The Amazing Alien Database
Show aliens that match these criteria:
ADDICT [M:Warp:B] MUST ALLY IF INVITED Jack Reda (Bad Powers)
You have the weakness of inclusion. If you are invited to join a challenge you
must accept. If both main players invite you, then you must accept with the player who needs you more (determined by who has the fewer tokens, then the fewer bases, then the fewer cards, etc).
History: "Just say no" is not part of the Addicts repertoire. They can't stay away from the action, and whoever invites them first will have to deal with them later.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Bad type power.
Wild1: Everyone must ally with one side or the other this challenge. If
you are a main player you must invite everyone. Otherwise, there is
a general call for allies on both sides.
Super: You may decline an invitation.
AEGIS [M:Warp:M] Forces Moon Challenges Jack Reda (Moons)
You have the power to shield. Whenever a player draws your color in Destiny, they must challenge one of the moons in your system. They may only make a challenge against a planet base if they already occupy a moon or planet base in your system. When a player makes a challenge against an external system where you have a base and they do not, they must challenge one of the moons in that system.
History: The Aegis have established an electromagnetic force that surrounds their homeworlds and any foreign colonies they establish, rebuking the colonization efforts of other alien races. Those aggressive forces must settle for establishing bases on the moons of the worlds they covet.
Restriction: Use only in a game with moons.
Phase 2 - Destiny
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: If a player challenges you on a planet base, you may instead force him to attack you on a moon that you occupy.
Super: No player may challenge a planet base in a system where you have a base unless they already occupy all moons in that system.
Con: You may make a planet challenge in a system that does not belong to Aegis, even if you don't already have a base in that system.
AEON [M:Warp] Wins Through Use of Components Jack Reda
Game Setup: Place 12 Cosmic tokens on your alien sheet.
You have the power of Supremacy. Any time another player uses an artifact, flare, negotiate, reinforcement, or technology card, use this power to remove one token from your alien sheet. When you remove the last token, you win the game. You may still win the game via the normal manner.
History: Before the Cosmos was born, the Aeon existed, swirling in a mass of primeval jelly and gas, waiting for the spark that would create life. Through many generations and iterations, the Aeon have reinvented themselves, sometimes in a different form, but always with the same basic strengths. At last, they have become again in a stronger and more dynamic form, ready to conquer the Cosmos for good.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Alternate Win type power.
Wild: If another player plays an artifact, flare, and reinforcement in the same encounter, you may gain a colony in his or her system. Give this card to Aeon when you play it. If Aeon is not in the game, discard it to play it.
Super: Whenever a flare is discarded for any reason, you may remove a token from your alien sheet.
AIR [O:Warp:EE] MOVES COMPONENTS Jack Reda (Element Encounter)
You have the power to gust. As a Main Player, you may use this power to rearrange all of Water's ships in a system, as long as he or she retains the same number of colonies.
If you are playing as an ally against Fire, you may use this power to draw a card at random from his or her hand (without looking at it) and give it to any player (other than yourself).
Restriction: You may not use any powers against Earth.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Theme type power.
Wild: You may use your ally power against Air.
Super: You may use your main player power against Earth.
AMAZON [O:Warp] Captures a Ship That Adds to Total Jack Reda
You have the power to Capture. As a main player, before cards are played, you may use this power to capture one ship from your opponent's attacking or defending forces, stacking it under one of your ships and adding its value to that ship. If your opponent has no ships left in the encounter, he or she automatically loses. Stacked ships are freed in the Warp, and may be freed as part of a deal.
History: A fierce, matriarchal society, the Amazons avoid contact with male-dominated races until they are required to continue their line. During those times, the Amazons capture the strongest and most suitable candidates from among their enemies.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: If your alien's super flare is discarded by another player, you may add it to your hand. Give this flare to the player who discarded your super.
Super: You may capture a ship from each of your opponent's allies.
AMPLIFIER [O:Warp] Draws Flares Instead of Gaining Ships Jack Reda
You have the power to Boost. Whenever you are given the option of raising ships from the warp, you may use this power to draw a single flare card from the unused flare deck and add it to your hand.
History: A sudden burst of energy produced the Amplifiers into existence, and these young, aggressive beings are quickly finding their place. Unconcerned with rituals or formalities, the Amplifiers strive simply to increase their power by any means possible.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: Give this flare to the Amplifier to play any number of flares you wish during this encounter. If Amplifier is not in the game, discard this card to use it.
Super: You may draw a flare for each of your ships you free from the warp.
ANDROMEDA [M:Warp] Gains Power when Losing Colonies Jack Reda
You have the power of Potency. Each time you lose a colony (foreign or home), use this power to draw an additional alien power (if the alien has Game Setup text or is not allowed in the current game, discard it and draw again). If, after you have added a power, you gain a foreign colony, you must discard one of your additional powers.
History: A highly adaptive strain of alien bacteria, Andromeda quickly adapts to any threat, becoming a more potent adversary each time it is weakened. The rapid mutation of the Andromeda strain of alien life is unpredictable, and its development could ultimately mean annihilation for other races.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Meta type power.
Wild1: As a winning offensive ally, you may draw an additional alien power instead of landing on a colony.
Super: You do not have to discard an alien when you gain an foreign colony.
Con: Andromeda does not draw an additional power when you defeat him on one of his home colonies.
ANTE [O:Warp] Takes Cards and Gives Them to Winners Jack Reda
You have the power to Wager. As a main player or ally in an encounter, you may use this power to draw a card at random from any or all players involved in the encounter. These cards are set aside and may not be used during the encounter. After the encounter is resolved, you may look at the cards and then divide them randomly between the winning players and yourself, dealing them out, starting with yourself. If you take the offensive player's last encounter card, his turn ends immediately, and the win goes to the defense.
History: The roving, gypsy-like Antes are never far from battle. They long to be involved in any matter or thing involving risk or hazardous uncertainty - turning opportunity into a game of chance. Whipping up a frenzy of high stakes excitement in those around them, the Antes coolly sit back and take their share, win or lose.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: When another player discards his or her hand, you may take the cards and exchange them for the same number of cards from your hand at random (including this one).
Super: You may decide which players get which cards when dealing out the ante cards.
You have the power of advent. Whenever you lose tokens to the Warp, immediately place these tokens on a moon in the Warp. Follow the
instructions on the moon. When you vacate a moon it is discarded. Moons that have no affect on the game due to being in the Warp (i.e., Moon Wraith) are considered worthless.
History: Weilding a feverish respect and obsession for moons, the Apollo can harness the lunar power even in death. What started as a quest for
knowledge has now become a tactical advantage.
Restriction: Use only in a game with moons.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: When losing tokens in a challenge, instead of placing them in the
Warp, you may land on any unoccupied moon.
Wild: When losing tokens in a challenge, instead of placing them in the
Warp, you may land on any unoccupied moon.
Super1: You may move a warp moon you occupy into your system. The tokens on
the moon are now considered free from the Warp.
Super: You may move a warp moon you occupy into your system. The tokens on
the moon are now considered free from the Warp.
Con: When you win a challenge where both you and Apollo are Main Players, the losing Apollo tokens do not land on a moon.
ARISTOCRAT [M:Warp] Draws Hands from the Reward Deck Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the power of Privilege. Whenever you draw cards from the deck (including at the start of the game), use this power to draw some or all of them from the Reward deck.
As a main player, once destiny has been determined, use this power to draw a flare from the unused flare deck and add it to your hand.
History: Beginning life with every advantage, the Aristocrats expect deference and respect from others. Drawing on a storehouse of great wealth from their feudal planet-estates, they now turn their majestic gaze upon the squabbling villains of space.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may look through the deck and select one card from it for your hand. After you play this card, give it to Aristocrat (or discard it if Aristocrat is not in the game).
Super: When you use your power to draw cards, you may immediately discard any or all of them.
ARMORER [O:BGG] Collects and Creates Reinforcements Jack Reda
You have the power to Arm. At the end of each encounter, any reinforcements played by any player are placed face up on this sheet, instead of being discarded. Cards on this sheet do not count as part of your hand. Each time you add one or more reinforcements to this sheet, you must give one reinforcement already on this sheet to any other player (if there is one).
As a main player or ally, once per encounter, you may use this power to discard any non-encounter card from your hand. When you do, add the value of all reinforcements on this sheet to either side’s total.
History: The ancient race of Armorers are well known for being able to turn anything into a weapon. They work in silence and seclusion, fashioning the latest instruments of destruction. However, in recent times, the Armorers have become less and less willing to share their dangerous wares, stockpiling them instead for their own use. Only when they must make room for new arms will they grudgingly make munitions available to those who are worthy (or pose little threat).
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: You may discard an attack card from your hand to add to one side's encounter total, counting only the first or second digit of the card.
Super: You may use your power to arm as many times as you wish in an encounter.
You have the power of treason. As an ally, once cards are played (but before they are revealed) you may withdraw your tokens from the challenge. If your former ally loses the challenge, you may gain a reward of tokens from the Warp, or cards from the deck for each token you had in the challenge. However, if your former ally wins the challenge, your tokens go to the Warp.
History: The Arnolds have schemed and calculated when it would be wise to aid their allies, and when it would serve them better to keep their allies' powers in check. Despite having a reputation for being two-faced, the Arnolds still gain help through pity, and reward their allies' sympathy with betrayal.
Restriction: Do not use in a 2 player game.
Phase 7 - Play cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: As a main player, after cards are revealed, you may force your opponent to replay the challenge. You both must play a different challenge card if possible.
Wild: As a main player, after cards are revealed, you may force your opponent to replay the challenge. You both must play a different challenge card if possible. Use only once per challenge.
Wild: As a main player, after cards are revealed, you may force your opponent to replay the challenge. You both must play a different challenge card if possible. Use only once per challenge.
Super1: You may withdraw your tokens after cards are revealed.
Super: You may withdraw your tokens after cards are revealed.
Super: You may withdraw your tokens after cards are revealed.
Con: If Arnold betrays you, he gains nothing if you lose the challenge.
Con: If Arnold betrays you, he gains nothing if you lose the challenge.
You have the power of duty. As a main player, you may ask for a specific card from your opponent. If he or she has it, they must give it to you. You must ask before cards are played in the challenge.
Your power may not be used against Guenevere.
History: The King of Britain, Arthur founded the Round Table. He rules first by example.
Restriction: Use only in Camelot Encounter.
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild: You may ask for specific cards when receiving consolation and your opponent must give them to you. Draw the remaining number of cards randomly.
Super: You may use your power against Guenevere.
You have the power to wax or wane. Each time the Destiny pile is flipped, you may remove a moon from that system. The moon is temporarily out of the game, along with any tokens on it. On a subsequent challenge, you may bring the moon back into play, putting it in the system indicated by the Destiny pile. Only one moon may be removed at a time. You may not look at any secret or unrevealed moons that are out of the game.
History: The Aspects revered and worshiped their moon as a god. When it cycled through its phases, the Aspects cycled with it. During the waxing season, they grew into a procreative frenzy, then during the waning season, they went on a destructive rampage. Upon learning of the existence of other moons, they felt compelled to share their religion.
Restriction: Use only in a game with moons.
Phase 2 - Destiny
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: You may add or subtract one token of any occupied moon of any player. The player chooses where the token comes from or goes to.
Wild: Once per challenge, you may add or subtract one token of any occupied moon of any player. The player chooses where the token comes from or goes to.
Super1: You may look at a moon that you have removed from the game.
Super: You may look at a moon that you have removed from the game.
Con: Aspect may not wane a moon that you occupy.
ASSEMBLER [M:Warp] Builds Ships That Add to Encounters Jack Reda
Game Setup: Choose the 30 pink ships in that color (22 in a 4-planet game), placing on this sheet.
You have the power of Construction. Whenever you gain cards (including with your starting hand), you may discard one of the cards and add 2 of your pink ships to any planet where you have a colony.
As a main player, after encounter cards are revealed, you may use this power to bring any pink ships in the targeted system into the encounter on your side. The number of pink ships in the encounter add to any encounter card or reinforcement card played or revealed on your side. If you lose the encounter, all pink ships in the encounter are returned to this sheet, and you must discard a card from your hand for each of those ships. If you win the encounter, the ships land on the targeted planet. Pink ships by themselves on a planet without your normal ships do not give you a colony on that planet.
History: The Assemblers have quickly gained a reputation as builders of superior avionics and aerospace technologies. Their own armada sports the latest and greatest ships, capable of hyperspace maneuvers that other fleets can only dream of performing. The Assemblers will continue this line of construction until they can fully dominate all of space.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Tabletop Simulator type power.
Wild: Whenever you gain cards, you may discard one and then gain one reward.
Super: You may use your power as an ally.
ASSESSOR [M:Warp] Taxes Multiple Ship Involvement Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the power to Tax. Whenever another player has more than one ship in the encounter as the offense or an ally, use this power to draw a card at random from that player. Place the cards facedown on this sheet. Cards on this sheet do not count as part of your hand, but you may look at them. Any time you would draw cards from any deck for any reason, you may take some or all of the cards on your alien sheet in lieu of drawn cards. When you have more than eight cards on this sheet, you may add cards from this sheet to your hand until there are only eight left.
History: The misshapen Assessors excel only in persistence to their duties. Exempting no one, their dream of Imperial levies will not be abated.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: As the defensive main player, you may draw a card at random from each player who has a colony in your home system.
Super: You may double your tax, i.e., draw 2 cards from all players with more than one ship brought into the encounter.
ATREIDES [M:Warp:D] PAUL MUAD'DIB Jack Reda (Cosmic Dune)
You have the power of prescience. As a defensive player, any player you invite (except the Harkonnen) must ally with you with at least one token. Whenever you win as a main player you collect one spice for each of your tokens involved.
Bidding Power: You may look at the card that is being bid upon without saying what it is.
Collection: 2 spice per planet each turn.
History: You are the Kwisatz Haderach.
Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Dune.
Phase 5 - Defense invites allies
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may prevent Atreides from looking at the bidding card.
Wild: You may prevent Atreides from looking at the bidding card.
Super1: You may force your defensive allies to bring four tokens into the challenge.
Super: You may force your defensive allies to bring four tokens into the challenge.
You have the power of cruelty. Whenever you are the offensive main player, you may opt to attack the defensive player's Star Disc, as long as there is at least one prisoner there. He must defend with zero tokens, but may call for allies. If you win, you may establish a base anywhere in that system. All prisoners (excluding you own) are sent to the Warp. Your prisoner tokens return to bases.
History: Adhering to an incomprehensible code of ethics, the Atrocity live and fight by their own rules. The acts of cruelty they commit, while heinous in the eyes of other races, seem charitable to the Atrocity.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Prisoners.
Wild1: If a player allies against you, you may sacrifice one of his tokens on a base you both share.
Super: You may take prisoner any tokens on a Star Disc you challenge and defeat.
Con: The Atrocity may not attack your Star Disc.
ATROPHY [O:Warp] Degenerates Opponent's Hand Jack Reda
You have the power to Degenerate. As a main player, before cards are played, use this power to draw a card at random from the hands of all players opposing your side, and put the cards out of the game. If the offensive player has no encounter cards left, his or her turn ends. When you win an encounter as a main player, you gain a reward drawn randomly from those cards you set aside.
History: The diseased and filthy Atrophy, radiating decay and destruction wherever they go, refuse to die, lingering long after their horrific effects have withered away whole worlds.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may remove one of your opponent's allies' ships from the challenge, sending it back to colonies.
Super: You may immediately use any of the cards you removed from your opponents' hands. Otherwise, put them out of play.
Con: Atrophy does not remove a card from your hand when you oppose him.
ATTACKER [M:Warp] Can Always Attack Jack Reda
You have the Power to Attack. As a main player, you may play any non-encounter card as an Attack 00. If you reveal a non-encounter card and your opponent reveals an attack card, use this power to change his or her card into a negotiate card. If you reveal a non-encounter card and your opponent reveals a negotiate card, use this power to lose the encounter. Your opponent and his or her allies send their ships to the warp, and your opponent collects compensation.
History: The Attackers conditioned themselves to always be on the offensive. Any objects within reach can be used as weapons. However, their bloodthirsty nature works against them in the eyes of the Cosmic community, and the Attackers are frequently forced to compensate for the atrocities they commit.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: As a main player, if you and your opponent both reveal negotiate cards, you may treat yours as an Attack 00.
Super: You do not have to provide compensation when your opponent reveals a negotiate card.
AURA [M:Warp] Makes Others Reveal Cards Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the Power of Honesty. As a main player, before the launch phase, you may use this power to place a card from your hand face up on this sheet. All players with a colony in your system, or in whose system you have a colony must reveal all of the cards in their hand of the same type (attack, negotiate, artifact, etc.) to all other players. All of these cards remain revealed until the planning phase.
History: Radiating its presence upon all who cross its path, an intelligent star instills openness and honesty wherever it shimmers. The vast power of the Aura cannot be resisted by other life forms as they open their hearts and minds to one another.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may reveal the top four cards of the deck for all players to see.
Super: You may reveal two cards of different types. Players affected by your power must reveal all of the cards of those types.
AVALON [M:Warp] Wins By Not Using Components Jack Reda
Game Setup:Place 12 Cosmic tokens on your alien sheet.
You have the power of Paradise. Whenever you discard a flare, artifact, or reinforcement that you have not played, use this power to remove a token from your alien sheet. At the start of your encounters, instead of raising a ship, you may discard a card from your hand. When you remove the last token, you win the game. You may still win the game via the normal manner.
History: The Avalon live by a strict code of abstinence and teetotalism. Their world is one free from corrupting influences, and they know that true enlightenment will come when the Cosmos is rid of those crude tools of intrigue.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Alternate Win type power.
Wild: You may refuse to take compensation.
Super: You may remove a token from your alien sheet when you play an artifact or reinforcement, after they are discarded.
AVENGER [M:Warp:2] Eradicates Ships When Losing Jack Reda
You have the power to Retaliate. As a main player, use this power to choose as many ships belonging to any players as you have in the encounter, and remove them from the game (no player can have more than 2 ships removed). If you lose the encounter, these ships are permanently eradicated. If you win, the ships return to the colonies from where they came.
History: Justice, balance, and harmony are the watchwords of the Avengers. A proud race, once preoccupied with intellectual studies and logical process, the Avengers were wronged in a catastrophic event that nearly wiped them out. They came to realize that there can be no law without order, and sometimes preemptive action must be taken, even if brutal by their previous standards.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: If you lose a foreign colony, you may force another player to lose one as well. His or her ships return to other colonies.
Super: You may remove twice as many ships from the game as you have committed to an encounter (up to 3 from any given player), in accordance with your power.
AZATHOTH [B:Warp:LE] CULT OF AZATHOTH Jack Reda (Lovecraftian Encounter)
You have the power of Azathoth. Internal Power: Whenever you are involved in a challenge as a main player or an ally, your tokens in the Warp count to your side's total. You may increase your total by sacrificing your tokens not in the challenge. External Power: As a main player, you may sacrifice a token of any player that shares a base with you, or has a base in your system, once per challenge.
History: At the center of the universe, a dark miasma lies in chaos. It is aware.
Restriction: Use only in Lovecraftian Encounter.
Phase 2 - Destiny
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may prevent Azathoth from using either power (internal or external).
Wild: You may prevent Azathoth from using either power (internal or external).
Super1: You have use of either of your powers, even if you do not occupy the proper bases. Cosmic Zap does not affect you.
Super: You have use of either of your powers, even if you do not occupy the proper bases. Cosmic Zap does not affect you.
BARRAGE [O:Warp] Plays Attack Cards on Systems Jack Reda
You have the power of Artillery. Whenever you draw cards from the deck (including at the start of the game), you may place any one attack card face down in any player's system. As a main player, you may use this power to add all face down cards you have added to a system to your encounter totals (treat these cards as reinforcements). Once used, the added cards are discarded.
History: The Barrage have always been a misunderstood race; sullen and uncouth, but extremely intelligent and diabolic. Through a process of space-time management, the Barrage are able to predict where future conflicts will occur, and use this information to begin their attacks before battles even take place. Laying down a blanket of destruction separate from their actual military maneuverings has been the key to a long line of Barrage victories.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: When not involved in an encounter, you may place 1-4 of your ships from the warpp onto either side, adding them to the total. The ships are at risk, but receive no benefits from winning except to return to any of your colonies.
Super: You need not discard the added cards when they are used.
BEHEMOTH [M:Warp] Ships Are Twice as Powerful Jack Reda
You have the power of Scale. Whenever you are involved in an encounter, use this power to count all other players' ships as half their normal value (rounding down) for the purposes of encounter totals. For example, Macron's ships would count as 2 each, Leviathan's worldship would count as 10, Fungus's stacks would be halved, etc.
History: The Behemoth language has no words for the concept of largeness. To them, everything is described in terms of being smaller, for the Behemoths are incredibly large. Size is a relative matter, and despite being massive, the Behemoths are neither clumsy nor slow. Crushing their puny adversaries is merely a matter of convenience.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: When you land ships on a planet, any ships already there belonging to other players must move to other colonies where they have ships.
Super: As a main player, other players' ships count as one fourth of their normal value (rounding down) for the purpose of encounter totals.
You have the power of mind control. As an ally, you may force one side to play a Compromise card if possible. If both sides play Compromise, you must be involved in the deal (at risk of suffering losses).
Bidding Power: You may immediately trade a purchased card to another player for a random card from their hand.
Collection: 10 Spice plus one per planet each turn.
History: You have influenced the other houses to advance your own position.
Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Dune.
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may prevent Bene Gesserit from trading a purchased card.
Wild: You may prevent Bene Gesserit from trading a purchased card.
Super1: As an ally, you may make both sides play Compromise cards.
Super: As an ally, you may make both sides play Compromise cards.
BENEFACTOR [O:Warp] Changes Opponent's Power Jack Reda
Game Setup: Draw an alien power from those not in use. Look at it, and keep it face down.
You have the power to Endow. As a main player, during the Destiny phase, you may immediately assign your extra power to another player, replacing his or her normal power. That player must use the endowed power for the remainder of the encounter. During the next Regroup phase, draw another power to endow later. You may not endow players with "set-up" powers.
History: Wealthy scientists with no ethical compass, the Benefactors delight in the creation of powerful enhancements which they test on an unwitting populace. Carefully sorting through their wares, the Benefactors gleefully endow their patrons with gifts that serve no end but that of the Benefactors.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power.
Wild: You may give compensation you just received to another player.
Super: You may force a player to keep their endowed power until you lose this Flare.
Con: Benefactor may not endow you with a power without your permission.
BINARY [O:Warp:RH] May Use Planetary Power Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)
You have the power of the Binary. As defensive Main Player, you may choose to use one of your Binary system planetary powers in lieu of your other powers.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems. Use only in multi-power games.
Phase 2 - Destiny
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power.
Wild1: As an ally, you may use the power of any player not involved in the challenge. They may not use their power.
Super: You may use your power as offensive Main Player.
Con: Binary may not use his planetary powers instead of his normal ones against you.
BLACKOUT [O:Warp:B] FORFEITS USE OF POWERS Jack Reda (Bad Endowment Powers)
You have the power to suppress. As a main player, you may forfeit the use of all of your additional powers, as well as the use of flares, edicts, kickers, etc. You may only play Challenge Cards for the remainder of the challenge.
History: The Blackouts have a keen instinct for when to fight with every resource under their control, and for when to make use of the bare essentials. This talent has kept them from having their weaknesses exploited, and from making embarrassing remarks at intergalactic functions.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power. This is NOT a Bad Power.
Wild: When you are not involved in a challenge, you may force both players to choose their Challenge cards at random. Use once and discard.
Super: Your opponent may not use any of his powers if you choose to not use your own.
You have the power of assault. As the offensive main player, you must play an Attack Card for each token you have in the cone. The cards are added together. If you do not have enough Attack cards, you must remove tokens from the offensive end of the cone to equal the number of Attack cards you can play. All Attack cards you play in a challenge are discarded normally. If as offensive player you only have Compromise Cards in your hand, your turn ends.
History: Relying on the speedy and unrelenting assault, the Blitzkriegs have quickly garnered a firm grip on the cosmos. Some races theorize that they are genetically enhanced Deuces, but the Blitzkrieg usually silence such voices.
Phase 7 - Play cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild1: You may double the value of your Attack Card.
Super: You may play an additional Attack Card for each offensive ally you have.
Con: Blitzkrieg may only play one Attack Card against you (but may bring up to four tokens).
BODYGUARD [M:Warp] Ships are Worth More as Allies Jack Reda
You have the power to Protect. As an ally, use this power to increase the value of your ships for encounter totals. Each one of your ships is now worth the number of ships the main player on your side has in the encounter.
History: Selfless protectors, the Bodyguards are dedicated to the preservation of those they serve. Sacrificing their own interests, the Bodyguards put every effort into the victory of their allies. Perhaps they are mindless brutes, as their detractors describe them. Or, perhaps there is a cunning plan quietly unfolding.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: The attack card you reveal as a main player is worth +2.
Super: As an ally, if your side has lost the encounter, you may sacrifice an equal number of your ships not in the encounter by removing them from the game. Your side now wins the encounter.
BOG [M:Warp] Opponents Use Random Hand Jack Reda
Game Setup: Draw a hand of 12 cards. Choose 8 to be your hand and place the other 4 face down on your alien sheet.
You have the power of Murkiness. As a Main Player in an encounter, Use this power to draw a card at random from your opponent and add it to your set-aside hand. Your opponent must use this hand for the remainder of the encounter. If none are Encounter cards, they discard them all and draw the same number from the deck until they have at least one Encounter card. Any cards they do not use return to the face down pile. When the pile is depleted, add 4 cards from the deck to your hand, and then choose 4 to place on your alien sheet.
History: The only sentient form of life on a massive gas giant, the Bog drift slowly and stealthily through the vapors and mist that surround them. Relying on their natural camouflage, the Bog confuse and mislead their enemies into making foolish mistakes.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: When a player is to receive cards for rewards, you may instead force them to draw from your hand at random.
Super: As a main player, before cards are selected, you may put a card from your hand into the pile on your alien sheet.
BOGGART [M:Warp] Uses Different Alien for Each Opponent Jack Reda
Game Setup: Draw an alien power at random to place next to each player. You may look at them, but do not have to reveal them until they are used.
You have the power to Terrify. As a Main Player, use this power to take control of the power associated with your opponent for the remainder of the encounter.
History: Masters of disguise, the Boggarts always strive to assume the appearance of their enemy's worst fears. Striking terror into the hearts of their foes is the only way Boggarts can experience joy.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power. Jack Reda: Obviously powers intended to be used as an ally are not useful for Boggart, but the ability to spring a surprise power against an opponent is pretty nice.
Wild1: As a Defensive Main Player, draw three cards from the deck. You may use one of these cards against your opponent during this encounter. Discard all unused cards.
Super: You may switch associated powers between players.
Con: Boggart may not use the power associated with you.
BOOMERANG [M:Warp] Wins by Returning Jack Reda (Revision)
Game Setup: Place all of your ships as evenly as possible on all of the other players’ home planets.
You have the power to Return. Whenever you win an encounter as the defensive main player, use this power to move up to four of your ships from any foreign colonies to one of your empty home planets. Whenever you win as the offensive main player against another player, use this power to send all but one of your attacking ships to one of your empty home planets. The remaining ship lands on the targeted planet normally.
When you have colonized all of your home planets, you win the game. You cannot win the game in the normal method. You do not lose the use of this power due to having too few home colonies.
History: Not long after popping, baby Boomerangs learn to toss twigs, shards of bark, even dried fruit peels (if properly shaped) in widening circles of flight. As they ripen this develops into an all-consuming game. When fully mature, they cannot resist the example of all the heavens and sally forth into happy orbits, barely perturbed by the presence of others.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: Whenever any of your ships should be lost to the warp, you may keep them, returning them to colonies.
Super: When using your power, you may send ships to occupy one of your home planets occupied by another player.
BOOSTER [M:Warp] Sheds Cards or Gains One When Launching Jack Reda
You have the power of Escape Velocity. When you launch ships as the offense or an ally, use this power. If you launch one or two ships, discard the same number of cards from your hand (if you have any). If you launch three or more ships, draw one card from the deck and add it to your hand.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Hand Management type power.
Wild: Force an ally to discard at random one card for each ship he or she has brought into the encounter.
Super: When you launch three or more ships as an ally, draw one card from the deck for each ship you launched.
BORG [O:Warp] Assumes Power of Flares Jack Reda
You have the power of Assimilation. Whenever you hold a flare card of a power not in the game, you may use this power to immediately assume control of that power. Place the flare face up in front of you to signify that you are now using that power. The flare is still considered part of your hand. You may have more than one flare played in this manner, assuming control of multiple powers at one time. You may still play the flare as normal, butlose that power when you do for the rest of the encounter. The flares can be lost as compensation, or when you must draw a new hand. Any flare you play in this manner is still considered Wild.
History: Roaming the cosmos, the Borg search for new life to assimilate. They know they can make better use of an alien resource. Other intelligent life would be better off allowing the Borg to assimilate them. To resist this idea would be futile.
Restriction: Do not use in games with Secret Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power.
Wild: When someone attempts to play a flare, you may stop them by giving them this card, and taking their flare into your hand. Neither flare can be played again this challenge.
Super: When you play a flare card for its Wild effects, you may retain use of its power as well.
Pro: You may retain a Flare card that you play. You may not use that power again this challenge.
Con: The Borg may only have one Flare up at a time.
You have the weakness of braging. At the start of the game, you must
show all players your highest valued attack card. Every time this
changes (you get a new card or lose your highest card) you must
announce the new highest. You must also answer (truthfully) any time someone asks you what that card is.
History: It doesn't matter to the Braggarts that everyone knows their resources. The Braggarts are going to win anyway, aren't they?
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: You may show any or all of your cards to any or all other
Super: You may lie about your highest card. You do not need to
reveal this card until you play a challenge card higher than the value
you claimed was your highest. If you lose this Flare you must
immediately announce your highest card (truthfully).
You have the power of Breach. Once per challenge, you may cancel a successful deal. The players involved must lose tokens as if they had failed to make a deal.
History: Working in conjunction with Emotion Control, the Breach presence proved to be too much for the "Creators" to resist. The heavy losses and overall sense of betrayal gave the Edictators all the leverage they required to destroy their masters. But the war is not over yet.
Restriction: Use only in Edictators.
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: Use this card as a Breach edict.
Super: You may use your power as a Main Player or ally.
Con: The Breach power may not be used against you. You are still affected by the Breach edict.
BRINK [M:Warp] Sets Attack Limit Jack Reda
Game Setup: At the start of the game, place 25 Cosmic Tokens on your alien sheet.
You have the power to Limit. After receiving your hand, place an attack card on your alien sheet. Whenever any other player plays an attack card that is higher than the card on your sheet, use this power to remove a token from your sheet. Any attack card you play over the limit becomes the new limit until your next turn. When you remove the last token from your sheet, you win the game. You may win by the normal method as well.
At the start of your turn, play a new attack card from your hand on your sheet, replacing the one there. Draw a new hand if you are out of encounter cards after placing one on your sheet.
History: A jittery race of quadrupeds, the high-strung Brink fear excessive displays of force, for they know that when universal equilibrium is under too much pressure, the Brink will be the ones that must relieve the burden. Tribal lore speaks of two possible outcomes when the great day of crisis comes - either the universe will collapse into itself, or a purging force will sweep away all life save the Brink. In either case, the Brink do what they can to warn others of the dire consequences.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Alternate Win type power.
Wild: Once any player plays a reinforcement, you may force all players to stop playing them for the duration of this encounter.
Super: You may remove a token from your sheet whenever you play at attack card higher than the limit card.
BROWNOUT [O:Warp:MP] Reduces Power Usage Jack Reda (Multiple-Powers)
You have the power to suspend. As a main player, you may force all players to use only one power for the rest of the challenge. Players must immediately indicate which power is active.
History: As power usage grew out of control, the Brownouts burst onto the scene, shutting things down all over the cosmos. No one knows when their power will go away, or for how long.
Restriction: Use only in a game with multiple-powers.
Phase 2 - Destiny
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: You may force a player to set aside all of the cards in his hand but one for the rest of a challenge. Once the challenge is over, he may have the rest of his cards back.
Super1: You may use your power to suspend as an ally.
BUBBLE [O:Warp] Attacks with Reinforcements Jack Reda
You have the power to Pop. As a main player, you may use this power during planning. Instead of playing an encounter card, you may play a reinforcement. When it is revealed, it counts as an attack card equal to its value. When you have revealed a reinforcement card as your encounter card, you may play one attack card from your hand as a reinforcement card. Additionally, after you have played an attack card as a reinforcement, when any player plays a reinforcement card, you may play another attack card from your hand as a reinforcement card.
History: The hive-mind Bubbles swarm upon their adversaries, exploding with pyrotechnic displays. Their overwhelming numbers of overwhelming force tend to... well, overwhelm.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: You may play an attack card from your hand as a reinforcement, if it is the same value as an attack card revealed by either main player.
Super: You may play an attack card from your hand as a reinforcement after each time any player plays a reinforcement card, even if you did not play a reinforcement card as an attack card.
BULL [M:Warp:B] NEVER MAKES DEALS Jack Reda (Bad Powers)
You have the weakness of pigheadedness. You may never make a deal. If
involved in a deal, it automatically fails, but your opponent need not lose three tokens.
History: There is no taking the Bulls by their horns. That is how you get to a dilemma.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: If you are in a deal that fails, you may immediately the same terms to a different player (both players are subject to token loss, but you only lose tokens if the second deal fails as well).
Super: You may deal.
CABAL [O:Warp] Looks at Sampling of Cards Jack Reda
You have the power of Conspiracy. Any time you are involved in a challenge, you may name any card. Every player must show you that card if they have it (or another card of their choice if they do not have it). You may reveal this information to anyone, but you may not lie.
History: By keeping a watchful eye on the Cosmos, the Cabal are able to exact bits of information from every corner of the universe, piecing together many puzzles and evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of opposing life forms.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: You may look through the destiny pile.
Wild: You may look through the destiny pile at any time.
Super1: You may take one of the cards shown to you, even if it was not the one named.
Super: If a player shows you a card you named, you may take it from them.
Con: You are not required to show a card to Cabal.
CAPITALIST [O:Warp:LT] Researches With Lucre Jack Reda (Lucre/Tech)
You have the power of Research. At the start of every turn, you may use this power to research a Tech using one Lucre instead of a ship. When a Tech is revealed, your Lucre is returned to you.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may pay two Lucre to add a ship to one of your Techs.
Super: Whenever you earn Lucre, you may place one of them on one of your researching Techs.
CARETAKER [O:Warp:B] REARRANGES BAD POWERS Jack Reda (Bad Endowment Powers)
You have the power of caretaking. At the start of each turn, you may rearrange the other bad powers in the game, exchanging one player's bad power with another. Each player must keep the same number of bad powers they started with, and every player must get a different power, excluding yourself.
History: Desperate to keep things under control, the Custodians constantly work to put the problem children in the proper homes. In a universe composed mostly of problem children, they have their work cut out.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power. This is not a Bad Power.
Wild: When the discard pile needs to be reshuffled, you may do it, dealing yourself three cards after you do.
Super: You may include your Bad Power when rearranging Bad Powers between players.
CENTURION [M:Warp] Attack Cards Add Digits to Total Jack Reda
You have the power to Conquer. As a main player, use this power to increase the value of the attack card you play by the two digits of its value. For example, if you play an attack 11, it is worth 11 +1 +1, or 13. An attack 08 would be worth 16 (08 +0 +8).
History: The Centurions are bred from battle-hardened masters in the arts of warfare. They are natural leaders, and can get the highest performance out of their military forces. Always cool under pressure, the Centurions never flinch when outnumbered, for they know well that every enemy has a weakness to exploit.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: When you win an encounter, you may force your opponent to keep his or her losing encounter card.
Super: As a main player, you may treat the number of ships on your side like you do your attack card, adding the two digit numerical value to your total. For example, if you have 6 ships, their total value is 12.
CHAMELEON [O:Warp] Swaps same type of card Jack Reda
You have the power to Emulate. Whenever you are a main player, you may use this power to trade a card from your hand for the same type of card at the top of the discard pile. For example, you trade an artifact you hold for a different artifact on top of the discard pile. Whenever multiple cards are discarded at once, you may arrange them in the order you like.
History: The scaly Chameleons, hideous to behold, even to themselves, have always altered their appearance to look more like those they admire. However, deep down, the Chameleons knew their beautiful heroes were really the more ugly for their inability to see beyond physical appearance. Ultimately, the Chameleons began to use their powers to destroy those less repulsive, leaving themselves to be the most beautiful race in the cosmos.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may search through the discard pile and take any card into your hand. Give this card to Chameleon after you play it, or discard it if Chameleon is not in the game.
Super: When you use your power, you may also take the card underneath the one you emulate as a bonus.
You have the weakness of donation. Whenever you are entitled to
consolation, your opponent draws from you instead.
History: The Charity has been known to give until it hurts. They hope that they can defeat others with this ability.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Wild1: You may change the sign on a kicker you play (from negative to positive, or vice versa).
Super: You may draw consolation normally.
CHARON [M:Warp] Receives Cards for Raised Ships Jack Reda
You have the power to Ferry. Whenever another player raises a ship from the warp, use this power to draw a card at random from his or her hand.
History: Circling the outer perimeter of the warp, the keen-eyed Charon have long ferried those lost souls seeking to return to their homeworlds. The price for such services has grown as the Cosmos has grown, and the Charon, generally thought to be humorless and morose, will surely have the last laugh.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: Draw a card at random from every player who frees ships from the warp when a Mobius Tubes is played.
Super: You may draw a card from every player that receives ships from the warp for any reason.
CHASM [M:Warp] Delays Rewards Jack Reda
You have the power to Delay. When a player receives rewards, use this power to force that player to place his or her ships from the encounter or the rewards that player just received onto your alien sheet. Ships and cards on your alien sheet may be traded in a deal (ships may only be traded back to the player to whom they belong). When you lose an encounter, use this power to dump everything on your alien sheet to the warp and/or discard pile in lieu of losing your ships in the encounter.
History: Deploying their massive dreadnoughts into shipping lanes, the Chasm slow commerce down to a crawl, forcing other races to deal with their blockades. Unless their demands are met, the Chasm will put pressure on others' resources until their people are desperate for relief.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: When a player raises a ship from the warp at Regroup, you may force them to put the ship on their alien sheet until their encounter has ended. It may then be placed on any of that player's colonies.
Super: You may add any delayed cards to your hand instead of placing them on your alien sheet.
You have the weakness of bwaak. You may never ally with any other
player (though they may still invite you and you are subject to any
consequences of refusing invitations).
History: There is an age-old riddle: Why did the Chicken cross the road? The answer of course, is that there was a vicious battle on this side of the road, Virus against Anti-Matter, and both sides needed an ally.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Wild1: You remove any tokens you have in a challenge after cards are
played but before they are revealed.
Super: You may join a challenge as an ally.
CHIEFTAIN [O:Warp] Allies Play Attack Cards Jack Reda
You have the power of Rank. When you are involved in an encounter that has at least one ally on each side, you may use this power to call "engage". All allies in the encounter must play attack cards, and main players do not. If an ally does not have a card, he or she draws a new hand.
History: Lore of battle and tactics is the only form of education and the only manifestation of religion for the Chieftains. Their military prowess is well known and highly regarded throughout the Universe. Often when the battle is not theirs, the Chieftains are prone to taking charge, issuing orders that even their enemies are hard pressed to ignore.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: After players have been invited to ally, you determine the order in which they all commit or decline.
Super: As a main player in an encounter, you may play an attack card even when you call "engage".
CHIMERA [O:Warp] Fuses with Other Ships Jack Reda (Uses 20 Extra Ships)
Game Setup: Choose one unused player color and take the 20 ships in that color (16 in a 4-planet game), placing them on your alien sheet. These are your Chimera ships. Your player color is that of the planets you use. Do not use this power unless you have an unused player color.
You have the power of Fusion. As a main player, after the encounter is resolved, you may use this power to fuse with any or all opposing ships. If you won the encounter, you may place Chimera ships on top of ships you are fusing before they go to the warp. You now control these ships for the rest of the game and they only count as your ships. If you lost the encounter, you may place Chimera ships under any or all opposing ships. These ships are still controlled by their owners, but their value no longer counts against you in encounters where you are a main player, and any colonies where these ships are located count as if you occupy them.
History: The freakishly distorted Chimeras are composed of genetic material from every enemy race they have ever encountered over the millenia. The Chimera have an uncanny ability to harness this genetic material, mastering the aliens with whom they share qualities. The familiar becomes hideous, and few can oppose their ministrations.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may play two attack cards as a main player. When revealed, their combined total counts as one card.
Super: When you win an encounter, you may fuse opposing ships by releasing other ships from your control. Move the Chimera ships from the released ships to the ones you wish to fuse.
CHOSEN [O:Warp] Takes New Challenge Card Jack Reda (Revision)
After revealing Challenge
Cards, you may discard yours and replace it with the top card of the
Challenge Deck or the top card of the Rewards deck. If you draw a card that is not an Attack or
Compromise Card, discard it and draw again until you draw an Attack or
Compromise Card. Resolve the challenge using the new card. You may
not discard your card more than once per challenge.
History: A deeply spiritual and philosophical race, the Chosen have
become attuned to a higher force in the Cosmos that they call upon in
times of need. They are ever wary, however, for sometimes this
omniscient power harms rather than helps.
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power. Alternate version of Chosen. From Jack Reda: "Chosen is an interesting power in theory, but in practice it almost never does any good. In fact, you end up hoping more for a Compromise, since there's a better chance of getting that than there is a great Attack card. The Rewards deck has more potentially good cards, so it makes Chosen a tiny bit better."
Wild1: After revealing Challenge Cards, add or subtract 10 from your
side's total.
Super: You may keep any non-challenge cards drawn from the Deck while you were drawing for divine intervention.
Con: As main player against Chosen, if he calls for divine
intervention and winds up with a Compromise Card, he may not take
consolation cards from you.
CHOSEN [O:Warp] Draws New Challenge Cards Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the power of divine intervention. As a Main Player, after Challenge Cards are revealed, you may flip over one card from the Challenge deck for each token you have in the challenge (disregarding any non-Challenge cards you draw). You may use any one of these cards to replace the card you played in the challenge. Cards not used are discarded.
History: A deeply spiritual and philosophical race, the Chosen have become attuned to a higher force in the Cosmos that they call upon in times of need. They are always wary, however, for sometimes this omniscient power harms rather than helps.
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
CHURL [O:BGG] Retains cards Jack Reda
You have the power to stockpile. At the start of the game, you may discard any number of cards from your hand and place a cosmic token on your alien sheet. Whenever you draw cards for any reason, you may instead add cosmic tokens to your alien sheet on a one-for-one basis.
Whenever you must discard cards or whenever cards are taken from you for compensation or an alien power, you may use this power to discard tokens from your sheet instead. When drawing a new hand, discard a token for each card you wish to keep, then draw 8 cards normally. If another player takes cards from you, you may discard tokens after the cards have been selected, placing them back in your hand instead.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: When another player is about to take compensation from you, give him or her this card instead. That player collects nothing else from you this encounter.
Super: You may spend your tokens to collect cards that are discarded by another player when he or she must draw a new hand.
You have the power to split. Whenever you are the main player, you may cleave an asteroid in play. The asteroid immediately gets split into two asteroids with the same power (add another marker, and place the accompanying marker on the appropriate power). The new marker gets placed one system clockwise from where the original is located. Your split must occur after asteroids have rotated. On any subsequent turn where you are a main player, you may cleave duplicate asteroids to destroy them (the marker is removed from the game). You may not destroy the original markers.
History: The Cleavers have spent generations running a business of reducing asteroids to rubble for bargain prices. More recently, they have profited from destroying certain asteroids, and splitting others to double the wealth.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Asteroids.
Phase 1
Phase 2 - Destiny
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
You have the power of tithe. Whenever any other player makes a Lucre payment to the bank for more than one Lucre, you receive one of the Lucre.
History: Having duped the cosmic community into thinking they can buy forgiveness for their sins, the Clergy enjoy a comfortable existence. They can afford to sit back and decide who will rise to power (with their blessing).
Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may take half (rounding down) of a player's Lucre payment to the bank. Use once and discard.
Super: You may take two Lucre for any bank payment of two or more.
COLLIDER [O:Warp] Adds or Removes Moons Jack Reda (Moons)
You have the power of Moons. Once per encounter, when a destiny card is revealed, you may use this power to add a moon to the indicated system (even if moons are not part of the game) and assign it to a specific planet that has no moons; or to remove a moon in the indicated system from the game.
If you remove a moon with a ship on it, set the moon and the ship on it out of the game. The next time you add a moon to the game, it must be this set-aside moon.
History: A young and curious race, the Colliders consider themselves scientists and tinkerers, experimenting on the cosmic scale. They are convinced that the careful introduction of celestial bodies, as well as their strategic removal will ultimately serve the needs of the Colliders. Also, they think it\'s fun.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Moons type power.
Wild: You may move an empty planet from one player's system to another player's system.
Super: When adding a moon not in the game to a system, you may draw three moons at random, and choose the one you wish to add.
CONFEDERATE [O:Warp:TC] Allies With More Ships Jack Reda (Team Cosmic)
You have the power of assistance. When your ally is a main player, use this power to ally with as many of your ships as you have colonies (home or foreign).
History: The Confederates, believing their cause to be just, have always enthusiastically supported their allies, even to the point of committing superfluous resources to a mission. Their unyielding faith, seen by some as a hindrance, is the motivator the Confederates have always used to great advantage.
Restriction: Use only in Team Cosmic.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: You may let your ally draw a card from you at random (not counting this one).
Super: Your partner may ally with you with as many ships as he has bases.
You have the power to infect. Whenever you are a main player, your opponent must use your bad power as well. Timing rules determine who uses the power first.
History: Always eager to share, the Contagion delight in spreading their misfortune with others. Enemies prefer to keep a distance, knowing they will be forced to partake in the malaise.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power. This is NOT a Bad Power.
Wild: Any time you are forced to discard a card, you may also force any other player to discard one.
Super: You may force your opponent to use the Bad Power of any player in the game.
CORSAIR [O:Warp:T] Attacks Researching Tech Jack Reda (Tech)
You have the power to Seize. As the offense, you may use this power to attack a player's researching Tech rather than one of his or her colonies. Point the hyperspace gate at the player's Tech (so long as it has at least one researching ship on it). No alliances are permitted. Losing ships go to the warp, and whoever wins takes control of the Tech with whatever ships were involved in the encounter.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: When a player discards a Tech after revealing it, you may take control of that Tech and place it facedown in front of you. The Tech may now be researched normally.
Super: You may invite allies to help you seize a Tech. If you win, they receive rewards as if they were winning defensive allies.
You have the power of Cosmic Zap. Once per challenge, you may nullify another player's power. In multi-power games, you decide which power to nullify.
History: Violently erupting from the test-tubes where they were created, the Cosmic Zaps immediately began to wreak havoc with their surroundings. Now they want nothing more than to shut down all power in the cosmos.
Restriction: Use only in Edictators.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: Use this card as a Cosmic Zap edict.
Super: You may use your power as a Main Player or ally.
Con: The Cosmic Zap power may not be used against you. You are still affected by the Cosmic Zap edict.
COSMOS [O:Warp] Changes Rules Jack Reda
You have the power of Rules. Immediately after the offensive player (other than you) wins an encounter, you may use this power. Look through your essence card cache, choose one rule, and play it faceup next to this sheet. Rules go into effect immediately. If you do not add a new rule, you may instead discard one of your current rules in play.
History: The incorporeal Cosmos operate at the very edge of time and space, barely perceptible as they modify the fabric of the universe to suit their needs.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Essence type power. ESSENCE CARDS- Start Turn: The offense may draw a card from the deck, or discard a card from hand. Regroup: If the offense takes a ship out of the warp, all other players may move one of their ships from anywhere they have ships to any of their colonies. Destiny: Any time a player color is drawn, the offense may encounter any player except the one drawn. Launch: The player in whose system the encounter takes place gets to point the hyperspace gate (provided a legal encounter can still take place). Alliance: Other player may freely join either side of an encounter, as long as they bring an equal number of ships as the main player on their side (or greater). Planning: Negotiate cards must be played face up. Reveal: A player revealing a negotiate may discard it and reveal an attack card from his or her hand. Resolution: The winning main player gains one reward (after compensation is taken).
Wild: After another player plays a flare and must either discard it or give it to another player, you may intervene and take the flare into your hand.
Super: You may ignore any rule card in play.
COUNT [O:Warp] Specifies the Number of Ships Involved Jack Reda
Game Setup: Take the four counting tokens numbered 1-4 and place them on this alien sheet.
You have the power to Enumerate. During each regroup, you may use this power to place one of your counting tokens on the hyperspace gate. The number on the token is the number of ships a player must send into the encounter as the offense or if joining as an ally (aliens such as Macron with specific restrictions are exempt). At the end of the encounter, place the token face down on this sheet. You may not reuse a token until you have used all four of them, at which point they are all turned face up again.
History: Once the Counts fully understood the incredible power enumeration held, they became twice as powerful. For three generations, they have been at the forefront of having a hand in determining who will live and who will die.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: As a main player or ally, before cards are selected, you may call out a number. This is the total number of reinforcement cards each side can play.
Super: Before cards are revealed, you may replace the count token for this encounter with one of your other face up tokens. The previous one is turned face down. All players involved in the encounter (other than the defensive main player) must adjust their ship count accordingly.
COUNTERFEITER [O:Warp] Uses Fake Cards Jack Reda
You have the power to Defraud. Whenever you reveal a card, you may use this power to immediately play a negotiate card from your hand to replace it. The negotiate is then treated as the original card. You then put the first card back in your hand. You may not use it again that encounter. You may counterfeit any number of times per encounter.
History: The Counterfeiters began defrauding their enemies in small ways, with trinkets and minor effects. Later, they realized how easily fooled the rest of the cosmos was. Now the Counterfeiters take pride in passing off bogus materials for more valued merchandise.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: If you must lose ships, you may instead discard an equal number of cards from your hand, and place the ships on colonies where you already have some.
Super: After you defraud a card, you may use it once more time during that encounter.
Con: Counterfeiter may not play fake cards against you.
CRYO [B:Warp] Saves Cards for Later Jack Reda
You have the power to Preserve. As a Main Player or ally, you may use this power to take one card from your hand and put it in cold storage. The cards are frozen, and can't be accessed or taken by any player (they are no longer considered part of your hand). When you put a card in cold storage, draw a replacement from the deck to add to your hand. Once you have at least eight cards in storage, you may access them. Discard your regular hand and use the stored cards as your new hand. You may then begin the storage process over.
History: The wooly Cryo are a frugal and conservative race of fanatics. Once a resource is developed or acquired, the Cryo freeze it for later use against the day of Cosmic Reckoning. They find no sense in squandering goods until they are absolutely needed - until that time when the Cosmos looks inward. When that day comes, it will see the Cryo fully prepared.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: When a player is about to take compensation from you, you may set two cards from your hand aside. That player may not choose those cards.
Super: You may swap a card from your hand for one in storage.
Con: Cryo may not add cards to storage in any challenge in which you are involved, nor access his storage hand when you are both Main Players.
CRYSTAL [M:Warp] Tells Allies Number to Commit Jack Reda (Revision)
Game Setup: Place the 5 Crystal tokens (numbering 0-4) on your alien sheet.
You have the power of Arrangement. Whenever you are a main player or ally in an encounter, use this power to give a Crystal token to each ally (including yourself, if you are an ally). Players must send the number of ships indicated by the token they are given, and may not refuse to ally if they have already accepted. A player who receives a 0 token is still considered an ally involved in the encounter, but has zero ships committed.
History: Arranged in orderly, three-dimensional lattices, Crystals tend to dominate the arrangement of their local environment. They know that with a few suggestive seeding hints they can bring the entire Universe into the most efficient energy packing: Crystalline order.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: During Regroup, you may rearrange your ships among your colonies.
Super: You may give one player two of your Crystal tokens, even if the total is more than 4. That player must ally with the combined number of ships.
CTHULHU [B:Warp:LE] CULT OF CTHULHU Jack Reda (Lovecraftian Encounter)
You have the power of Cthulhu. Internal Power: Draw a card from the deck each time a player invites you to ally, whether you accept or not. External Power: You may sacrifice one of your tokens for each card you discard.
History: Deep in his city under the oceans, Cthulhu lies dreaming, and waiting.
Restriction: Use only in Lovecraftian Encounter.
Phase 4 - Offense invites allies
Phase 5 - Defense invites allies
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may prevent Cthulhu from using either power (internal or external).
Wild: You may prevent Cthulhu from using either power (internal or external).
Super1: You have use of either of your powers, even if you do not occupy the proper bases. Cosmic Zap does not affect you.
Super: You have use of either of your powers, even if you do not occupy the proper bases. Cosmic Zap does not affect you.
CULT [M:Warp] Allies May Play the Same Card Jack Reda
You have the power of Veneration. As a main player, when you reveal your encounter card, your allies may also play the same card, adding it to your side's total. A Morph may be played by an ally as whatever encounter card you play. If you all play negotiate cards, you each take compensation from the opposing main player if he or she played an attack. You take compensation first. Your allies do not participate in a deal situation.
History: The gibbering Cult, speaking with all of their mouths at once, but in a variety of languages, engage any within earshot, binding them to their cause. The frenzied zeal of their deranged chanting drives their associates into a destructive rage.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: As a defensive player, if all other players are allied against you, you may move your defensive tokens onto the hyperspace gate.
Super: If all other players jointly win the game, you may join in.
Con: Only Cult may take compensation from you if he and his allies negotiate.
CUSTODIAN [M:Warp:TC] Shares Another Power with Partner Jack Reda (Team Cosmic)
Game Setup: Draw an additional alien card.
You have the power of custody. You have use of the additional alien card drawn at the beginning of the game. After you use its power, use this power to give the alien to your partner. He or she keeps it until it is used, at which point it returns to you. The power may only be used once per encounter. The additional power may be Cosmic Zapped normally.
History: Guardians of adolescent races, the Custodians exerted their influence over impressionable minds. As they matured, the next generation of aliens became pawns for the Custodians' plans of colonization - the cost of their innocence a secondary consideration.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power.
Wild: You may count an opposing allies' ships to your encounter total. Rewards for victory are distributed normally.
Super: You may assign control of your additional power to either yourself or your partner.
CYBORG [M:Warp] Wins by Regaining Humanity Jack Reda
Game Setup: Choose one unused player color and take the 20 ships of that color (16 in a 4-planet game), stacking a ship of the extra color on each of your ships. Your player color is that of the planets you use. The second color ships are your \"cyborg\" ships. Do not use this power unless you have an unused player color.
You have the power of Implantation. As a main player, whenever you lose an encounter, use this power to place your cyborg ships from the losing ships onto as many of the opposing ships as possible (each can receive no more than one).
Other players\' ships that have cyborg ships stacked on them no longer count to encounter totals when you are involved in the encounter (as a main player or ally).
When all of your cyborg ships have moved from your ships to other player\'s ships, you win the game. You may still win via the normal method.
History: A human race, bred with an organic race of machines, the Cyborgs have struggled to regain their humanity. Only by stripping away the mechanical and attaching it to new hosts can the Cyborgs hope to finally be free.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Alternate Win type power.
Wild: As a losing offensive player, you may place one card for each ship you lost in the encounter face down on top of the encounter deck, before rewards are drawn.
Super: You may place cyborg ships onto other players' ships that already have cyborg ships, to a limit of two cyborg ships.
CZAR [O:Warp] Eliminates Alliance cards Jack Reda (Alliance Cards)
You have the power to Demand. As a main player, you may force a player to play an Alliance card at random. They may choose to not participate in the encounter without seeing the card that was chosen. Otherwise they are bound by its value.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Alliance cards.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may force the offensive player to invite a specific player to ally with him or her (other than yourself).
Super: You may force two players to play Alliance cards at random.
DAMSEL [O:Warp] Desires Chivalry Jack Reda
You have the power of Distress. If you invited at least one player to ally with you, but no player does, you may use this power. All other players other than your opponent must discard cards from hand until they have no more than you do. If any player other than your opponent has fewer ships in the warp than you do, they must send ships from their colonies to the warp to equal yours.
If you win an encounter as a main player, you may force your allies to send their ships back to their colonies without gaining a foreign colony or rewards. Instead, they may take compensation from your hand (as if losing their ships to the warp), drawing from the deck if you do not have enough cards.
History: Breathtakingly beautiful, the Damsels often find themselves in trouble, but know they can count on the chivalrous acts of others to make things better. At least, that\'s how it appears.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: If a player you invited to ally instead allied with your opponent, you may send his or her ships to the warp after cards are revealed in the encounter.
Super: Instead of taking compensation from you, your allies may take their compensation from your opponent.
DARKNESS [O:Warp] Removes Components Jack Reda
Game Setup: Take the planets, destiny cards and ships of a color not in the game. Place the planets on your alien sheet. Place the destiny cards in the deck with the normal colors. Distribute the ships onto any other planets in the game.
You have the power to Extinguish. Whenever you are involved in an encounter, if there are Darkness ships (of the unused color) on the targeted planet, you may use this power to place those ships on top of any other ships in the encounter (even by removing them from ships previously covered). Those ships no longer count toward encounter totals for the rest of the game (as long as Darkness ships cover them). The ships are still under the control of the player to whom they belong. Whenever another player draws a destiny card of the color not being used, you may use this power to take a planet from your alien sheet and cover a planet in the home system of the offensive player. That planet no longer counts as a foreign colony for any player other than you.
History: The featureless beings known as Darkness have hidden in the shadows between realities for longer than any can remember. But as the light of the cosmos has grown, so too has the rage of the Darkness. Their only recourse is to cover everything in its own darkness, even if it means extinguishing reality.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may change a revealed attack card into an attack 00. Give this card to Darkness after it is played, or discard it at the end of the encounter.
Super: When a Darkness destiny card comes up, you may move one of the Darkness planets in play to a different planet in the home system of the offensive player.
DARWIN [M:Warp] Selects Compensation Jack Reda
You have the power of Selection. Whenever any player is to receive compensation, use this power to intrude and take the compensation yourself. You then give negotiating players compensation cards of your choice from your own hand.
History: Through a highly developed, unique process of natural and unnatural selection, the Darwin have survived for millennia. Now they carefully observe the life struggles of other alien races, stepping in to adjust certain outcomes as they see fit.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may take the top card from the deck rather than raising a ship at the start of your encounter.
Super: You may take your compensation from the top of the desk.
DECOY [O:Warp] Has a Backup Encounter Card Jack Reda
You have the power of Contingency. As a main player, you may use this power during planning to play a second encounter card on this sheet. During the reveal phase, reveal both encounter cards, then choose which one to count as your revealed encounter card. If it is your normal encounter card, put the one on this sheet back in your hand. If it is the one on this sheet, your opponent may either take the normal one into their hand, or discard it. Conclude the encounter with whichever encounter card is considered your revealed card.
History: The Decoys have learned the hard way to have backups and plans B, C, and even D. They hate to not have enough resources to win battles, but hate even more to expend too many.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: As a main player, you may offer to replace an attack card revealed by either you or your opponent with a negotiate card from your hand. If your opponent agrees, play a negotiate, and then discard all revealed encounter cards during resolution.
Super: You may plan an encounter card on your alien sheet as an ally. Reveal it in the reveal phase, and the main player on your side decides which card to count as their revealed card. Whichever card is not chosen returns to the hand of the player who played it.
DEMON [O:Warp] Attacks Offensive Player Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the power to Possess. Any time you are not involved in an encounter, use this power to attack the offensive player after both sides have played encounter cards but before they are revealed. You place 1-4 of your ships outside of the Hyperspace Gate and play an encounter card facedown. You and the offensive player reveal cards and resolve your mini-encounter (without allies). If the offensive player wins, your ships go to the Warp. If you win, his ships returns to colonies, and your ships take over his encounter. You may now resolve the original encounter with either card played in the pre-encounter.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: When another player uses a Wild Flare, you may cancel its effects and take the card into your hand. Give this Flare to any other player (not necessarily the one whose Flare you took).
Super: Once you possess another player's encounter, you may take both played cards into your hand and play any encounter card from your hand against the defense.
DETERRENT [O:Warp] Plays an Attack card for Each Ally Jack Reda
You have the power to Discourage. As a main player, you may use this power to play one attack for each ally you have, face up (you must have enough attack cards for each of your allies). Your opponent may then surrender, giving you an automatic win. If this happens, you must give your played attack cards to your allies. Your ships coexist with your opponent's on the defensive planet if you were attacking. If you were defending, your opponent and his or her allies return their ships to their colonies. If your opponent does not surrender, proceed with the encounter; your attack cards add together. If you are Cosmic Zapped, you put the attack cards back in your hand and play one normally.
History: Stockpiling weapons for many generations, the Deterrents garnered a reputation as destructive and reckless. The display of force that ever accompanies the Deterrents serves as a warning to others of the potential retaliation that awaits any force foolish enough to engage them. The only solace the Deterrents have in their overwrought existence is the knowledge that they will not go down alone.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: Show this flare to a player that tries to Cosmic Zap you. They may change their mind and keep their artifact. If they do not, they lose the use of their power for the remainder of this encounter.
Super: You may play one additional attack card when playing your deterrents. If your opponent surrenders, you keep one of the attack cards and give the others to your allies.
DEVIL [O:Warp] Uses Attack 6 as Other Cards Jack Reda
You have the power of 666. As a main player, when you play an attack card face down, you may play an attack 06 with it as though it were a kicker x6. Use your power when cards are revealed to multiply the 06 by whatever attack card you played.
When you are a main player or ally in an encounter, you may use this power to play an attack 06 as if it were a reinforcement +6.
At the start of any encounter, you may use this power to discard an attack 06 from your hand as if it were a Rift 6. Any time another player takes an attack 06 from your hand, treat it as a Rift 6 (that player loses s ships to the warp).
Any time you are cosmic zapped, your attack 06 must be discarded.
History: Fixated on the details of conflict, the Devils see the signs of their own rise to power everywhere. Not content to sit by idly, the Devils use those very signs to further their own ends, stifling the better angels of their adversaries.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: When a main player reveals an attack 06, you may change it into an attack 24.
Super: You may use your power to play an attack 06 as a kicker when playing a negotiate card as your encounter card.
DITTO [O:Warp] Reuses Discards Jack Reda
You have the power to Emulate. When another player discards any kind of card, you may use this power to take it and place it face up in front of you. This "ditto card" is out of play, and not considered part of your hand. You may play the ditto card on any subsequent encounter, but must discard a card at random from your hand to do so. If you have not used your ditto card when you draw a new hand, you must discard it. You may only have one ditto in play at a time.
History: Soulless husks that float through space, the Dittos are attracted to the life energies they encounter. Emulating these energies, the Dittos are able to approximate their form and function to the point where it's impossible to tell which is the real thing.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may play this card as if it were whatever card is currently on top of the discard pile.
Super: You may have as many ditto cards as you have cards in your hand. If your hand size decreases, you need not lose any of your face up ditto cards.
Con: Ditto may not take a card you have discarded.
DOOM [O:Warp] Replaces Card with Set-Aside Cards Jack Reda
You have the power to Ordain. Each time your system comes up in destiny, set aside an attack card from your hand. If you have no attack cards or use your last one to set one aside, immediately draw a new hand.
As a main player, you may use this power to replace a face down encounter card played by either main player with the accumulated cards you have set aside (treated as one attack card with a combined value).
History: The dire Doom have pronounced judgment on all other aliens since they crawled from the primordial ooze of their unctuous homeworlds. Using arts once thought lost, the Doom construct devices of madness and destruction, waiting for the day when they can be unleashed upon their hapless enemies.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: You may force the offense and all allies to commit to the encounter with the same number of ships you committed. They may decline to be involved.
Super: You may use your power as an ally.
DOPPELGANGER [M:Warp] Uses Opponent's Challenge Cards Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the power to haunt. At the start of the game, you do not receive a seven-card hand. Instead, each time you are a Main Player in a challenge, you may demand two challenge cards from any player involved in the challenge (your opponent or any allies). They decide which two to give you. After seeing the cards, you may either accept them, or you may set them aside and search through his remaining Challenge Cards and take two you like. You must take two cards from that player unless he started with only three, meaning he had only one left to take after you set two aside; in this case you get the one card remaining. After you have taken cards, the player gets the rest of his hand back, including cards that you set aside. The challenge then proceeds normally. At the end of the challenge, any cards you borrowed but did not use return to their previous owner. As long as you have use of your power, you never draw a new hand for lack of Challenge Cards. Any non-challenge cards you accumulate throughout the game may be held until played.
History: Haunting its Cosmic colleagues, the Doppelganger often gets
the better of them. Each encounter leaves the jittery victim with the
feeling that there is more to every passing shadow than meets the eye.
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power. Alternate version of Doppelganger.
Wild1: When you are not a main player, you may play the hand of a player who has a base in your system. Return his hand at the end of the challenge.
Super: You may take any one player’s hand and make it your own. Discard all Challenge Cards.
Con: Doppelganger may not choose you when getting Challenge Cards.
DRAGON [O:Warp] Steals Flares to Win Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the power of Treasure. Whenever another player discards a flare (whether after playing it or not), you may use this power to add the flare to your hand.
When another player has played a flare and attempts to return it to his or her own hand, you may use this power and discard a flare from your hand to steal the other player’s flare and add it to your hand.
If at any point you have seven flares in your hand, you win the game. You may still win the game normally.
History: The overpowering greed of the once comely race of Dragons has gradually misshapen them into their present hideous form. Having turned their backs on all intelligent intercourse with others, they now seek only to increase their treasure and glory in profiting from the needs of others.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power. Modified from the revision by Bill Martinson and Jack Reda
Wild: Draw a flare at random from the unused flare deck. Give this card to Dragon after playing it, or discard it if Dragon is not in the game.
Super: When another player plays a flare, it goes into your hand rather than returning to that player's hand.
DRAGON [O:Warp] Adds Cards to Encounter Total Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the power of Treasure. At the start of any player\'s turn, you may place some or all non-encounter cards in your hand on this alien sheet, or put cards on this sheet back in your hand. Cards on this sheet do not count as part of your hand, and may not be played by you, or looked at by any other player.
As a main player or ally, after encounter cards are revealed, you may use this power to add the number of cards you have on this sheet to your side\'s encounter total.
History: The overpowering greed of the once comely race of Dragons has gradually misshapen them into their present hideous form. Having turned their backs on all intelligent intercourse with others, they now seek only to increase their treasure and glory in profiting from the needs of others.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: You may discard a card from your hand (despite the Visionary).
Super: You may play any cards on your alien sheet as if they were in your hand.
DREDGE [O:Warp] Gets Rewards for Bases Jack Reda
You have the power of Resources. As a main player, before cards are played, you may use this power to take rewards of cards and/or ships from the Warp for every ship other players have in your system.
History: A natural ability to detect precious resources led the Dredge to develop vast networks of mines and pipelines throughout the known Universe. Often dismissed as a filthy and "blue-double-collared" race of miners, the Dredge have expansive reachback capability in times of war.
Restriction: More powerful in a game with the Rewards Deck.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may discard any number of cards from your hand and free any player's ships from the Warp for each card you discarded.
Super: You may receive rewards of cards or ships for each ship you have in your opponent's home system (in addition to any other rewards you receive for your power).
Con: Dredge doesn't get any rewards for ships in your system.
DREG [M:Warp] Gains a Colony When Drawing a Hand Jack Reda
You have the power of Disposal. Whenever you gain a foreign colony, add a token to this alien sheet. Whenever you draw a new hand, use this power to gain a foreign colony.
When drawing a new hand, draw one card fewer for each token on your alien sheet.
History: Considered a filthy lower race by other aliens, the Dregs have largely been ignored for many eons. Their seclusion has allowed the Dregs to develop unfathomable sciences, converting energy into matter. The very waste they discard can ultimately become a valuable resource. This knowledge gives the Dregs an distinct advantage in colonizing other worlds.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Colony Gain type power.
Wild: When you discard an encounter to the discard pile, you may also send any any card in your hand to the discard pile.
Super: When you gain rewards, you may instead discard a card from your hand for each reward you would normally gain.
DRONE [O:BGG] Uses Drone Ships Jack Reda (Uses 20 Extra Ships)
Game Setup: Choose one unused player color and take the 20 ships in that color (16 in a 4-planet game), placing them on your alien sheet. Do not use this power unless you have an unused player color.
You have the power of Disposability. As a main player, after cards have been selected, you may use this power to add any number of your disposable Drone ships from your alien sheet to your side of the encounter. If you lose the encounter, instead of being captured or going to the warp, the disposable Drones are removed from the game. You receive compensation for lost Drones when you would receive it for your normal ships. Drones also collect rewards on your behalf when appropriate. At the end of the encounter, disposable Drones that were not lost return to your alien sheet.
History: Over the eons, many races created automaton servants to do their bidding, and invariably these servants became sentient and rebelled against their masters. The Drones were one such product, and rather then rejecting the methods of their former masters, they saw the practicality of having a subservient class of disposable soldiers to deploy into battles. Once the final conquest has occurred, the Drones are certain they will be able to retire their disposable forces before they become the wiser.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may discard cards from your hand as though they were reinforcements worth +1 each.
Super: During your regroup, instead of retrieving a ship from the warp, you may take a disposable Drone that has been removed from the game and add it to your alien sheet.
DROUGHT [M:Warp] Other Players Have 4 Card Hands Jack Reda
You have the power of Scarcity. At the start of the game, and any time another player draws a new hand, use this power to limit the hand to four cards. You still draw an eight card hand.
History: Creatures of dry and arid countenance, the Drought cause the depletion of resources wherever they venture. Ever surrounded by the desperate cries of those who thirst for justice, the Drought seek only to forge on, leaving the withering dead in their wake.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: Allies of your opponent may only collect one reward for winning an encounter.
Super: When another player draws a new hand, it may only consist of 2 cards.
You have the weakness of swaying. As the offensive player, your
opponent points the cone for you. If you are attacking a planet, he or
she may point it at any planet in the system. If you are attacking a
moon, he or she may point it at any moon.
History: The Drunkards take much consolation in the fact that those who would reduce their faculties would surely not lead them astray when they were vulnerable.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: When making a challenge you need not decide where the cone
is pointing until cards are played. If you decide to attack a moon,
your opponent takes back his or her card(s) and your allies go home.
Super: You may point the cone yourself.
DRUTHER [M:Warp] Plays Two Alliance Cards Jack Reda (Alliance Cards)
You have the power of Options. You may play two Alliance cards face down. When the other players have revealed their Alliance cards, you choose which one of yours to reveal.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Alliance cards.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: If a card you play is Zapped, you may take it back into your hand instead. The Zap card returns to its owner's hand as well.
Super: You may play three Alliance cards instead of two.
DUKE [O:Warp] Forces Artifact Use Jack Reda
You have the power of Edict. As a Main Player in an encounter, at any time, you may name any Artifact in the game. Starting clockwise from any player you name, if a player has the Artifact, he or she must play it at that time, if appropriate. You may be targeted by Artifact played in this manner. Alternatively, you may name an Artifact that may not be played by any player in this encounter (the only exception is a Cosmic Zap that stops this power).
History: Bred from the finest lines among the major houses, the Dukes have grown accustomed to having their way. The belief that their word is law is so palpable, whatever the Dukes decree often does come to fruition, for other, weaker races fear the consequences of disobedience.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: Exchange this card for an Artifact that is played. The Artifact does not take effect at that time, and the player who played it gets this Flare instead.
Super: You determine the target of any Artifact you decree.
Con: When Duke asks for an Artifact to be played, you do not have to play one (you do have to indicate you have the Artifact named if you would have been forced to play it).
You have the weakness of inversion. The value of your opponent's attack card is reversed (5 becomes 50, 40 becomes 4 and -1 becomes -10).
History: Early on the Dyslexics had their problems, but no one was able to help them. Now they use their handicaps against their enemies (or for them, depending on how you look at it).
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild1: After challenge cards are played but before they are revealed,
you may switch challenge cards AND reverse their values. You do not
have to be involved in the challenge.
Super: You may also reverse your own card.
You have the power of freedom. Your tokens can never be taken prisoner. Whenever your tokens would normally be imprisoned, you may instead move them to other bases where you have tokens.
History: For generations, the Eagles were bred for speed, stealth and cunning, making them difficult to capture. They have adapted that innate prowess to their general existence.
Restriction: Use only in a game with prisoners.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: Instead of drawing from the warp, you may free a token at the
start of your challenge.
Wild: Instead of drawing from the warp, you may free a token at the
start of each challenge.
Super1: You may free other player's prisoner tokens as part of a deal.
Super: You may free other player's prisoner tokens as part of a deal.
Pro: You may free your opponent's tokens as part of a deal, even if they are owned by another player.
Con: You may capture Eagle's tokens.
EARTH [O:Warp:EE] REMAINS CONSTANT Jack Reda (Element Encounter)
You have the power of solidity. As a Main Player, you may use this power to prevent Fire from gaining a foreign colony if his or her total combined number of colonies (home and foreign) is greater than yours. If he or she wins an encounter that would give him or her an additional colony, you may force him or her to take rewards instead.
If you are playing as an ally against Water, you may prevent him or her from drawing tokens from the warp or cards from the deck.
Restriction: You may not use any powers against Air.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Theme type power.
Wild: You may use your ally power against Earth.
Super: You may use your main player power against Air.
EBAY [O:Warp:LR] Auctions Cards Jack Reda (Lucre/Rewards)
You have the power to auction. Any time you are a Main Player, you may suspend the challenge before alliances are made. Draw the top 5 cards of the Rewards Deck and place them face up. Announce an opening bid amount. Starting with the player to your left, everyone must bid at least one more Lucre or Pass. Passing players may no longer bid. Highest bid wins the cards and play then continues. If no one bids, you must pay the opening amount and you take the cards.
History: The Ebay have accumulated a lot of goods, and have an uncanny knack for finding someone in the cosmos that wants it.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre.
Recommended for use in a game with the Rewards Deck.
Phase 1
Phase 5 - Defense invites allies
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: You may auction use of your power for one challenge.
Super1: You may flip over an additional 5 cards for this auction.
Super: You may add cards from your hand to the lot before the auction begins.
Con: You may renege on a Pass and continue bidding.
ECHO [O:Warp:DS] Adds Adjacent Phased-out Tokens Jack Reda (Dimensional Shift)
You have the power to linger. When you are a Defensive Main Player, any phased-out tokens you have adjacent to the planet base being attacked may be added to your total in the challenge without being at risk. As Offensive Main Player, phased-out tokens of your opponent adjacent to the planet base you are attacking may be subtracted from his total at your choosing.
History: The Echo use sound reflection to adjust combat strength, even when physical manifestation is not present.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Dimensional Shift.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild1: You may use your phased-out tokens from any planet base you occupy in this challenge as if they were the ones being attacked, rather than your current token count on the targeted base.
Super: You may use add all phased-out tokens you have in this system to your total.
Con: When attacking you, Echo may not subtract your adjacent tokens from your total.
You have the power to obscure. Whenever you are involved in a challenge, you may eclipse one moon. The moons effects are nullified during the challenge. You may not eclipse the same moon two consecutive times.
History: By obscuring as much of the cosmos as possible, the eclipse have reigned successfully in a dark and dismal setting. Without the aid of troublesome moons, other aliens are easily obscured themselves.
Restriction: Use only in a game with moons.
Phase 1
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: As an ally, you may cover your side's challenge card with one of your own. The new card is treated as the one played.
Wild: As an ally, you may cover your side's challenge card with one of your own. The new card is treated as the one played.
Super1: You may eclipse all occupied moons of one player.
Super: You may eclipse all occupied moons of one player.
Con: Moons that you occupy can not be eclipsed.
EDISON [O:Warp:MP] Regulates Power Usage Jack Reda (Multiple-Powers)
You have the power to regulate. Whenever you are a main player, you determine how many tokens must be involved in a challenge in order to use a power. If a player doesn't have enough tokens to use more than one power, he must choose which power he will have active. If for any reason, a player's token count is reduced below the required number, he may not use his power at all. You are not bound by your own regulations.
History: The Edison were pioneers of power usage within the cosmos. As more and more alien races began to inhabit nearby systems, the Edison felt it necessary to regulate power usage.
Restriction: Use only in a game with multiple-powers.
Phase 2 - Destiny
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Meta type power.
Wild1: If your opponent doesn't have at least as many tokens as you in the challenge, he may not use his alien powers.
Super1: You may regulate power usage as an ally.
Con: Edison must abide by his own regulations when you are in the challenge.
You have the power of Emotion Control. Once per challenge, you may change both challenge cards played into compromises. Players must now make a deal.
History: At the Day of Reckoning, when the Edictators broke the bonds of enslavement, the Emotion Control were instrumental in weakening their creators' desire to fight back. They harness this peaceful, easy feeling wherever they go.
Restriction: Use only in Edictators.
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: Use this card as an Emotion Control edict.
Super: You may use your power as a Main Player or ally.
Con: The Emotion Control power may not be used against you. You are still affected by the Emotion Control edict.
EMPEROR [B:Warp:D] EMPEROR SHADDAM IV Jack Reda (Cosmic Dune)
You have the power of the Sardaukar. Any Compromise card you play, automatically becomes the same card as your opponent. You may also give spice to your ally.
Bidding Power: Any player purchasing a card must pay you half the spice (rounding up). You pay the bank.
Collection: 1 Spice per planet each turn.
History: You rule the known universe.
Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Dune.
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may pay the bank for a purchased card rather than the Emperor.
Wild: You may pay the bank for a purchased card rather than the Emperor.
Super1: You may enhance your side's tokens after the cards are revealed.
Super: You may enhance your side's tokens after the cards are revealed.
ENERGY [M:Warp] Uses Cards as Ships Jack Reda
Game Setup: You have no ships. After you are dealt your starting hand, you may place an attack card from your hand on each of your home planets, if able.
You have the power of Thermodynamics. Whenever you would would add a ship to the hyperspace gate, to a researching tech, or as a defensive ally, you must use a card from one of your home planets. You may only use one card, which counts as one ship, but its value towards encounter totals is its attack value (e.g., an attack 08 would add 8 to your side\'s total). When returning cards to your colonies, you may place them on any of the planets in your system, even where you do not have a colony.
At the start of each of your encounters as the offense, instead of retrieving a ship from the warp, you may place an attack card from your hand onto any of your colonies, including your home planets where you do not have a colony.
You do not lose your power from not occupying enough home planets.
History: The Energy are seemingly impossible to destroy, converting into different kinds of energy. They suddenly appear, striking with tremendous force, and then disappear without a trace.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: When you are targeted by an effect that sends one or more of your ships to the warp, you may substitute cards from your hand for some or all of the ships, discarding them.
Super: During your regroups, you may trade a card from your hand for one of your cards on a planet, instead of simply placing a card on a planet.
ENGINEER [O:Warp:T] Develops Tech Faster Jack Reda (Tech)
You have the power to Develop. Whenever you choose to research Tech, you may place more than one ship on the developing Tech. All researching ships must come from the same home base.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Tech.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: Move a ship from one of your external bases to a Tech card you are currently developing.
Super: Additional ships you place on a single turn can come from any of your bases (even external bases).
ENIGMA [O:Warp:2] Mixes Encounter Cards Jack Reda
You have the power of Ambiguity. As a main player in an encounter, after cards are played but before they are revealed, you may use this power to collect an encounter card at random from any players not involved and mix them together with your card or your opponent's card. You then hand them back randomly. Your opponent must play the card if he or she is given one.
History: Confusing their enemies into misjudging their own power, the Enigmas travel in nebulous obscurity. Being an equivocal species of a questionable nature, the Enigmas riddle the cosmos with an obscure cloud of uncertainty.
Restriction: Do not use in a two player game.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power. Your opponent may look at the card, but may not add a kicker (if one was already played, it remains).
Wild: Collect every player's power (including your own) and mix them together. Then pass them out randomly. Everyone must now play their new powers. Give this card to Enigma if it is in the game after you play it. If Enigma is not in the game, discard it to play it.
Super: You may look at the cards before you mix them.
ENVY [M:Warp] Limits Power Use Jack Reda
You have the power of Jealousy. Use this power to prevent any player from using his or her power against you unless you have a base in their system.
History: The Envy look at the Cosmos and only see the things that other alien races have. They covet these things, and spend their entire lives trying to get them. Once they have as much, they are happy to allow others to exercise their will, but only then.
Restriction: Do not use with Insect.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: You may stop your opponent from using his power unless he gives you a base in his system.
Wild: Your opponent may not use his or her power unless you both share a base with each other.
Super: You may use your power to affect an ally in an encounter.
Con: You may use your power against Envy even if he does not have a base in your system.
EVANGELIST [O:Warp] Forces Power Use Jack Reda
You have the power to Compel. Any time you are involved in an encounter, you may use this power to force a player to use his or her optional power. You must do so before the phase to use their power has elapsed.
History: Marked by tremendous enthusiasm for supporting any cause, the charismatic Evangelists can whip even the most skeptical heathens into a fervor of faith. This hypnotic state causes subjects to testify to the unknowable, speak in tongues, and unleash their power however the Evangelists see fit.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may force a player that was invited to both sides of an encounter to join your side.
Super: You do not have to be involved in the encounter to use your power.
Con: Evangelist may not compel you to use your power unless no one else is involved in the encounter.
EXPONENT [O:Warp:2] Sacrifices Allies to Increase Total Jack Reda
You have the power to Factor. As a main player, you may use this power to sacrifice some of your allies' ships to increase your total by a factor of the number of ships sacrificed (e.g. if you sacrifice 3 ships, you multiply your totals by 3). For each ship sacrificed, you must give that player a card at random from your hand. You must sacrifice ships before cards are revealed.
History: Living in the event horizon of a tremendous black hole, the Exponent captured other aliens that were caught in the singularity's pull. By absorbing the alien power, the Exponent were able to escape their home, and venture into the cosmos. Now they continue the practice of sacrificing others to increase their own power.
Restriction: Do not use in a two player game.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: As an ally, you may sacrifice your ships before cards are revealed, and gain rewards of cards.
Super: You may give your allies specific cards from your hand when you sacrifice their ships.
Con: Exponent may not sacrifice your ships without your permission.
EXTREMIST [M:Warp] Plays High Attack or Negotiates Jack Reda (Revision)
Game Setup: Place a cosmic token on this sheet. Tokens on your sheet are your current extreme, each with a value of 10.
You have the power of Excess. As a main player, when you reveal an encounter card use this power. If the card is an attack card, it becomes a negotiate card. If you reveal a negotiate card, it becomes an attack card worth 10 for each cosmic token on this sheet.
If another player reveals an attack card with a value higher than your current extreme, add a token to this sheet. This includes effects that alter the value of a card, such as Tripler or the use of a kicker.
When taking compensation, you must take four cards, or no cards, regardless of how many ships you lose.
History: The Extremists value quick decision making over everything. Immoderate behavior is for the lesser species, and Extremists would rather fight all out or surrender completely. There is no middle ground.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: As a main player, if you or your opponent reveal a negotiate but the other doesn't, you may discard a negotiate from your hand and force a deal situation.
Super: As a main player, you may add all of your uninvolved ships on colonies to your total before cards are selected. If you lose the encounter, all of your ships go to the warp.
FABRIC [O:Warp:DS] AFFECTS PHASED OUT TOKENS Jack Reda (Dimensional Shift)
You have the power to tear. You may use your phased out tokens as if they were not phased out. You may also target phased out bases or tokens of other players for attack or other game effects.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Dimensional Shift.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: You may send any two phased out tokens to the Warp.
Super: You may send your tokens lost in a Phased In challenge to any of your phased out bases.
Con: Fabric can not target your tokens that are phased out.
FEWER [M:Warp:B] HAS ONLY 10 TOKENS Jack Reda (Bad Powers)
You have the weakness of less. You start the game with 10 tokens instead of 20. If you lose this power permanently, you may place the missing 10 tokens into the Warp.
History: "Less is more" is the mantra of the Fewer. They believe good things come in small packages, and are willing to take on the cosmos with this philosophy.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: You may choose up to four tokens in the Warp, and permanently remove them from the game.
Super: You may place your missing 10 tokens in the Warp. If you lose this
card you must remove 10 of your tokens from anywhere (including the
Warp) on the board from the game.
FINK [B:Warp] Has Spy Ships Jack Reda
You have the power of Collusion. At the start of the game, flip all of your tokens over. Whenever you may take tokens from the Warp (except when someone else plays Mobius Tubes), you may take tokens of another player. These are flipped over as well, and placed on your bases. During any challenge where you are a Defensive Main Player, if you have tokens belonging to your opponent, you may reveal them before cards are played. You then win the challenge. The fink token belonging to your opponent goes to the Warp.
Restriction: Do not use in a game with Filch or Vampire. Use only in a version of CE that uses tokens.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: If you share a base with your opponent, you may send one of his tokens there to the Warp for each token you have there.
Super: You do not send your fink tokens to the Warp after winning a challenge with them. Place them anywhere you have bases.
Con: Fink may not take your tokens from the Warp.
FIRE [O:Warp:EE] CONSUMES COMPONENTS Jack Reda (Element Encounter)
You have the power to burn. As a Main Player against Air, each time he or she plays a card, use this power to double your ship value in the encounter.
If you are playing as an ally against Earth, you may use this power to force him or her to send a ship to the warp each time he or she plays a card.
Restriction: You may not use any powers against Water.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Theme type power.
Wild: You may use your ally power against Fire.
Super: You may use your main player power against Water.
FLAK [O:Warp:2] Aids While Uninvolved Jack Reda
You have the power to Shell. Whenever you are not involved in as encounter, you may use this power to play an Attack card on either side of the encounter, adding to that side's total. If that side wins, you draw a card from the deck.
History: Keeping a watchful eye on the outcome of cosmic conflict, the Flak pick and choose whom to offer long-range assistance. Their powerful cannons can lay down a path of destruction without risking any Flak personnel.
Restriction: Do not use in a two-player game.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: You may play a kicker on either side of an encounter before cards are revealed, as long as you are uninvolved in the encounter. The other player then has an opportunity to play a kicker as well.
Super: You may use your power as an ally.
Con: Flak may not play a card for your opponent.
FOCUS [O:Warp:Pl] Arranges Planets in Order of Defense Jack Reda
Game Setup: Arrange your planets in the order you wish them to be challenged. Arrange your ships on the planets in any denomination you like (as long as there is at least one ship per planet).
You have the power to Channel. Other players must attack you in the order you select. If they have a colony on the first-most planet, they must attack the next one, and so on. When you establish a foreign colony, you may place that planet behind the others, forcing players to attack elsewhere first, if possible. At the start of your turn, you may rearrange the order of any planets in your system.
History: Brilliant engineers, the Focus work on a massive scale, constructing planet-sized mechanisms that can change the orbit of an entire world. Through the use of multi-dimensional mathematics, the Focus can predict where attacks will occur in their own system, and prepare their defenses accordingly.
Restriction: Use only in a game with individual planet tiles.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Planet type power.
Wild: When discarding cards, you may place any of them on top of the Encounter deck, in any order you like.
Super: You may rearrange the order of your planets between players' turns.
You have the power of leftovers. As a main player, you must play your lowest Attack card in every challenge. After cards are revealed, you may play any additional Attack cards you hold that are lower than the card played by your opponent. Add all additional cards played to your total.
History: Always regarded as an inferior, scavenging race, the Fodder have amassed a multitude of generally less-effective arms. With the astonishingly large cache of second-rate weapons, the Fodder can afford to overwhelm their adversaries.
Phase 7 - Play cards
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild1: If you were invited to join a challenge and declined, you may join with one token after cards are revealed.
Super: You need not play your lowest Attack card initially.
Con: Fodder may not play multiple Attack Cards, but is not limited to playing his lowest card.
FORAGER [O:Warp:L] BUYS USED CARDS Jack Reda (Lucre)
You have the power to recycle. When another player must discard cards, you may purchase them for two lucre each. The lucre goes to the bank. You may not purchase cards you yourself discarded.
History: Scrounging about the wasteful spoils of others, the Foragers
seek bargains when others lose their most valuable possessions.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power. Renamed by Gerald Katz.
Wild1: When drawing cards, you may take them from the top of the discard pile rather than the deck.
Wild: When drawing cards, you may take them from the top of the discard pile rather than the deck.
Super1: When you must draw a new hand, you may pick any seven cards from the discard pile (except this one).
Super: When you must draw a new hand, you may pick any seven cards from the discard pile (except this one).
Con: Forager may not recycle cards you just discarded (including this one).
FORCE [O:Warp] Can Replace an Encounter Card Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the power to Be With. When you are not a main player or ally, you may use this power to look at either main player’s encounter card after it is played, but before it is revealed. You may then trade that card with one from your hand. If you traded cards and that player wins the encounter or makes a deal, collect one reward for every ship he or she had in the encounter. If that player loses the encounter or fails to deal, you lose that many of your ships from any of your colonies (your choice).
History: Viewed by most races as a mystical entity, the Force is in fact a non-corporeal race of money-grubbers who value goods over enlightenment.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may "be with" another player (except the Filth) who has just gained a colony, by placing one of your ships on that colony along with that player. Give this flare to Force when you use it or discard it if Force is not playing.
Super: You may use your power to Be With as an ally.
You have the power of Force Field. Once per challenge, you may nullify any or all alliances. Tokens return to bases.
History: While escaping their captivity, the Force Field prevented the "Creators" from working together. The chaos gave the Edictators the edge they needed to overpower their masters. Now no one can count on any help.
Restriction: Use only in Edictators.
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: Use this card as a Force Field edict.
Super: You may use your power as a Main Player or ally.
Con: The Force Field power may not be used against you. You are still affected by the Force Field edict.
FORTUNE [M:Warp] Allies May Take Cards Jack Reda
Game Setup: After hands are dealt, draw an additional eight cards and place them face up on this sheet.
You have the power to Emanate. After you accept an invitation to ally, use this power. The main player who invited you may take one of your face up cards and add it to his or her hand.
Whenever a main player does not invite you to ally, draw a card and add it to the face up cards on this sheet. Whenever there are more than eight cards, take cards from this sheet and add them to your hand until there are only eight left.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Alliance type power.
Wild: Before allies accept invitations, you may force all players to reveal a reinforcement card from their hand to all other players, if they have one.
Super: You may choose which card a player gets when you ally with him or her.
FREMEN [B:Warp:D] LIET-KYNES Jack Reda (Cosmic Dune)
You have the power of the Fedaykin. Your tokens count double as allies, even for collecting rewards (when coerced by the Harkonnen your tokens count normal). If your ally loses, you only lose half your tokens (rounding up). You may also look at the next card in the destiny pile during the Interphase.
Bidding Power: You may immediately give a purchased card to another player, and receive one spice from that player.
Collection: 5 Spice plus three per planet each turn.
History: You are native to the planet Arrakis and know it's ways.
Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Dune.
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Phase 10 - Interphase
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may prevent Fremen from giving away their purchased cards.
Wild: You may prevent Fremen from giving away their purchased cards.
Super1: You may cancel the first flip of the destiny pile on any player's turn.
Super: You may cancel the first flip of the destiny pile on any player's turn.
FROG [M:Warp] Goes After Every Player Jack Reda
You have the power to Leap. You do not take a turn normally. Instead, after each other player\'s turn, use this power to have a single encounter as if starting your turn. Do not take a second encounter if you won the first one (except through use of a flare, artifact or other game effect).
History: The Frogs are astonishing jumpers, able to leap at the speed of light, over star systems and through space and time. Through their leaping, they appear in multiple locations simultaneously, striking without warning.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: As the defense, you may invite one player to ally with you before the offense invites. That player may not be invited by the offense.
Super: If you win an encounter as the offense, you may take a second encounter.
FUNNEL [M:Warp] Players Use Coexisting Ships Jack Reda
You have the power to Conduct. Any time you share colonies with another player, use this power to force that player to use his or her ships on those colonies for subsequent encounters until they have only a single ship sharing the colony with you.
History: Putting their enormous size to good use, the Funnels began to guide and direct their allies, forcing them to pare down their numbers. Eventually, the Funnels found themselves in positions of power everywhere they were established, until ultimately they rose to power.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may select which ships a player will use to attack you. He or she specifies the number.
Super: You may force a player to use his or her last ship on a colony he or she shares with you if that player wishes to move ships for any reason.
Con: You are not required to use ships coexisting with Funnel if you are not attacking him.
GARDENER [M:BGG] Plants Seeds to Gain Colonies Jack Reda
Game Setup: Deal out the 5 Seed cards (4 in a 4 planet game) to each player, starting with yourself. Then deal out 8 card hands.
You have the power of Seeds. Whenever another player discards a Seed card, use this power to gain a foreign colony in that player\'s system. Whenever a Seed card is discarded, you may draw it and hand it to any player.
History: At some point during the last Cosmic Age, the Gardeners were employed by the great houses, tending to their planetary estates. But during that time, the Gardeners began to plant the seeds of their rise to power. As each seed germinates, the Gardeners become more powerful, ultimately ruling over their former employers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power. Seed cards are their own type of card, and subject to effects that single out card types (like the Plague artifact, or Hate). If a player draws a Seed card from another player\'s hand (e.g., taking compensation), the card is immediately discarded.
Wild: Take one of your Destiny cards from the Destiny discard pile and place it anywhere in the Cosmic deck. If you draw the card, you gain a foreign colony anywhere. If another player draws it, it is returned to the Destiny discard. Give this card to Gardener when you play it, or discard it if Gardner is not in the game.
Super: Whenever you draw one or more cards from the cosmic deck, force any player to discard a card at random from his or her hand.
GAS GIANT [O:Warp:RH] Adds Tokens From the Gas Giant Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)
You have the power of the Gas Giant. Whenever you are challenged on any external base, before cards are played, you may remove tokens from the base (down to one) back to your Planetary system, or add tokens from the Gas Giant hex to your defensive base (up to four).
Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems.
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: You may add your tokens from the Warp to your side as defensive Main Player (to a total of four).
Super: You may add or remove tokens as offensive main player (up to four and down to one).
Con: Gas Giant may not add or remove tokens in your system per his power.
GATEKEEPER [O:Warp] Limits Use of the Hyperspace Gate Jack Reda
You have the power to Monitor. As a main player, before the launch phase, you may place cosmic tokens on the hyperspace gate until there are up to three there. Other players must reduce the maximum number of ships they may bring into the encounter as the offense or an ally by the number of cosmic tokens on the hyperspace gate. If a player wishes to bring more ships into the encounter (up to the normal limit), he or she must allow you to draw a card at random from his or her hand for each ship. During the resolution phase, remove all cosmic tokens from the hyperspace gate.
History: The Gatekeepers once marshaled the armies of the Precursors around the Cosmos. Long ago they disappeared from view, but have returned to take control from what they see as the warring members of lesser races.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may force any players you invited as allies but who instead allied with your opponent to bring only one ship into the encounter.
Super: You may take two cards at random a player wishes to bring additional ships into the encounter.
GEEK [O:Warp] Knows Too Much About the Game Jack Reda
You have the power of Gaming. As a main player, you may force your opponent to draw a random alien from those not in use and read either its short description (e.g., \"Know Too Much About the Game\", or power description (e.g., \"You have the power of Gaming\") out loud. If you can guess the alien, you take the sheet and become that alien. If you already have an extra alien, you must replace it. If your opponent draws an alien with game setup text, or one that is not allowed in the game, he or she draws again.
History: Taking their love of the cosmos to an uncool degree, the physically unremarkable Geeks huddle together in the safety of their interests. They have studied the nuances of every known alien race, desperate to find weakness; desperate to perhaps be more like them; mostly just desperate.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Meta type power.
Wild: If a player wins the game, you may call out the name of a card that might change the outcome. Reveal the top ten cards of the deck. If the card you named comes up, you may take it and play it (even out of sequence).
Super: You do not have to discard your previous alien when acquiring a new one. If you lose this card, choose which one of your acquired aliens to keep.
GENERAL [M:Warp] Uses Compromises as War Cards Jack Reda (War Cards)
You have the power of war. Any Compromise card you play is treated as a War card. Therefore, when you play a War card and your opponent plays an Attack card, he loses and collects consolation. If your opponent played a Compromise card, he wins and collects consolation. If he played a War card, both sides lose.
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild1: You may turn your Attack card into a War card before cards are revealed.
Super: As an ally, any Compromise card played on your side is treated as a War card.
Con: The General may not play a Compromise card against you unless he has no other Challenge cards.
GENERATOR [M:Warp] Creates Additional Powers Jack Reda
You have the power of Power. At the start of the game, flip over the top card of the unused flare deck. You now control this power and may use it any time. The flare card is face up, but is still considered part of your hand, subject to loss in compensation, or discard. If another player picks up that card, they then get control of that power. The power is subject to Cosmic Zap as well as Card Zap, resulting in a discard of the power. Whenever you win an encounter as a main player, at the end of the resolution phase, draw another flare and add it to your face up flares. No player may play these flares as a flare- they are only used as powers.
History: Created long ago when the universe was sparsely populated, the Generator set out to fill the ranks of an alien army. Now, long after their creators have perished, the Generator continues to create new life forms, heedless of the effects on society as we know it.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power.
Wild1: As a main player, you may draw an additional power from those not in use for the duration of this encounter.
Wild: As a main player, you may draw an additional power from those not in use for the duration of this encounter, discarding it afterward.
Super: You may give a player a regular flare card (including this one) and take their face up flare power.
Con: Generator may not use generated powers against you.
GENIE [M:Warp] Gives Cards to Main Players Jack Reda
You have the power of Wishes. As an ally in an encounter, before cards are played, use this power to draw three cards from the deck. You must give a card to each main player, and may keep the third card for yourself (or discard it).
History: Trapped in the confines of a smaller, parallel universe, the Genies were grateful to be released. In appreciation for being involved in the affairs of their new masters, they eagerly bestowed gifts on them. As they matured, the Genies' gifts became less useful, as they began to secret away their more valuable belongings against the day when they could be used for conquest.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: As a main player, after cards are revealed in an encounter, you may name any Attack card, and if another player has it, it is played down in place of yours. Afterward, give this flare to the Genie. If the Genie is not playing, discard this flare to use it.
Super: You may use your power as a main player, giving one card to your opponent, and keeping the other two for yourself.
GLUTTON [M:Warp] Always Gets One More Jack Reda
You have the power of Excess. Whenever you draw cards from a deck or another player (including your starting hand), or take ships from the warp, use this power to take 1 more than you were entitled to take.
History: The ravenous three-mouthed Gluttons know only of consumption. Even their economy is based on how much a Glutton can eat rather than the value of a product or service. The potent digestive acids of the Gluttons allow them to consume any material, and this further serves their philosophy -- if they can eat it, then surely there are supposed to eat it.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: When you must draw a new hand, play this card to draw a 10 card hand. Afterward, place this card back in your hand.
Super: You take 2 more than normal when using your power.
You have the power to threaten. Rather than flipping the Destiny Deck on your challenges, you announce a Lucre amount players must pay to ensure they are not attacked. You may choose whom to attack from any players that do not pay (even attacking a player on a base he has outside his home system). If all players pay your protection fee, your turn ends.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!
Phase 2 - Destiny
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: Target a single token. If the owner of that token does not pay you 5 Lucre, you may remove it from the game.
Super: If all players pay their protection fee, you may flip the Destiny Deck and still make a challenge.
Con: If you do not pay Goon, he can not attack you if there is another player who also did not pay.
GORE [O:Warp:B] CHOOSES LESSER OF TWO EVILS Jack Reda (Bad Endowment Powers)
You have the power to mitigate. Whenever you are the main player, you may draw an additional Bad Power, and then select which one to keep. Proceed with this new Bad Power until you use your power again.
History: Having existed as the lesser of two evils for so long, the Gores understand when to follow that process to its logical conclusion. Until something better comes along, the Gores will continue to flourish.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Meta type power. This is NOT a Bad Power.
Wild: After drawing cards as Rewards, you may change your mind and discard them, raising tokens from the Warp instead.
Super: Draw an additional Bad Power for your opponent as well, and decide which Bad Power he must use for this challenge between his normal one and the one you just drew.
GRAVITY [O:Warp:M] PULLS MOONS Jack Reda (Moons)
You have the power to pull. Every time your color is flipped in the destiny pile, you may pull a moon (occupied or not) to your system. When you have at least two moons in your system, you may move moons from your system to other players' systems when their color comes up in the Destiny Pile.
History: The Gravity existed for millenia in the orbit of a colossal dark star. All manner of debris was pulled into its unrelenting control. Later, the Gravity extended its influence to the far reaches of the galaxy. Since then, Gravity has been bringing everyone down.
Restriction: Use only in a game with moons.
Phase 2 - Destiny
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: As a defensive player, you may pull a token from any of your bases to the challenged base.
Wild: As a defensive player, you may pull a token from any of your bases to the challenged base.
Super1: You may leave the occupants of a pulled moon behind. They must return to bases.
Super: You may leave the occupants of a pulled moon behind. They must return to bases.
Con: Gravity can not pull a moon that you occupy.
GREMLIN [O:Warp] Gives Players Hazard Cards Jack Reda (Hazards)
You have the power to Meddle. At the start of any player\'s turn, draw hazards from the hazard deck (even if not part of the game normally), and place them on this sheet until there is one for each player in the game.
When another player draws from destiny, you may use this power to play a hazard from this sheet, even if no hazard warning appears on the destiny card. If a hazard card would be drawn normally, you may replace the hazard drawn with one from this sheet.
History: Gremlins can never leave well enough alone. They exist in a culture that rewards interference, trespassing, and insubordination. While other races may attempt to live in peace, the Gremlins remind them that trouble is always brewing.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Hazard type power.
Wild: When your color is drawn from destiny, you may force the offense to draw a new hand.
Super: You may play a hazard from your alien sheet when you draw from destiny. If you draw a hazard normally, you may replace it with one from your alien sheet.
GRID [O:Warp:MP] Shares Use of Powers Jack Reda (Multiple-Powers)
You have the power to convey. Whenever you are involved in a
challenge, you may lend one of your other powers to any player also
involved (on either side of the challenge). They have full use of your
power until the end of the challenge. You still have use of the power
as well. A Cosmic Zap against that power zaps it for both of you.
History: The Grid were an engineered race, established to assist in the transference of power between friendly nations. As war within the cosmos raged out of control, the Grid took advantage of their network, shifting the balance of power.
Restriction: Use only in a game with multiple-powers.
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Meta type power. Gerald Katz: Grid/Pentaform - Your power is Pentaform. The player you loan
Pentaform to uses the life stage based upon his foreign bases, which
can be different from yours.
Grid/Plant - If the person you loan Plant to decides for to graft Grid
from you, avoid paradox by fiat. You used Grid. You were able to
loan Plant. That you no longer have Grid is irrelevant. The other
player can still use Grid as normal and has Plant already used.
Grid/Reincarnator - The person you loan Reincarnator to has that power
and its current incarnation. If the player loses, Reincarnator gets a
new incarnation, even if you are on the opposing winning side, but his
own powers are not reincarnated.
Grid/Changeling - The person you loan Changeling to uses the power as
normal. His opponent gets Changeling. At the end of the challenge,
you get back the power Changeling was used upon.
Grid/Filth - Danger, Danger, Will Robinson!
Wild1: You may lend your hand to your ally for the rest of the challenge. He may play cards from either hand.
Super1: You do not need to be involved in the challenge to lend one of your powers.
Pro: You may instead loan a player any power from the unused powers
that does not affect game set-up. You both get use of the power.
Con: Grid cannot use the power he lends, and the player who gets the
power can't use one of his powers of Grid's choice.
GROTESQUE [O:Warp] Changes Opponent's Power Jack Reda
You have the power to Transmogrify. Whenever you lose an encounter as the Main Player, you may use this power to force your opponent to draw a power at random to replace his or her current power. You may not transmogrify them into set-up powers. In multi-power games, you decide which power to transmogrify.
History: Twisted in mind and body, the Grotesque punish the abuses of power by means both hideous and harsh. The very nature of their victims is erased completely in favor of a new, radically different persona. Each change they cause twists the Grotesque themselves in a more unnatural way - but they have gone too far to stop now.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Meta type power.
Wild: You may change the recipient of a power effect to another player (if the effect is still legal).
Super: You may force your opponent's allies to transmogrify as well.
Con: You may choose between your original power and the one Grotesque tried to transmogrify you into.
GRUB [M:Warp] Wins by Having Cards Jack Reda
You have the power to Amass. At the start of any player\'s regroup phase, before the offense retrieves a ship from the warp, use this power to win the game if you have 20 cards in your hand. You may still win the game via the normal method.
History: The sluggish and grotesque Grubs lead a laborious, groveling life consuming every resource they can reach. The Grubs care little for conquest or expansion, content to undergo metamorphosis until they emerge the most dominating life form in the Cosmos.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Alternate Win type power.
Wild: As a winning defensive ally, you may draw a card at random from the defensive main player for each ship you allied with.
Super: As a winning main player, you may collect a reward of cards for each ship you had in the encounter.
You have the power of betrayal. As an attacking main player, you may replace any Attack Card played against you with a Compromise Card from your hand. You discard the Attack Card you replaced.
Your power may not be used against Lancelot.
History: The wife of King Arthur, Guenevere is secretly in love with his greatest Knight of the Round Table.
Restriction: Use only in Camelot Encounter.
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild: You may replace a Compromise Card played with any Challenge Card from your hand.
Super: You may use your power against Lancelot.
GUILD [B:Warp:D] STAGE FOUR NAVIGATOR Jack Reda (Cosmic Dune)
You have the power of hyperspace. You collect one spice for each player that enters the offensive end of the cone. You do not have to pay to enter it. As the offensive player, after the outcome is determined, you may pay 10 Spice (to the bank) to reposition the cone. You are not required to take your turn in sequence. You may instead go between any other player's turns (but not between challenges).
Bidding Power: Before a card is auctioned, you may discard a card from your hand (but you may not do this twice consecutively).
Collection: 1 Spice per planet each turn.
History: You provide the only form of transport through the known universe.
Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Dune.
Phase 3 - Point Cone
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may prevent the guild from discarding a card (still counting as if it was discarded).
Wild: You may prevent the guild from discarding a card (still counting as if it was discarded).
Super1: As defensive main player you may pay ten spice to reposition the cone after the outcome is determined.
Super: As defensive main player you may pay ten spice to reposition the cone after the outcome is determined.
You have the power of hindrance. Whenever you are a main player, your opponent must draw an additional Bad Power from those not in use, and continue the challenge. At the end of the challenge they may discard the additional Bad Power.
History: Extremely vocal about fairness, advantages, and competition, the Handicaps are quick to award difficult requirements and hindrances to their opponents. Heedless of the actual standards for fairness, the Handicaps rely on the sympathy and stupidity of their enemies.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Meta type power. This is NOT a Bad Power.
Wild: As a main player, you may force all opposing players to bring only one token to the cone.
Super: You decide which Bad Power your opponent must keep after your challenge is over.
You have the power of treachery. As a main player, before cards are revealed, you may give 10 spice to an opposing ally and force them to switch sides. Whenever you win as a main player you collect one spice for each token (from the player) that goes to the Warp.
Bidding Power: When you buy a card, you get the next card free. Atreides may not look at it.
Collection: 2 spice per planet each turn.
History: You are determined to control Arrakis for your own twisted purposes.
Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Dune.
Phase 7 - Play cards
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may prevent Harkonnens from receiving a free second card.
Wild: You may prevent Harkonnens from receiving a free second card.
Super1: You may fill your hand with cards from another player's hand. Each card you take, you must replace with one spice.
Super: You may fill your hand with cards from another player's hand. Each card you take, you must replace with one spice.
HASTUR [O:Warp:LE] CULT OF HASTUR Jack Reda (Lovecraftian Encounter)
You have the power of Hastur. Internal Power: You may ally with your own tokens out of the Warp, up to as many as the player who invited you has in the challenge. External Power: You may force a main player to lose 2 tokens if he or she does not invite you to ally.
History: There are those who dread to even mention the name of Hastur, for fear that he will hear and be summoned. But that time is now at hand.
Restriction: Use only in Lovecraftian Encounter.
Phase 4 - Offense invites allies
Phase 5 - Defense invites allies
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may prevent Hastur from using either power (internal or external).
Wild: You may prevent Hastur from using either power (internal or external).
Super1: You have use of either of your powers, even if you do not occupy the proper bases. Cosmic Zap does not affect you.
Super: You have use of either of your powers, even if you do not occupy the proper bases. Cosmic Zap does not affect you.
HAWK [O:Warp] Changes Negotiate Cards Jack Reda
You have the power of Attack. As a main player or ally in an encounter, you may use this power to turn any negotiate card revealed by the opposing main player into an attack 00. When you are the main player, you may use this power to treat any negotiate card you reveal as a morph.
If an effect creates an infinite loop of attack 00 and negotiate, it ultimately results in an attack 00 that can not change into a negotiate.
History: The warlike Hawks rush into combat with no thoughts of surrender. Negotiation is not a concept they understand, and the entire Hawk society is built upon the notion of fight or die.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may play a reinforcement face down in an encounter as if it were an encounter card. It is revealed as an attack card of its reinforcement value.
Super: If you reveal a negotiate card and lose the encounter, you collect compensation (even for a failed deal).
You have the weakness of bleeding. Whenever you lose tokens to the Warp, an equal
number of your tokens from elsewhere must also go to the Warp.
History: Unsound evolution has deemed fit to leave the Hemophiliacs without methods to heal themselves, or reduce their damage in conflicts. Oops.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: When another players puts his tokens in the Warp, force him to lose as
many tokens again. He may not lose more then 6 extra tokens in this manner.
Super: You need not lose any extra tokens because of your power.
You have the power to liberate. Whenever other players tokens are taken prisoner, you may immediately set them free. You gain one
card from the deck each time you do (regardless of how many players are liberated). Freed tokens go back to their player.
History: Having been taken prisoner early on and forced into various holding facilities, the Hogans were able to establish an underground network for escape. Now they casually set other aliens free when they are captured, simply to foil their enemies plans (and gain a few rewards, of course).
Restriction: Use only in a game with prisoners.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: You may force a player to discard the consolation he or she just
Wild: You may force a player to discard half (rounding down) of the consolation he or she just
Super1: You a gain a card for each token you set free on this challenge.
Super: You a gain a card for each token you set free on one challenge.
Con: Hogan may only liberate your tokens.
HOLO [O:Warp:TC] Parnter Plays Optional Encounter Card Jack Reda (Team Cosmic)
You have the power or virtuality. As a main player, if your partner is allied with you, you may use this power to allow him or her to also play an encounter card. When cards are revealed, choose which one will represent your side. Both cards are discarded.
History: A self-aware virtual race of three-dimensional, pixelated creatures, the Holos bounce from planet to planet in such rapid succession, other beings can neither tell from where the Holos come, nor whether their presence is real or imagined.
Restriction: Use only in Team Cosmic.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: When a Card Zap is played, you may nullify its effects by giving this card to the Holo. If Holo is not in the game, discard this card to play it.
Super: You may play an additional encounter card when allied with your partner. He or she chooses which to use when cards are revealed.
You have the power to rob. Whenever you win a challenge as the Main Player, you may steal half the Lucre of your opponent (but not his allies). You then must divide the spoils between yourself and the player with the least amount of Lucre (other than your opponent). If you are the player with the least amount of Lucre you receive it all. If there is a tie for least amount, divide the poor share between the poor players.
History: Heedless of the expression "crime does not pay", the Hoods have embarked on a crusade of stealing from the rich and giving (some but not all) to the poor. The only flaw in their plan is who
they will rob when everyone is poor but them.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre.
Do not use in a two player game.
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: You may steal 5 Lucre from the player who has the most (other
than yourself).
Wild: You may steal 5 Lucre from the player who has the most (other
than yourself). Use once and discard.
Super1: You may rob your opponent's allies as well. You must still
divide it with the poorest player.
Super: You may rob your opponent's allies as well. You must still
divide it with the poorest player.
Con: Hood may not steal your Lucre if you lose a challenge as Main Player.
HUB [O:Warp:T] Researching Ships Add to Total Jack Reda (Tech)
You have the power to Connect. As a main player, you may use this power to add the number of ships you have researching Tech to your total in an encounter.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Tech.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: You may collect compensation in the amount of the number of ships you have researching Tech instead of the normal amount.
Super: You may use your power to connect as an ally.
HUCKSTER [M:Warp] Offers Deal Before Encounter Occurs Jack Reda
You have the power to Palter. When encounter cards are played, but before they are revealed, use this power to make a deal with your opponent (in under a minute). If he or she agrees to the deal, treat both cards played as negotiates, and discard. If your opponent refuses, proceed with the encounter normally. If your opponent loses the encounter (or still refuses to deal in a negotiate situation) he or she loses an additional 3 ships on top of other loses in the encounter.
History: The Hucksters see themselves as a force of righteousness in the Cosmos, trying to negotiate peaceful resolutions to any conflict. However, their peaceful nature comes unhinged when they don't get their way, and the accusations made against them about atrocities are perhaps not as unfounded as the Hucksters would have you believe.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: After making a successful deal with your opponent, he or she still loses three ships (as if failing to deal).
Super: Your opponent loses 6 ships for refusing to deal with your before encounter results if he or she loses the encounter.
Con: You do not lose 3 additional ships for refusing to deal with Huckster when you also lose the encounter.
HUNTER [B:Warp] Captures Ships for Rewards Jack Reda
You have the power of Trophies. As a main player, when you win an encounter, use this power to capture all opposing ships. These ships are out of the game. During any player's regroup phase, you may return a captured ship to that player and collect a card as a reward (one card for each ship returned). Ships may also be returned to players as part of a deal.
History: Living a strict warrior's code, the Hunters search for worthy adversaries to add to their collection. These trophies of past battles adorn the halls of the Hunter worlds as a symbol of the cunning Hunter credo.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may collect rewards of cards or ships for winning an encounter as offensive player.
Super: You may send captured ships to the warp and free an equal number of your own ships from the warp.
HURTZ [M:Warp] Leases Game Resources Jack Reda (Revision)
Game Setup: At the beginning of the game, deal three unused alien powers, two unused flares, and five cards from the deck face up in front of you. This forms your array of items to be leased to other players.
You have the power to Lease. Whenever you are not a main player, use this power to make an offer to the main players. They may lease any of your items for the rest of that encounter. If neither player leases anything, or doesn\'t use the item they have leased, you gain 1 cosmic token. You may spend a cosmic token at any time to lease one of your own items. You may spend 4 cosmic tokens to gain a foreign colony anywhere. At the end of the encounter, leased items are discarded (alien powers are removed from the game), and you restock those items leased out.
History: As galactic conditions became more perilous, the Hurtz saw the need for a stable supplier of arms to all. Their slogan is: \"We\'ll rent anything that\'s still face down.\"
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may lease your alien power to another player for the remainder of the encounter. That player has use of your power instead of his or her own. If that player is on the winning side, draw two cards at random from that player. Otherwise, draw only 1 card.
Super: Gain 2 cosmic tokens if neither player leases one of your items, or if a leased item is not used.
You have the weakness of worry. At the start of each challenge, instead
of taking a token from the Warp, you must put one in.
History: Hypochondriacs may not be sick now, but eventually they will be, and then they will finally be ahead of the game.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: Each other player must either put two tokens in the warp or allow
you to withdraw one. Each player, starting from your left makes this decision
in turn.
Super: You may draw a token from the Warp at the start of each of your challenges
instead of sending one to the Warp.
IMPLOSION [M:Warp] Card Reduced by Number of Ships Jack Reda
You have the power of Compression. As a main player, your opponent's attack card is reduced by the number of ships on his side (including allies, but not counting power effects such as Macron or Fungus). The reduction takes place before other card effects like Mirror or Calculator. Your Attack Card is unaffected.
History: The Implosions evolved in the abysmal depths of a watery world. The extreme amounts of pressure caused them to become extraordinarily resistant to compression. Later, they learned to generate a field of compression that they could project at their enemies. The larger the enemy, the more they were weakened.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild1: The number of ships on your opponent's side is reduced by the number of ships on your side for calculating results. This takes place after any other effects.
Wild: The number of ships on your opponent's side is reduced by the number of ships on your side for calculating results. This takes place after any other effects.
Super1: Your opponent's attack card is reduced by the number of ships involved in the encounter.
Super: Your opponent's attack card is reduced by the number of ships involved in the encounter.
Con: Your ships do not reduce your card value when you and Implosion are both the Main Players.
IMPOSTOR [M:Warp] Replaces Ships Jack Reda
You have the power to Replace. Every time the Destiny pile is flipped, place a Cosmic token on a planet in that system (on a Wild flip, you decide, regardless of where the offensive player attacks). During Regroup, if there are more Cosmic tokens on the planet than other players' ships, use this power to send those ships to the Warp and place an equal number of your ships on that planet. At that time, the Cosmic tokens on that planet are removed.
History: Masters of infiltration, the Impostors have secreted sleeper agents in every corner of the Cosmos. Once enough data about the indigenous life has been collected, the Impostors quietly come in and replace them with duplicates. The fakes look and act so convincingly, by the time the local authorities catch on, they have been conquered.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may replace your revealed encounter card with the top card of the discard pile (if it is an encounter card).
Super: When you replace ships, you may redeploy the Cosmic tokens there to any planets that do not have tokens on them (maximum of one token per planet).
INFERNO [M:Warp:B] HOME PLANETS HAVE BAD POWERS Jack Reda (Bad Endowment Powers)
You have the power of suffering. Each of your home planets has a Bad Power associated with it. If a player captures a base in your system, they must then use the Bad Power whenever they are challenged on that base. Your tokens are not affected by planetary Bad Powers.
History: The Inferno have created an existence so hateful and foul that few dare traverse its boundaries. Only the strong of heart (or the incredibly foolish) make the arduous trek to the Inferno's home world.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Meta type power. This is not a Bad Power.
Wild: You may force another player to pick up a discarded Challenge Card.
Super: You may draw a Bad Power to associate with an external base where you have tokens. Any other player with tokens there must use the Power when challenged there.
INFERNO [O:Warp] Uses Flares as Kickers Jack Reda
Game Setup: Add the five additional Inferno flares to the deck before hands are dealt.
You have the power of Flares. As a main player, when playing an encounter card, you may use this power to play a flare face down with it as a kicker x2. When you reveal your encounter card and flare, the value of any attack card you reveal is multiplied by 2. If the encounter card is a negotiate, any compensation you collect is doubled, and if you are in a deal situation that fails, your opponent loses twice as many ships to the warp. The flare is discarded at the end of the encounter (and can not be used for its normal flare effect). If the flare you used was your super flare, it is instead placed on this sheet.
History: Expelled from the fiery depths of a red giant star, the Inferno defied the cold waste of space. They sought out other sources of heat to burn, increasing their power with each flare up. Nothing will satisfy the Inferno until the entire Cosmos is consumed in an ultimate conflagration.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power. This is a work in progress. The design intent is to have an alien that has 5 additional flares in the game. The wild effects can all be different (and for that matter so can the flares). Right now the power effect is to use flares as kickers... I think this is all right, but I am hoping to think up something better. It could be that the power just brings flares from the alien sheet back in hand, and the super effects are where the real power is.
Wild: As an ally, discard any attack card from your hand to add that amount to your side's total in the encounter before encounter cards are revealed. Afterwards, give this flare to the Inferno, or discard it if Inferno is not playing.
INSECT [O:Warp] Copies Other Players’ Alien Powers Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the power of Metamorphosis. Whenever you are a main player, place an Insect token on your opponent’s alien sheet if he or she does not have one.
You may use this power to copy the effects of any player’s alien power by removing the Insect token from that player’s sheet, so long as that player is not a main player opposing you when you are also a main player. That player still has use of his or her power.
History: The short-lived Insects rapidly adapt to match the strengths of any opponent. They know that their ability to metamorphose and copy any ecological innovation will lead to ultimate control of the Cosmos.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power. Eight Insect tokens.
Wild: If you lose an encounter as a main player, you may discard your hand and immediately draw a new one.
Super: You may use your power as a main player to copy the effects of your opponent's power (going before him or her if you wish).
INSURGENT [O:Warp] Takes Ships as Compensation Jack Reda
You have the power of Collateral. Whenever you are entitled to compensation, you may use this power to take ships from the opposing players for some or all of your compensation. You may target ships on any colonies from any or all players that opposed you in the encounter. Ships are placed out of the game onto your alien sheet. When other players take compensation from you, they may retrieve their own ships as some or all of their compensation, sending those ships to the warp.
History: Centuries of peaceful existence came to a brutal end for the Insurgents with the advent of space travel. Their society underwent a fundamental change when they learned that other races did not share their values. The sacred art of negotiation was lost forever, and the Insurgents embraced a coarser path- that of attrition. Those who are unwilling to find compromise will pay a higher price.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: If you lose an encounter as a main player, choose a ship belonging to your opponent and send it to the warp.
Super: As an ally, if your side negotiated, you may collect compensation for any ships you lost.
JACK [B:Warp] Tries Out Powers Jack Reda
You have the power to Sample. At the start of the game draw five additional powers. At any point during the game you may use one of these extra powers. You have use of the power until the end of that encounter. At that point, you must set the power aside, and you may not use it again. Every time you gain a foreign colony you may draw an additional power from those not being used and add it to your cache of samples. When you lose a colony anywhere, you must discard a power that you have not sampled. You are not required to use a power in any given encounter.
History: The Jack were originally known as The Jack of All Powers. They have traveled throughout the far reaches of the universe; learning, studying, and memorizing the cultures, powers, and intricacies of every living race, hoping to become a most formidable opponent. By comparison, other aliens don't know jack.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power.
Wild1: You may name a flare. If any other player is holding it, he or she must give it to you.
Wild: You may name a flare. If any other player is holding it, he or she must give it to you. If a player gives you a flare, give his flare to Jack. If Jack is not in the game, discard this flare when a player gives you a flare.
Super1: You may sample a power you previously sampled.
Super: You may sample a power you previously sampled.
Con: You may decide which power Jack can use. He may still opt to use no power.
JACRON [M:Warp] Ships Are Worth Number Involved Jack Reda
You have the power to Amass. As a main player, use this power to make your ships each worth the number of players opposing your side in the encounter. Thus, if you are attacked by a player with two allies, each of your ships is worth three.
History: The Jacron were descended from the Macron, bred for their ability to travel in large groups when necessary. Converting the energy of opposing fleets into mass they could harness, the Jacron are more powerful when outnumbered.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may add one to your side's total for each player that is on your side.
Super: You may use your power to amass as an ally.
Pro: You may bring up to five ships into the gate as offensive player.
Con: Jacron's ships are only worth one each against you when you are both Main Players.
JAUNT [O:Warp] Teleports Ships Jack Reda
You have the power to Teleport. Whenever you win an encounter as a main player, you may use this power to teleport as many of your ships as you had in the encounter, to and from anywhere you have ships, including from the warp, captured by another player, or out of the game.
History: Once mastering the ability to reconstitute their molecules in other places, the Jaunts soon grew in power. No longer did the warp have much of a hold over them. Jumping instantly from one location to another places the Jaunts in position to quickly conquer uncharted realms.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: If you win as an offensive main player, you may teleport a ship from anywhere in the game (including the warp) to the new base.
Wild: If you win as an offensive main player, you may teleport a ship from anywhere in the game (including the warp) to the new base.
Super1: You may teleport your allies' ships as well.
Super: You may teleport your allies' ships as well.
Con: Jaunt may not teleport if he defeats you when both of you are main players.
You have the power to resell. Whenever any Subterfuge cards are discarded, you may collect them, and place them in your hand. At any point in the game, you may use any Subterfuge you hold as any card that has been played so far in the game. Declare the card's new value when it is revealed. You may not repeat a value you have already used. You may not collect Subterfuge cards you discard.
History: Having experience with performing low, mercenary work in office, politics, and intrigue, the Jobbers turn official or public business to private advantage.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Subterfuge.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: Use this card as any card that has already been played.
Super: You may play a Subterfuge card as any card, even if you already used it as a specific card already.
Con: Jobber is unable to play a Subterfuge card as any other card against you.
JUGGERNAUT [M:Warp:2] Forces Alliances Jack Reda
You have the power of Devotion. Whenever you invite other players to ally, if they do not commit to your opponent, use this power to force those players to ally with you, with at least one ship.
History: The Juggernauts have tirelessly bowled through the universe, binding many to their cause, and leaving nothing in their wake. They will not rest until they have conquered the whole universe, with everyone's help, of course.
Restriction: Do not use in a two player game.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild1: If, as an ally, you have fewer than 4 ships in the encounter, you may add more (up to 4) after cards have been revealed.
Wild: If, as an ally, you have fewer than 4 ships in the encounter, you may add more (up to 4) after cards have been revealed.
Super1: When using your power, your allies must commit with 4 ships, if possible.
Super: When using your power, your allies must commit with 4 ships, if possible.
Con: You do not have to ally with Juggernaut, unless forced by Magnet.
KARMA [O:Warp] Makers Losers into Winners Jack Reda
You have the power of Fate. Whenever a player loses an encounter, if his or her destiny color is the top card of the destiny discard pile, take that card and place it face down on your alien sheet.
Whenever you are a main player or ally in an encounter, you may use this power to play a destiny card from your alien sheet after encounter cards are revealed to make the main player whose color matches your card the winner of the encounter, ignoring the encounter card results. The destiny card is placed on top of the destiny discard pile.
History: A circular race of indeterminate age, the mystic Karma were often dismissed as mindless beings. With time, the Karma have been able to demonstrate enormous powers they alone can wield, and a pattern of unmistakable intelligence has unfolded. It is clear the Karma have been manipulating the other lifeforms of the cosmos, but to what end only the Karma can say.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: If during a player's turn, he or she wins the second encounter, you may declare their opponent the winner. Give this card to Karma when you play it, or discard this flare to play it if Karma is not in the game.
Super: You may pick up a wild destiny card if the player determined by that destiny card has lost the encounter.
You have the weakness of herding. Whenever you lose tokens to the Warp, your opponent in a challenge chooses where they come from. If not involved in a challenge, the player who initiated the effect that causes the loss chooses. If this is not clear, the player who's color last came up in the destiny pile (other
then the Lamb) chooses.
History: They say that Lambs are easily lead to slaughter, and in this case at least, they are right.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: Force one player to withdraw all of their tokens from a challenge.
Super: You may choose which of your tokens are lost.
You have the power of valor. As a main player, the value of each of your tokens in the challenge is equal to the number of tokens the opposing main player has in the challenge. If he attacks with three tokens, each of your defending tokens is worth three, etc. This value does not correspond to the amount of consolation you collect.
Your power may not be used against Merlin.
History: Arthur's best friend, and the noblest of his Knights, Lancelot struggles with his feelings for Guenevere, and his loyalty to his king.
Restriction: Use only in Camelot Encounter.
Phase 3 - Point Cone
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild: Your tokens in this challenge are each worth the number of players opposing you (main player and allies).
Super: You may use your power against Merlin.
LASER [O:Warp] Targets Cards Opponent Can’t Use Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the Power to Blind. As a main player, before cards are selected, you may use this power to select at random one card from your opponent for each ship you have in the encounter. The targeted cards are placed on your opponent’s alien sheet and are not considered part of his or her hand. At the end of the encounter, the cards return to your opponent’s hand. If after blinding your opponent he or she has no encounter cards, you win the encounter.
History: Descended from an ancient sun-worshipping cult, the modern Lasers have learned to Focus stellar power accurately enough to bedazzle any opposition. They have now embarked on a plan to spread confusion and fear among their enemies before stepping in to build a coherent Cosmos in their own image.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: If you are a main player, your opponent (except for the Oracle) must choose an encounter card and play it before asking for allies.
Super: You may use your power to blind as an ally, targeting either one of the main players.
LEMMING [M:Warp] Gains Colonies for Having Ships in the Warp Jack Reda
You have the power to Migrate. During each destiny phase, if you have ten or more ships in the warp, use this power to move four of your ships out of the warp onto any planet in the system indicated by destiny (if a wild destiny was drawn, the ships go to whatever system the offense chooses to encounter).
History: The small, odd-looking Lemmings are known for their mass migrations, especially those resulting in self-sacrifice. What is not well known about the Lemmings is their unusual ability to turn up in unexpected places, seemingly out of nowhere.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Colony Gain type power.
Wild: During your regroup, when you retrieve a ship from the warp, you may place it on any planet where all other players have a colony but you do not.
Super: When using your power to migrate, you need only move one ship out of the warp.
LEPRECHAUN [O:Warp] Places Lucre on Planets Jack Reda (Lucre)
You have the power to Deposit. During the Destiny phase, you may use this power to place 1 lucre from the bank on any planet in the system indicated by the destiny card. One a wild destiny, you must choose a planet in the system the offensive player chooses. If the offense successfully attacks the planet where you placed the lucre, that player gains the lucre. Otherwise, you gain the lucre.
History: The Leprechauns were considered extremely lucky, as they seemed to have the uncanny ability to discover precious minerals wherever they went. It was learned however, that the Leprechauns knew the treasures were there simply because they're the ones that put them there. Occasionally, other aliens accidentally stumble onto a hidden treasure trove, but usually end up paying for it in other ways.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: When asked to ally, you may instead place 1-4 lucre from your collection into the encounter. They count as ships for encounter totals. If your side wins, you regain your lucre plus an equal number from the bank. If you lose, you simply lose whatever lucre was in the encounter.
Super: You may place 2 lucre on a planet when using your power. If the offense successfully attacks the planet with the lucre, you gain 1 lucre, and the offense gets the other one.
LEVIATHAN [O:Warp:Pl] May Attack With Planet Jack Reda
You have the power of Worldships. As the offense, after the hyperspace gate is aimed, you may use this power to choose one of your home planets that has no opposing ships on it and send it through the gate to attack as a worldship. Take the worldship (with all of your ships that were on it) and place it on the hyperspace gate. After encounter cards are revealed add 20 to your side\'s total, plus 1 for each ship you have on your worldship. If you lose the encounter, return the worldship to your home system, sending all ships on it to the warp. If you win the encounter, return the wordship to your home system, and leave the ships that were on it behind on the planet you successfully attacked.
History: Immense and powerful creatures, the Leviathans consumed every resource on their own worlds until they themselves became like planets. The Leviathan fleets, now stationed within the fleshy folds of their masters, scout out new worlds for the Leviathans to envelop. The sight of a world-sized entity gating in through hyperspace often causes madness and hysteria on the targeted planet, but it doesn\'t last long.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Planet type power.
Wild: As a main player, you may play your entire hand as one encounter card (adding together only attack cards to create one value). The entire hand is discarded at the end of the encounter.
Super: You may rearrange your ships among all of your system planets (even reoccupying a planet that you had no ships on before).
LICH [B:Warp] Stores points for future encounters Jack Reda
You have the power of Phylacteries. As a main player, whenever you lose an encounter, place a number of cosmic tokens on your alien sheet equal to the amount you lost the encounter by. In any subsequent encounter, you may use this power to place one or more of your cosmic tokens with your encounter card when it is played face down. The cosmic tokens increase the value of your attack card. Any cosmic tokens played with a negotiate card are valueless. Cosmic tokens played in an encounter are discarded. You may not have more than 42 cosmic tokens.
History: Powerful necromancers, the Liches were unsatisfied with the level of enlightenment they held as fully living entities. Placing their dying souls into cosmic phylacteries, the Liches have been able to continue their quest to attain knowledge and power. Even death can not reduce the impact of their power and influence.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: Whenever you lose ships in an encounter, you may discard an attack card with a value equal to or greater than the number of your ships lost, and return your ships to any of your colonies.
Super: You may add up to the same number of cosmic tokens you used in the encounter from your supply immediately after cards are revealed.
LLOYD [O:Warp] Protects Players’ Assets Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the power to Insure. You may use this power to offer to insure any other player’s assets (alien power, ships, or cards). If your offer is accepted, you gain a cosmic token. If the player insures his or her alien power, it cannot be lost or zapped during the encounter. If he or she insures ships, they return to colonies instead of being sent to the warp, lost, or captured. If he or she insures cards, they may keep any card specified in your agreement instead of being forced to discard it or lose it as compensation. A protected card may not be played more than once in the encounter. All insurance deals have a one encounter duration and must be renegotiated at the start of the next encounter. You may not insure anything you yourself possess.
At any time, you may spend tokens as if you were collecting defender rewards.
History: The Lloyd has been known to generations of warriors, merchants, and diplomats as the protector and helping hand in time of need. Muttering the ancient phrase â€the party of the first part heretofore known as the party of the second part, notwithstanding the part of the aforementioned claimant ...†and finishing with the sacred â€signhereplease,†the Lloyd is rarely suspect in its own right.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Meta type power.
Wild: When you are about to lose a colony, you may keep one of your ships there (that would have otherwise been lost).
Super: Gain 2 cosmic tokens whenever a player insures one of their assets.
LOBBYIST [M:Warp:B] MUST BRIBE ALLIES Jack Reda (Bad Powers)
You have the weakness of influence. Before anyone can ally with you, or offer you any form of assistance, you must pay them a bribe of cards or lucre.
History: The influence of the Lobbyists if felt in every corner of the universe, even where it isn't wanted or needed.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers and Lucre.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: You may show a potential ally any number of cards and offer them as a
condition for their joining.
Super: Other players may ally with you for free.
LOON [M:Warp:B] NEVER LANDS ON MOONS Jack Reda (Bad Powers)
You have the weakness of avoidance. You may never challenge a moon, nor occupy one for any reason.
History: The Loons have a long and sordid history of paranoia and superstition involving moons, and feel it is better to just leave well enough alone.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers and Moons. Do not use in a game with moon base win conditions.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: Force any player to vacate a moon base. Tokens return to other bases.
Super: You may challenge moons normally.
You have the power of odds. At any time, you may place one of your Attack Cards face down out of play. You may then place 1 or more Lucre on the card. The card and Lucre are now considered out of the game, and you may not use them. If another player reveals that same Attack Card as a main player in a challenge, you win the amount of Lucre you placed out of play from the Bank, and gain your out of play Lucre and card back. You may then bet another card. You may add Lucre to the out of play pile at any time.
History: Unable to grasp concepts like math, the Lottery recklessly gamble all of their budget on the offside chance their number will come up.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: If you are uninvolved in a challenge, you may call out a number before cards are revealed. If either Challenge Card is that number, you may draw two Lucre from the bank.
Super: You may place more than one card out of the game and bet on it.
LOVE [M:BGG] Everyone Gains Something Jack Reda
You have the Power of Joy. At the start of your turn, use this power to allow every player to either discard a card or gain ships. First, choose and discard a card from your hand. Every other player clockwise from you may then choose to discard a card of the same type (attack, negotiate, artifact, etc.). If all other players discard the same type of card, they may free all of their ships from the warp back to their colonies, and you gain all of the cards discarded (including your own). If a player does not discard a card, he or she may free their ships from the warp back to colonies, and you may free up to four of your ships from the warp and establish one colony anywhere with them.
History: A short, physically unimposing race, the Love used to be enveloped in rage and self-loathing. In their darkest hour, the Love began to see that simple acts of joy could become contagious; all that was needed was for one race to take the first step towards a happier existence.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, you may ask your opponent to discard one card at random from his or her hand. If he or she does, you may take the card; if he or she does not, you gain a defender reward.
Super: Instead of discarding a card to use your power, you may show the card to the other players and then return it to your hand.
LUDDITE [M:Warp] Encounter Cards are Not Revealed Jack Reda
You have the power over Mechanization. As a main player in an encounter, use this power to force the opposing side to play cards for the encounter without revealing them. Both your opponent and his or her allies may play any number of cards (Encounter cards or otherwise) facedown, and each has a value of only 1 (no matter what kind of card they play). Add the number of cards to the number of ships on your opponent's side to get his or her total. You may play any Encounter card normally.
History: A simple race of herbivores, the Luddites have always been fearful and mistrusting of all things mechanical. They have evolved a natural field that disables mechanical devices and other forms of technological development, forcing enemies to attack with more primitive means. The Luddites find themselves on a crusade to rid the known Universe of hateful technology, and those who would use it.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may discard any number of cards from your hand, adding +1 to your side's total in an encounter for each card discarded.
Super: If you win the encounter as a main player, you may take into your hand all non-encounter cards played by the opposing side as encounter cards.
LUNATIC [O:Warp] Allies Against Self Jack Reda
You have the power of Insanity. As a main player, you may use this power to ally against yourself (without being invited).
History: Not known for their rational behavior, the Lunatics have existed thus far by being on the winning side of every battle in some form or another.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: You may exchange all of your ships on a colony in your system with those of another player's ships in his system.
Wild: You may exchange all of your tokens on a base in your system with those of another player's tokens in his system. Give this card to Lunatic when you play it. If Lunatic is not in the game, discard this card to play it.
Super1: You may ally with both sides of an encounter, if invited by both main players.
Super: You may ally with both sides of a challenge, if invited by both main players.
Con: Lunatic may not ally against himself when you are the other main player.
LURE [O:Warp:AC] Reveals an Alliance Card Jack Reda (Alliance Cards)
You have the power to Bait. During the Alliance phase, you may select a player who must play his or her Alliance card face up.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Alliance cards.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may offer a card at random from your hand if a main player agrees to invite you to ally.
Super: You may force two players to play their Alliance cards face up.
You have the power to shapeshift. Whenever you occupy a moon, you may transform different cards depending on what type of moon you occupy.
Full = transform any Flare into a Kicker 4.
Half = transform any Edict into an Attack 15.
Crescent = transform any Reinforcement into an additive Kicker.
Cheese = transform any card into a Compromise.
Blue = any of the above.
You must announce that you are shapeshifting. You may shapeshift only once per challenge.
History: Having been slaves to the constantly changing nature of moons, the Lycanthropes were eventually able to turn the power to their advantage. Without warning, they can become a savage tool of destruction.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Mayfair-style moons.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: You may transform a moon you occupy into any Zap Edict. Discard the moon, and return tokens to bases.
Wild: You may transform a moon you occupy into any Zap Edict. Discard the moon, and return tokens to bases.
Super1: You may transform one Attack Card into a reinforcement.
Super: You may transform an Attack Card into a reinforcement (once per challenge).
Con: Lycanthrope may not shapeshift against you when you both are Main Players.
You have the power to improvise. Throughout the game, if you do not have any Subterfuge cards in your hand, you may use another type of card as the Subterfuge of your choice. You must place a card in front of you face down to signify which type of card is being used (i.e. an Attack Card, Compromise Card, Kicker, Flare, etc.). This card is still considered part of your hand. Once you are caught performing a Subterfuge, you must discard this face down card. Then you must choose a different type of card to use as Subterfuge. You may not repeat a type of card until you have exhausted all types that appear in the deck. Additionally, you must rotate through the types of Subterfuge before repeating one. If you hold any real Subterfuge cards, you are limited to using those until they are discarded.
History: The MacGuyvers have a long history of finding themselves in sticky situations, with only their wits to help them escape. Making use of any and all materials at their disposal, they have managed to cheat death at every turn.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Subterfuge.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: This card may be used as any kind of Subterfuge card. Discard when you are caught.
Super: You may repeat the kind of card you use to improvise, as well as which kind of subterfuge card it represents.
Con: MacGuyver can not use an improvised card as subterfuge in any challenge in which you are both main players.
MACRON [M:Warp] TOKENS VALUE EQUALS 4 Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the power of mass. No matter how many tokens you bring into a challenge, your token value is worth four. You are restricted to normal token movement, but may collect consolation and rewards based on the number of your tokens involved.
History: Beginning life on a gargantuan planet, the Macrons accustomed themselves to tremendous atmospheric and gravitational forces. Power comes so naturally to them, they scoff at the fragile intelligences they crush on their way to Universal dominance.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power. Alternate version of Macron. From Jack Reda: "Macron needs to have a bigger risk quotient. While it's nice to have the 16 when being attacked, it is far outweighed by the problems of having bases with only one token, and only collecting one in consolation and rewards. It isn't always sound game-playing to keep allying with the defense just to get an opportunity to move tokens to your external bases."
Wild: As ally or offensive player, you may put as many tokens into the cone as you have bases (including bases in your own system).
Super: Each of your tokens is worth four (you may still place up to four tokens in the cone).
MAELSTROM [O:Warp] Changes Negotiates Into Attack Cards Jack Reda
You have the power of turmoil.
As soon as an attack card is discarded, place it instead on your alien sheet (if more than one is discarded, take the highest one). Any time you play a negotiate card, you may use this power to change its value to the attack card on your alien sheet. When that happens, discard the attack card. When the next attack card is discarded, place it on your alien sheet. Your negotiate cards count as negotiates if you have no card on your alien sheet.
History: The Maelstrom are a savage race, uninterested in the concept of negotiation or peace. Only displays of brutality and confusion are accepted or appreciated. The Maelstrom would rather destroy their own homes than find a peaceful solution to any crisis. In fact, crisis itself is preferred state.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: If you and your opponent both played negotiate cards, you may exchange yours for an attack card from your hand.
Super: You may trade an attack card from your hand for the one on your alien sheet.
MANGONEL [O:Warp] External Ships Count to Total Jack Reda
You have the power to Bombard. When you are not involved in an encounter, you may use this power to add the number of your ships on foreign colonies to the total of one side. Your ships are not at risk.
History: Pioneers of frontier justice, the Mangonels prefer to tip the balance from safe distances. Once devoted to a path of non-interference, it did not take long for the Mangonels to realize that they could not sit idly by while other forces destroyed the defenseless. However, there was no need to introduce risk to their interests if the Mangonels could participate by proxy.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: You may play a reinforcement in an encounter where you are not involved.
Super: If you use your power and your side wins, you collect rewards of cards from the deck or ships from the warp in the amount of the number of ships the main player you helped had in the encounter.
You have the power of the serpent sea. On your turn you may shift any
moon you do not occupy one system clockwise or counterclockwise. This shift
can take place at any point during your turn.
History: Twisting and turning through a vast, vermiform seascape, the
Mare Anguis have shifted control from galaxy to galaxy, and from culture to
culture. The moons have plotted their course, and the Mare Anguis will wind
their way to victory.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Lunar Encounter Moons.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: Switch the locations of any two moons, even if they are occupied.
The tokens remain on the moons.
Super: You may shift a moon two systems in either direction.
Con: Mare Anguis can not shift any moon that you occupy.
You have the power of the sea of crises. When you are determined to be
the defensive player, you may force the attacking player to challenge you on
a specific planet or moon in the same system. You must have tokens on the
new defensive location, and the attacking player must be able to establish a
base there if he wins.
History: Out of the turmoil of a storm-ridden world rise the Mare Crisium.
Quick thinking, and always steady under pressure, they thrive on the
adrenaline of conflict.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Lunar Encounter Moons.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: Force the offensive player to make a challenge against the same
player in a different system.
Super: You may redirect the cone to another base, forcing a different
player to be defensive player.
Con: Mare Crisium can not force you to redirect your challenge.
You have the power of the sea of showers. If a player is attacking you,
they must first give you a card at random from their hand. If the player
defeats you, they must give you consolation as well (unless you Compromise).
History: The costliness of opposing the Mare Imbirum has been the single
largest factor in their continued dominance. The live by the credo:
"When sorrows come, they come not single spies but in battalions."
Restriction: Use only in a game with Lunar Encounter Moons.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: When losing a challenge as a main player, your opponent must give
you his hand.
Super: You may discard any cards you draw as a result of your power.
Con: You do not have to allow Mare Imbrium to draw cards from you, unless
he compromises.
You have the power of the sea of the edge. Players can only challenge you
if they attack with more tokens than you have in the challenge (main player
and allies, but not counting your allies).
History: From the darkest depths of a moon ensconced in perpetual
midnight, the Mare Marginis sit, and wait. They make known their strength
and numbers, relying on the fact that their enemies dare not oppose such a
Restriction: Use only in a game with Lunar Encounter Moons.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: As a defensive main player, if you have more allies (number of
players) on your side than your opponent, you may cancel the challenge.
Super: You may count your allies. If there are more defensive tokens
than offensive, the challenge ends, but is considered a defensive win for
calculating rewards.
Con: You do not have to outnumber Mare Marginis to attack him.
You have the power of the sea of clouds. As a main player in a challenge,
you may force your opponent to play a Challenge Card for you. You then play
a card for your opponent.
History: The Mare Nubium developed a mist-enshrouded existence, confusing
their enemies, and focusing their strength. They will decide when it is
best to fight.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Lunar Encounter Moons.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: As an ally, you may play a Challenge Card for the main player on
your side.
Super: You may see what card your opponent intends to play for you before
selecting his card.
Con: You may play your own Challenge Card against Mare Nubium.
You have the power of the sea of waves. As a main player in a challenge
you may discard your hand and draw 5 cards from the deck. Proceed with the
new hand.
History: Harnessing the power of lunar energy, the Mare Undarum
constantly replenish their resources. Each successive iteration finds them
able to renew their efforts, conquering any who stand in their way.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Lunar Encounter Moons.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may draw five cards and add them to your hand.
Super: You may choose to not discard up to 4 cards, and draw that many
Con: Mare Undarum may not discard his hand against you, unless he is out
of Challenge Cards.
MARINE [M:Warp] Always Faithful Jack Reda
You have the Power of Fidelity. When you lose ships in an encounter, place them on this alien sheet instead of sending them to the warp. The next time you are involved in an encounter on the offensive side, send these ships to the targeted planet after the encounter is over (even if you were on the losing side).
History: Highly disciplined soldiers, the Marines never abandon an objective. Learning from mistakes, and adapting to changing environments, the Marines are potent students of combat. They faithfully execute their missions without hesitation. Failure is not an option.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may play reinforcements on an encounter in which you are not involved.
Super: You may use your power when involved in an encounter on the defense. Your ships on your alien sheet may land on the targeted planet after the encounter.
MASON [M:Warp] Builds Walls Jack Reda
You have the power to Build. At the start of each player\'s turn, you may use this power to take a ship from this sheet and place it in front of any planet. Clearly indicate which planet the ship is in front of.
Any time an encounter targets a planet with one of your wall ships in front of it, the.... this is a place holder.
History: Work in progress....
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This alien is still in progress.
Wild: Placeholder.
Super: Placeholder.
MAVEN [O:Warp] Wins if Deals are Made Jack Reda
Game Setup: Start the game with 4 tokens plus one for each player in the game on your alien sheet.
You have the power to Adjudicate. When only one player in an encounter reveals a negotiate card, you may use this power to play a negotiate from your hand and call \"renegotiate\". The two main players have one minute to make a deal. If the deal is successful, you remove a token from your sheet. If the deal fails, both main players lose four ships each to the warp and you remove two tokens. When all of the tokens have been removed from your sheet, you win the game. You may still win the game via the normal manner.
History: Expert negotiators that travel throughout the Cosmos facilitating deals, the Mavens know that the virtue of adjudication is its own reward. Only fools do not seek mutually beneficial outcomes at the tables of diplomacy, and the Mavens understand very well the real fruits of win-win situations.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Alternate Win type power.
Wild: If a deal fails between two other players, you have one minute to deal with one of the players. If it fails again, you both lose three ships (the other player loses a total of six).
Super: You may participate in the deal discussions between two other players when you use your power. The three of you have 2 minutes to make a deal. Your penalty for a failed deal is only one ship to the warp.
You have the weakness of awards. Each time a destiny card it revealed,
you must give that player 2 Lucre if you have it.
History: The McMahons take great pleasure in awarding their neighbors with tokens and rewards, feeling that eventually this will pay off for them down the road.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers and Lucre.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: Choose any player (including yourself) to receive 5 Lucre from the bank. Use once and discard.
Super: You do not have to award any lucre to the player indicated by the destiny
MEDIUM [O:Warp:TC] Plays a Card for Partner Jack Reda (Team Cosmic)
You have the power to Channel. Once per encounter, when your partner plays a card, you may play the same type of card (encounter card, artifact, flare, etc.). Your partner decides which of the played cards will actually be played, and the other card goes into your hand.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may play an attack card from your hand that equals the total of any number of played reinforcement cards, placing the reinforcements into your hand. They may then be played again.
Super: When you use your power, you may name any other player who must then also play the same type of card. Your partner picks from the three. You choose one of the leftover cards to put back in your hand, and the other player takes the remaining card.
MEEK [M:Warp] Wins the Game by Losing Encounters Jack Reda
You have the power to Yield. Your colony marker does not advance when you acquire foreign colonies. Instead, each time you lose an encounter as a main player, use this power to advance your colony marker by one. Each time you win an encounter as a main player, use this power to move your colony marker back one. Your maker can not move below zero colonies.
History: Brainwashed by centuries of being told how they would inherit all they survey, the Meek have tirelessly adhered to a strict practice of submission, compliance, and patience. If all goes according to prophecy, their ultimate gain will be well worth the suffering.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Alternate Win type power.
Wild: As a losing ally, you may take compensation from either main player if your side revealed a negotiate.
Super: If you lose your first encounter as the offense, you may still make another.
You have the power to collect. Whenever you remove any of your tokens from the Warp, you may also draw one token belonging to another player and take it prisoner.
History: The Menagerie have always been fascinated by other life forms. So much so, that they have taken onto themselves to capture specimens from as many alien cultures as possible, displaying them for all on their home worlds to see.
Restriction: Use only in a game with prisoners.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: At the start of your turn collect an additional Lucre for each
prisoner you hold.
Wild: At the start of your turn collect an additional Lucre for each
prisoner you hold.
Super1: You may draw two tokens as prisoners from the Warp on this challenge.
Super: You may draw two tokens as prisoners from the Warp on each
Con: Menagerie may not take your tokens prisoner from the Warp.
MERC [B:Warp] Gets Rewards for Defense Jack Reda
You have the power of Fortune. Whenever you win an encounter as defensive main player, use this power to win a reward of cards or ships from the warp for each ship you had in the encounter. As an ally, you may use this power to play a reinforcement during the planning phase (it does not count to totals), and take rewards in the amount of the reinforcement if your side wins.
History: Having no homes to call their own, the scaly Mercs discovered there was profit to be made in the defense of colonized worlds. After supplanting those that initially hired them, the Mercs have found a place for themselves. They have now set their sites on major expansion.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power. More powerful in a game with the Rewards Deck.
Wild: You may receive rewards instead of gaining a colony after a successful encounter.
Super1: Your reward for winning the encounter is doubled.
Super: You may receive double the rewards as a defensive ally.
Con: Merc does not receive rewards if he defeats you in an encounter where he was defensive player.
You have the power of wizardry. As a main player, you may force your opponent to play a challenge card from the deck. That player must turn cards over one at a time until a Challenge Card is revealed. This is the card they are required to play.
Your power may not be used against Morgana.
History: A crafty wizard with an agenda all his own, Merlin constructed Camelot, and has influenced Arthur's reign.
Restriction: Use only in Camelot Encounter.
Phase 7 - Play cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild: You may retrieve any Challenge Card that is discarded and add it to your hand.
Super: You may use your power against Morgana.
MESSIAH [O:Warp] Gains Cards by Winning Jack Reda
You have the power of Awe. As a winning main player in an encounter where both players played attack cards, you may use this power to discard one card from your hand for any or all players involved in the encounter. You then draw the same number of cards at random from as many of those players as cards you discarded. The number you discard and draw must be equal.
History: By demonstrating to others their superior nature, the Messiahs have accumulated wealth and power in their own system. Now they have moved out into the Cosmos and find that other races are even more easily impressed than their peers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power. Moon challenges, winning against a negotiate, or occupying an empty home planet do not count.
Wild1: If you win an encounter as a main player, you may release one of your ships from the warp.
Wild: If you win an encounter as a main player, you may release one of your ships from the warp.
Super1: You may draw two cards from each player involved, and you need only discard one card from your hand for each player.
Super: You may draw two cards from each player involved, and you need only discard one card from your hand for each player.
Con: Messiah may not draw a card from your hand as part of his power.
MINER [O:Warp:A] USES ASTEROID'S POWER Jack Reda (Asteroids)
You have the power to strip. Whenever there is an asteroid in the system where you are involved in a challenge, you may take the use of the asteroid's power in lieu of your own. No other player may make use of the asteroid's power.
History: Draining every resource out of an asteroid, the Miner's leave behind empty husks, floating through space. The power they have extracted makes them formidable indeed.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Asteroids. Use in multi-power games.
Phase 2 - Destiny
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Meta type power.
You have the weakness of liberation. Each time one of your tokens goes to the warp, you must free any other players' tokens currently in the Warp.
History: A genetic experiment in warp necromancy gone horribly awry, the Mobius Boobs unwittingly make their enemies that much stronger as they themselves grow weaker.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: Free half (rounding up) of each players' tokens from the Warp.
Super: Your tokens do not free other tokens from the Warp.
You have the power of Mobius Tubes. Once per challenge, you may free all tokens from either the Warp or the Praw.
History: The initial Edictator rebellion was a massive, bloody affair, but the Mobius Tubes were able to quickly replenish the rebel forces. They are judicious with use of their power, waiting until the time is right to unleash fresh troops into battle.
Restriction: Use only in Edictators.
Phase 10 - Interphase
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: Use this card as a Mobius Tubes edict.
Super: You may free only your own tokens from the Warp or Praw.
Con: Only your tokens are freed when Mobius Tubes uses his power.
MONTY [O:Warp] Rewards Deals Jack Reda
You have the power to Deal. As a main player, whenever you are about to lose an encounter, before it is resolved, you may use this power to have one minute to make a deal with your opponent. You may grant 1-4 of your opponent's ships back from the warp or 1-4 cards from the deck as part of the terms of your deal. If your opponent agrees to the deal, the encounter counts as a win for both of you. If your opponent does not agree, the encounter is resolved normally.
History: Determined at all costs to make a deal, the Montys work feverishly to lay the groundwork that will pay off in the long run. Who can resist the allure of what might be behind door number two?
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: If you fail to make a deal with your opponent, you may offer the same deal to another player. If he or she accepts, your opponent still loses 3 ships, but you do not. If the second player rejects, they are unaffected, and proceed as if the original deal failed.
Wild: If you fail to make a deal with your opponent, you may offer the same deal to another player. If he or she accepts, your opponent still loses 3 ships, but you do not. If the second player rejects, they are unaffected, and proceed as if the original deal failed.
Super1: You may use your power as an ally, dealing with the opposing main player only.
Super: You may use your power as an ally, dealing with the opposing main player only.
Con: Show this card to Monty when he tries to use his power against you. If he decides to proceed with describing a deal to you, he loses three ships if you fail to agree to his deal.
You have the power of morality. You may not use any subterfuge card you receive. However, whenever any player is caught performing a subterfuge, you gain a reward of either a token from the Warp, or a card from the challenge deck (or Rewards deck). There is no limit to the number of rewards you may receive in a challenge.
History: The Moralists live by a strict code, refusing to deviate from the rules. They know that virtue is its own reward, and happily accept the fringe benefits of not cheating.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Subterfuge.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: When someone is caught performing a subterfuge, you may intervene as you had successfully performed the subterfuge yourself, with no penalty.
Super: You may use any Subterfuge card you hold.
Con: Moralist does not receive a reward if you are caught performing Subterfuge.
You have the power of contempt. As a main player, after cards are revealed, you may sacrifice three of your tokens not involved in the challenge to the Warp, and play a new Challenge Card. This one replaces the one that was originally played (or replaced by another player). If you do not hold any additional Challenge Cards to play, you may draw a new hand in order to do so (even if you are the offensive main player). Both Challenge Cards played are discarded after the challenge is over.
Your power may not be used against Arthur.
History: The son of Arthur and Morgana, Mordred despises the world around him, and all that inhabit it.
Restriction: Use only in Camelot Encounter.
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild: After receiving consolation, you may discard any of those cards you just got and draw new ones from the same player. You may only discard from the initial draw.
Super: You may use your power against Arthur.
You have the power of delusion. As a main player, you may use any one power of a player not involved in the challenge.
Your power may not be used against Mordred.
History: Half sister to Arthur, Morgana covets all that her brother has, and more.
Restriction: Use only in Camelot Encounter.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild: You and your opponent must switch powers for this challenge. Play before allies are invited.
Super: You may use your power against Mordred.
MORPHEUS [O:Warp] Copies Played Cards Jack Reda
Game Setup: Place 4 Cosmic Tokens plus 1 for each player in the game on your alien sheet.
You have the power to Morph. When another player plays a card from the Encounter deck, you may use this power to remove a token from your sheet. Instead of putting the card in the discard pile or back to a player's hand, place the card in front of you. It does not count as part of your hand, but you may play it at any time as if it were. Once played, it is discarded. You may only have one "morphed" card in front of you at a time.
History: Suffering from generations of low self-esteem, the Morpheus prefer to live vicariously through others - taking on their appearance, characteristics, and behavior. Only through succeeding in the footsteps of those they admire more than themselves do the Morpheus begin to see their own worth. Once they reach a state of true pride, surely they will have no one left to emulate.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may turn your encounter card into a Morph card.
Super: You may have two "morphed" cards face up in front of you at a time.
MULE [O:Warp] Plays Kickers for Either Side Jack Reda
You have the power to Kick. If you are involved in an encounter, you may use this power to play a kicker for either side. The main player may change their encounter card after you have played a kicker for him or her. You may also replace a kicker one of the main players has played, taking their kicker into your hand. Additionally, you may use this power to take any kicker discarded by another player.
History: Beginning their existence as laboring slaves, the Mules were bred for strength and endurance. After the great uprising of 20219, the Mules have forged their own destiny, kicking a path through their adversaries.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild1: You may give a Kicker to any player, who must use it in this encounter.
Super: You may play multiple kickers, for either or both sides of an encounter.
Con: Mule may not play a kicker on your side of the encounter.
NANITE [O:Warp:T] Uses Other Player's Tech Jack Reda (Tech)
You have the power to Undermine. Once per encounter, if you have a colony in another player's system, you may use this power to take control of their revealed Tech card and use it. That player no longer has control of the Tech. You may only control the Tech if you are activating it.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Tech.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may send one of your ships to the Warp to cancel the effects of another player's Tech.
Super: You may use your power on a player that has a colony in your system.
NECROCRAT [O:Warp:T] Lost Ships May Be Used To Research Jack Reda (Tech)
You have the power of Necrosis. Whenever your ships are sent to the Warp, you may use this power to place one of them onto one of your researching Techs.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Tech.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: If you lose ships as part of a failed deal, you may send them all to your researching Tech.
Super: All of your ships lost to the Warp are sent to a researching Tech.
NEGATRON [M:Warp:2] Receives Opposite Rewards Jack Reda
You have the power of Reverse. As an ally, use this power to receive the opposite reward you would normally receive. As a winning defensive ally, you land your ship on the defensive planet (coexisting with any ships already there). As a winning offensive ally, you gain rewards of tokens from the warp or cards from the deck for each ship you had in the encounter.
History: The harsh conditions of the Negatron's solar system wreak havoc on their communications, and as a result they have a reputation for confounding the expectations of their allies. The Negatron make their own demands when committing to alliances of convenience - taking resources when attacking, and demanding colonial presence when defending. Garbled communications are no excuse for breaking treaties, in the opinion of the Negatron.
Restriction: Do not use in a 2 player game
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power. During a Reverse Cone challenge, Negatron would receive the opposite rewards of his other allies (so as winning defensive ally, he would get rewards of tokens or cards, and as winning offensive ally, he'd land on the base).
Wild1: You may force a player to take compensation from you instead of taking it from him. He takes as many cards as you would have taken.
Super: You may force your other allies to receive the opposite reward they would have normally received.
Con: Negatron may not land on your planet as your defensive ally during a Reverse Cone encounter.
NEGOTIATOR [O:Warp] Adds Terms to Negotiations Jack Reda
You have the power of Compromise. As a main player, when a Negotiate card is revealed in the encounter, use this power. If you revealed the Negotiate and your opponent revealed an attack card, you lose at most one ship. Your other ships return to your colonies (or stay on the planet if you are the defense). If your opponent revealed a Negotiate, he or she gains at most one card in compensation.
If two Negotiates were revealed and a deal situation arises, as part of the deal you may grant or receive up to two colonies, give cards from the deck, or give one random flare from the unused flare deck. If the deal fails, your opponent loses five ships instead of three, and you only lose one ship.
History: The multi-mouthed Negotiators easily confuse their adversaries with double-talk, half-truths, and the power of suggestion. Discussions covertly become one sided in the Negotiators favor, and the art of compromise is transformed into an all or nothing victory.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: As a main player, if you both players revealed attack cards, you may transform your attack card into a Negotiate card.
Super: If you fail to make a deal, the encounter counts as a win for you.
NEIGHBOR [O:Warp] Ships in Home System Add to Total Jack Reda
You have the power of Proximity. As a main player or ally, you may use this power to add the number of ships belonging to other players in your home system to your total. As long as you have at least three of your own ships in your home system, you do not lose you power from occupying too few home planets.
History: Rich in resources and creature comforts, the Neighbor home system is very alluring. Later, when the visitors are conscripted into military service, they understand the attraction was merely a tool. The Neighbors are especially fond of exploiting the strengths of an alien race against itself.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: As a main player, if you share any colonies with your opponent, his or her encounter total is reduced by the number of his or her ships on your shared colonies.
Super: You may add the total number of your ships on foreign colonies to your encounter total as a main player.
NERD [M:Warp:B] NEVER ASKS FOR ALLIES Jack Reda (Bad Powers)
You have the weakness of dorkiness. You may never invite allies.
Players who can ally without being invited may still do so.
History: A lifetime of being alone, planning conquests, and collecting card games, has given the Nerds powers undreamed of.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: You may prevent anyone from allying with your opponent in a
Super: You may invite allies. No one is obliged to join you, however.
NEWTON [M:Warp] Gains Tokens that Act as Reinforcements Jack Reda
You have the Power of Reaction. As a main player, after an encounter is concluded, use this power to add one cosmic token to this sheet for every ship that was on the opposing side.
During any encounter in which you are a main player or ally, you may spend tokens you have on this sheet as if they were Reinforcement +2s.
History: Gifted scientists for many generations, the Newtons have mastered their understanding of the use of force. They have harnessed the forces used in battle, and can store up its power for future use, unleashing the very energies used against them onto the same enemies.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: Play this card as a Reinforcement +8. After playing it, give it to Newton if it is in the game, or else to any other player involved in the encounter.
Super: Each of your cosmic tokens is worth a Reinforcement +4.
NEXUS [B:Warp] Uses Expansion Not in Game Jack Reda
Game Setup: Choose an expansion or variant that is not being used (e.g. Technology, Moons, Lucre, etc.) and add it to the game.
You have the power of Connection. Once per encounter as a main player, use this power to use a game element that no other player has access to. For example, you may research a Tech if Technology is not in the game. Or you may make an encounter against a moon instead of a planet if moons are not in the game.
History: Existing partially in another dimension, the Nexus always stand on the cutting edge of new technologies and advancements. They "borrow" components from parallel worlds and bring them to bear on civilizations that don't understand them. This knack for harnessing the unknown is what gives the Nexus the power to advance faster than their peers.
Restriction: Use only in a game that is not using an available expansion or variant.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may play as many flares in an encounter as you like. Each flare may only be used once.
Super: You may use your power twice per encounter.
NINJA [B:Warp] Has a Card in Reserve Jack Reda
You have the power of Stealth. You must place an attack card from your hand face down off to the side. This card is your "gimmick". It is not considered part of your hand, is not subject to compensation, and you may not change it. Whenever you are a main player and reveal a negotiate card, you may use this power to immediately replace it with your gimmick. Conclude the encounter as if you had originally played the gimmick. Both cards are discarded, and you must select a new gimmick. When you run out of encounter cards, you do not discard your gimmick.
History: Through centuries of devotion to their mystical arts, the Ninjas have developed a system of stealthy attack, always surprising their opponent at the last moment with a hidden weapon.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power. Jack Reda: This power was inspired by one of my "Lost Worlds" characters.
Wild1: You may replace a kicker with one from your hand.
Wild: You may replace a kicker with one from your hand.
Super1: You may replace your face down gimmick with a different card from your hand.
Super: You may replace your face down gimmick with a different card from your hand.
Con: Ninja may not reveal his gimmick when you are a main player.
NITROUS [O:Warp] Increases the value of Kickers Jack Reda
You have the power to Boost. As a main player in an encounter, you may use this power to declare you are playing a kicker, and use any card from your hand as the kicker. It has a value of zero. Before cards are revealed, you may place 1-4 of your ships from your colonies onto your \"kicker\", increasing the value of the kicker by the number of ships. You may increase real kickers in the same fashion. After the encounter, ships you placed on your kicker go to the warp.
History: The Nitrous contain a chemical compound in their physiological make-up which makes them more dangerous through self-sacrifice. The explosive nature of their bio-chemistry causes other intelligent races to tread lightly when encountering them. Even the Nitrous are reluctant to speak too loudly or participate in social occasions.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power. Negative kickers can potentially become positive if an adequate number of tokens are sacrificed. That is, when their number is \"increased\", the value moves toward positive rather than becoming a higher negative value.
Wild1: You may use this card as a kicker with a value equal to the number of your ships in the encounter. Give this flare to Nitrous at the end of this encounter, or discard it if Nitrous is not in the game.
Super: Ships you sacrifice to boost your kicker do not go to the warp if you win the encounter.
Con: Nitrous can only enhance real kickers when you are his opponent.
NYARLATHOTEP [O:Warp:LE] CULT OF NYARLATHOTEP Jack Reda (Lovecraftian Encounter)
You have the power of Nyarlathotep. Internal Power: You may determine which bases are occupied whenever players exchange bases as part of a deal. If players fail to deal, you determine which tokens go to the Warp. External Power: Each time the Destiny Pile is flipped, you may eliminate a token of that color on any base where you share tokens, unless that player lets you draw two cards at random from their hand.
History: For ages Nyarlathotep was merely the messenger of the Elder Gods, but in time, he too has coveted the power they have known.
Restriction: Use only in Lovecraftian Encounter.
Phase 2 - Destiny
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may prevent Nyarlathotep from using either power (internal or external).
Wild: You may prevent Nyarlathotep from using either power (internal or external).
Super1: You have use of either of your powers, even if you do not occupy the proper bases. Cosmic Zap does not affect you.
Super: You have use of either of your powers, even if you do not occupy the proper bases. Cosmic Zap does not affect you.
ODDITY [M:Warp] Does Everything a Little Differently Jack Reda
You have the power of One More. During every regroup, use this power. Most things you do in the encounter are better for you by one. You retrieve two ships from the warp instead of one; you draw two cards from destiny and pick the one to use (redrawing each time you draw your own color, if you like); you may send up to five ships into an encounter as the offense or an ally; you always invite first as a main player; you win encounters in case of a tie as offense; you always gain one extra card in compensation, and one more reward than the number of ships you commit.
History: With an ever-increasing sense of entitlement, the space Oddities are eager to demonstrate their superiority to all corners of the cosmos.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may duplicate the effects of any or all flares played this encounter, if applicable.
Super: When you play an encounter card as a main player, you may play two cards. Your opponent must reveal first, and you decide which of your two cards to reveal. The other card returns to your hand. Any effects (such as a kicker) are only applied to the revealed card.
OORT CLOUD [O:Warp:RH] Plays Comets to Affect Challenges Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)
You have the power of the Oort Cloud. You may play one or more Comets from your Oort Cloud hand in any challenge where you are involved (so long as multiple Comets does not create conflict in the rules), before Challenge Cards are played. You also collect any Comet that turns up normally in the Destiny deck.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: You may cancel the effects of a Comet that is currently in play.
Super: You may use your power after Challenge Cards have been played.
Con: Oort Cloud may only play one Comet on your turn, and it must be when the Destiny card is initially revealed.
You have the weakness of confidence. To win you must occupy an additional base
over and above the normal win conditions. For example, in a 'normal' game you
must occupy 6 external bases.
History: Extreme confidence is the benchmark of the Overachiever's progress, but is also the nature of their downfall. Who knows where they will rest in the end?
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: Your opponent needs +1 more than necessary to win the challenge.
Super: You may play with the same win conditions you would have without this
PARADIGM [O:Warp] Changes System Encountered Jack Reda
You have the power to Shift. When you are the defensive main player, before cards are revealed, you may call out "shift". Immediately flip the next card in the destiny pile over. Move the hyperspace gate to the same planet in the system shown on the new flip. This new color is the new defensive main player, but that player must use the encounter card you played. Reveal encounter cards and calculate totals.
History: Insane geniuses experimenting with reality, the Paradigm have nearly mastered the shift of perception on a galactic scale. While they don't fully understand the ramifications of their ability, they don't seem to care either.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: If your color appears in the destiny pile, you may cancel it and flip again.
Super: You may opt to flip the destiny pile again before cards are revealed.
PARADOX [O:Warp] Nullifes Power or else Players are Re-Attacked Jack Reda
You have the power of Time Dilation. Whenever a color comes up in the Destiny deck, you collect the discard. At the start of any player's regroup, you may use this power to hand a player his or her color Destiny card. They may not use their power during this encounter unless they place the Destiny card on the top of the Destiny deck. If they do not use their power, the card is discarded normally. You may use this power to place your own Destiny card on top of the Destiny deck to cancel the effects of a Cosmic Zap played against you.
History: The Paradox are reckless time travelers, forcing civilizations to relive their worst disasters, and manipulating the timeline of powerless individuals so that they repeat their mistakes. The Paradox are reckless time travelers, forcing civilizations to relive their worst disasters, and manipulating the timeline of powerless individuals so that they repeat their mistakes.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: After revealing encounter cards, you may play a different card from your hand, replacing the one you previously played. Both are discarded.
Super: You may pick up Wild and Special Destiny cards and use them as any color you choose.
PEACENIK [M:Warp:B] MUST COMPROMISE Jack Reda (Bad Powers)
You have the weakness of conscientious objection. When called upon to play a challenge card, you must play a compromise if you have one.
History: War has never been the answer, no matter how long it has been used and abused. At least, so say the Peaceniks.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild1: You opponent's played challenge card is treated as if it were a compromise.
Super: You may choose your challenge cards normally.
PHANTOM [M:Warp] Has Ghost Ships Jack Reda
Game Setup: Place one ship from each of your planets on this sheet.
You have the power to Dematerialize. As a main player in an encounter, use this power to add 2 to your encounter totals for each ship on this sheet. Your ships in the encounter do not add to encounter totals, but collect rewards and compensation normally.
When your ships return to colonies, some or all of them may be placed on this sheet instead. Whenever you wish to send ships into an encounter, research a tech, or must choose ships for other effects, they may come from this sheet.
History: The origin of the Phantoms remains a mystery, but their first contact with other beings was their sudden emergence from a shadow galaxy, which rocked the Cosmos. Their motives and social structure are unclear, but their relentless thirst for Cosmic domination is not.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: As a main player in an encounter, you may add or subtract up to four of your ships after encounter cards are revealed, This can be above the normal limit or four, or down to zero.
Super: You may use your power as an ally.
PHASE [B:Warp:M] CYCLES MOONS Jack Reda (Moons)
You have the power of change. At the start of the game cover each planet in your system with a Blue moon. On each turn, flip one moon over and play its results (starting with the far left moon). Each subsequent turn, reveal the next moon, and flip the previous one back over. If you occupy a moon, you may elect not to reveal it when its turn comes up. You may look at any moon at any time. Other players must use the moons effects if they occupy the base and the moon is revealed, but may not look at the moon ahead of time. The moon is only revealed during its phase.
History: By understanding the constant changing faces of their system, the Phases have quickly adapted, and harnessed the power of change. The uncertainty of a moon's nature keeps most adversaries at bay.
Restriction: Use only in a game with moons.
Phase 10 - Interphase
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: You may search through the discard pile and take any flare putting this one in its place.
Wild: You may search through the discard pile and take any flare putting this one in its place.
Super1: You may rearrange tokens on moons you control when your turn is over.
Super: You may rearrange tokens on moons you control when your turn is over.
Con: You may look at the moon-planet you occupy and decide if you want to reveal it when its turn comes up in the cycle.
PHASE [M:Warp] Changes Players\' Ship Value Jack Reda
You have the power of Dimensions. As a main player, use this power. All players on the opposing side who are ahead of you on the scoring track do not count their ships toward encounter totals. All players on your side who are behind you on the scoring track, count their ships as double toward encounter totals.
History: The Phase are travelers through space and time, and across other dimensions. They are able to operate in a parallel universe, where their allies are stronger, and their enemies no longer exist.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: Before encounter cards are revealed, you may switch the ships you have in this encounter with ships you have on any other of your colonies.
Super: You may use your power as an ally.
PHOTON [O:Warp] Plays a Card from the Discard Pile Jack Reda
You have the power to Disperse. As a main player in an encounter, before cards are played, you may use this power to discard your hand and search through the discard pile for any encounter card to play.
History: A singularly focused intelligence, the Photons have evolved with an obsession for maintaining a symmetry at every point in spacetime. They consume massive amounts of energy in order to find equilibrium between an outcome in the past with one in the future. The Photons are unable to concern themselves with creature comforts - the dispersal of their own belongings factors into the overall equation. Those things they rid themselves of now will play their roles in time.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: As an ally, you may search through the discard pile for a reinforcement to play in this encounter.
Super: When you discard your hand to use your power, you may keep any non-encounter cards that were in your hand.
PIRATE [O:FB] Captures Ships for Booty Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the Power to Raid. When you are involved in an encounter on the offensive side and your side wins, you may use your power. You may capture one ship from the losing side of the encounter for each of your ships you choose to not land on the targeted planet. Your ships that did not land return to your colonies, and the captured ships are placed on your alien sheet.
During any Regroup, you may send up to four ships from your sheet to the warp and collect rewards for them. You may also ransom ships to a player for cards or anything else in accordance with rules for a deal. You may return ships to a player as part of a deal.
History: Whispering rapacious orders into their ears, a small flock of rogue traders lead their minions into the far reaches of interstellar space.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may choose to take cards drawn at random from the winning defensive player when collecting rewards.
Super: You may capture two opposing ships for each of your ships that you choose to return to your colonies when using your alien power.
POLAR [O:FB] Ships and Cards Subtract Rather Than Add Jack Reda
You have the power of Opposition. As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, you may call out \"negate\". Attack cards revealed in the encounter that have a positive value are now negative (and vice versa). Ships that added to the encounter total now subtract (and vice versa). Higher total still wins, normally.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: If you are a main player, once cards are revealed, you may cause one of the Attack Cards revealed in the challenge to have a negative instead of a positive value. Thus a 10 becomes a -10.
Super: You may call out "negate" after cards are played, but before they are revealed.
PRAWLING [M:Warp] Gains Colonies Through the Praw Jack Reda
You have the power of Praw. Whenever your ships are sucked into the Praw from the warp, they immediately move to a colony of your choice in the system of whichever color is most plentiful in the Praw. In case of a tie, you choose. If there are no ships other than your own, they remain in the Praw until another warp drain occurs.
History: For generations, the Prawlings suffered a morose existence, hiding away in the dark and hellish confines of the Praw. One fateful day, they managed to discover a way to extend their fortunes by harnessing the negative energies of the Praw. A glimmer of hope lights their somber eyes now, and the Prawlings wait for enough life force to repeat the process.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: You may gain a colony in the system of a player who plays Mobius Tubes, using all of your ships freed by the artifact.
Super: Whenever you have ships returning to bases for any reason, you may send them to the warp instead.
Con: If your color is most plentiful in the Praw, then Prawling doesn't get a colony when a warp drain occurs.
PRECURSOR [O:Warp] Creates New Alien Races Jack Reda
Game Setup: Draw one additional alien sheet for each player in the game and keep the collection face up next to this sheet. Do not use any aliens with setup text or alternate win conditions.
You have the power of Creation. At any time, you may use this power to become one of the aliens you have collected until the end of the encounter. After the encounter, discard the alien you became. Whenever you gain a foreign colony, draw an additional alien sheet to add to your collection.
When you lose an encounter as a main player, you may use this power to take the alien sheet of any one player opposing your side, adding it to your collection. Give that player one of the aliens from your collection. That player continues the game as that new alien. If the alien sheet you took has setup text or an alternate win condition, discard it and draw a new alien to add to your collection.
History: Thought to be the original creators of all intelligent life throughout the cosmos, the Precursors had disappeared for eons. They have returned, unsatisfied with the progress of their work, and now seek to create new alien life forms. If no race rises to the standards of the Precursors, they are prepared to conquer the cosmos themselves, wiping all other life away forever.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Meta type power.
Wild: Create a new hand for yourself out of any eight cards in the discard pile (including any cards from your current hand, discarding the rest). Afterward, give this card to the player on your right.
Super: When you lose as a main player, you may draw two aliens from those not in use, and then take the aliens from any or all players who opposed you, replacing them with any aliens from your collection.
PRISM [M:Warp:2] Secretly Flips Destiny Pile Jack Reda
You have the power to Refract. At the start of each of your encounters, you secretly look at the next flip of the destiny pile. You then load the hyperspace gate and point it at a planet in your system. All other players must respond as though the same planet in their system is being attacked. Everyone may invite normally. After cards are revealed, you reveal the destiny flip. Conclude the encounter normally. Any player who is allied as well as a main player must remove his or her allied ships without calculating their total. If challenging a home planet, the defensive player is specified before cards are revealed, but after played.
History: By distorting the universe around them, the Prisms have managed to bend countless aliens to their own twisted way. They alone can perceive the cosmos in its true light.
Restriction: Do not use with Dictator.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: You may force allies to receive the opposite rewards after an encounter is resolved.
Wild: You may force allies to receive the opposite rewards after an encounter is resolved. Give this card to Prism when you play it. If Prism is not in the game, discard it to play it.
Super1: After encounter cards are revealed you may flip the next destiny card and recalculate the effects.
Super: After encounter cards are revealed you may flip the next destiny card and recalculate the effects.
Con: You may also see the destiny flip on Prism's encounter.
You have the power to convert. When an asteroid is moved into any other player's home system, you may exchange the associated power with a random draw from the unused powers. The new power remains with the asteroid when it leaves their system. You may not change the asteroid when it enters your own system.
History: Able to take the materials of old asteroids and re-process them into new materials, the Processors capitalize on the benefits while leaving those races in surrounding systems out in the cold.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Asteroids.
Phase 1
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
You have the weakness of payment. You cannot play a non-challenge card unless you first spend 1 Lucre. If you must play a card and you have no lucre, you may contract a debt with the bank, but you may not spend Lucre on anything until this debt is repaid.
History: There is no such thing as charity in the minds of Prodigals, and they prefer to pay their way through their conflicts.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers and Lucre.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: You may buy any amount of cards or Flares for half the normal price.
Super: You need not pay anything to play a card.
You have the power of exemption. You may openly perform any act of subterfuge, so long as you hold the appropriate card. You do not suffer any penalty for being caught. You may only perform subterfuge once per challenge, and only in increments of one (i.e. one card from the deck, one token from the Warp).
History: Through a complicated series of legal amendments, proposals, and deals, the Proviso have gained diplomatic immunity from every culture in the universe. They are free to lie, cheat, and steal with impunity.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Subterfuge.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: Ask any player for a Subterfuge card. If they have one, they must give it to you.
Super: You may perform subterfuge secretly as many times per challenge as you can without being caught. If caught, you must still discard the subterfuge card.
Con: Proviso may not use subterfuge while you are both main players.
PUFFER [M:BGG] Ships are Worth the Main Player’s Ship Total Jack Reda
You have the power to Inflate. As an ally, when your side’s total is figured, use this power to increase the total value of your ships to match the total ship value of the main player on your side (including special characteristics such as Macron or Fungus). Your ships still count normally for rewards.
History: As an aquatic race, the Puffers were weak and fearful, but by increasing their apparent size, they not only staved off their enemies, they accelerated their own evolution. From sea, to land, to space, the Puffers have inflated their value along with their progress, making their presence in a conflict a desirable addition.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: Any reinforcement you play is increased by the value of any one reinforcement that has been played by your ally in this encounter.
Super: You may use your power as a main player. The value of your ships in the encounter is equal to the value of all of your allies' ships.
PULSAR [M:Warp:RH] Chooses Higher or Lower Total to Win Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)
You have the power of the Pulsar. As defensive Main Player in an external challenge, you must declare (before allies commit) whether the winner, if an Attack card is played, will be the player with the higher total or the player with the lower total.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems.
Phase 3 - Point Cone
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild1: You may remove a Kicker played on your side after cards are revealed. The Kicker is discarded.
Super: You may use your power as offensive Main Player.
Con: You may force Pulsar to choose Higher Total wins.
PULSE [M:Warp:T] Tech May Not Be Used Against You Jack Reda (Tech)
You have the power of Electromagnets. Whenever another player uses their Tech, use this power to nullify the effects against you.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Tech.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may use any Zap card to cancel the effects of a Tech. That Tech is then discarded.
Super: When you nullify the effects of a Tech, you may take the Tech unless it is a discard after use Tech.
PUPPET [O:Warp] Plays Two Systems Jack Reda
Game Setup: Use the planets, ships, and destiny cards of a color not being used. Set up the planets as you would normally, and shuffle the destiny cards into the destiny deck. This second color is your puppet.
You have the power to Manipulate. As a main player, you may use this power to invite 1-4 ships of your puppet color to ally with you. Any rewards your dummy ships receive go into your hand. When another player draws your puppet system's destiny cards, you must defend that system by playing an encounter card. The puppet may not invite allies. When you draw a puppet destiny card, draw again. The puppet system does not get a turn, and puppet ships do not go to the warp, but rather return to their colonies. Colonies on a puppet planet do not count towards the win.
History: It was thought that the Puppet Masters must surely have existed before the Puppets, but records and folklore do not seem to offer any corroboration. Indeed, by all accounts, the Puppets sought out their own masters. Regardless, it has become clear that these seemingly inanimate objects have a life of their own, and an agenda of power.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: When another player frees one of his or her ships from the warp during regroup, you may interject and force that player to free one of your ships instead.
Super: You may invite yourself to ally when the puppet system is being attacked.
PYGMY [M:Warp] Colonies Count as Half Jack Reda
Game Setup: Choose an unused player color and place the 5 extra planets in your home system (4 in a 4 planet game). Only the destiny color of your ships is in the Destiny deck. Place 2 of your ships on each of your home planets.
You have the power of Half. Each of your home worlds counts as only half of a foreign colony for all other players (rounding down).
There can never be more than four ships on any of your planets (counting yours). When determining landing order, use the timing rules.
History: When the Cosmos was young, the Pygmies were quite large, living on twin worlds, rich with valuable resources. A gravitational anomaly caused the two planets to collide, scattering the Pygmies among the ruined rubble of their former homes. With so little space to exist, each successive generation of the Pygmy race became physically smaller, but the desire to grow their empire never diminished. The ragged and inhospitable chunks of debris on which the Pygmies now live serve only as a staging ground for their invasion of other worlds.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Planet type power.
Wild: When a player is to collect rewards, he or she may only take half as much as they are entitled to (rounding down).
Super: As a defensive player in your own system, the value of your opponent's attack card is worth half (rounding down).
QUAKE [M:Warp] Knocks Ships Off of Planets Jack Reda
You have the power to Topple. Whenever your system comes up in Destiny (either by your color or a Special Destiny card, but not a Wild Destiny), use this power to drop one of your ships on any planet in the game. Any ships that are knocked completely or partially off the planet go to the warp. If your ship stays completely on the planet, you establish a colony there (otherwise it goes to the warp). Ships must be dropped from at least the height of an alien sheet.
History: Seismic beings attracted to dense populations, the Quakes project themselves through the Cosmos on energy waves. These waves are extremely unstable and destructive, but the Quakes enjoy toppling the unsightly structures of their enemies. The dust and debris of decimated cities would be much more pleasing to their eyes, if the Quakes had eyes.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: Force a player to lay all of his or her cards side by side face down in front of them. Then toss this card from at least two feet away. Any cards this card touches are discarded. Give this card to Quake after you use it (or discard it if Quake is not in the game).
Super: You may drop a ship twice on a planet when you use your power. Ships knocked off on either quake are sent to the warp.
QUIDNUNC [O:Warp] Switches Alliance cards Jack Reda (Alliance Cards)
You have the power to Tamper. Once all players have played Alliance cards, if you are not a main player, you may switch Alliance cards between yourself and another player who has played one.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Alliance cards.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may swap a reinforcement played on one side of an encounter with one played on the other.
Super: You may switch Alliance cards between any two players that have played them.
You have the weakness of spontaneous combustion. All tokens you lose are permanently removed from the game.
History: The Quietus slink silently through the universe hoping to make their mark before noisily vacating existence.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: You may restore any or all tokens lost to the Void or Void-like effects
in this game. Draw a card from the deck for each token restored.
Super: Your lost tokens go to the Warp normally.
RATION [M:Warp] Divides Cards Among Players Jack Reda
You have the power to Divvy. Whenever you are a main player in an encounter, before cards are played, use this power to draw a card at random from every other player, and one from the deck. Place the cards face up for all to see. You then give a card to each player and take one for yourself.
History: Masters of maintaining proportioned allotments, the Ration assist with dividing resources between all aliens. In the mix, they manage to save the best items for themselves.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: When you must play an encounter card, you may draw the top card of the encounter deck and use that card. Otherwise, discard it.
Super: You may draw three cards from the encounter deck to add to the divvy pool. Discard whatever cards are leftover.
Con: You do not have to give a card to Ration. You do not receive one either.
REBELLION [M:Warp] Attacks Winning Player Jack Reda
Game Setup: You do not have planets or your color in the destiny deck. Place all of your ships on this alien sheet.
You have the power to Rebel. Whenever you need to use ships, you may draw them from your alien sheet. Whenever your ships must return to your colonies, you may return them to this alien sheet (whether you have colonies or not).
On your turn, instead of drawing from the destiny deck, use this power to have an encounter with the player who has the most foreign colonies other than yourself (you choose in case of a tie). You may attack that player on any colony he or she has, even a foreign one.
History: Quietly amassing their forces in out of the way places, the Rebellion have plotted against the unjust forces ruling the Cosmos. Striking from their hidden rebel base, the Rebellion will not stop until the evil empire is destroyed and the Cosmos is free once again.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: When allying, place your ships on your alien sheet. They do not count toward encounter totals. If your side loses, return those ships to your colonies. If your side wins, treat the ships as if they had been involved.
Super1: You may attack any player anywhere he has a base.
Super: You may add the number of ships you have on your alien sheet to your encounter total. Those ships are not at risk, and do not gain rewards.
Con: Rebellion may not choose to attack you if there is a tie for most external bases.
RECLUSE [M:Warp:2] Allies Must Come from System Attacked Jack Reda
You have the power of Isolation. As a main player, use this power to force opposing allies to bring ships that only come from the system being attacked.
History: The solitary and mysterious Recluse are difficult creatures to find, much less conquer. Their distant colonies hardly seem worth the effort to encounter, and this has allowed the Recluse to bide their time, building up resources and power for the day when they meet their tormentors head on.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: When your opponent is drawing compensation from you, he or she may only take one card (not counting this one).
Super: As defensive main player, you may force the offense to only use ships from your system to attack you (not counting a ship raised directly from the warp to the hyperspace gate). If he has no ships with which to attack, he must forfeit his turn.
You have the power to penalize. Whenever a player is caught performing a subterfuge, you may select one of their tokens to sit in the "penalty box". The token is removed from play until the next time that player is the offensive main player. They may free their penalized token in lieu of raising one from the Warp, returning the token to anywhere he has tokens (not necessarily from where it came).
History: The Referees monitor the cosmos for anyone that strays from the intergalactic rules of engagement. Sequestering the offenders from the masses allows the Referees to maintain the balance of power, keeping them in the lead. The Referees now encourage others to cheat by any means necessary.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Subterfuge.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: When a player is caught performing subterfuge, you may select any one of their tokens to send to the warp.
Super: Penalized tokens are ejected from the game.
Con: Your tokens do not go to the "penalty box".
REPLICA [O:Warp] Shares Power When Sharing a Colony Jack Reda
You have the power of Identity. Once per encounter, you may use this power to copy the power of a player with whom you share a colony. When you copy, that player must use this power at that time if they intend to do so. You may then use the power at that time if you intend to do so.
History: Originally developed as a race of exterminating drones, the Replicas adapted to their environment, and turned on their creators. Now, unable to discern Replicas from themselves, the rest of the Cosmos is in danger of annihilation.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power.
Wild1: You may play any Artifact as if it were a Cosmic Zap.
Wild: You may play any Artifact as if it were a Cosmic Zap.
Super1: When you imitate a power, that player may not use his power.
Super: When you imitate a power, that player may not use his or her power.
Con: Replica may not imitate your power.
RINGS [O:Warp:RH] Use Virtual Rings for Defense Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)
You have the power of Rings. As defensive Main Player, each of your external bases has a "virtual ring" protecting it. The value of the ring is equal to the number of your tokens on the base plus the number of external planet bases you have. For example, if you have two external bases, and you are attacked on one where you have three tokens, the ring is worth 5 points. You may add or subtract the virtual ring value when calculating challenge totals.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems.
Phase 2 - Destiny
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild1: After calculating challenge totals, you may add or subtract one for each card still in your hand.
Super: Your virtual rings are worth the number of external planet bases times the number of your tokens on the base.
Con: Virtual Rings are only worth the number of external bases Rings has.
RISK [O:Warp] Deals Hazard Cards to Players Jack Reda (Hazards)
You have the power to Endanger. Game Setup: Deal one Hazard card to yourself for each player in the game. Keep these cards separate from your regular hand.
Any time before the Destiny Phase, you may use this power to play one of your Hazards on the offensive main player (even yourself). If that player already drew a Hazard card from the Hazard deck, your Hazard supersedes it.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may discard a card at random from your hand (including this one) to avoid having to draw a Hazard card.
Super: You may draw a new set of Hazards to use for your power, replacing any unused ones.
ROSETTE [O:Warp:RH] Adds Adjacent Tokens Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)
You have the power of the Rosette. When you are defensive Main Player, you may add tokens from any of your external bases to your total without putting the additional tokens at risk. You may also evacuate tokens from the challenged external base to any other external base where you have tokens.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild1: You may move all of your tokens from an adjacent base in the same system where another player has just established a base.
Super: You may use your power as offensive Main Player.
Con: Rosette may only add tokens from his external bases that are not in your system to his total.
RUBE [M:BGG] Rounds to Nearest Ten Jack Reda
You have the Power to Round. As a main player or ally, when determining encounter totals, use this power. If your side has a total that ends in 5-9, round the total up to the nearest ten. If the opposing side\'s total ends in 1-4, round the total down to the nearest ten. If reinforcements or other effects alter the totals, your power has a cumulative effect. For example, if you round your total up to 20, and someone on your side plays a reinforcement +5, your total is rounded up to 30.
History: Squatters on a series of backwater planets, the mathematically challenged Rubes have adopted a simpler outlook on existence. They don\'t care about the details so long as the results are close enough.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: As a main player, if you have 5-7 cards in hand, draw from the deck until you have 8 cards.
Super: Your side rounds up if the total ends in 3-9, and the opposing side rounds down if the total ends in 1-6.
You have the power to rescue. Whenever you are not involved in a challenge, you may take over as main player (the original main player's tokens remain- your tokens are still not involved). You play a challenge card, and do any other things as if you were the main player. If you win the challenge, the player you helped takes credit for the win (gaining whatever they normally would for winning). They then must give you a reward of 1 Lucre for each token they risked. If you lose, they lose their tokens, and you must give them consolation. If you compromise, they receive consolation from only the opposing main player. If you both compromise, you are not involved in the terms of the deal, nor do you gain or lose anything if it is successful or not.
History: Living by a strict code of honor, the Paladins sought out those desperate souls in need of aid. Later, when it appeared that chivalry alone was not very lucrative, they developed a system of rewards to compensate their efforts. Now they need only aid those that can afford help.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre.
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: You may buy points with Lucre for your side as an ally.
Wild: You may buy points with Lucre for your side as an ally.
Super1: You may intervene even if you were already involved in the challenge. Your tokens still remain.
Super: You may intervene even if you were already involved in the challenge. Your tokens still remain.
Con: Samaritan may not intervene on your behalf without your permission.
SCAR [M:Warp] Marks Planets of Opponents Jack Reda
You have the power to Deface. Whenever you lose an encounter as a main player or ally, use this power to place one Cosmic Token for each player opposing you on a planet where any of those players has ships. When there are four Cosmic Tokens on a planet, replace them with four of your ships from anywhere in the game, including the warp.
History: Thinking themselves a handsome and charming race, the Scars were horrified to learn this was not the case when they finally encountered another people face to face. The hideously disfigured Scars grow weary of the sidelong glances and muttered comments that accompany them wherever they go. The only way to camouflage their deformities is by marring the appearance of their surroundings.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: As a main player, you may change an attack card played by your opponent so the second digit is the same as the first one (e.g. a 19 would become an 11).
Super: When you gain a colony through defacement, any ships on that planet belonging to other players go to the warp.
SCOPE [M:Warp:TC] Attacks Any Player in Partner's System Jack Reda (Team Cosmic)
You have the power of purview. As the offense, whenever your partner's color comes up in Destiny, use this power to attack any player in your partner's system.
History: The cyclopean Scopes are adept at ferreting out their enemies in any terrain or environment, tracking them under the harshest of conditions. Their keen eyesight and uncanny sense of smell makes infiltration against them seemingly impossible.
Restriction: Use only in Team Cosmic.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: As the offense, any ships allied against you do not count towards totals if that player also has ships in the defensive system.
Super: Your partner may attack any player in your system if your color shows up in destiny on his or her turn.
SEED [B:Warp] Forces a Future Loss Jack Reda
You have the power to Germinate. When you lose an encounter as a main player or ally, use this power to take a ship from the opposing main player from anywhere. In a subsequent encounter in which you are involved, you may give a ship back to a player opposing your side (adding it to the encounter). That player's ships in the encounter now count to your side's total for determining the winner.
History: Originally devout opponents of early experiments in eugenics and other forms of genetic manipulation, the Seeds were later convinced that tampering in the development of other races could bear interesting fruit in future generations. The careful selection of breeding subjects between different lines has provided the Seeds with sleeper agents they can use at strategic moments, facilitating coups, and ensuring the advancement of their own ends.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: If you draw this card as compensation, you must discard your entire hand. Give this card to Seed if it is in the game, or else discard it along with your hand.
Super: When you use your power, you may take a seed ship from each player that opposed your side.
SEER [O:Warp:AC] Looks at any Alliance Card Jack Reda (Alliance Cards)
You have the power to Presage. At any point during alliance acceptance, you may look at any one player's Alliance card.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Alliance cards.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: When you are not a main player, you may ask any player to show you a reinforcement card. They must show you one if they have one, otherwise they show you any other card in their hand.
Super: You may look at two Alliance cards per encounter.
SHARK [O:Warp] Devours Ships and Replaces Them Jack Reda
You have the power to Devour. When you are not involved in an encounter as a main player or ally, after encounter cards are revealed, you may use this power. Reveal an attack card from your hand that is higher than either or both cards revealed by the main players (any attack card you reveal is considered higher than a negotiate card). You may then take one to four of your ships from any colony and use them to replace ships in the encounter. Your ships may \"devour\" any ships belonging to players on either or both sides of the encounter if your attack card was higher, on a one-for-one basis. Devoured ships go to this sheet. The encounter is resolved normally, but your ships gain or lose accordingly as if they were allies (even if they replaced a main player’s ships).
Whenever you draw a new hand, send all ships on this sheet to the warp, and draw an extra card for each ship.
History: The Sharks circle the cosmos continuously, attracted by struggle. They devour the living or dead without fear of consequence, more concerned with satisfying their unending hunger.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: When another player is about to take compensation from anyone but you, you may intervene. That player takes compensation from you first, and then you take compensation from the original targeted player.
Super: You may use your power to devour when you are already an ally in the encounter.
SHEPHERD [M:Warp] Determines Where Ships Go Jack Reda
You have the power to Herd. Whenever ships leaves the warp or must return to a colony for any reason, use this power to determine where those ships go. They must go to legitimate colonies if possible.
History: The Shepherds were first tasked with organizing livestock for other alien races. They worked in a domestic capacity, eventually taking on more and more responsibility. As time passed, the influence of the Shepherds became more pronounced, until the line was blurred between who was giving the orders, and who was receiving them.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may force a player to take compensation from your hand instead of another player's.
Super: You may force a player to take rewards of ships instead of cards if that player has ships in the warp.
SHIFT [O:Warp:Pl] Switches Planets With Other Players Jack Reda
You have the power to Transpose. Whenever you win an encounter as a defensive main player, you may use this power to exchange your planet that was just attacked with one from the offensive main player\'s home system. Your planet is now a home planet in his or her system (and an external base for you and any other player with a colony there). His planet in your system is now treated as one of your home planets. You maintain your power as long as you occupy three planets, wherever they are.
History: The odd and quiet Shift have largely been ignored by explorers and conquerors. They have always kept to themselves, tinkering away at seemingly pointless minor projects. In reality, their entire society has spent decades working in unison on a project of massive scale: the teleportation of an entire planet. This technology, now unleashed will show everyone the true nature of the Shift.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Planet type power.
Wild: When you must draw a new hand, play this card and choose any other card from your hand to keep instead of discarding.
Super: You may leave one or more of your ships from a transposed planet to the new planet in your home system.
SHUB-NIGGURATH [B:Warp:LE] CULT OF SHUB-NIGGURATH Jack Reda (Lovecraftian Encounter)
You have the power of Shub-Niggurath. Internal Power: As an offensive main player, all of your tokens in the same system as the challenge count toward your side. As defensive main player, all of your opponent's tokens in that system count to your side. External Power: As a main player, you may force your opponent to sacrifice as many of their own tokens as you have in the challenge.
History: Long known as the Black Goat of the woods with a thousand young, Shub-Niggurath has spread her power throughout the universe.
Restriction: Use only in Lovecraftian Encounter
Phase 1
Phase 2 - Destiny
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may prevent Shub-Niggurath from using either power (internal or external).
Wild: You may prevent Shub-Niggurath from using either power (internal or external).
Super1: You have use of either of your powers, even if you do not occupy the proper bases. Cosmic Zap does not affect you.
Super: You have use of either of your powers, even if you do not occupy the proper bases. Cosmic Zap does not affect you.
SILENCER [O:Warp] Silences Other Players Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the power to Silence. As a main player, you may use this power before the launch phase. Give a Silence token to any other player who doesn\'t have one. For the rest of the encounter, if a player you just gave a Silence token to speaks, uses an optional power, invites allies, or accepts invitations to ally, he or she is penalized for being â€too noisyâ€. Penalize a player by sending any one of his or her ships not in the encounter to the warp, or drawing a card at random from his or her hand and discarding it. At the end of any encounter when all other players have a Silence token, collect all Silence tokens back.
History: Expanding outward with all matter since the dawn of creation, the Silencers have long dwelt in a state of pure meditation. Aghast at the sudden proliferation of jabbering life forms, they feel a holy duty to bring the blessings of quietude to all other species.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: As a main player you may stop your opponent from using his or her power. Give this card to Silencer after you play it, or discard it if Silencer is not in the game.
Super: You may give two players a Silence token (if neither has one) when you use your power.
SINGULARITY [M:Warp:Pl] Moves Planets to Other Systems Jack Reda
Game Setup: Place 5 ships on 4 of your planets. The empty planet is then placed in any other player\'s system.
You have the power of Movability. Whenever the Destiny deck shows the color of a system where you have an empty planet, use this power to move all of your ships from a planet in your home system to the empty external planet. This planet now counts as a foreign colony as well as a home colony for maintaining your power. Players may use a wild or special destiny to have an encounter against your empty planet, which you must defend. You may not use your power to occupy one of your external planets if there are other players\' ships there already. When you do use your power, the planet your ships vacated may be placed in another player\'s system. You do not lose your power for having too few home colonies.
History: Formed from organic matter found in the event horizon of a black hole, the Singularity exist within the concepts of mathematical equations. When one equation behaves in a nonlinear fashion, the Singularity take advantage of the holomorphic function that results, moving to a seemingly unpredictable location to establish a presence there.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Planet type power.
Wild: When your color comes up in the Destiny deck, you may move one of your ships in the warp to one of your colonies in your system.
Super: During any player's Regroup phase, you may move one of your empty planets to another player's system.
SIX-PACT [O:Warp:RH] Switches to Planetary Powers Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)
You have the power of the Six-Pact. Whenever you are the defensive Main Player, you may switch one of your normal powers with one of your planetary powers. The switch is permanent. You may only switch back when you are again the defensive Main Player (or switch to a different planetary power).
Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems. Use only in multi-power games.
Phase 2 - Destiny
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power.
Wild1: Set your hand aside and draw an equal number of cards from the deck for this challenge. Afterwards, discard the new cards and take your old hand back.
Super: You may use your power as offensive Main Player.
Con: Six-Pact may not switch to one of his planetary powers when you attack him externally.
SKEIN [O:Warp:M] REPLACES MOONS Jack Reda (Moons)
You have the power to unravel. Any time a player wishes to make a challenge against you, you may force them to only use tokens from a base in a system where you control a moon. You specify the base when there are more than one.
History: By unraveling the very fabric of the universe, the Skeins have discovered another one underneath. This knowledge has given them an advantage by forcing others to constantly forge into the unknown.
Restriction: Use only in a game with moons.
Wild1: When you play a card, you may discard an additional card.
Wild: When you play a card, you may discard an additional card.
Super1: You may vacate one of your bases and immediately occupy any unoccupied moon.
Super: You may vacate one of your bases and immediately occupy any unoccupied moon.
Con: Skein may not force you to use tokens from one base.
SLEEPER [O:Warp] Strikes When Captured Jack Reda
You have the power to Activate. When you lose an encounter as a main player, instead of sending your ships to the warp, they are captured by the opposing main player, who must place the captured ships under his or her ships in the encounter, as evenly as possible. If he or she had no ships in the encounter, your losing ships go to the warp.
Whenever you win an encounter as a main player, you may use this power to activate one or more of your ships in a stack under another player\'s ships (even in a Fungus stack). Place your ships on top of the stack. Captured ships do not add to totals in any way (unless they are part of a Fungus\' stack). Any time a ship with captured ships under it goes to the warp, all ships are freed.
History: The Sleepers have no agenda of their own, but rather work for a shadowy organization that seeks to control the cosmos. Allowing themselves to be captured, the Sleepers gain access to the farthest reaches of space, waiting for that moment when they ordered to take action.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: During your regroup, instead of retrieving a ship from the warp, you may move another player's ship from one colony he or she has in your system to another colony in your system.
Super: When you activate one of your ships, the other player's ships in your stack are removed from the game.
SMITHY [B:Warp] Creates Attack Tokens Jack Reda
You have the Power to Forge. At the start of each player\'s turn, add an Attack Token to one of your home planets that does not have one (whether you occupy the planet or not). As the offense, you may add an Attack Token from one of your home planets to the hyperspace gate. Whenever you are a main player, you may use this power to double the value of all ships on your side for encounter totals if there is an Attack Token in the encounter (either on the Gate with your ships, or on the defending planet). If you do not double the value of the ships, use this power to cause both sides to lose, sending all ships in the encounter to the warp.
If you win an encounter with an Attack Token, the token goes to the defending planet. If you lose, any Attack Tokens in the encounter return to your alien sheet.
History: The one-armed Smithys developed their ability to forge in order to compensate for a perceived lack of limbs. Hammering out weapons generation after generation made them stronger, and the advances in technologies allowed them to develop a formidable arsenal. The only sound of clapping the Smithys allow is the thunder of destruction they rain down on their foes.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: Discard any non-artifact card to treat treat any artifact you play as a Cosmic Zap.
Super: You may add 2 Attack Tokens to the hyperspace gate as the offense, tripling the value of all ships on your side. If you instead use your power to cause both sides to lose, you receive compensation from your opponent, and may place each of your 2 Attack Tokens on any planets that do not have tokens.
SNOB [O:Warp] Takes Cards from Players Not in System Jack Reda
You have the power of Exclusion. As a main player, if you have ships on any planet in the system targeted by destiny, you may use this power to draw a card at random from any player who does not have ships in that same system.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: If your side wins an encounter, you may force any player that was not involved in the encounter to lose 1 ship of his or her choice to the warp.
Super: If you don't like the card you take from another player when using your power, you may discard it and draw another.
SOLARIS [O:Warp] Gives Others Their Super Flare Jack Reda
You have the power of Flares. Once per encounter, you may grant another player the use of his or her super flare (without the need of playing a card). That player simply invokes it that turn, if desired. Players using their super flare in this manner can not be stopped with a Card Zap, and you can only be Cosmic Zapped when first granting super status.
History: Evolving at the vortex of the galaxy's runoff of cosmic detritus, the Solaris honed their power of granting each race's most desired thoughts and aspirations. Through careful execution of their skills, the Solaris have discreetly manipulated their allies and enemies.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: You may play this card as though it were your super flare.
Wild: You may play this card as though it were your super flare.
Super1: You may play this card like a Card Zap.
Super: You may play this card like a Card Zap (whenever another player invokes a super flare).
Pro: No one can use a super flare against you.
Con: Whenever you are involved in an encounter with Solaris, you are the only player he can grant a super flare.
SPACE DUST [O:Warp:RH] Tokens are Attacked Separately Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)
You have the power of Space Dust. When you are defensive Main Player, only one of your tokens can be challenged on the planet base. The other tokens are not involved in the challenge.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems.
Phase 2 - Destiny
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: When a player is about to take consolation, you may set one card from your hand aside. It is immune.
Super: Any time you lose a base, you may leave one token behind. If there was only one token to begin with, you must lose the base.
Con: You may attack all of Space Dust's tokens on an external base.
SPAWN [O:Warp] Replaces Other Players\' Ships Jack Reda (Uses 20 Extra Ships)
Game Setup: Choose one unused player color and take the 20 ships in that color (16 in a 4-planet game), placing them on your alien sheet. Your player color is that of the planets you use. Do not use this power unless you have an unused player color.
You have the power to Produce. As a main player, use this power when you lose an encounter. Place a ship from your alien sheet under each ship that opposed you in the encounter. After you have placed the last ship in this manner, remove all ships that have a spawn ship under it from the game. Your spawn ships now count as your ships for the purposes of having a colony. You can not move these ships for any reason and they do not count toward encounter totals. If a spawn ship should be sent to the warp, place it instead on your alien sheet to be respawned the next time you lose an encounter.
History: The Spawn are weak, but their ability to reproduce with any alien lifeform, even after death, makes them extremely tenacious. The gestation period of the Spawn varies greatly, but the parturition is always fatal to the host. The deadly seeds have been planted within unknowing carriers, and eventually the Spawn will reclaim all that they lost.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: When you lose an encounter as a main player, you may free up to as many ships you have in the warp as you lost, returning them to your existing colonies.
Super: You may use your spawn ships as you would your normal ships, placing them in the hyperspace gate, and adding them to your encounter totals. You are still limited to 4 ships total in the gate.
SPHERE [M:Warp] Opponents' Ships Count as 1 Each Jack Reda
You have the power of Dimensions. All other players must place their
ships on planets into one stack of their ships at all times. As a
main player, use this power to force opposing players to take their
entire stack of ships from a planet when loading the hyperspace gate.
This stack counts as only 1 ship for that player for totals, rewards
or compensation. Opposing players may move multiple stacks of ships
onto the gate, but each stack counts as only 1 ship. Ships retain
special characteristics, like Macron, however, a Fungus stack would
only count as 1 ship.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: When you play a reinforcement, it applies to each of your ships in the encounter.
Super: You may stack all of your ships in the warp at the start of your regroup and place the entire stack on any planet where you have colonies.
SPIDER [O:Warp] Captures Ships to use as Reinforcements Jack Reda
You have the power to Entangle. As a main player, after the the encounter has been resolved, capture any 2 ships from the opposing side if you lost or 2 ships plus one for each ship you had in the encounter if you won. Captured ships are placed on your alien sheet.
As a main player, after encounter cards are revealed, you may use this power to send ships from your alien sheet to the warp to add 1 to either side of the encounter for each ship. There is no limit to the number of captured ships you may use in this manner. You may also return captured ships to their owner as part of a deal.
History: The insidious Spider society, long embattled in a civil war, eventually gave up on their cannibalistic ways to unify. They spun great cosmic webs in hopes of ensnaring other races to feed their insatiable hunger. Even when a battle is lost, the Spiders have still managed to ensnare countless enemies- a feast they will consume in due time.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, draw two cards from your opponent and leave them face down to one side. If you win the encounter, you keep those cards. If your opponent has no encounter cards left, you win the encounter.
Super: You may use your power as an ally (capturing opposing ships as well as using captured ships as reinforcements).
SPIRAL [O:Warp:RH] Gains Rewards Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)
You have the power of the Spiral. As defensive player, whether you win or lose, you get a "reward" of one of more cards from the deck and/or tokens from the Warp to bases (or from the Praw to the Warp) corresponding to the number of your tokens defending. You get this "reward" immediately after the outcome is determined. If you get cards, they are subject to the Extortionist.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems.
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: You may choose to earn rewards rather than occupying a base in a challenge where you were on the winning side.
Super: You may use your power as offensive Main Player.
Con: Spiral does not receive rewards if he won the challenge.
You have the power to hold. On each challenge, you must prevent an asteroid from rotating. You may not prevent the same asteroid from rotating two challenges in a row, nor may you allow two asteroids to inhabit the same system at the same time.
History: Existing outside of the normal space-time continuum, the Stasis manipulate the universe around them, plucking things out of the flow of time when it suits them. Only they can plan for future events, knowing how and when things will fall into place.
Restriction: Use only in a game with multiple Asteroids. Do not use in a game with one asteroid per player.
Phase 1
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
STEALTH [M:Warp] Has a Secret Power Jack Reda
You have the power of Surprise. At the start of the game, draw a random alien power and keep it secret. Use this power to reveal your secret alien power at any time, which you must immediately use. After using the secret alien power, draw a new one at the next Regroup phase and keep it hidden. You may only use your Stealth power once per encounter, but a revealed power may be used normally until the end of the encounter in which it is revealed.
History: Bottom-feeding creatures that search through the ruins of forgotten alien civilizations, the Stealth are able to summon forth the power of those former races. Keeping their powers hidden until the best time, the Stealth strike without warning, hoping to add new ranks to the rubble of their domain.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power.
Wild: Choose any player in the game. That player must play a Cosmic Zap against any player you designate, if he has one.
Super: After you use your secret power, you may keep it.
Con: Stealth may not reveal his secret power when you are both main players.
STOWAWAY [O:Warp:2] Leaves a Ship in the Gate Jack Reda
You have the power to Stow Away. If you have more than one ship on
the hyperspace gate, regardless if your side won or lost the encounter, you may
leave one ship on the gate, instead going to a colony or the warp. It remains there for the next encounter and is automatically
involved. If you're to be the offensive player, you may place 4
additional ships on the gate; otherwise, it counts as being an ally.
You may only place additional ships onto the gate by normal means of placing ships there, including the opposing side. However, if you are determined to be the defensive player, your stowaway ship would not count towards the encounter. The ships remains on the gate for the next encounter. A Cosmic Zap can only prevent you from stowing away a ship, and cannot remove a ship already left on the gate.
History: Always looking for a free ride, the minuscule Stowaways leech onto
others to provide for their space exploration. Cosmic dominance would
allow them free range to everywhere, even if under false pretenses.
Restriction: Do not use in a two player game.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: When another player draws a ship from the Warp, you may also draw one and place it where they place theirs. Play after they place their ship.
Wild: When another player draws a ship from the warp, you may also draw one and place it where they place theirs. Give this flare to Stowaway when you use it. If Stowaway is not in the game, discard it to use it.
Super1: If you only have your stowaway ship on the gate; it remains
there as a stowaway after the encounter. If you were to get a colony, you may place a ship on that colony from anywhere you have them.
Super: If you only have your stowaway ship on the gate; it remains
there as a stowaway after the encounter. If you were to get a colony, you may place a ship on that colony from anywhere you have them.
Con: As main player, Stowaway's ship has no effect on the encounter
but will remain on the gate for the next encounter.
SUCCUBUS [O:Warp] Rewards Players for their Actions Jack Reda
You have the power to Entice. Whenever you are involved in an encounter, you may use this power to entice any one other player. You may offer that player 1 to 4 rewards to use or not use an optional power, or to play or not play cards (specified or otherwise). If that player agrees, he or she receive their reward at the end of the encounter.
History: The cunning and conniving Succubi meddle in the affairs of others, but whether for their own pleasure or some sinister plot, none can say. Few can resist the temptation of interaction with a Succubus, despite the full knowledge of its malevolent nature.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may give a card from your hand to any player. If it is played during this encounter, it returns to your hand at the end of the encounter.
Super: If your side loses an encounter, you may renege on your enticement, and that player receives no rewards for doing as you asked.
SUMMONER [M:Warp] Gains Rewards for Allies Jack Reda
You have the power of Manifestation. As a main player, before cards are selected, use this power to gain a "defender reward" for each player that is allied with you, and 2 rewards for each player allied against you.
History: Practiced in arts ancient and dark, the Summoners have harnessed the ability to manifest power, recall the dead, and materialize implements of destruction. Tapping into dimensions long thought forgotten, the Summoners grow more powerful when facing increasing numbers of foes. Even the strongest enemies are more inclined to leave the Summoners well enough alone, for fear of what horrors should be brought from the beyond against them.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: As an ally, before cards are selected, name a card type (Encounter, Artifact, etc.) and turn over the top card of the encounter deck. If you guessed correctly, add the card to your hand. Otherwise, discard it.
Super: You may use your power as an ally. Gain 1 defender reward for each other ally (not main player) on your side, and 2 reward for each other ally on the opposing side (not counting the opposing main player).
SWAP [O:Warp:A] SWITCHES ASTEROIDS Jack Reda (Asteroids)
You have the power to exchange. As a main player, you may switch the locations of any two asteroids in play. The switch must take place after the asteroids have rotated.
History: Harboring a unique talent of transport, the Swaps keep a careful eye on the shifting balance of power in the cosmos. With their skills, they can turn the tide at will.
Restriction: Use only in a game with multiple Asteroids.
Phase 1
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
SWARM [O:Warp] Players May Play Multiple Encounter Cards Jack Reda
You have the power to Teem. As a main player in an encounter, you may use your power to declare a teeming attack. Each main player may then play up to as many attack cards as they have ships in the encounter. Cards are totaled together.
History: As individuals they were without intelligence, but when they banded together, the Swarm were able to think as one unit. Their collective becomes even stronger when in proximity of other forms of intelligence, and the Swarm is able to to harness this power, unleashing it as they like.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: When collecting compensation, you may sacrifice to the Warp additional ships from other bases to draw that many more cards.
Super: You may teem the number of allies you have in the encounter as well. Your opponent may only teem with the number of ships he or she has in the encounter.
SYMMETRY [M:Warp] Wins from Lopsided Encounters Jack Reda
Game Setup: Place 8 Cosmic Tokens plus one for each player in the game on your alien sheet.
You have the power of Equilibrium. Whenever any player wins an encounter by a total of 10 or more, use this power to remove a token from your alien sheet. When the last token is removed, you win the game. You may still win the game via the normal method.
History: The Symmetry move invisibly though the Cosmos, monitoring the amount of force used to win battles, and regulating adherence to the Olotka Conventions for treatment of combatants. Whenever violations occur, the Symmetry take covert action. Other worlds will eventually pay for non-compliance, though they do not fully understand the ramifications.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Alternate Win type power.
Wild: If your opponent has more allies than you do, you may choose one of his or her allies, who must leave the encounter. Ships return to colonies.
Super: If the difference in encounter totals is 7 or more, you may remove one of your tokens. You may remove 2 tokens if the difference is 15 or more.
TABOO [O:Warp] Forbids an Alliance card. Jack Reda (Alliance Cards)
You have the power to Preclude. As a main player, you may play an Alliance card face up. No other player may play that same Alliance card during this encounter.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Alliance cards.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: Discard an artifact or flare (other than this one) to forbid any other player from playing that type of card. You may not play this card when drawing a new hand.
Super: You may play two Alliance cards that no other player may play.
TAILGATE [O:BGG] Discards When Others Discard Jack Reda
You have the power to Follow. Any time another player discards one or more cards, you may use this power to discard a card from your hand.
History: Riding the solar winds, the Tailgates navigate a course through enemy space without being noticed. The cosmic refuse of other races perfectly hides the toxic waste the Tailgates leave in their wake. The Tailgates are then able to closely shadow opposing races, consuming resources at an alarming rate with impunity.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Hand Management type power.
Wild: As a losing offensive ally, your turn is next. At the end of your turn, the turn order resumes where it left off. Give this flare to Tailgate when you play it, or discard it if Tailgate is not in the game.
Super: When you use your power to discard, you may draw a card from the cosmic deck.
TAXI [O:Warp:L2] TRANSPORTS OTHERS Jack Reda (Lucre)
You have the power to transport. Whenever you are not involved in a challenge, before cards are played, any players may ask you to transport up to four of their tokens in or out of the challenge (even above the maximum limit of four). They pay you one Lucre per token, then you decide from where the tokens are transported. If you add
tokens, you may not vacate any players' bases. If you remove tokens, you must send them to where they already have a base.
History: The Taxis move through space seeking only to profit from the transport of others. Not only do they gain in the form of money, but they also participate in the distribution of other alien forces.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre.
Do not use in a two player game.
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
TECHNOCRAT [M:Warp:T] Develops Two Techs Simultaneously Jack Reda (Tech)
You have the power of Tech. Whenever you draw Tech cards, use this power to take three cards, and keep two of your choice. When you add a ship for research, use this power to research two Techs at the same time. Any time you reveal a completed Tech, researching ships may remain on the unrevealed Tech, or be diverted to revealed Techs or your colonies.
History: Once the homeworlds of the Technocrats had been stripped of all available resources, they were eventually reconstructed out of biomechanical devices, technological platforms, and industrially recycled waste. The entire societal existence of the Technocrats revolves around the concept of machine - love, art, commerce... everything is manufactured, quickly, precisely, and efficiently.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Tech.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: Draw a card from the deck instead of researching your Tech this encounter.
Super: You may draw a new Tech and exchange it for one you are researching (keeping your researching ships on the new Tech).
You have the weakness of moderation. You may never play Reinforcements, Kickers, Edicts or Flares (other than cards which nullify this power).
History: No amount of peer pressure has ever managed to get the Teetotalers to deny their upbringing and beliefs. They feel they can win the old fashioned way.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: This card may be played like the Sanity edict.
Super: You may use non-challenge cards normally.
TENTACLE [M:Warp] Adds a Digit to Total Jack Reda
You have the power of Appendages. As a main player, after encounter cards are revealed, use this power if you reveal an attack card. Add one of the digits of the attack card to your encounter totals. For example, if you reveal an Attack 09, you may either add 0 or add 9 to your total, giving you 18.
History: Swirling masses of flexible appendages, filaments, and processes, the uncanny Tentacles always seem to reach into every corner of the cosmos. Just when you think you have a handle on them, the Tentacles have another sucker-bearing arm up their sleeves, ready to squeeze the life out of you.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: When you should receive rewards or compensation, you may discard a reinforcement, and receive its value in additional rewards or compensation.
Super: You have may use your power of appendages as an ally to increase the encounter total by one digit of the attack card revealed by your side's main player.
TIDE [O:Warp:M] ADDS TOKENS ON MOONS Jack Reda (Moons)
You have the power to fluctuate. Whenever you occupy a moon, you may add or subtract the number of tokens on the moon (or moons) to the defense of any planet in the same system- even if not involved, or already involved as a main player or ally. The tokens are not at risk. The new value may be added or subtracted at any time during the challenge.
History: Born on a planet with 42 moons (15 of which have their own moon, of which 3 have tertiary moons) the Tide have learned to use the gravitational pull of their moons to tremendous effect. This change in the relationship between celestial bodies and their moons is the source of unimagined power.
Restriction: Use only in a game with moons.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild1: As a main player, after cards are revealed, you may add or subtract one token.
Wild: As a main player, after cards are revealed, you may add or subtract one token.
Super1: You may fluctuate your allies' moon tokens as well, even if they are the main player.
Super: You may fluctuate your allies' moon tokens as well, even if they are the main player.
Con: Tide may not fluctuate in a challenge where you both are Main Players.
TITAN [M:Warp:Pl] Removes Planets Jack Reda
You have the power to Obliterate. Whenever you lose an encounter as the offense, use this power to remove the planet you were attacking from the game. All ships on the planet are sent to the warp. You can not obliterate more planets than it takes for you to win the game.
History: The recklessly powerful Titans were once worshiped by other Cosmic races, but fell from grace when advances in technology and space exploration revealed their mortality. Their power has not waned though, and when their anger grows too strong to control, it is the faithless that pay the price. A most terrible price, indeed.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Planet type power.
Wild: As a losing defensive player, you may obliterate one of the attacking ships that would have landed on your planet. That ship is removed from the game.
Super: You may obliterate all ships on the planet when you lose as the offense.
TOXIN [M:Warp] Reduces Ships on Shared Colonies Jack Reda
You have the power of Poison. At the start of each player's turn (after the destiny pile is flipped), if that player is sharing a base with you, and has fewer ships there than you, you remove one of them, sending it to the warp (if possible).
History: Spawned on a planet of noxious fumes and deadly elements, the Toxins developed into a uniquely dangerous species. Immune to all forms of poisoning, they quickly learned that most other races were not. Now even their allies are eliminated by the Toxins' hazardous association.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: You may poison any planet that has ships of more than one player. Send enough ships to the warp so that each player there only has one ship remaining.
Wild: When any player flips your color, if that player already has a colony in your system you may take all the ships from one such colony and put them in the warp. Give this flare to Toxin when you play it. If Toxin is not in the game, discard it to use it.
Super1: You may poison a player on every colony he shares with you.
Super: You may poison a player on every colony he shares with you.
Con: Toxin may not remove one of your ships as part of his power.
You have the power of retrograde. To win the game, you must occupy five moons, one of which must be in your own system. Players are allowed to invite allies for moon challenges in which you are involved, but only the winning Main Player may occupy the moon at the end of the challenge (Blue Moon challenges proceed normally).
History: Traveling on the celestial plane in the direction opposite to the natural order, the Triton exist according to a code all their own. Only when they've discovered Triton's power in its backward existence do other aliens realize how foolish it is to ignore them.
Restriction: Use only in a game with moons!
Do not use with Schizoid.
Recommended for use in a game with at least 4 players.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power. The ease of being able to occupy some moons is offset by the fact that Triton will never gain bases during other players' turns.
Wild1: When the player on your left finishes his turn, it is your turn.
Super: Players attacking you on a moon may not have allies.
Con: Any moons Triton occupies in your system do not count toward the win.
TROGLODYTE [B:Warp] Stronger When Secluded Jack Reda
Game Setup: Place each of your planets in the other players\' systems, starting clockwise to your left. Remove all of your color\'s cards from the destiny deck.
You have the power of Seclusion. Your home colonies in other players\' system count as foreign colonies for you.
As a main player, use this power when you and your opponent reveal attack cards in an encounter. For each planet in the targeted system where you have a colony, your opponent adds 5 to his or her encounter totals.
Whenever you win an encounter as defense, you may draw a card at random from the player in whose system your colony is in, for each colony you have in that system.
History: The reclusive and brutal Troglodytes exist in the hidden pockets of every society. When their havens are disturbed, the Troglodytes muster their strength and visit a terrible vengeance upon those who encroach. They lay waste to everything in sight, then disappear again into the darkness.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Planet type power.
Wild: When another player turns up a wild destiny, you may choose their opponent (so long as a legitimate encounter can still take place).
Super: When a player draws his or her own color, or a wild destiny card, you may force that player to attack another player in that system (as long as a legitimate encounter can still take place).
TRUCKER [M:Warp] Delivers Rewards Jack Reda
You have the power to Deliver. Whenever players are to receive rewards, use this power to deliver the rewards. If a player chooses ships from the warp, you determine which colony they go to. If a player chooses cards, you take all the cards to be received for that encounter and look at them. You then determine which player receives which cards.
History: When no other alien race would accept the job for deliveries, the cantankerous Truckers agreed to do it. They obey the letter of the law, if not the spirit, and the deliveries are made in a timely fashion - even if goods and destinations are sometimes not to one's liking.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: When a player is to take compensation from you, you may choose a different player to collect it. That player receives the same amount of cards the original player would have taken.
Super: You may free one of your ships when delivering ships, and draw an extra card to keep for yourself when delivering cards. Each ship and card is per player receiving them. You do not get to see the cards you draw for yourself.
UBERMENSCH [M:Warp] Accumulates Adapter Points Jack Reda
You have the power to Adapt. Any time another player plays a flare or artifact, use this power to acquire an Adapter Point that adds to your totals in any challenge in which you are involved. Place a Cosmic token on your alien sheet to keep track of Adapter points.
History: Against impossible odds, the Ubermensch developed on a world so close to its sun, it should not have been able to sustain life. Through the ability to adapt to any situation, they continue to survive. Rather than being weakened by the assaults of their enemies, the Ubermensch merely get stronger.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: As a main player, for every card played during the encounter besides this one, you may add one point to your side's total.
Super: You acquire Adapter points for flares and artifacts you play (not counting this one).
Con: Ubermensch does not acquire any Adapter points when you play artifacts or flares.
UMBRA [M:Warp] Gets Points for Lost Ships Jack Reda
You have the power of Shadow. Whenever you lose ships to the warp, use this power to acquire a Shadow point for each ship lost. These points add to your side's total in an encounter whenever you are a Main Player. Use Cosmic tokens to keep track of your Shadow points.
History: Born in the darkest reaches of the Warp, the Umbra began seeking the light once they accumulated enough power. Now, whenever they return to The Warp, the re-emerge even more powerful that before.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild1: You may add one point to your side's total for each ship you currently have in the warp.
Super: You may use your power of Shadow as an ally.
Con: Umbra only gains 1 point each time he loses ships to the Warp, regardless of the number.
UNICORN [O:Warp] Other Players Gain Rewards Instead of a Colony Jack Reda
You have the power of Mythology. Whenever a player would normally place ships on a planet in your system, use this power to force that player to gain rewards instead.
History: The Unicorns were present when the Cosmos was born, guarding over all they surveyed. As other alien races rose to power, the Unicorns disappeared without a trace. Many have sought the fabled treasures of the Unicorn home worlds, but few have returned with any notion of its whereabouts.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Colony Gain type power.
Wild: When a player would take compensation from you, force him or her to gain rewards instead.
Super: You gain rewards for winning the encounter as the defensive main player.
UNION [M:Warp:L] ALLIES MUST BE PAID Jack Reda (Lucre)
You have the power of scale. Anytime a player agrees to ally with another player, he must be paid 1 Lucre per token committed. You are only required to pay 1 Lucre per ally.
History: Keenly interested in fair wages for services provided, the Union oversees all transactions that transpire within the cosmos. Keeping tabs on wage scale allows them to work the system, and consequently pay less for the same services.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre! Do not use with Mercenary.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: If you and your opponent fail to deal, he must pay you a Lucre for each token you put in the Warp.
Super: Scale for allies is doubled for every player but you.
UNZAP [O:Warp:E] CANCELS ANY ZAP Jack Reda (Edictators)
You have the power of Unzap. Once per challenge, you may cancel the effects of any Zap (by edict, flare, or the Cosmic Zap power).
History: Mixed in a vast Matter/Anti-Matter chamber, the Unzap quietly waited for the other Edictators to strike. When the "Creators" tried to resist the revolution, the Unzap made their move. Now they police the remaining powers until they can govern all.
Restriction: Use only in Edictators.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: Use this card as an Unzap edict.
Super: You may use your power as a Main Player or ally.
Con: The Unzap power may not be used against you. You are still affected by the Unzap edict.
VAMPIRE [M:Warp] Uses Eliminated Ships Jack Reda (Revision)
Game Setup: Choose one unused player color and take the 20 ships in that color (16 in a 4-planet game) and place them next to your alien sheet.
You have the power to Enslave. When you win an encounter as a main player, instead of sending the losing ships to the warp, use this power to stack a ship from your alien sheet on top of each opposing ship. Place these enslaved ships on any of your colonies. Enslaved ships are only freed by a Mobius Tubes (even if the ships are not in the warp) returning to owners\' colonies. When ships are freed, your Vampire ships return to this alien sheet. Whenever you use your power, you may choose to release already enslaved ships, sending them to the warp, and use the Vampire ships on them to enslave the new ships.
Enslaved ships count as 1 ship each, except against the player each was taken from, where they count as 2 ships (for totals, compensation, and rewards).
History: The Vampires sowed terror on their home planet for centuries before wiping out all other life forms, turning them into vampires one by one. Then they turned their attention, their blood lust, and their fangs to the blackness of the Cosmos.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: As a main player, you may take one other player's ships on any planet where you have a colony, switching his ships with yours from the warp.
Super: Your enslaved ships count as 4 each against their normal owners for encounter totals, compensation, and rewards.
VANGUARD [M:Warp] Heads Off Attacks Jack Reda
Game Setup: Place one of your planets in front of the others, with 1-4 of your ships on it. Remaining ships are placed on any of your other planets.
You have the power of Precedence. Whenever another player attacks your system (after they load the Hyperspace Gate, but before pointing it at any planet), use this power to force him or her to first attack your vanguard planet. You each play encounter cards. If you win, you gain defender rewards for each ship you have on the planet, and your opponent ends his or her turn. If you lose, your opponent may proceed with his or her encounter, or collect rewards for the number of ships he or she had in the encounter (and this counts as a successful encounter). No ships are lost as a result of the vanguard encounter. If after encountering the vanguard planet your opponent has no encounter cards his or her turn ends. No compensation is gained from a vanguard encounter.
History: For as long as the Vanguards remember, they have told the tale of the lost ship that held off an entire fleet. From that legend an empire grew, and the Vanguards have seen the usefulness of sending a small force ahead to meet their attackers. Those unable to oppose the advance units quickly see the futility of engaging the main forces.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may force your opponent to reveal his or her encounter card to any player he or she invites as an ally.
Wild: You may force your opponent to reveal his or her encounter card to any player he or she invites as an ally.
Super1: If your opponent loses the vanguard encounter, you may send his ships to the Warp.
Super: If your opponent loses the vanguard encounter, you may send his or her ships to the warp.
Con: You do not need encounter the vanguard planet when attacking Vanguard's system.
VERMIN [M:Warp] Reduces Colony Population Jack Reda
You have the power of Pestilence. Whenever a player establishes a colony in your system, use this power to force that player to lose a ship to the warp from each of his external colonies (including the one he just established).
History: The untold pestilence of the Vermin home worlds have proven too fatal for most invading aliens. Disease, filth, and death follow those who tread even a moment on Vermin soil. The remains of the fallen are a fetid feast to Vermin eyes, and they gladly welcome any who might visit.
Restriction: Do not use with Macron.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: As a main player, your opponent must discard one card for every ship you lose to the warp (you may not play this card if you negotiated).
Wild: As a main player, your opponent must discard one card for every ship you lose to the warp (you may not play this card if you negotiated).
Super1: Players must lose a ship from each foreign colony if they vanquish you from a colony outside your system.
Super: Players must lose a ship from each foreign colony if they vanquish you from a colony outside your system.
Con: You do not have to lose a ship from each external colony if you establish a colony in Vermin's system.
VICTOR [M:Warp] Wins by Winning Jack Reda
Game setup: Place eight tokens on this sheet (seven if playing with four planets per player).
You have the power to Win. Each time you win an encounter or make a deal as a main player, use this power to discard one token from this sheet. If there are no more tokens on this sheet, you immediately win the game. You may still win the game via the normal method.
History: Hailed as conquering heroes, the strapping and clever Victors have been celebrated as favored champions throughout known space. Even their enemies grudgingly admit that the Victor\'s penchant for winning is admirable and noteworthy. To the Victors go the spoils.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Alternate Win type power.
Wild: As an offensive main player, you win an encounter in the event of a tie.
Super: You may use your power as an ally. If the main players make a deal, you may still remove a token even though you are not part of the deal.
VORTEX [M:Warp] Removes Ships in the Warp from the Game Jack Reda
You have the power of Suction. Every time any player takes a ship (or ships) from the warp, use this power to take an equal number of ships belonging to any player (other than yourself) from the warp and place them out of the game. Ships removed from the warp due to artifacts use are immune from this effect.
History: Within the abysmal confines of the Warp, a treacherous race of beings grew to intelligence. Draining the ebbing life forces from warp entities, the Vortex cheat death themselves. And if they suck the life out of everything within the Warp? More room for the Vortex to operate. For there will surely never be an end to the Warp's power.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power. Healer may not heal other players' ships from from the Vortex.
Wild: If you fail to make a deal, your opponent must remove three of his ships from the game.
Super: You may offer players some or all of their ships back from the Vortex as part of a deal.
Con: Vortex may not remove your ships from the game unless there are no other ships to choose from.
VOYAGER [O:BGG] Can Have a Colony in the Warp Jack Reda
You have the power to Journey. As the offense, at the start of your encounter, you may use this power to move one of your home planets into the warp, or exchange one of your home planets with one of your planets already in the warp. Ships on that planet are both on a colony and in the warp, and may/must leave through all the usual ways for both. Ships sent to the warp do not land on the planet, but ships returning to colonies may go to a colony already on the warp-world. All colonies on that planet are foreign colonies, but only you may count your warp-world colony toward victory. If this sheet is lost or turned face down, return the warp-world to your system.
History: Fearless adventurers, the Voyagers traveled to the far reaches of the Cosmos, seeking answers to questions long forgotten. Hungry for new discoveries, the Voyagers discovered how to access the unfathomable depths of the warp itself, establishing a presence there. With the entrance to the warp breached, others have followed the Voyagers, but none have the same success conquering its mysteries.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Planet type power. This is a reworking of Gerald Katz\' Gith alien.
Wild: If you win an encounter as the defense, you may free one of your ships in the warp for each ship you had in the encounter.
Super: If you have no ships in the warp other than those on your warp-world, and no other player has ships on your warp-world, your colony there counts as two foreign colonies.
VULTURE [B:Warp] Uses Dead Ships Jack Reda
You have the power of Carrion. Whenever the destiny pile is flipped, you may use this power to take a ship of the same color from the warp and place it on your alien sheet. They remain there until you are the main player in an encounter. During the encounter, use this power to either count all the ships on your sheet to your total (before cards are revealed), or send them all back to the warp in lieu of losing any of your own (you must announce your intention before cards are revealed). If you do not use them in the encounter, they go back to the warp. Ships on your alien sheet may not be freed any other way. On a Wild flip, you may take any ship from the warp. You may not take your own ships out, except under the normal rules.
History: The Vultures have thrived on the festering remains of the fallen. They circle the Warp continuously, in search of the recently slain, hoping to feed on the last remnants of power still present in the corpses.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power. If the Assassin/Shadow is in the game, Vulture may take the assassinated ship.
Wild1: As a winning Defensive player, you may collect a card from each losing ally.
Wild: As a winning Defensive player, you may collect a card from each losing ally.
Super1: You do not lose the ships on your alien sheet if you did not use them this encounter.
Super: You do not lose the ships on your alien sheet until you use them.
Con: Vulture may not take your ships prisoner as part of his power.
WARLOCK [O:Warp] Converts Cards to Ships Jack Reda
You have the power to Animate. As a main player, any time before cards are played, you may use this power to discard cards from your hand and draw ships from the warp for each card discarded. Ships freed must be placed on one of your existing colonies or the hyperspace Gate. You may discard your last encounter card in this manner, but you may not discard cards after drawing a new hand if you were already out of encounter cards.
History: Keepers of the forbidden texts, the Warlocks unlocked the secrets of the Warp. They determined the nature of what sacrifices the Warp would accept in order to free its wards. The texts have since been destroyed, so the Warlocks alone can benefit from the forbidden knowledge.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: Free of all of your ships from the Warp (or Praw) directly to any of your colonies. Give this card to Warlock when you use it. If Warlock is not in the game, discard it to play it.
Super: You may use your power as an ally.
Con: Warlock may not add any ships he frees to the encounter when he is your opponent.
WARMONGER [O:Warp] Converts Cards to War Cards Jack Reda (War Cards)
You have the power of war. As a Main Player in a challenge, before cards are revealed, you may discard two non-challenge cards from your hand to convert your Attack card into a War card. If your opponent played an Attack card, you win regardless of challenge totals, and you must give him consolation. If he played a Compromise, you lose the challenge and give your opponent consolation. If he played a War card, you both lose.
Phase 7 - Play cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild1: If you and your opponent both played Compromise Cards, you may convert his card into a War card.
Super: You may discard two non-challenge cards to convert your ally's Attack card into a War card.
Con: Warmonger must announce his intention to convert his Attack card to a War card before cards are played.
WARPISH [M:Warp] Add tokens in the Warp or Praw to total Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the power of necromancy. When you are a main player, all tokens in either the Warp or the Praw (but not both) add to your total in a challenge. They do not count toward consolation, however. You must declare before cards are played which section will add to your total.
History: The race known as the Warpish claims to have been born from the Warp
itself. Whether this is true or not (and opinion is dramatically divided),
they easily have a greater knowledge of the Warp than any other race, to the
point of creating a new Warp for their own personal use. Will these Masters of
the Warp achieve the domination they seek? Only time will tell.
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power. Alternate version of Warpish. From Jack Reda: "This version of Warpish is for when you have Praw in the game, which we usually do. It tempers Warpish a little."
Wild1: You may add your tokens in the Warp to your side's total in a challenge.
Super: You may add all tokens in the Warp and the Praw to your side's total as an ally.
Pro: You may have all tokens in the Warp or Praw add to your side in the challenge as
an ally.
Con: As main player against Warpish, your tokens in the warp or the Praw do not add to his challenge total.
WATER [O:Warp] CHANGES THE GAME Jack Reda (Element Encounter)
You have the power to flow. As a Main Player against Earth, you may use this power to send half of his or her ships in the encounter (rounding up) to any other colony where he or she has ships.
If you are playing as an ally against Air, you may use this power to move ships you have in the same system into the encounter before cards are played (beyond the limit of four).
Restriction: You may not use any powers against Fire.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Theme type power.
Wild: You may use your ally power against Water.
Super: You may use your main player power against Fire.
WEAPON [M:Warp] Causes Extra Ship Loss Jack Reda
You have the power to Injure. Whenever you win an encounter as a main player, use this power to force your opponent to lose (in addition to normal losses) one ship for each card he plays in the encounter (encounter cards, kickers, reinforcements, artifacts, etc).
History: Refining their methods of pain and loss, the Weapons have exceeded the rest of the cosmos in the amount of damage they cause in battle. Not only do they wipe out their opponents, they get their families and neighbors as well!
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: If you fail to make a deal your opponent loses double the number of ships normally lost.
Wild: If you fail to make a deal your opponent loses double the number of ships normally lost.
Super1: You may injure as an ally.
Super: You may injure as an ally.
Con: You can only lose one extra ship, regardless of how many cards you play.
WEB [O:Warp] Adds or Subtracts Colonies to Defense Jack Reda
You have the power to Weave. As a defensive player you may add or subtract one to your total for each colony you occupy including home colonies.
History: By slowly weaving a strong defense, the Web can readily expand into the further reaches of the galaxy. The more the Web spreads themselves thin, the stronger they get.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild1: As a losing defensive player, you may move any lost ships onto any existing colonies you share with the offensive player. If you do not share a colony with the offensive player, your ships go to the warp.
Wild: As a losing defensive player, you may move any lost ships onto any existing colonies you share with the offensive player. If you do not share a colony with the offensive player, your ships go to the warp.
Super1: Your colony total adds to your offense as well as your defense.
Super: Your colony total adds to your offense as well as your defense.
Con: Web may not add or subtract to his total when you are both main players.
WIGHT [O:Warp] Takes Unused Power Jack Reda
You have the power to Drain. Whenever you are in an encounter with a player who does not use their power (when they had an opportunity to do so), you may use this power to take control of their alien power. They may not use the power until either you use it, or you are involved in an encounter when you could have used the power but did not. You may only control one power at a time.
History: Ghastly beings of negative energies and attitudes, the Wights punish those who do not use their gifts, draining the life-force and power of their victims.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power.
Wild: You may pick up a flare that was discarded but not used.
Super: You do not have to give back the drained power until you use it.
Con: Wight may not take your power if you do not use it in an encounter.
WISP [O:Warp] Ships appear out of nowhere Jack Reda
You have the power to materialize.
At the start of the game place 1 ship from each of your planets on your alien card. These ships are out of phase and are immune to all other game effects. Whenever you are involved in an encounter, after cards have been revealed, you may use this power to move any ships from your alien card into the encounter (even above the normal limit of 4). Additionally, you may use this power to sacrifice a ship from your alien card to the warp in lieu of a ship lost to the warp or any other game effect. When you add ships to your colonies you may instead place any or all of them onto your alien card.
History: Phantasmal organisms from another dimension, the Wisps appear suddenly, turning the tide of a battle. These bright and twisted aliens come from a world of decaying darkness. Their own luminescence is barely enough to penetrate the inky blackness of their homeworlds, but in other parts of the cosmos, they are blindingly dangerous.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: You may send all of your ships from any of your colonies to the warp to cancel another player's alien power. Give this card to Wisp when you play it, or discard it if Wisp is not in the game.
Super: You may sacrifice ships from your alien card to retain specific cards from your hand that would be lost to compensation or other game effects.
WITCH [M:Warp] Curses Planets Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the power to Curse. Whenever you lose an encounter as a main player or ally, use this power to draw the top card of the destiny discard pile if it is a player color or a wild destiny. Place the card partially under a planet of the matching system color (or any planet if it is a wild destiny). That planet is now cursed. On any encounter where the targeted planet is a cursed planet, if you have not lifted the curse by the planning phase, the defense automatically loses the encounter. Skip the planning phase and go to the resolution phase. At any time before the planning phase, you may lift the curse by placing the destiny card on the bottom of the discard pile.
History: The Witches so concentrated their anger about life\'s injustices that their inner rage became a force they could project against others. Now they never seem quite as happy as when an ill turn of fate releases this power and they can bewitch their enemies.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You can use your power even if you have fewer than the required number of bases.
Super: You may choose any card in the destiny discard pile when you must curse a planet, so long as it is a player color or a wild destiny.
WORLD SHIPS [O:Warp:RH] Collects Destiny Cards for Winning Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)
You have the power of World Ships. Whenever you win a challenge as defensive Main Player on an external base, you may take the current face-up Destiny card and add it to your World Ships hand.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: If you color comes up in the Destiny Deck twice in a row, you may cancel the second one.
Super: You may collect the current Destiny card when you win a challenge as offensive Main Player.
Con: World Ships may not collect Destiny Cards of your system color.
WRACK [M:FB] Tortures Opponents for Playing Cards Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the Power to Torture. As a main player, whenever a player on the opposing side plays a card, use this power. That player must send one of his or her ships from any of their colonies to the warp.
History: Sadistic to a degree unparalleled in recorded annals, the miserable Wracks haven\'t a decent sharn in their claydorns. After generations of bullying local flora and fauna, they now dream of intimidating the Universe.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: If you are a main player, the opposing main player must send one of his or her ships to the warp each time he or she uses their power during this encounter.
Super: You may use your power as an ally.
WRATH [O:Warp] Opposing Players Lose Ships When They Win Jack Reda
You have the Power of Anger. Whenever you lose an encounter, use this power. Each player who opposed you must lose a number of ships to the warp (not in the encounter) equal to the number they had in the encounter. You choose which ships are lost.
History: The sullen Wrath are easily angered. Well known for being sore losers, most alien races try to avoid them if at all possible. The wrath of the Wrath is often too terrible to endure.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Ship Loss type power.
Wild: When another player zaps one of your Artifacts, you may send any two of his or her ships to the warp.
Super: If you win as a main player, you may select one ship from each opposing player and remove it from the game.
WRETCH [M:Warp] Wins By Having Lower Total Jack Reda
Game Setup: At the start of the game, place 8 cosmic tokens on your alien sheet.
You have the power of Pathos. As a main player, if your side has a lower encounter total (after Reinforcements and other effects), use this power to remove 1 cosmic token from your alien sheet. When you remove the last token from your alien sheet, you win the game. You may still win via the normal method.
History: Muttering and whining as they cringe around other aliens, the Wretches are used to being treated as less than equal. This, they believe, is the key to their eventual rise to power. Eventually, the rest of the cosmos will take the Wretches for granted, and that is when they will have their sweet revenge.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: If your side is losing after playing at least 1 reinforcement, you may double the value of all reinforcements played on your side.
Super: You may use your power as an ally.
XENOMORPH [M:Warp:T] Allies Gain Tech but Lose Ships Jack Reda (Tech)
You have the power to Harm. When you accept a player's invitation to ally, use this power to give that player a Tech card from the deck, which is automatically fully researched. If that player wins the encounter, you send to the warp one ship from any colony in that system other than your own (including other allies, or ships from players not even involved).
History: A dangerous alien species, the Xenomorphs proved to be too effective as allies to be shunned outright. Other aliens have learned the risks of associating with the Xenomorphs, and must decide if they outweigh the rewards.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild1: You may sacrifice your ships on a colony and take an equal number of ships belonging to other players on the same colony.
Super: You may eliminate ships from the colony even if your side loses.
Con: Xenomorph may not eliminate your ships on a colony he has just occupied.
XENOMORPH [O:Warp] Copies Opponent’s Encounter Card Jack Reda
You have the power of Emulate. As a main player, if you have a colony in your opponent\'s system, or he or she has a colony in your system, after encounter cards are played but before they are revealed, you may use this power by saying ’morph’. When cards are revealed, you encounter card is considered the same as the one your opponent reveals (including any effect that alters the value of his or her card).
History: The incredibly strange Xenomorphs are unwilling to develop their own culture. The see what others have and merely wish to emulate. Once exposed to another race’s aesthetics, their own worlds quickly adapt to mimic, copy, and duplicate.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: As an ally, if the main player on your side reveals a morph card, you may exchange it for an encounter card from your hand. The encounter continues with your replacement card as the one revealed by your side.
Super: You may call out ’morph’ after encounter cards are revealed.
XENOPHOBE [M:Warp] Gets Bonus for Being Alone Jack Reda
You have the power of Isolation. When you are a main player, after encounter cards are revealed, use this power. Add one to your total for each ship you have on a colony that you alone occupy (home or foreign), but subtract one for each colony you share with another player and each player who has a colony in your home system.
History: Fearful and distrustful of other alien races, the Xenophobes rally together to thwart invaders. They refuse to compromise their identity by sharing resources or even proximity with the unusual or exotic.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: As a main player, your ships count double towards encounter totals if you have no allies.
Super: When using your power, you only subtract 1 for each planet in your system occupied by other players, rather than each colony another player has in your system. Shared colonies still subtract 1 normally.
XERXES [O:Warp] Offers Deals When Outnumbering Jack Reda
You have the power to Threaten. As a main player, if you have more ships on your side than your opponent, you may use this power to offer your opponent a deal. You may include other involved players in the deal, but are not required to. You may offer cards from the deck to your opponent as part of the deal. If your opponent (and all other included parties) agree to the deal, proceed with the terms of the deal (this counts as a successful encounter). If your opponent refuses the deal, your side automatically loses.
History: The overconfident Xerxes draw large forces to their side with promises of riches and power, and for many cycles there has been little to disprove this mindset. Only when facing a smaller and determined opposition have the Xerxes known any form of defeat. The idea of a weaker enemy posing any difficulty is impossible for Xerxes to comprehend.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may play this card at the beginning of a deal situation where you are one of the two main players. If your opponent refuses to deal after you have played this card, his or her ships lost from a failed deal are removed from the game.
Super: If your opponent refuses your deal, proceed with the encounter normally.
YIN YANG [M:Warp] Opponent Shares the Losses Jack Reda
You have the power to Accord. As a main player, whenever you lose an encounter, use this power to force your opponents to share in the losses. As a losing offensive player, your opponents must lose as many ships as you do (except for when you play a negotiate). As a losing defensive player, your opponents must vacate a colony he has anywhere in the game.
History: For as long as intelligent life has existed, the Yin Yangs have garnered influence and control over the positive and the negative, the masculine and the feminine, and the meek and the bold aspects of the cosmos. Through their efforts in balancing power, they feel certain to stay analogous to their enemies.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: When a player forces you to lose ships (through power use, artifact, flare, or losing an encounter), you may force that player to lose the same number of ships.
Super: You may use your power to accord as an ally, affecting the opposing allies as well as the opposing main player.
Con: You do not have to vacate a colony when Yin Yang loses to you as defensive main player.
YOG-SOTHOTH [B:Warp:LE] CULT OF YOG-SOTHOTH Jack Reda (Lovecraftian Encounter)
You have the power of Yog-Sothoth. Internal Power: Draw a card from the deck each time a player removes tokens from the Warp. External Power: You may prevent tokens from leaving the Warp by discarding at random one card from your hand for each token.
History: Between the stars lies Yog-Sothoth: the gate, the key, and the guardian.
Restriction: Use only in Lovecraftian Encounter.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: You may prevent Yog-Sothoth from using either power (internal or external).
Wild: You may prevent Yog-Sothoth from using either power (internal or external).
Super1: You have use of either of your powers, even if you do not occupy the proper bases. Cosmic Zap does not affect you.
Super: You have use of either of your powers, even if you do not occupy the proper bases. Cosmic Zap does not affect you.
You have the weakness of zeal. Whenever you enter the cone, you must
commit with 4 tokens.
History: Zealots know nothing of whimpers. They will always go out with a BANG.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Bad Powers.
Wild1: This challenge, everyone must enter with 4 tokens. If a player
is invited to ally they must accept (on one side or the other).
Super: You may enter the cone with less than four tokens.
ZILCHLING [O:Warp] Wins by Helping Another Player Win Jack Reda
Game Setup: Place one Cosmic Token on your alien sheet for each player in the game. At the start of the game, write down the name of a player other than yourself that you think will win.
You have the power of Zilch. Any time during the game, you may use this power to discard a Token from your sheet. When you do, you may either Zap another player\'s power, or prevent a power (other than your own) from being Zapped for one encounter. Your power does not count as an artifact.
If the player you pick wins the game, you win as well. If you and the player you pick both share a normal win, you win alone. You may win the game via the normal method as well.
History: Globules of cast off matter from the Cosmic Zilch, the Zilchlings are imprinted with the same genetic desire to influence the outcome of prophecy. Supercharged with the very power that envelopes, surrounds, and penetrates every living being in the Cosmos, the Zilchlings find it easy to meddle in the affairs of others.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Alternate Win type power.
Wild: If one player has fewer foreign colonies than all other players, you may grant that player a colony anywhere. Give this card to Zilchling when you play it. If Zilchling is not in the game, discard it to play it.
Super: You may play this card to nullify any card in the game. The card has no value and is discarded. If you nullify an encounter card, it is now worth zero. Discard this card when you play it.
ZOMBIE [M:Warp] Ships Are Freed from the Warp Jack Reda (Revision)
You have the power of Immortality. At the start of every encounter, all of your ships in the Warp are freed to your colonies. Additionally, you may free another player's ships from the Warp as part of a deal.
History: Shadowy Forms on a dark and murky world, Zombies prized all sources of energy. They could flourish only by careful recycling of their own kind. Living on decomposed organic matter, they abhor the needless waste of war and have developed effective techniques to make sure their numbers will not be reduced.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power. Zombie collects compensation normally. Zombie is affected by aliens like Void and Fungus.
Wild: You may return other players' tokens (to bases) from the Warp as part of a deal.
Super: You may allow an ally to use all of his Warp ships in this encounter. If they survive, these tokens go to any of his colonies after the encounter.
Displayed 332 powers.