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ARBITER [M:FFGfo] Gets Players To Help Change Rules Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Persuasion. At any time during any players turn you may effect any outcome you desire to happen if you can successfully get a majority of players to agree with you, once. This can include but is not limited to: a certain player automatically losing a fight or winning it, despite cards played, denial of offensive or defensive rewards, removal of a colony, more or less ships moved to or from the Warp. Possibilities include anything that will not create an instant win and will not allow any player to gain or lose more than one colony in a turn. This power cannot be used to effect any turn other than the one it is used on and can only effect one player. If you successfully persuade the majority to your opinion, gain one Persuasion token and then enact the agreed upon decision. On any of your offensive encounters after Alliances are made but before encounter cards are played you may discard a Persuasion token to take 3 cards at random from you opponent's hand and discard the ones you don't want. You may discard 2 tokens after encounter cards are revealed to force a deal. After Destiny is decided you may discard 3 tokens to gain a colony on any planet of that color, this counts as a successful encounter.
History: The Arbiters are quite the talkers; gifted with golden mouths, literally. These mineral-based beings are so skilled in the art of manipulation, they have honed it to a fine degree, and convince their enemies to destroy themselves. Stirring up trouble for their own profit is second-nature to the Arbiters, all the while feigning neutrality in the Cosmic Encounter.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: On a turn in which you are not a main player, you may threaten a player to give you a certain amount of ships from the Warp, a colony, or a certain number of cards from his hand or else his power is zapped this turn.
Super: You only need half of the players to agree with you to gain a new token.
ARCHON [M:FFGfo] Does Not Deal Or Compensate Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Dominance. Whenever you have a negotiate card in your hand, you must discard it and draw a new card in its place.
If you are required to give compensation, use this power to cancel that compensation.
If you somehow become involved in a deal, use this power to kill the deal. Your opponent loses ships to the warp but you do not, and this counts as a successful encounter for you.
History: Intimidating beings of violent energy housed in large humanoid frames, their is no word in the Archon vocabulary for "surrender". It is against their very nature to concede defeat, because fighting to the death and showing no compassion are regarded as virtues to this race. They desire their pride and name to be known far and wide through cosmic mastery.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: As a main player, you may discard any of your negotiate cards and draw the same number of replacements. If the replacements contain any negotiate cards, you may repeat this process until you are satisfied with the number of negotiates you have.
Super: As a main player, before encounter cards are played, you may force your opponent to remove all of his negotiate cards from the game. For each card he removes from the game, you draw one card.
BANE [M:FFGfo] Reverses Opponent's Power Christopher Oliveira
You have the power to Counter. Whenever you are a main player and your opponent uses his power, use this power to reverse his power into a weakness. For example: Virus' ships now divide instead of multiply, Cudgel loses double the amount of ships he put in if he loses, Mind gets his hand looked at by you, Tick-Tock adds another token to himself, etc. Reverse the person it is used on, the person affected, etc. If the power is not one that can be reversed, use this power to Cosmic Zap your opponent.
History: Ever the cosmic killjoys, the Bane seek to nullify and stabilize the universe through forcing their unruly enemies to crush themselves. These galactic party-poopers have made an art out of being boring and unimaginative, and would rather envision a more homogeneous cosmos.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may use this when your opponent uses a Wild flare to reverse the power of the flare if possible. Otherwise, use this to Zap his flare.
Super: Whenever you use your power, any of your opponent's allies will have their powers reversed if used, or Zapped if unable to be reversed; any Super flares used by your opponent and his allies will also be reversed if possible, if not then they are also Zapped.
COLLECTIVE [M:BGG] Linked To Lone Home Planet Christopher Oliveira
Game Setup: You do not have the normal amount of planets at the beginning of the game; instead you have only one huge home planet in which you place all your ships. You only lose use of your power when you have none of your ships on your home planet.
You have the power of Unity. As a main player, after alliances have been made but before encounter cards have been played, use this power to add all ships (from all players) on the planet being defended to your total in the encounter instead of how many ships you have involved, unless that total would be less than your ships involved in this encounter.
Losing a defensive encounter on your home planet sends 4 of your ships on it to the Warp if you have at least that many, otherwise all your ships are sent to the Warp. Your home planet is immune to planetary effects such as Omega Missile or powers such as Locust.
History: The Collective are gifted with immense power gained through a spiritual link to their galaxy-sized home world that is said to literally be their mother. The strength of these beings are linked to whatever world they are in close proximity to in a mystic connection even they do not understand.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: As the defensive player, add all your ships in the system you are defending on to your total.
Super: When using your power, in addition to its normal effects, you now also add all ships that are outside of the Warp belonging to the owner of the system you are attacking or defending to your total, unless that would be less than your ships involved in the encounter.
COLLOID [M:FFGfo] Researches First Christopher Oliveira (Tech)
You have the power of Homogeny. No one is allowed to place any ships towards researching Tech unless you do so first during the same encounter.
History: After many eons these mercury-based beings have found a way to become one with the universe. The Colloid are able to control the use of machinery by bonding with it secretly for as long as they desire, rendering it all useless until they decide to act suddenly against their enemies.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: When another player researches his or her Tech, you may force that player to send their researching ship to the warp.
Super: No other player may have any more Tech cards then you do being researched or owned.
CONSCIENCE [M:FFGfo:2] Forces Future Alliance Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Conviction. Whenever you lose an encounter as a main player, use this power to give your opponent a Conviction token. When you are main player, you may force any or all players who have Conviction tokens (except your opponent) to ally with you and send 4 ships, although they are not required to abandon any colonies in order to do so. Each player not asked to ally who has a Conviction token (except your opponent) must give you an attack card valued 12 or higher if they have it.
When you become the offensive player, all forced alliances with your opponent are broken; take your Conviction token from that player if they had one.
History: Ethereal beings from an unknown galaxy, the Conscience have been caught up in the warfare against their will. Their assailants are suddenly overcome with conviction and do what they can to help their former enemies. The Conscience desire to end the warfare by winning the Cosmic Encounter, and spreading their ways throughout the universe.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: After ships are launched but before alliances are made, if you are a main player in an encounter, you may force any one player of your choice except the opposing main player to ally with you and to give you an attack card 10 or higher if they have it. They chose how many ships to commit.
Super: Forced allies receive nothing for helping you, and return their ships to their colonies.
DIRGE [O:FFGfo] Gains turns when losing Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Mourning. Whenever you lose an encounter as the defensive main player, take a Mourning token. At the end of any one of your offensive encounters, whether you have won or lost, you may discard a Mourning token and immediately take another “mourning” turn. If you win this “mourning” encounter, you may not discard any more tokens until every other player has gone and it becomes your turn again. If you lose this “mourning” encounter and still have Mourning tokens, you may discard another one and take yet another “mourning” turn. If you have a second natural turn you may not discard a token on your second natural turn if you have discarded one after your first.
History: Normally a rather emotionless civilization prizing the lives of their own, the Dirge take the intense sorrow the feel and use it as energy, spurring themselves to action. The universe has yet to see the disastrous results of their own interplanetary warfare; and the Dirge just may bring their sorrow-causing ways back on their heads.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: Whenever you lose an encounter as a main player or ally, you may discard cards up to as many as the number of your ships lost to the Warp and then draw a new card for each one discarded.
Super: Whenever you lose an encounter as the defensive main player, the offensive main player must not take a second turn, if this was his second turn, take another Mourning token.
DREADNOUGHT [M:FFGfo] Creates black holes Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Compression. Whenever you are a main player in an encounter, either after alliances have been made but before encounter cards have been played, or after encounter cards have been revealed, you may declare "Black Hole". All ships involved in the challenge are set aside in a special area, all cards used in the encounter are also set aside in the special area; both players effectively lose the encounter. Whenever you wish to create a new black hole, all previous cards and ships must be returned to players who owned them, all ships return to bases and all cards return to player's hands.
History: A very highly advanced race of aliens specializing in dimensional travel and combat, the Dreadnought are rarely seen on the battlefield. Perhaps this is because in dire times they can trap a few of themselves and enough of their enemies in alternate realities long enough to win a larger war raging outside...
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: At the beginning of one of your offensive encounters you may chose one card from each of your opponent's hands at random and set them aside together, these cards are effectively removed from the game until you lose this card. When you lose this card all cards all returned to their original owners.
Super: Your ships are not set aside from the encounter and do not go to the Warp when you create a Black Hole. You may continually create Black Holes until you lose possession of this card. When you lose this card all ships and cards are returned to their original owners.
ELITE [M:FFGfo] Controls resources Christopher Oliveira
You have the power to Micro-manage. At the beginning of the game only you draw a hand of cards; this hand must be replenished to 8 cards at the end of every encounter. These cards effectively belong to all the players but are inaccessible unless they need to be. If you are the main player in an encounter you may choose an encounter card and play it face down, then give the hand to your main opponent who does the same. The hand goes back to you after his encounter card is played face down. Other cards such as artifacts and flares may only be played by the player who is currently in possession of the hand. If you are not the main player in an encounter then you must give the hand of cards to the offensive main player first who will chose and play an encounter card face down, followed by the defensive main player, then the hand is returned to you. This power does not stop players from gaining cards of their own via their power, compensation or deals, but they can never draw a hand of their own even should they run out of their own cards.
History: Very wealthy and powerful beings have devised a plan for universal domination. First they agreed to control the economy of every galaxy they can find, then they will plan on massive population reduction before the forced slavery begins...
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: Draw a hand of 8 cards of your own if you have no cards. You may use cards from either hand, but the Elite hand must go back to the Elite player whether or not you use a card from that hand.
Super: You may use this to force all other players to discard half of their cards at random, rounded up. These discarded card now become your own personal hand that is not shared with other players. You may use valid cards from either hand at any time when they are in your possession.
EMOTION [O:FFGfo] Removes cards and ships Christopher Oliveira
You have the power to Feel. Your emotions begin neutral as shown by having no tokens. Whenever you lose an encounter as a main player or an ally add a "negative" token to your power card. Whenever you win an encounter as a main player or an ally add a "positive" token to your power card. You may never have both kinds of tokens on your sheet simultaneously. After alliances are made but before encounter cards are revealed use this power to force your main opponent to discard as many cards at random from his hand and/or remove as many ships of his choice from his colonies to the warp as you have negative tokens. If your opponent discards all his encounter cards as such you win the encounter. If you have only positive tokens while using your power then you may discard as many cards from your own hand and draw new ones from the deck and/or take as many of your ships from the Warp to your colonies as you have in positive tokens.
History: The Emotion are an unstable and often volatile race. They are known for being able to rapidly shift from profound positivity and peaceful will to outright rage and murderous intentions. Great care must be taken when encountering these beings, because for sure they will react to their interactions in the most extreme of ways.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: When you are a main player an encounter after alliances but before encounter cards are played, use this card to either make your opponent discard 3 cards at random, or you gain 3 cards from the deck. If your opponent now has no encounter cards, you win the encounter. Give this flare to the Emotion Player. If there is no such player, discard it.
Super: When using your power you may effect all allied opposes players with its negative use or all your allies with its positive use.
ENGINEER [O:FFGfo:T] Colonizes Tech Cards Christopher Oliveira (Tech)
You have the power of Construction. Whenever you have at least 4 of your ships researching a tech card with no token on it, use this power to place a token on that tech card. It counts as both a foreign colony and a home colony for you as long it is in your possession.
You may further research, complete and reveal a tech card with a token on it, but if that tech can't remain in play without needing to be used then you lose the token.
History: One of the most intuitive and clever races in all the cosmos, the Engineers are strangely reclusive and stay out of most skirmishes and major battles. Unbeknown to the rest of the intergalactic world is that they are secretly building a super weapon of war out of many high tech parts that can eliminate entire galaxies...
Restriction: Use only in a game with tech cards.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: At the beginning of your turn you may discard as many reinforcement cards as you desire and place that many of your ships on any tech card(s) you are researching.
Super: When you win an encounter, you may place as many of your winning ships from that encounter as you desire onto tech cards you are researching.
FUSION [M:FFGfo] Wins With Completed Techs Christopher Oliveira (Tech)
You have the power of Construction. At the beginning of any player's regroup phase if you have completed Techs in your possession equal to the number of players +1, use this power to automatically win. You may still win by the normal method.
History: One of the most intuitive and clever races in all the cosmos, the Fission are strangely reclusive and stay out of most skirmishes and major battles. Unbeknownst to the rest of the intergalactic world is that they are secretly building a super weapon of war out of many high tech parts that can eliminate entire galaxies...
Restriction: Use only in a game with Tech.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: At the beginning of your turn you may discard as many Reinforcement cards as you desire and place that many of your ships on any Tech you are researching.
Super: Whenever you win an encounter as a main player you may place as many ships as you desire that you had involved in that encounter onto a Tech you are researching.
GRASP [M:FFGfo:T] Holds Other Player's Reasearching Ships Christopher Oliveira (Tech)
You have the power to Hijack. Whenever you are a main player and win an encounter use this power to capture as many ships from your main opponent's ships researching Tech as you had in the encounter. These ships are now placed on your Tech. When you reveal a completed Tech that is being researched with enemy ships, send those enemy ships to the warp. If you hijack ships and have no Tech to be researched, hijacked ships are sent to the warp.
History: Although mind-control and slavery is looked down upon by most civilized and sophisticated races in the cosmos, the Grasp specialize in these areas to manipulate hostile lifeforms into slave-labor. Those who have escaped the clutches of the Grasp recount stories of giant burning hands taking hold of their ship before they lost consciousness and found themselves working on alien machinery...
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: Whenever you win an encounter as an offensive main player, for each ship you had in the encounter, use this to send as many ships as your main opponent has researching Tech to the warp.
Super: When you remove the last ship from an opponent's Tech through use of your power, your opponent must discard the Tech. When you reveal a completed Tech card that is being researched with enemy ships, you must place all enemy ships on any other Techs you have being researched, otherwise they are sent to the warp.
GYRE [O:BGG] Rotates Planets Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Rotation. As a main player during the Regroup Phase you may use this power to rotate a planet in your home system into another player's system on your right or left, once. This rotates the same planet on all systems in the same direction; each planet taking the place of the one moved from the system it is going into. You may not have more than 2 of your planets rotated out of your system.
Home planets that are in a different player's home system may not be encountered by their same-colored owner unless Wild or Special Destiny is drawn. Foreign colonies only count if they are in another player's home system, regardless of planet color.
History: Few aliens have come to grips with what the mysterious Gyre actually are. Shrouded in secrecy, these beings with bright and colorful ships suddenly take control of planets' orbits and change them to much dismay. When these aliens arrive, everyone else's heads start spinning for more reasons than one.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may force everyone to give all their flares to the player either on their right or left, once. Give this card to the Gyre player if there is one in the game instead of rotating it, if not, discard it.
Super: When using your power you may rotate an entire system to your left or right instead of a planet. Each player now becomes the color rotated to them.
HARBINGER [M:FFGfo] Wins easier than opponents Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Omen. All other players must have one more foreign colony than normal in order to win.
History: The Harbinger are a dark and foreboding legion of soulless beings. Hailing from a black hole, these conquerors will stop at nothing until the entire universe is annihilated. Each victory they gain is a sign that the end is near.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: If you lose an encounter as a defensive main player, you may destroy any one colony of the offensive main player of his choice, excluding the colony he just established at your loss. Give this card to him.
Super: You win the game if you have one fewer foreign colony than normal.
INCOGNITO [O:FFGfo] Hides From Opponents Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Cowardice. When you are a main player in an encounter, after encounter cards have been played but before they are revealed you may use this power to hide your ships. When hiding your ships you cannot win or lose the battle and if you are on offense you send your ships back to your colonies, if you are on defense your opponent cohabits the planet with you should he win. If you have allies on your side and lose the battle they go to the warp as usual. When another player is attacking you on one of your home worlds which you share with another player, or during a Wild or Special Destiny where you have been targeted, you may use this power after alliances have been made to force your opponent to attack a player of your choice who cohabits the planet being attacked.
History: A race of chameleon-like amphibians, the Incognito have made hiding into an art form. Using their natural color blending technique as a tactical offensive and defensive instrument, one never quite knows if these creatures will abandon them when needed the most.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: Whenever you are the defensive main player in an encounter and lose the encounter, you may keep your colony on the planet, your opponent cohabits the planet with you.
Super: When you color is flipped in the Destiny by another player, they must flip again. You may use your power as an ally.
JESTER [M:FFGfo] Swaps Colonies Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Transposition. When your color is flipped in the Destiny Pile, you may use this power to switch one colony of any one player on one planet with one colony of one player on any other one planet.
History: Maniacal laughter fills the hollow void of the cosmos when the eccentric Jesters show up. It seems they have little regard for their own resources and nonchalantly exchange this for that with a smile on their faces and a terrifying chuckle. Could it be that laughter is the best medicine for universal domination?
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: After alliances have been made but before encounter cards have been played, you may swap the ships involved in the encounter of a player who is an offensive ally with those in the encounter of a player who is a defensive ally.
Super: When using your power, you may swap all the ships in the Warp of one player as if it were a colony there with a colony on any planet. There must be at least one ship in the Warp of that player.
KALEIDOSCOPE [O:FFGfo] Rotates Systems and Player Colors Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Rotation. During the Regroup Phase of any encounter you may use this power to rotate one of your planets of choice to the player on your right or left. When you rotate a planet the player on your right or left must then rotate the same planet location of their system to the player on the same side of themselves as that side you rotated towards. Example: You move your left-most planet towards the player on your left, now all players must replace their left-most planets with the one being rotated to them from their right. All player's former left-most planets are now replaced by the player their right's. You cannot rotate more than 2 of your own planets.
History: Very few powers have come to grips with what the mysterious Kaleidoscope actually are. Shrouded in secrecy, these beings with bright and colorful ships suddenly take the place of their enemies, while their enemies are left dazed and confused in the former place of the Kaleidoscope, much to their dismay. When these aliens arrive in a battle, suddenly more than everyone else's heads start spinning.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may force everyone to give all of their cards of one type to the player on their right or left, depending on your choice, including yourself. This includes Artifacts, Flare, Attack, Negotiate, etc. Give this card to the Kaleidoscope player if there is one in the game instead of rotating it, if not, discard it.
Super: During your Regroup Phase you may use this power to rotate entire planet systems to either your right or your left by color, this rotates for everyone. After doing so each player is now the color that was rotated to them; powers are unaffected. You cannot rotate entire systems in a certain direction if the new color you would take possession of would not have 3 home colonies to retain your power.
LUMINE [O:FFGfo] Choses Cards From Deck Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Insight. When drawing a new hand of cards, you may look through the remaining deck and make an 8 card hand of your own choosing. Whenever you are entitled to cards from the deck you may chose whichever ones you want. You may not change the order of the cards.
History: The incredibly powerful mental and spiritual energy the Lumine exude has been known to intimidate lesser races who have even though about fighting against them. These beings practically create their own worlds and are never left in the dark nor are unprepared for cosmic battles of dominance. It is even said that some of these beings can manipulate entire events of history should they be given the chance...
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may look through the pickup pile at the beginning of any player's encounter once, but must keep cards in exact order.
Super: Whenever you are a main player in an encounter and your opponent draws a new hand, is entitled to compensation or gains any cards from the deck, you choose which cards from the deck are received.
MARTIAN [M:FFGfo] Immune To Other Powers Christopher Oliveira (Revision)
You have the power of reality. No Alien Power of any other player in the game can be used to effect you in any way whether positively or negatively. This includes Parasite allying with you, Tick-Tock losing a token upon your successful defense, Human allying with or against you, Oracle trying to make you play an encounter card face up, etc.
History: Often thought to be nothing more than imaginary "little green men", the Martians in time showed what they really were. The universe and all its fury seemingly has no effect on this primitive race, and they march on undaunted by all the other beings that share the expanse of space with them on towards cosmic mastery.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: No Artifact of any other player in the game can be used to effect you in any way whether positively or negatively.
Super: No Flare can be used by any other player in the game to effect you in any way whether positively or negatively.
MIRAGE [M:FFGfo] Creates false planets Christopher Oliveira
You have the power to Deceive. Whenever an offensive main player wins an encounter in which you were not involved, you may declare a "Mirage". The defensive main player returns his ships to his other colonies besides the one just lost, and the planet the offensive main player has just won is replaced with a false planet counting for no one and possessed by no one. The defensive main player now has an extra planet in his system and also an unoccupied homeworld. The offensive main player now has a colony on a "Mirage" planet that doesn't count towards a win for any player. When a "Mirage" planet becomes unoccupied it is removed from the game.
History: Reptilian beings from a desert world, these creatures know the difference between reality and illusion. Watching other creatures in their world follow after sunstroke-induced deceptions, they learned of the weakness of a dehydrated mind. Unfortunately for their adversaries, the Mirage have developed their technology to mimic this effect, allowing them to confuse their attackers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: Whenever you lose cards as a result of a deal or consolation, or any power directly used against you by another player, draw a card for each one lost in this way.
Super: You may also use your power as a losing defensive main player.
MOTH [O:BGG] Attracted To Ship Movement Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Homing. Any time any other player removes ships for any reason from any planets in which you have no colonies, use this power to place a token on each of those planets. Whenever 5 tokens exist on any one planet, create a colony on that planet. If you gain a colony on any planet with tokens, remove all tokens from it.
History: Compelled by instinctive cosmic influences, the hapless Moth are magnetized by massive heat fluxes of launching alien ships and light created by planetary battles. The cosmos are quickly becoming aware that their constant use of energy for war is making this imposing race “head towards the light”.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: Once during your regroup phase you may take one of your ships from the Warp and immediately use it to re-establish a colony on one of your home worlds in which you have no colony.
Super: During your launch phase of your offensive encounter, you may take tokens from planets in any one system and move them around as you see fit in the same system, as long as no colonies are vacated.
MOTH [M:BGG] Attracted To Large Battles Christopher Oliveira
You have to power of Homing. After the end of any encounter in which both main players revealed attack cards, add together the totals of both sides. If the combined total is 40 or over, use this power to place one to four of your ships from any of your colonies and/or the warp onto the targeted planet.
History: Compelled by instinctive cosmic influences, the hapless Moths are magnetized by massive heat fluxes of alien weapons and light created by planetary battles. The cosmos are quickly becoming aware that their constant use of energy for war is making this imposing race \"head toward the light.\"
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Colony Gain type power.
Wild: After alliances are formed, you may add a number of your ships to the encounter up to the number of allies your opponent has. Take them from your other colonies and/or the warp. Then each of your allies may do the same. Players may exceed four ships in the encounter as a result of this flare.
Super: When using your power, send the ships of all other players on the planet to the warp.
NIGHTMARE [M:BGG] Forces Play Of Losing Card Christopher Oliveira
You have the power to Recur. As a main player, if you lose the encounter, you may use this power to "curse" your encounter card and place it on your opponent's alien sheet. Any main player who has a cursed card must play it as his or her encounter card. If that player loses, the cursed card transfers to the opponent's alien sheet, unless that opponent is you. When a player using a cursed card wins, or reveals it in an encounter in which you are a main player, the curse is lifted.
History: Throughout the countless incursions where entire colonies and worlds have been mercilessly laid waste, the begrudged effigies of the forgotten coalesce behind the veil of space. This amalgam of guilt horrifically returns the violent iniquity and shattered dreams the cosmos has collectively inflicted upon it back into the living plane as a true nightmare.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: As long as this card is in your hand you are unable to play any flares and any zap type cards. This flare cannot be discarded and must be taken out of your hand by another player.
Super: You may use your power when you win an encounter to curse your opponent's losing encounter card and place it on their alien sheet.
OUTCAST [M:FFGfo] Covers star systems Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Outbreak. You do not have 20 ships at the start of the game, but instead have as many ships as there exist external planets in the game. You do not win the game by having a certain number of external bases; instead you win by having all of your ships out of the Warp and on to all the external planets. You are only allowed to put one ship in the hyperspace gate as a main player or ally and are only allowed to have one ship on each external planet. You are free to have as many as you want on home your planets.
You automatically win any encounter in which you play an attack card; even if your opponent's total would normally win. You cannot lose your power by any means, and cannot be Cosmic Zapped.
History: The Outcasts are not specifically a race of aliens on their own, but are a Utopian community of rejects from all different alien homeworlds. These ones looked down upon have planned to reorganize the universe to be a harmonious place where rejection no longer exists by intermingling on all possible worlds.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may use this to win any encounter in which you play an attack card in automatically; even if your opponent's total would normally win. Discard this card.
Super: When you lose an encounter your ships do not go to the Warp but return to one of your homeworlds. If you have no ships to draw from the Warp at the beginning of your turn draw a card instead from the deck.
PARAGON [M:FFGfo] Duels With Non-Encounter Cards Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Excellence. As a main player in an encounter, after alliances but before Encounter cards are selected, you may use this power so that both you and your main opponent must play Artifacts, Flares, and Reinforcements as Attack Cards. When using this power no Encounter Cards may be used. Artifacts count as an Attack 20, Flares as an attack 15, and Reinforcements as their stated value. Both players play one card at a time, starting with Artifacts, then Flares, then Reinforcements. The winner of the Encounter keeps all his played cards, and the loser of the encounter discards all his cards. Players may still Card Zap Artifacts and Flares played on either side and they are discarded as normal. If your opponent has no Artifacts, Flares, or Reinforcements, count his attack value aside form ships as Attack 00.
Artifact's and Flares can still be used as normal, but Artifacts will be discarded as normal if used as an Artifact and Flares cannot be used both as a Flare and an Attack 15 in the same encounter.
History: The Paragon have always been a bit on the perfectionist side. Desiring to have everything in order in the universe, they use their sense of self-accomplishment to warn "lesser" powers not contend with them. These tall beings use their unconventional amount of resources and trophies as their very weapons, inspiring unworthiness into the hearts of their enemies.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: As a main player, after cards are revealed, you may discard an Artifact to add 15 to your side or you may discard a Flare to add 10 to your side.
Super: If you win an encounter, you now gain all of your opponent's discarded Artifacts, Flares, and Reinforcements played as Attack cards from the encounter.
PREDATOR [M:FB:2] Prevents Opposing Alliances Christopher Oliveira
You have the power to Prey. As the offense, at the end of the regroup phase, use this power to force every other player to choose one encounter card from his or her hand and place it facedown on the table. Players who have no encounter cards must discard their hands and draw new ones. When main players select encounter cards, the defense must select the card you forced him or her to place on the table. Then, the other players must discard their forced cards.
History: The Predators capture prey by dropping on it from a concealed location. Their troops specialize in sudden, unexpected attacks that leave their opponents scrambling to mount a defense and prevent the hapless victims from organizing any backup.
Restriction: Do not use in a two-player game.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: As the offense, you may force all other players to choose a side to ally on before destiny is drawn. All other players must choose to ally with you (if invited), with the unknown defense, or not at all, placing their ships on the appropriate end of the hyperspace gate. After destiny is drawn, if your opponent had allied, his or her ships return to colonies, but not to the targeted planet.
Super: When using your power, you may take as many of the discarded cards as you want.
QUEEN [O:FFGfo] Reproduces Weaker Expendable Ships Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Offspring. At the beginning of any encounter during the Regroup Phase you may use this power to chose a colony of yours on any planet and add an Offspring token into the game for each of your ships on that colony. Tokens produced in this way may be placed any way you want on your existing colonies. These tokens count as ships for all intents and purposes including attack totals, compensation, rewards, and any thing else. In combat you may have up to 4 tokens involved along with 4 of your ships. Any tokens lost to the Warp are removed from the game.
History: The Queens have been overpopulated for millennial ages, yet seem to never run out of resources. A savage and cannibalistic race of asexual beings, the Queens consider their young to be highly disposable and even a source of nourishment in dire times. With an ever-expanding hoard of their ranks, they just might overrun the cosmos by sheer numbers.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: You may have up to 8 of your ships in the gate during your offensive encounter instead of the normal 4.
Super: You may sacrifice up to as many tokens as you have on a single planet or in the cone on offense to add that many ships of yours from the warp onto the planet you sacrificed them from or into the gate.
ROMAN [M:FFGfo] Taxes ships on shared planets Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Imperialism. Whenever an offensive player begins their turn, and you have a ship on a planet in which the offensive player also has a ship, you may demand a card from him at random for each of his ships on each planet in which you both have ships. If the offensive player runs out of cards or does not have enough to pay his tax, he draws a new hand and his turn ends as a loss.
History: The Roman legions slowly started to conquer the galaxies in their range of control and now desire to spread their influence as far as they can. All aliens that have been subjected to these beings have been force to pay tribute to their leaders and give worship to their gods.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: If you are a main player in an encounter and your main opponents shares any colonies with you on any planet, take a card from him at random, if he then has no encounter cards, he must draw a new hand and loses the encounter.
Super: Whenever you begin your turn as the offensive main player you may also demand a card for each ship owned by every player who has ships on your homeworlds, for each homeworld.
SADIST [M:FFGfo] Defeats Ships to Win Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Cruelty. Whenever you send ships to the Warp as the main player in an encounter or by use of a Flare or Artifact as any player, use this power to receive tokens for each ship sent to the Warp.
At the start of any Regroup phase if you have tokens equal to 10x the amount of players starting the game you win. If you are using 4 planets then it is tokens equal to 8x the amount of players. You may still win via the normal method.
History: A civilization that glorifies pain and pleasure in primal, brutal rituals; the Sadists barely manage to keep their own race alive. Desiring to spread their worship across the universe, these beings enter the cosmic encounter with peering eyes and blood on their hands, and desire only to kill as many living things as possible.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Alternate Win type power.
Wild: Whenever you send another player's ships to the Warp, you may draw one card from the Deck for each player who lost ships to you.
Super: As an ally you may gain tokens for the opposing sides ships sent to the Warp.
TENDRIL [M:FFGfo] Attacks Multiple Planets Christopher Oliveira
You have the power to Linger. As the offensive player, if you lose an encounter you may use this power to orbit your ships around the attacked planet, and not send them to the Warp. Orbiting ships can't move unless being sent to the Warp. Orbiting ships can't be placed in the Warp unless you lose with them as the defensive player. Whenever a player attacks a planet that you are orbiting, they instead encounter you as the defensive player, and if you lose they immediately encounter their original target.
As the offensive player, if you have ships orbiting any planets, you may use this power to side-attack any or all planets you are orbiting in addition to the planet you are aimed at; playing an encounter card for each. Side-attacks can't have alliances on either side, and side-attacked players are defensive main players in every way. If you encounter a planet that you have ships Orbiting, add all the ships together. A successful encounter is dependent on your main battle, not a side-attack.
Ships cannot be voluntarily moved to or from colonies on planets that you orbit. If you lose use of this power ships in orbit go to the Warp.
History: Technologically advanced to the point of cybernetic enhancement, the agile Tendril have no problem running away to fight another day. True to the swarm mentality, these patient insectoids will let their ships aimlessly orbit around target worlds until the time to relaunch the assault is right. Biding their time, they are willing to wait endlessly to conquer new worlds.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: If you draw your colony in destiny, you may side-attack any or all of your own planets in order to regain home colonies. Each side-attack has no alliances and you and the defender(s) must play an encounter card for each.
Super: As a non-main player, after alliances have been made but before encounter cards are played, you may move as many orbiting ships as you want that reside in the same colored system to orbit any planet(s) within that system.
TITAN [M:FFGfo] Linked to lone homeworld Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Presence. You do not have the normal amount of home worlds at the beginning of the game; instead you have only one huge home world in which you place all your ships. As a main player in an encounter your total amount of ships is equal to all your ships on your home world, instead of how many you put in the cone or have defending a colony, unless that total would be less.
You lose your power only if there are no ships on your home world. You can only lose as many ships as total ships coming against you on your home world, on a 1 for 1 basis regardless of ship or card or power attack value.
History: The Titan are beings of legend. Supposedly huge beings able to crush most other lifeforms with ease, they are actually normal-sized beings with immense power gained through a spiritual link to their galaxy-sized home world that is said to literal be their mother. The hearts of these beings are linked to each other in a mystic connection even they themselves do not understand.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: As a defensive main player your total amount of ships is equal to all your ships on your home planets, unless that total would be less.
Super: As a main player in an encounter your total amount of ships is equal to all your ships outside of the Warp, instead of how many you put in the cone or have defending a colony, unless that total would be less.
UMBRA [O:FFGfo] Forces Ships-Only Combat Christopher Oliveira
You have the power to Flank. As a main player in an encounter, after cards have been played but before they are revealed you may use this power to force both played encounter cards to be discarded without being revealed. The totals of each side are now factored by ships alone. Reinforcements may be still be played.
History: Born with wings and space-flight capability, the ever-moving Umbra are nocturnal by nature. Hiding from the light of stars on the dark sides of their planets, they are able to move with the darkness and strike any invaders by surprise. Wary must the alien be who thinks the night holds nothing to be feared...
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: Your main opponent’s allies can only ally 1 ship with him, and may not use Reinforcements.
Super: After using your power you may sacrifice any number of your ships not involved in the encounter and remove ships from your main opponent and/or his allies on a 1:1 basis, sending sacrificed and removed ships to the Warp. After doing so recalculate the totals for both sides.
VICE [M:FFGfo] Has as Many Cards as Other Players Christopher Oliveira
You have the power to clamp down. At the end of every encounter, all other players must discard cards from their hand at random until their hands have the same amount of cards as yours. If they ever receive more cards, they must immediately discard them. If they draw a new hand they must draw up until they have as many card as you. If at the end of an encounter you have more cards then your opponents, nothing happens.
History: A group of aliens obsessed with control and micromanagement, the Vice cannot live without their own oppressive rules. With a truly twisted sense of equality, these beings bring "order" to the cosmos by oppressing every other being they can. The Vice are paranoid, but this paranoia just may be enough to secure universal dominance.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: Force one player to have his hand reduced to the amount of cards that any other player of your choice has. He must discard at random.
Super: Your opponents must never have a hand of more than 4 cards, even if you have more than 4 cards.
VISE [M:BGG] Limits Players Hands Christopher Oliveira
You have the power to Clamp Down. At the start of any of your turns, even right before drawing a new hand if one is needed, use this power to limit all players’ hand sizes to the same as yours, forcing them to randomly discard cards from their hand until their hands have the same amount of cards as yours, if they had more cards then you.
History: The Vise cannot live without their own oppressive rules and are obsessed with control. With a truly twisted sense of equality, these beings bring "order" to the cosmos by oppressing every other being they can to the level they have put themselves under. This paranoia just may be enough to secure universal dominance.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: Force one player to have his hand reduced to the amount of cards that any other player of your choice has. He must discard at random.
Super: If you have more than 3 cards when using your power, all other players are reduced to a 3 card hand if they have more than 3 cards.
WARDEN [O:BGG] Holds Ships Captive Christopher Oliveira
You have the power to Incarcerate. Whenever your ships would be lost to the warp, captured, or removed from the game, you may return them to your colonies by \"pardoning\" an equal number of ships on this sheet instead; returning them to their owners\' colonies of their choice.
As a main player or ally, if your side wins the encounter, use this power to \"imprison\" your choice of the losing side\'s ships by placing them on this sheet rather than sending them to the warp; but only up to the number of ships you have in the encounter. A player cannot be reduced to fewer ships than the number of foreign colonies needed to win the game. Any \"imprisoned\" ships that would reduce a player below this number are sent to the warp as normal.
As part of a deal you may \"parole\" ships belonging to your opponent; returning them to his or her colonies. If this alien power is removed from the game, send all ships on this sheet to the warp.
History: Unlike the Cavalry, the Wardens neither keep the peace nor do they always abide by the laws they help enforce. Locking up offending aliens may be part of their job, but they have no concerns about a few \"escaped\" prisoners and other \"coincidences\" when it suits their needs or interests.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: As the Defense, if you lose an encounter you may imprison all of your opponent's and his or her allies' ships in the encounter onto this flare and lay it next to the targeted planet. This flare is no longer part of your hand. These ships are treated as out of the game until this flare is zapped; which causes them to be returned to colonies of their owners' choice.
Super: After placing your ships into the hyperspace gate and aiming it, you may "imprison" up to as many ships from the target planet as ships you have on the gate and then return your ships on the gate to your colonies. This counts as a successful encounter.
WARMONGER [O:FFGfo] Uses Tech As Weaponry Christopher Oliveira (Tech)
You have the power of Armament. As a main player after alliances have been made but before encounter cards are played, you may use this power to discard one of your researching or completed tech cards to use as a weapon. For each ship you had on the tech card, or whatever the value of it if completed, send that many ships involved in the encounter from your opponent to the Warp, and the same number of allied ships for each of his allies.
After using this power and returning any researching ships you had on the tech card to your colonies, draw a new Tech card.
History: In the world of progress and intelligent responsibility, the Warmongers are looked down upon for their extravagant waste of technology and virulent worldview. They do not see it the same way. The Warmonger's motto is "everything is a weapon", and they employ this philosophy to the most destructive degree.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Tech.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: Your total of ships researching Tech and value of completed Tech are added to your total attack power.
Super: As a main player you may use your power after alliances have been made but before encounter cards are played to force your main opponent to discard a Tech card of your choice. For each ship he had on it, or whatever the value of it if fully researched, send that many ships involved in the encounter from your opponent' to the Warp, and the same number of allied ships of each of his allies. Draw a new Tech card.
WORLDSLAVER [M:FFGfo:Pl] Dominates Planets Christopher Oliveira
You have the power to Dominate. Whenever you win an encounter an offensive main player, take the planet and place it in your system, it now counts as both a home colony and a foreign colony unless it was already your home planet. The planets original owner loses a home world and if has ships on the planet it counts as neither a foreign colony nor a home world. If you are a defensive losing player on any of your home worlds, the winning offensive player may take back one of his planets that you have Dominated.
History: Bad bad dudes who wants to steal everyone\'s territory and own the universe. Did I mention they were bad dudes?
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Planet type power.
Wild: Use this flare at the beginning of one of your offensive encounters to regain a colony on a home world.
Super: Now you can Dominate as an offensive ally.
XENOPHOBE [O:FFGfo] Attacks Cohabiting Colonies Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Distrust. Whenever a player's color is drawn by destiny who shares a planet with you, you may use this power to interrupt the original player's turn in order to encounter the player of the drawn color on any planet of your choice where you both have ships. Neither you nor your opponent may invite or have allies in this encounter, not even Parasite may join. If you win the encounter the player's colony you attacked is sent to the warp and you receive a ship from the warp or a card from the deck for each ship you destroy. If you lose, your colony is sent to the warp and your opponent gains rewards for each of his ships; both ways the original player's turn resumes at the Launch Phase.
History: The Xenophobes just don't like having neighbors and would rather be left alone. These aliens don't take a liking to any new aliens on their worlds, and don't like much of any change at all. One thing is for sure though, the Xenophobes will lash out against anyone who has become too close or has worn out their welcome, with fatal results.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: When you flip a player's color of Destiny during your offensive encounter, you may remove one of his colonies to the Warp that shares a planet with you. This counts as a completed successful encounter.
Super: You may send all other players' ships to the Warp upon winning an encounter through use of your power on a planet you share; gaining a ship from the Warp or cards for each ship you destroy.
YEAST [O:FFGfo] Gains Colonies On Frequented Planets Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Budding. After the Alliance Phase, but before encounter cards are revealed, use this power to put a Yeast token on the planet being attacked if you are involved in the encounter as a main player or ally. When there are 5 tokens on a planet it counts as a colony for you. You cannot have 2 colonies on the same planet by ships and tokens.
Your tokens can be attacked by drawing your color if they are on one of your home worlds, or by a Wild or Special Destiny if they are on another player's system. You cannot have allies and cannot play an encounter card when defending tokens. If you lose your power then your tokens count for nothing.
History: Drifting aimlessly through the atmospheres of various worlds an even through space, the formerly indiscriminate Yeast have have grown sentient and crafty due to cosmic influences. Now vying to be carried to other worlds through massive heat influxes and darkness left by large battles, the Yeast contend to dwell on as many worlds as possible even through indirect means.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: During your Regroup Phase you may take a ship from the Warp and immediately use it to re-establish a colony on one of your home worlds.
Super: During your Launch Phase of your offensive encounter, you may take Yeast tokens from planets in the same system and move them around as you see fit in the same system.
ZENITH [M:FFGfo:2] Ignores certain players Christopher Oliveira
You have the power to Shun. At the beginning of your turn, after receiving a ship from the Warp, declare a certain player to be shunned and give them your Shun token. A shunned player cannot attack, directly or indirectly use their power against you, ally with or against you, or play any card that would directly or indirectly effect you. You cannot encounter this player and they cannot encounter you; another Destiny card must be drawn. You do not have to change who you shun each turn you have. A shunned player can Cosmic Zap you to "un-shun" himself.
History: The Zenith have expanded their Psionic gifting to such a high degree that they virtually shield themselves from those they deem to be inferior. This has quickly led them to taking over their mostly gas giant solar system, where even adverse weather patterns are treated as non-existent.
Restriction: Do not use in a 2 player game.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
Wild: You may stop any one player from receiving any kind of rewards as an offensive or defensive ally.
Super: A shunned player is effectively out of the game unless he is a main player or an ally.
Displayed 41 powers.