Cosmic Dune
This a self contained game consisting of six powers, their flares and several new edicts (some of these edicts may not be suitable for use with normal CE).
Throughout these instructions, and on the power cards, Lucre is referred to as Spice. You may use the two terms interchangeably.
In a six player game, each player has one Cosmic Dune power. In a five player game omit the Guild and in a four player game omit the Emperor as well. In a 3 player game, each player should have two powers; Atreides/Fremen, Harkonnen/Emperor or Bene Gesserit/Guild (for added chaos, you can play normal Cosmic Encounter powers in addition to the Cosmic Dune powers). Cosmic Dune is played like regular CE with the following changes:
At the start of the game (and any time thereafter when a player draws a new hand) each player draws a 5 card hand from the challenge deck.
Each player may hold a maximum of 5 cards in their hand with the exception of the Harkonnens who may hold 7. If a player somehow gains more than their maximum, they must immediately play or discard any extra cards.
All of the Dune Edicts and Flares are kept in a separate deck. This deck is only drawn from during the Bidding Round (see below).
During each Interphase, the top cards from the separate deck are auctioned (as many cards as there are players). Bidding starts with the player whose turn is next, going clockwise. The next bid starts with the next player. Bidding opens at 1 Spice (or pass), and each player must increase the bid by 1 Spice (max.) or pass. If a player passes during the bid, they may not bid on that card again. If all players pass on a particular card, the bidding round ends immediately. A player may NOT bid on a card if he/she already has their maximum number of cards. Any Interphase cards must be played before or after bidding. Each power has a special bidding power.
Normal Lucre rules do not apply to spice. Spice may be used for the following:
* Buy cards during the bidding round. (Cards may not be bought at any other time)
* Main players may "Enhance" their tokens by paying 3 spice per token. The token is now worth double it’s normal value. Tokens must be enhanced before cards are played. Any tokens brought in after cards are played remain at their original value. Players may not enhance more than their number of tokens. Allies tokens may not be enhanced. (Enhancement is done instead of buying points with lucre)
* Any player may pay five spice to see what the top card of the deck is after the bidding round is over.
* At the end of a player’s turn, they may buy up to 4 tokens from the Warp at a cost of two spice per token.
* Spice may be traded in a deal.
Consolation may be collected in the form of cards and/or spice from the player.
Spice may be collected for rewards.
Cosmic Zaps do not work on bidding powers.
Players may not have more than their maximum number of cards, except when collecting consolation or as rewards- but they must immediately play or discard the cards drawn after they exceed their max.
Players may "Punt" at the start of their turn rather then taking a turn. They then draw a new 5 card hand (discarding or playing any cards in their old hand), and collect 10 spice. No bidding takes place. Play passes immediately.
Moons should not be used in Cosmic Dune.
In addition to the Dune Flares and Edicts, a number of worthless cards equal to the number of players
should be shuffled into the separate deck (one for each player in the game). These worthless
cards can only be discarded when a player must draw a new hand.
All Dune Edicts, Flares and Worthless cards that are discarded get reshuffled into the Separate deck when it has been exhausted.
Powers for Cosmic Dune:
ATREIDES [M:Warp:D] PAUL MUAD'DIB Jack Reda (Cosmic Dune)
You have the power of prescience. As a defensive player, any player you invite (except the Harkonnen) must ally with you with at least one token. Whenever you win as a main player you collect one spice for each of your tokens involved.
Bidding Power: You may look at the card that is being bid upon without saying what it is.
Collection: 2 spice per planet each turn.
History: You are the Kwisatz Haderach.
Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Dune.
Phase 5 - Defense invites allies
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may prevent Atreides from looking at the bidding card.
Wild: You may prevent Atreides from looking at the bidding card.
Super1: You may force your defensive allies to bring four tokens into the challenge.
Super: You may force your defensive allies to bring four tokens into the challenge.
You have the power of mind control. As an ally, you may force one side to play a Compromise card if possible. If both sides play Compromise, you must be involved in the deal (at risk of suffering losses).
Bidding Power: You may immediately trade a purchased card to another player for a random card from their hand.
Collection: 10 Spice plus one per planet each turn.
History: You have influenced the other houses to advance your own position.
Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Dune.
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may prevent Bene Gesserit from trading a purchased card.
Wild: You may prevent Bene Gesserit from trading a purchased card.
Super1: As an ally, you may make both sides play Compromise cards.
Super: As an ally, you may make both sides play Compromise cards.
EMPEROR [B:Warp:D] EMPEROR SHADDAM IV Jack Reda (Cosmic Dune)
You have the power of the Sardaukar. Any Compromise card you play, automatically becomes the same card as your opponent. You may also give spice to your ally.
Bidding Power: Any player purchasing a card must pay you half the spice (rounding up). You pay the bank.
Collection: 1 Spice per planet each turn.
History: You rule the known universe.
Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Dune.
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may pay the bank for a purchased card rather than the Emperor.
Wild: You may pay the bank for a purchased card rather than the Emperor.
Super1: You may enhance your side's tokens after the cards are revealed.
Super: You may enhance your side's tokens after the cards are revealed.
FREMEN [B:Warp:D] LIET-KYNES Jack Reda (Cosmic Dune)
You have the power of the Fedaykin. Your tokens count double as allies, even for collecting rewards (when coerced by the Harkonnen your tokens count normal). If your ally loses, you only lose half your tokens (rounding up). You may also look at the next card in the destiny pile during the Interphase.
Bidding Power: You may immediately give a purchased card to another player, and receive one spice from that player.
Collection: 5 Spice plus three per planet each turn.
History: You are native to the planet Arrakis and know it's ways.
Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Dune.
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Phase 10 - Interphase
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may prevent Fremen from giving away their purchased cards.
Wild: You may prevent Fremen from giving away their purchased cards.
Super1: You may cancel the first flip of the destiny pile on any player's turn.
Super: You may cancel the first flip of the destiny pile on any player's turn.
GUILD [B:Warp:D] STAGE FOUR NAVIGATOR Jack Reda (Cosmic Dune)
You have the power of hyperspace. You collect one spice for each player that enters the offensive end of the cone. You do not have to pay to enter it. As the offensive player, after the outcome is determined, you may pay 10 Spice (to the bank) to reposition the cone. You are not required to take your turn in sequence. You may instead go between any other player's turns (but not between challenges).
Bidding Power: Before a card is auctioned, you may discard a card from your hand (but you may not do this twice consecutively).
Collection: 1 Spice per planet each turn.
History: You provide the only form of transport through the known universe.
Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Dune.
Phase 3 - Point Cone
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may prevent the guild from discarding a card (still counting as if it was discarded).
Wild: You may prevent the guild from discarding a card (still counting as if it was discarded).
Super1: As defensive main player you may pay ten spice to reposition the cone after the outcome is determined.
Super: As defensive main player you may pay ten spice to reposition the cone after the outcome is determined.
You have the power of treachery. As a main player, before cards are revealed, you may give 10 spice to an opposing ally and force them to switch sides. Whenever you win as a main player you collect one spice for each token (from the player) that goes to the Warp.
Bidding Power: When you buy a card, you get the next card free. Atreides may not look at it.
Collection: 2 spice per planet each turn.
History: You are determined to control Arrakis for your own twisted purposes.
Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Dune.
Phase 7 - Play cards
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may prevent Harkonnens from receiving a free second card.
Wild: You may prevent Harkonnens from receiving a free second card.
Super1: You may fill your hand with cards from another player's hand. Each card you take, you must replace with one spice.
Super: You may fill your hand with cards from another player's hand. Each card you take, you must replace with one spice.
Displayed 6 powers.
Edicts for Cosmic Dune:
Baliset: This is a worthless card.
CHOAM Boon: Collect 5 spice from every player. Play between
Family Atomics: Both main players lose their tokens to the Warp.
Play before allies are invited.
Ghola: When another player removes tokens from the warp, you
may remove an equal number of your own.
Gom Jabbar: Send one token from anywhere to the Warp. Play at any
Hunter Seeker: Send one of your opponents tokens to the Warp. Play
as a main player before cards are revealed.
Jubba Cloak: This is a worthless card.
Kull Wahad: This is a worthless card.
Kulon: This is a worthless card.
Kwisatz Haderach: One token in a challenge is worth 15 (for
calculating totals only).This token may not be enhanced. Play any
time before cards are revealed.
La La La: This is a worthless card.
Landsraad: Draw a random power from those not in use and add it to
your own for one challenge.
Lasgun: Remove all allies from one side. Their tokens go to the
Warp. Play before cards are revealed.
Mentat: As an ally you may look at the opposing main player's
challenge cards before any are played, and advise your ally without
naming any specific cards.
Shai Hulud: If you win as the main player collect half the lucre
(rounding up) of the losing player.
Shield: Nullify any edict or wild flare played against you.
Still Suit: Retain one token when you must lose more than one to the
Warp. You choose which token to keep. Play after you must lose
Thumper: Cause the offensive player to reposition the cone.
Play before cards are revealed.
Tleilaxu: You may negotiate to return from the Warp some or all
tokens of another player for one Spice/Lucre per token.
Trip to Gamont: This is a worthless card.
Water of Life: Expose the card currently under bid.
Weirding Way: Transforms your attack card into the same value as
your opponent. Play as a main player.
Variant by Jack Reda