power of eradication as an ally.

Pro: Once per challenge force a player to remove a token from the game.

Con: For any effect that allows you to take your tokens out of the Warp, you may take them out of the Void and put them in the Warp.

VULCH [M:Mayfa] Collects Discarded Edicts Mayfair

You have the power to salvage. Whenever any other player plays or discards an edict, you must pick it up and place it in your hand. After you play one, you must discard it. If you collect a new hand due to running out of Challenge cards, you may keep any Edicts in your hand, but you must reveal them to the other players. Then you take seven new cards.

History: Originally developing as a structured, bureaucratic race, only the Vulches who were most able to grasp new opportunities rose to the top. Over millions of years, this inbred scavenging talent flourished and spread throughout the race. Now, Vulches are prepared to use the discarded refuse of others to achieve their goal of Cosmic supremacy.

Play at any time

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: If you win a challenge or make a deal as a main player, your opponent starts giving you his hand, one card at a time. Discard each in turn until you get a card you want to keep. You put that one in your hand, and your opponent keeps what's left, if any.

Super1: You may pick up all Flare Cards discarded by other players during this challenge, discarding this one instead.

Pro: After playing an Edict, put it face down in front of you instead of discarding it. It does not count as part of your hand. You may look at them at any time. You may play such Edicts again in future challenges. Then they get discarded.

Con: When Vulch gets a new hand, he may not keep his Edicts. He may still play the Keeper Edict as normal.

WARPISH [M:MCE] Adds Tokens In Warp To Total Mayfair

You have the power of necromancy. When you are a main player, all tokens in the Warp add to your total in a challenge. They do not count toward consolation, however.

History: The race known as the Warpish claims to have been born From the Warp itself. Whether this is true or not (and opinion is dramatically divided), they easily have a greater knowledge of the Warp than any other race; to the point of creating a new Warp For their own personal use. Will these Masters of the Warp achieve the domination they seek? Only time will tell.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: You may add your tokens in the Warp to your side's total in a challenge.

Super1: Each player must lose two tokens to the Warp.

Pro: You may have all tokens in the Warp add to your side in the challenge as an ally.

Con: As main player against Warpish, your tokens in the Warp do not add to his challenge total.

WARRIOR [M:MCE] Adds Experience Points Mayfair

You have the power of mastery. Whenever you are a main player, you accumulate one point of you win (or make a deal), or two points if you lose (or fail to deal). You keep a running total of your points throughout the game, starting at zero. Whenever you play an Attack Card in a challenge, you add your present experience points to your total in the challenge.

History: Once considered ferocious but dullwitted by more "enlightened" races, the Warrior clans were bred as fighting stock for the petty squabbles of their lords. Throughout the ages, however, they have learned the value of both defeat and victory. This wisdom gives them mastery over those who would sneer at their potential.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: As a winning defensive player, you may immediately challenge the offensive player in his home system.

Super1: You may use your Alien Power as an ally in a challenge.

Pro: Gain 4 points for losing or failing to deal and 2 points for winning or making a deal.

Con: Warrior gains 1 point for losing or failing to deal, 1/2 point for winning, and 0 points for making a deal.

WILL [O:Mayfa] Not Controlled By Destiny Mayfair

You have the power of choice. You are not bound by the color your turn up from the destiny pile. Instead, you may challenge any other player's base on any planet. If you attack a player's home planet where he has no tokens, he defends with zero as normal. You do not have to attack the player whose home planetary system contains the base you are challenging, but you must challenge using the hyperspace cone or the reverse cone, whichever appears on the Destiny Card you drew. For example, you may challenge the green player's base in the red player's home system.

History: Arising on a cold and barren asteroid, the Wills gave no thought to legal niceties in their relentless struggle to capture the faint rays of a dying star. Unfairly charged with preying upon the weak, they wish only to find locations in which they may spread their solar membranes, unopposed.

Phase 2 - Destiny

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: You can look at your opponent's hand while drawing for consolation.

Super1: You may examine all other players' hands before deciding whom to challenge.

Pro: Do not flip the destiny pile. You may use either the regular cone or reverse cone as you wish. You may attack any player on any base, even if he has no tokens on that base.

Con: Will cannot choose you to be defensive player unless your color is turned up in the Destiny Pile.

WITCH [O:MCE] Casts Spells Mayfair

You have the power to curse. When you lose tokens as a main player, you may cast a spell against all your opponents in the challenge. This spell lasts for the next two challenges. For example, you can make all their Attack Cards worth 4 for two challenges. Each spell can affect only one of the following game operations: Alien Powers, token selection, token placement, cone placement, Attack Cards, Compromise Cards, alliances, consolation, Edicts, Flares, moons, deals, and Lucre. Each type may be used only once (in any order) until you cast spells that affect all operations. Then you may work through the list again. If you lose your power (except to a Cosmic Zap), any curses remain in effect until they expire normally.

History: The Witches so concentrated their anger about life's injustices that their inner rage became a force they project against others. Now they never seem as happy as when an ill turn of fate releases this power and they can bewitch their enemies.

Wild1: When you are not a main player, you force one of the main players to play his lowest Attack Card.

Super1: You may repeat a curse and begin your cycle of curses anew.

Pro: Your curse extends to 4 challenges.

Con: You may offer Witch a base, Lucre, or cards to cancel a curse. The curse is canceled only for you. You need not play this card as soon as the curse is pronounced.

WORM [O:Mayfa] Repositions Cone Mayfair

You have the power to tunnel. During setup at the beginning of the game, you may arrange your tokens however you wish among your five planets as long as you have at least one token on each planet. As offensive player, you can move the cone after cards are revealed, pointing it at any planet in the defensive player's system. Total the results as if this had been your original target. Also, as defensive player, you may move the cone from one of you home bases to another of your home bases after revealing cards, again computing the results as if the second base had been the original target.

History: The Worms learned how to use the hidden attacks and surprise confrontations on the vast sandscapes of home. Now, as the first segments leave for space, who knows where they will surface?

Wild1: At the start of your turn you may move tokens from your bases onto a planet in your home system where you have no base.

Super1: If challenged on a home planet where you have no tokens, you may turn the cone to any other home planet after cards are revealed.

WRACK [O:Mayfa] Tortures Opponent Mayfair

You have the power to torture. After alliances are set in a challenge in which you are a main player, you may offer your opponent a deal, following the regular rules for making a deal. If he rejects your offer, you may torture him once for each token you have in the challenge. On each torture, you may select one of his tokens to send to the warp or draw one of his cards to send to the discard pile. If he accepts the deal at any time, the torture stops and you conclude the deal. If he never accepts, you lose the challenge and he wins, with normal challenge resolution for you both and for allies on both sides. You may start by making a normal challenge and never torture your opponent at all.

History: Sadistic to a degree unparalleled in recorded annals, the miserable wracks haven't a decent sharn in their claydorns. After generations of bullying local flora and fauna, they now dream of intimidating the universe.

Wild1: Use as a main player in a challenge. Your opponent must lose to the warp the number of tokens you have in the challenge or lose the use of his Alien Power during this challenge.

Super1: You may stop the torture at any time before reaching your limit and continue the challenge normally.

Pro: After completing the torture, carry out the challenge as normal.

Con: When Wrack uses his power on you, he cannot demand a base unless he offers you one as well.

WRAITH [M:MCE] Keeps Tokens Off Board Mayfair

You have the power of invisibility. At the start of the game, place one token on each of the planets in your home planetary system. Place the remaining tokens in a hidden reserve off the board, where you can access them. As offensive player, place one token in the cone and commit zero to three more by secretly setting them aside from your reserve. After announcing your intention to ally, secretly set aside tokens you are committing to the challenge, leaving them upright if you are joining the offensive player or turning them over if you are a defensive ally. When you gain a base, do it with only one token, returning the others to your reserve. As defensive player, secretly set aside zero to three tokens that will help defend your planet or moon. As a main player, commit your invisible tokens in step 3. In any event, reveal the tokens you committed when cards are revealed. In addition, whenever you must lose a token except as a result of a challenge, you may lose a token from your reserve, even if the effect says another player selects the token to lose. If you lose the use of your power, you assign all living tokens to bases as evenly as possible, making them invisible again only when you regain your power.

History: The first colonists to the Wraith home system landed on its planets and discovered a fully-functioning civilization without any apparent citizenry. When the entire expedition was wiped out the following year, only one answer made sense. Since then, generations of scientists have labored unsuccessfully to make the Wraiths visible. Some say that the entire species is a figment of the Universe's collective imagination.

Restriction: Do Not use With Plant, Insect, Or Reverse Planetary Hexes

Wild1: As a main player, you may play a Kicker after challenge Cards are played, but before they are revealed. Your opponent is not allowed to respond with one of his own.

Super1: You may commit any number of invisible tokens to the challenge. If someone plays a Flare Zap, your number of tokens committed is reduced to 4.

Pro: Your hand is now invisible. You are considered to have 0 cards in hand for all other players.

Con: If you invoke some effect that allows you to choose Wraith's tokens for any reason, you may specifically choose his tokens on bases instead of his token pool. Tokens on bases must qualify for the selection as applicable, and you cannot have Wraith


You have the power to kibitz. You get no hex, tokens, cards etc. At the start of the game you write down the player you think will win. If at the end of the game, he is a winner, you win too. If you correctly predict a shared win that doesn't include you, then you win alone. To help you mold the outcome, you may look at anything in the game at any time: hands, hidden powers, secret writings, the Deck, etc. You may tell anyone anything you like, publicly or privately, including lies. And you are not affected by any power or card except the "Cosmic Zap" (and Zilch Flare/Pulsar).

History: The Zilch have no history, as they exist outside of our concepts of time. For them, past, present, and future are the same.

Restriction: Do not use in a two-player game.

Play at any time

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: You may look at any gaming components for ten seconds.

Super1: You may change your decision about which player will win. This card must be played before cards are played in a challenge.

Pro: Zilch is affected by this card. If you win and Zilch declared you to win, only Zilch wins.

Con: Zilch is affected by this card. Zilch may not give you bad advice.

ZOMBIE [M:Mayfa] Never goes to Warp Mayfair

You have the power of immortality. Whenever you lose tokens and should put them in the Warp, instead, you place them on any of your bases and keep using them. If you lose all of your tokens on a base, you lose that base and must move those tokens elsewhere. In addition, you can free any player's tokens from the Warp (back to any bases he has) as part of a deal.

History: Shadowy Forms on a dark and murky world, Zombies prized all sources of energy. They could flourish only by careful recycling of their own kind. Living on decomposed organic matter, they abhor the needless waste of war and have developed effective techniques to make sure their numbers will not be reduced.

Phase 9 - Discard cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: You may return tokens from the Warp as part of a deal.

Super1: You may allow an ally to use all of his Warp tokens in this challenge. If they survive, these tokens go to any of his bases after the challenge.

Pro: Your cards are immortal. When you have to get a new hand, you may keep any cards you already have, despite the Hand Zap.

Con: Zombie can only release your tokens from the Warp as part of a deal.

Displayed 103 powers.