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The Amazing Alien Database

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ARISTOCRAT [M:WWW] Picks Hand And Draws Flares Tony Minkoff (Revision)

You have the power of privilege. This gives you two special abilities: 1) At the start of the game, instead of being dealt a hand, you look through the challenge deck, choosing any seven cards as your starting hand. You may not select the Keeper Edict or any Flares as part of your hand. After you had made your choices, shuffle the deck and deal regular hands to the other players. 2) Whenever you are a main player, you draw the top card from the pile of unused Flares. Once you have drawn one in this manner, you must discard a Flare from your hand (if you have one) before drawing a new one. Flares so discarded are removed from the game; they do not go onto the regular discard pile.

History: Beginning life with every advantage, the Aristocrats expect deference and respect from others. Drawing on a storehouse of great wealth from their feudal planet-estates, they now turn their majestic gaze upon the squabbling villains of space.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Resource type power. Alternate version of Aristocrat.

ARISTOCRAT [M:Warp] Draws Hands from the Reward Deck Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the power of Privilege. Whenever you draw cards from the deck (including at the start of the game), use this power to draw some or all of them from the Reward deck.

As a main player, once destiny has been determined, use this power to draw a flare from the unused flare deck and add it to your hand.

History: Beginning life with every advantage, the Aristocrats expect deference and respect from others. Drawing on a storehouse of great wealth from their feudal planet-estates, they now turn their majestic gaze upon the squabbling villains of space.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may look through the deck and select one card from it for your hand. After you play this card, give it to Aristocrat (or discard it if Aristocrat is not in the game).

Super: When you use your power to draw cards, you may immediately discard any or all of them.

ASSESSOR [M:Warp] Taxes Multiple Ship Involvement Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the power to Tax. Whenever another player has more than one ship in the encounter as the offense or an ally, use this power to draw a card at random from that player. Place the cards facedown on this sheet. Cards on this sheet do not count as part of your hand, but you may look at them. Any time you would draw cards from any deck for any reason, you may take some or all of the cards on your alien sheet in lieu of drawn cards. When you have more than eight cards on this sheet, you may add cards from this sheet to your hand until there are only eight left.

History: The misshapen Assessors excel only in persistence to their duties. Exempting no one, their dream of Imperial levies will not be abated.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: As the defensive main player, you may draw a card at random from each player who has a colony in your home system.

Super: You may double your tax, i.e., draw 2 cards from all players with more than one ship brought into the encounter.

AURA [M:Warp] Makes Others Reveal Cards Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the Power of Honesty. As a main player, before the launch phase, you may use this power to place a card from your hand face up on this sheet. All players with a colony in your system, or in whose system you have a colony must reveal all of the cards in their hand of the same type (attack, negotiate, artifact, etc.) to all other players. All of these cards remain revealed until the planning phase.

History: Radiating its presence upon all who cross its path, an intelligent star instills openness and honesty wherever it shimmers. The vast power of the Aura cannot be resisted by other life forms as they open their hearts and minds to one another.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may reveal the top four cards of the deck for all players to see.

Super: You may reveal two cards of different types. Players affected by your power must reveal all of the cards of those types.

BOOMERANG [M:Warp] Wins by Returning Jack Reda (Revision)

Game Setup: Place all of your ships as evenly as possible on all of the other players’ home planets.

You have the power to Return. Whenever you win an encounter as the defensive main player, use this power to move up to four of your ships from any foreign colonies to one of your empty home planets. Whenever you win as the offensive main player against another player, use this power to send all but one of your attacking ships to one of your empty home planets. The remaining ship lands on the targeted planet normally.

When you have colonized all of your home planets, you win the game. You cannot win the game in the normal method. You do not lose the use of this power due to having too few home colonies.

History: Not long after popping, baby Boomerangs learn to toss twigs, shards of bark, even dried fruit peels (if properly shaped) in widening circles of flight. As they ripen this develops into an all-consuming game. When fully mature, they cannot resist the example of all the heavens and sally forth into happy orbits, barely perturbed by the presence of others.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Whenever any of your ships should be lost to the warp, you may keep them, returning them to colonies.

Super: When using your power, you may send ships to occupy one of your home planets occupied by another player.


You have the power to Threaten. As a main player or ally, after alliances are formed, you may use this power to threaten one player on the opposing side. That player must either allow you to look at a number of cards in his or her hand at random up to the number of ships he or she has in the encounter and take one card of your choice, or remove all of his or her ships from the encounter. Removed ships return to any of that player’s colonies.

If all of a main player’s ships are removed, he or she continues the encounter with zero ships. If all of an ally’s ships are removed, he or she is no longer an ally.

History: What the Brutes lack in subtlety, they make up for in simplicity. They tend to be an aggressive race, with blunt, thuggish tactics where they can use their strength and massive frames to intimidate any opposition in their way.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: As a main player or ally, before compensation or defender rewards are collected, you may limit all players’ compensation and rewards to one.

Super: As the offense, after alliances are formed, you may force the defense and each of his or her allies to send one ship from the encounter to the warp.


You have the power to Keep Out. As a main player, after allies are invited but before they accept, you may use this power to prevent all allies from joining the encounter. When you are not a main player, after allies are invited but before they accept, you may use this power to offer your protection to one or both main players (even if you were not invited). If your protection is accepted, join one side that accepted you and prevent all other allies from joining the encounter. (If your protection is not accepted, you may still join normally if invited.)

History: ew can get past a Bulwark whose mind is set on containment. Naturally gifted with mass and reach, they throw themselves at every objective – or throw the objective at themselves. Sadly, many are now reduced to armed escorts and bar bouncers ever since they were banned from playing the hyperbolaman position in the CFL.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Alliance type power.

Wild: As a main player or ally, after alliances are formed, you may cancel any one alliance. The canceled ally returns his or her ships to colonies.

Super: As a main player or ally, if one or more attack cards were revealed, you may force all allies, including or excluding yourself, to return to other colonies.


You have the power to reinforce. As an ally in a challenge, you may play a Challenge Card from your hand in addition to the Challenge Card played by your side's main player. Play this card face down at the same time as the main players and reveal it along with theirs. Anything that affects the main player's card, such as Chronos, has the same effect on yours, with the exception of kickers, which have no effect on your card. If you play an Attack Card, add it to your side's total. If the main player of your side card played a Compromise card, your Attack Card has no effect. If you play a Compromise Card and your side loses the challenge, you receive consolation after the main player has taken consolation, if applicable. In any case, your card is discarded after use.

History: This race of interstellar policemen has gained quite a reputation for keeping peace on the fringes of space. Many diverse aliens have called upon the Cavalry to help suppress outpost revolutions. Now the Cavalry hope to rule the Cosmos by becoming indispensable.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: When your opponent in a challenge must draw a new hand, he draws cards one at a time until he has the cards needed for the challenge (usually one Challenge Card). He draws the rest of his hand at the end of the challenge.

Super: When you are a main player, before cards are played, choose one player that is allied with you. That player must reinforce you, subject to all rules of the Cavalry power, if he is able.

CHOSEN [O:Warp] Takes New Challenge Card Jack Reda (Revision)

After revealing Challenge Cards, you may discard yours and replace it with the top card of the Challenge Deck or the top card of the Rewards deck. If you draw a card that is not an Attack or Compromise Card, discard it and draw again until you draw an Attack or Compromise Card. Resolve the challenge using the new card. You may not discard your card more than once per challenge.

History: A deeply spiritual and philosophical race, the Chosen have become attuned to a higher force in the Cosmos that they call upon in times of need. They are ever wary, however, for sometimes this omniscient power harms rather than helps.

Phase 8 - Reveal cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power. Alternate version of Chosen. From Jack Reda: "Chosen is an interesting power in theory, but in practice it almost never does any good. In fact, you end up hoping more for a Compromise, since there's a better chance of getting that than there is a great Attack card. The Rewards deck has more potentially good cards, so it makes Chosen a tiny bit better."

Wild1: After revealing Challenge Cards, add or subtract 10 from your side's total.

Super: You may keep any non-challenge cards drawn from the Deck while you were drawing for divine intervention.

Con: As main player against Chosen, if he calls for divine intervention and winds up with a Compromise Card, he may not take consolation cards from you.

CHOSEN [O:Warp] Draws New Challenge Cards Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the power of divine intervention. As a Main Player, after Challenge Cards are revealed, you may flip over one card from the Challenge deck for each token you have in the challenge (disregarding any non-Challenge cards you draw). You may use any one of these cards to replace the card you played in the challenge. Cards not used are discarded.

History: A deeply spiritual and philosophical race, the Chosen have become attuned to a higher force in the Cosmos that they call upon in times of need. They are always wary, however, for sometimes this omniscient power harms rather than helps.

Phase 8 - Reveal cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

CRYSTAL [M:Warp] Tells Allies Number to Commit Jack Reda (Revision)

Game Setup: Place the 5 Crystal tokens (numbering 0-4) on your alien sheet.

You have the power of Arrangement. Whenever you are a main player or ally in an encounter, use this power to give a Crystal token to each ally (including yourself, if you are an ally). Players must send the number of ships indicated by the token they are given, and may not refuse to ally if they have already accepted. A player who receives a 0 token is still considered an ally involved in the encounter, but has zero ships committed.

History: Arranged in orderly, three-dimensional lattices, Crystals tend to dominate the arrangement of their local environment. They know that with a few suggestive seeding hints they can bring the entire Universe into the most efficient energy packing: Crystalline order.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: During Regroup, you may rearrange your ships among your colonies.

Super: You may give one player two of your Crystal tokens, even if the total is more than 4. That player must ally with the combined number of ships.

DEMON [O:Warp] Attacks Offensive Player Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the power to Possess. Any time you are not involved in an encounter, use this power to attack the offensive player after both sides have played encounter cards but before they are revealed. You place 1-4 of your ships outside of the Hyperspace Gate and play an encounter card facedown. You and the offensive player reveal cards and resolve your mini-encounter (without allies). If the offensive player wins, your ships go to the Warp. If you win, his ships returns to colonies, and your ships take over his encounter. You may now resolve the original encounter with either card played in the pre-encounter.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: When another player uses a Wild Flare, you may cancel its effects and take the card into your hand. Give this Flare to any other player (not necessarily the one whose Flare you took).

Super: Once you possess another player's encounter, you may take both played cards into your hand and play any encounter card from your hand against the defense.

DICTATOR [M:rec.c] Controls Destiny Pile Patrick Riley (Revision)

You have the power to command. Whenever other players would go to the Destiny Deck, you may search through the deck and choose which Destiny Card is selected. You may also choose any one Comet in addition to the system card. On your own challenges, shuffle the Destiny Deck and draw a card at random.

History: Grotesque creatures rejected by an old and cultured world, the Dictators pushed and clawed their way to planetary dominion. Relentless in their demands, they turn friend against friend to do their bidding. Recently they have begun to tire of toying with the weak races at home and seek to call terms for the Universe.

Restriction: Do Not Use With Siren

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power. Alternate version of Dictator. From Patrick Riley: "This prevents abuse by selecting the same color over and over (deadly if Dictator is also Disease, or if Assassin is in the game). The destiny deck is not an artifact like Miser's hoard or Terrorist's bomb list; Dictator does not actually own the deck, just controls it. Will still ignores the color, but Dictator still has the opportunity to unload a specific color as well as play any special destiny cards. Will uses the normal or reverse cone as dictated by the destiny card selected by Dictator.

Wild1: You may propose an alternate color to the one on the destiny card. All players then vote on either the original flip or your proposal. Each player gets one vote, and you decide ties.

Super: You may command the Attacker to challenge a specific planet in the defensive system once the system color is determined, if he can make a legitimate challenge there.

Con: You may draw a Destiny card at random on your turn.

DIPLOMAT [O:rec.c:2] CAN NEGOTIATE 3-WAY DEALS Rob Burns / Patrick Riley (Revision)

You have the power to negotiate. Whenever one, but not two, Compromise Cards is played in a challenge and you are not one of the two main players, you can call out "negotiate". The revealed cards are discarded, and the two main players and you have 2 minutes to reach a 3-way deal. The normal rules apply for making a deal, including that no player can gain more than one base and that you each lose three tokens to the Warp if you fail.

History: A foreboding presence held in awe by other planetary life forms, the Diplomats strike only when their webs are fully spun. Then, for extricating those caught by their own rash acts, the Diplomats negotiate their terms.

Restriction: Do not use in a two-player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Once per challenge you may confront any player who has offended you (in your opinion). You both must deal (see rules) or lose 3 tokens to the Warp. Play then continues.

Super: As a main player, after alliances, instead of playing cards you may call a vote. You may buy votes with deals (see rules) which you keep only if you win. Continue as if the vote winner won the challenge (defense wins ties).

DIPLOMAT [O:BGG] Can Negotiate 3-Way Deals Rob Burns (Revision)

You have the power to negotiate. Whenever an Attack Card is played in an Encounter and you are not one of the main players, you may play a Negotiate card and call out "negotiate". The revealed cards are discarded, and the two main players and you have 2 minutes to reach a 3-way deal. No player may gain more than is allowed in the rules under "Making a Deal", that is one base and cards from other dealing players. If one of you refuses, you each lose 3 tokens to the Warp. You may use your ability after all other resolution actions have been taken, including Zapped Human or Loser's upset.

History: A foreboding presence held in awe by other planetary life forms, the Diplomats strike only when their webs are fully spun. Then, for extricating those caught by their own rash acts, the Diplomats negotiate their terms.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

DOPPELGANGER [M:Warp] Uses Opponent's Challenge Cards Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the power to haunt. At the start of the game, you do not receive a seven-card hand. Instead, each time you are a Main Player in a challenge, you may demand two challenge cards from any player involved in the challenge (your opponent or any allies). They decide which two to give you. After seeing the cards, you may either accept them, or you may set them aside and search through his remaining Challenge Cards and take two you like. You must take two cards from that player unless he started with only three, meaning he had only one left to take after you set two aside; in this case you get the one card remaining. After you have taken cards, the player gets the rest of his hand back, including cards that you set aside. The challenge then proceeds normally. At the end of the challenge, any cards you borrowed but did not use return to their previous owner. As long as you have use of your power, you never draw a new hand for lack of Challenge Cards. Any non-challenge cards you accumulate throughout the game may be held until played.

History: Haunting its Cosmic colleagues, the Doppelganger often gets the better of them. Each encounter leaves the jittery victim with the feeling that there is more to every passing shadow than meets the eye.

Phase 6 - Allies accept

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power. Alternate version of Doppelganger.

Wild1: When you are not a main player, you may play the hand of a player who has a base in your system. Return his hand at the end of the challenge.

Super: You may take any one player’s hand and make it your own. Discard all Challenge Cards.

Con: Doppelganger may not choose you when getting Challenge Cards.

DRAGON [O:Warp] Picks Up Discarded Flares Bill Martinson (Revision)

You have the power of Treasure. Whenever another player discards a flare (whether after playing it or not), you may use this power to add the flare to your hand. Any flares you play are discarded as usual.

When another player has played a flare and attempts to return it to his or her own hand, you may use this power and discard a flare from your own hand to steal the other player\'s flare and add it to your hand.

History: The overpowering greed of the once comely race of Dragons has gradually misshapen them into their present hideous form. Having turned their backs on all intelligent intercourse with others, they now seek only to increase their treasure and glory in profiting from the needs of others.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Draw a flare at random from the unused flare deck. Give this card to Dragon after playing it, or discard it if Dragon is not in the game.

Super: After another player plays a flare, instead of returning it to his or her hand, it goes into your hand at the end of the encounter.

DRAGON [O:Warp] Steals Flares to Win Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the power of Treasure. Whenever another player discards a flare (whether after playing it or not), you may use this power to add the flare to your hand.

When another player has played a flare and attempts to return it to his or her own hand, you may use this power and discard a flare from your hand to steal the other player’s flare and add it to your hand.

If at any point you have seven flares in your hand, you win the game. You may still win the game normally.

History: The overpowering greed of the once comely race of Dragons has gradually misshapen them into their present hideous form. Having turned their backs on all intelligent intercourse with others, they now seek only to increase their treasure and glory in profiting from the needs of others.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power. Modified from the revision by Bill Martinson and Jack Reda

Wild: Draw a flare at random from the unused flare deck. Give this card to Dragon after playing it, or discard it if Dragon is not in the game.

Super: When another player plays a flare, it goes into your hand rather than returning to that player's hand.

DRAGON [O:Warp] Adds Cards to Encounter Total Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the power of Treasure. At the start of any player\'s turn, you may place some or all non-encounter cards in your hand on this alien sheet, or put cards on this sheet back in your hand. Cards on this sheet do not count as part of your hand, and may not be played by you, or looked at by any other player.

As a main player or ally, after encounter cards are revealed, you may use this power to add the number of cards you have on this sheet to your side\'s encounter total.

History: The overpowering greed of the once comely race of Dragons has gradually misshapen them into their present hideous form. Having turned their backs on all intelligent intercourse with others, they now seek only to increase their treasure and glory in profiting from the needs of others.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: You may discard a card from your hand (despite the Visionary).

Super: You may play any cards on your alien sheet as if they were in your hand.

DRAGON [O:BGG] Draws Treasures SpaghettiToastBook (Revision)

You have the power of Treasure. The ten treasure cards outside the game are the \"treasure hoard\". Whenever you draw cards as part of a new hand (including your starting hand) or as rewards, you may use this power to draw one of those cards selected at random from the treasure hoard.

As a main player, when you win an encounter, you receive one reward.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Card Gain type power. The cards in the treasure hoard have a cosmic deck back. This is just a first draft, but thinking this would be a good treasure hoard:
• Attack 40
• Negotiate (Epic Oratory)
• Morph
• Retreat
• Intimidate 39
• Reinforcement +8
• Kicker ×3
• Finder
• Force Field
• Omni-Zap

Wild: When you draw cards for rewards, you may draw one of those cards from the unused flare deck.

Super: When using your power, you may draw a card of your choice from the treasure hoard.

EMPATH [O:rec.c] May Change Attack to Negotiate Gary Huckaby (Revision)

You have the power of Harmony. As a main player in an encounter, if only one player reveals a negotiate card, you may use this power to change both revealed cards to negotiates.

History: Eons of overpopulation forced the highly social Empaths to cooperate in order to survive. On their lush, tropical planet, they learned the value of deference and yielding. Now, they are striving to teach harmony to all other Cosmic life forms.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: As a main player, if your opponent reveals an attack card and you do not, you may send any one ship belonging to your opponent to the warp.

Super: If you are a main player or an ally and the main player opposing your side reveals a negotiate, you may exchange it for an attack card from your hand.

ETHIC [M:rec.c] Receives Compensation for Losing Patrick Riley (Revision)

Every time you are a main player and reveal an Attack Card in a challenge and lose, you collect 4 consolation cards at random from your opponent. If he does not have 4 cards, you take the cards he does have. You may discard any of these consolation cards that you do not want.

History: Ascribing to a moral code of the utmost purity, the Ethic sets a universal standard of conduct. Those who would harm the Ethic find themselves curiously repentant. Knowing that they are possessed of the One True Way, the race of Ethics now seeks to convert Outsiders through moral suasion.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Every time you take any new card(s) from the deck into your hand, you may feel guilty and give away some of them to other players. You may not, however, give away more than 3 cards per challenge in this way.

Super: You may use your power as an ally.

EXTREMIST [M:Warp] Plays High Attack or Negotiates Jack Reda (Revision)

Game Setup: Place a cosmic token on this sheet. Tokens on your sheet are your current extreme, each with a value of 10.

You have the power of Excess. As a main player, when you reveal an encounter card use this power. If the card is an attack card, it becomes a negotiate card. If you reveal a negotiate card, it becomes an attack card worth 10 for each cosmic token on this sheet.

If another player reveals an attack card with a value higher than your current extreme, add a token to this sheet. This includes effects that alter the value of a card, such as Tripler or the use of a kicker.

When taking compensation, you must take four cards, or no cards, regardless of how many ships you lose.

History: The Extremists value quick decision making over everything. Immoderate behavior is for the lesser species, and Extremists would rather fight all out or surrender completely. There is no middle ground.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: As a main player, if you or your opponent reveal a negotiate but the other doesn't, you may discard a negotiate from your hand and force a deal situation.

Super: As a main player, you may add all of your uninvolved ships on colonies to your total before cards are selected. If you lose the encounter, all of your ships go to the warp.

FORCE [O:rec.c:2] HELPS OTHERS Rob Burns (Revision)

You have the power to be with. When you are not a main player, other players may call upon you for help in a challenge. The other player may not specify the help he is hoping for. You may choose to aid one player per challenge. If you choose to aid him, take the deck and remove any combination of two Edicts or Kickers (i.e. two Edicts, two Kickers, or one of each). Shuffle the deck after choosing. Pass both cards to the player. He may use one, or neither, of the cards you have offered him, but not both. At the end of the challenge, after cards have been discarded, the aided player gives the unused card, or if he used neither, one of the two cards, back to you. You may keep this card. You may not aid a player unless called upon and no communication or haggling is allowed about your choice of aid.

History: Viewed by most races as a mystical entity, the Force is in fact a non-corporeal race of money-grubbers who value currency over enlightenment.

Restriction: Do not use in a two player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may "be with" another player (except the Filth) who has just gained a planet base, by placing one of your tokens on that base along with that player. Use once and discard.

Super: You may aid a player whether or not you are called upon, and after selecting the two cards from the deck, pass him the card you choose and keep the other.

FORCE [O:Warp] Can Replace an Encounter Card Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the power to Be With. When you are not a main player or ally, you may use this power to look at either main player’s encounter card after it is played, but before it is revealed. You may then trade that card with one from your hand. If you traded cards and that player wins the encounter or makes a deal, collect one reward for every ship he or she had in the encounter. If that player loses the encounter or fails to deal, you lose that many of your ships from any of your colonies (your choice).

History: Viewed by most races as a mystical entity, the Force is in fact a non-corporeal race of money-grubbers who value goods over enlightenment.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may "be with" another player (except the Filth) who has just gained a colony, by placing one of your ships on that colony along with that player. Give this flare to Force when you use it or discard it if Force is not playing.

Super: You may use your power to Be With as an ally.

HURTZ [O:rec.c] Leases Game Resources Rob Burns (Revision)

You have the power to lease. At the beginning of the game, deal three unused Powers, two unused Flares, and five cards from the deck face up in front of you. This forms your "lot" of items to be leased to other players. Another player can request to lease an item from this array at any time. You can refuse to lease it, or you can set a price of one or more Lucre. If the player agrees, he gets the use of the item during this Encounter, after which it is discarded whether he uses it or not. When you lease an item, draw another from appropriate pile to replace it. At the beginning of your turn, you may discard your entire "lot" and replace it as at the start of the game.

Once per challenge when you are a main player, you may take the top 3 cards from the challenge deck and look at them. You may purchase any or all of them for 1 Lucre each. Any cards you do not purchase will be sent to the discard pile, or you can send them to your "lot". Any cards sent to the lot displaces the same number of cards there already, which in turn go to the discard pile. You choose which cards from the lot are displaced.

History: As galactic conditions became more perilous, the Hurtz saw the need for a stable supplier of arms to all. Their slogan is: "We'll rent anything that's still face down."

HURTZ [M:Warp] Leases Game Resources Jack Reda (Revision)

Game Setup: At the beginning of the game, deal three unused alien powers, two unused flares, and five cards from the deck face up in front of you. This forms your array of items to be leased to other players.

You have the power to Lease. Whenever you are not a main player, use this power to make an offer to the main players. They may lease any of your items for the rest of that encounter. If neither player leases anything, or doesn\'t use the item they have leased, you gain 1 cosmic token. You may spend a cosmic token at any time to lease one of your own items. You may spend 4 cosmic tokens to gain a foreign colony anywhere. At the end of the encounter, leased items are discarded (alien powers are removed from the game), and you restock those items leased out.

History: As galactic conditions became more perilous, the Hurtz saw the need for a stable supplier of arms to all. Their slogan is: \"We\'ll rent anything that\'s still face down.\"

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may lease your alien power to another player for the remainder of the encounter. That player has use of your power instead of his or her own. If that player is on the winning side, draw two cards at random from that player. Otherwise, draw only 1 card.

Super: Gain 2 cosmic tokens if neither player leases one of your items, or if a leased item is not used.

HURTZ [O:Warp] Leases Ships Bill Martinson (Revision)

Game Setup: Choose one unused player color and place the 20 ships of that color on this sheet as \"rental ships.\" Do not use this power unless you have an unused player color.

You have the power to Lease. Before or after encounter cards are revealed in any encounter, you may use this power to offer a lease of up to four rental ships to another player who is involved in the encounter, negotiating a payment of anything the lessee could normally trade you as part of a deal. If the lease occurs after encounter cards are revealed, you also add one token to this sheet for each ship leased. The lessee stacks the rentals under his or her ship(s) in the encounter. Make as many leases as you like, up to four ships per involved player per encounter.

Rental ships count as normal ships for the lessee. Whenever they move, he or she must re-stack them under his or her normal ship(s). If any are lost, captured, removed from the game, or unable to remain properly stacked, they return to this sheet (regardless of other game effects).

You may discard a token from this sheet at any time to receive one reward or to cancel the lease on one rental ship anywhere. As part of a deal, you may provide another player with up to four rental ships, which he or she adds to any of his or her colonies.

History: As galactic conditions became more perilous, the Hurtz saw the need for a stable supplier of arms to all. Their slogan is: \"We\'ll rent anything that\'s still face down.\"

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may lease your alien power to another player for the remainder of the encounter. That player has use of your power instead of his or her own. If that player is on the winning side, draw two cards at random from that player. Otherwise, draw only 1 card.

Super: You may put four rental ships into play for yourself.

INSECT [O:Warp] Copies Other Players’ Alien Powers Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the power of Metamorphosis. Whenever you are a main player, place an Insect token on your opponent’s alien sheet if he or she does not have one.

You may use this power to copy the effects of any player’s alien power by removing the Insect token from that player’s sheet, so long as that player is not a main player opposing you when you are also a main player. That player still has use of his or her power.

History: The short-lived Insects rapidly adapt to match the strengths of any opponent. They know that their ability to metamorphose and copy any ecological innovation will lead to ultimate control of the Cosmos.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power. Eight Insect tokens.

Wild: If you lose an encounter as a main player, you may discard your hand and immediately draw a new one.

Super: You may use your power as a main player to copy the effects of your opponent's power (going before him or her if you wish).

GRUMPUS [O:BGG] SEEKS SECLUSION Bill Martinson (Revision)

You have the power to Grump. At the start of every player’s turn, you may use this power to “chase off” any one ship from one of your home planets where you do not have a colony. That ship returns to any of its owner’s colonies in a different system.

At the start of your own turn, if there is a planet in any system that has no ships on it, you may use this power to relocate any one of your colonies onto that planet.

You may play any number of different flare cards each encounter, just like in the good old days.

History: The Grumpus is indeed a stodgy curmudgeon. Other species prefer not to interact with the Grumpi, lest they be drawn into a long-winded conversation about how the Universe was better back in their millennium. And be careful where you tread when visiting the Grumpus home world; they cannot stand it when there are aliens on their lawn.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Super: When you use your power to chase off a ship, you may chase off one from each of your home planets where you do not have a colony.

LASER [O:Warp] Targets Cards Opponent Can’t Use Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the Power to Blind. As a main player, before cards are selected, you may use this power to select at random one card from your opponent for each ship you have in the encounter. The targeted cards are placed on your opponent’s alien sheet and are not considered part of his or her hand. At the end of the encounter, the cards return to your opponent’s hand. If after blinding your opponent he or she has no encounter cards, you win the encounter.

History: Descended from an ancient sun-worshipping cult, the modern Lasers have learned to Focus stellar power accurately enough to bedazzle any opposition. They have now embarked on a plan to spread confusion and fear among their enemies before stepping in to build a coherent Cosmos in their own image.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: If you are a main player, your opponent (except for the Oracle) must choose an encounter card and play it before asking for allies.

Super: You may use your power to blind as an ally, targeting either one of the main players.

LLOYD [O:rec.c] Taxes Lucre Transactions Dr. Jeremy Weinman (Revision)

You have the power of capital. You tax all lucre transactions at 50% rounded up. You may buy tokens or cards at any time. Any opponent must pay you one Lucre for every 4 available to them (or part thereof). If you cannot pay Lloyd, you give tokens as security. Tokens count as Lucre to Lloyd. These tokens may be recovered at any time. One lucre per token.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Whenever you are required to pay lucre to another player, you may take that lucre from the box in order to make the payment.

Super: You may loan 1 main player in a challenge any amount of lucre from the box. At the end of the challenge lucre is returned to the box. Borrower must pay Lloyd an agreed amount of interest. If borrower has insufficient lucre to repay loan &/or interest they forfeit tokens as security to Lloyd. These tokens may be regained for lucre at any time. Lloyd must pay lucre or their own tokens to the box to cover unrepaid loans.

LLOYD [O:Warp] Protects Players’ Assets Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the power to Insure. You may use this power to offer to insure any other player’s assets (alien power, ships, or cards). If your offer is accepted, you gain a cosmic token. If the player insures his or her alien power, it cannot be lost or zapped during the encounter. If he or she insures ships, they return to colonies instead of being sent to the warp, lost, or captured. If he or she insures cards, they may keep any card specified in your agreement instead of being forced to discard it or lose it as compensation. A protected card may not be played more than once in the encounter. All insurance deals have a one encounter duration and must be renegotiated at the start of the next encounter. You may not insure anything you yourself possess.

At any time, you may spend tokens as if you were collecting defender rewards.

History: The Lloyd has been known to generations of warriors, merchants, and diplomats as the protector and helping hand in time of need. Muttering the ancient phrase ”the party of the first part heretofore known as the party of the second part, notwithstanding the part of the aforementioned claimant ...” and finishing with the sacred ”signhereplease,” the Lloyd is rarely suspect in its own right.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Meta type power.

Wild: When you are about to lose a colony, you may keep one of your ships there (that would have otherwise been lost).

Super: Gain 2 cosmic tokens whenever a player insures one of their assets.

MACRON [M:Warp] TOKENS VALUE EQUALS 4 Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the power of mass. No matter how many tokens you bring into a challenge, your token value is worth four. You are restricted to normal token movement, but may collect consolation and rewards based on the number of your tokens involved.

History: Beginning life on a gargantuan planet, the Macrons accustomed themselves to tremendous atmospheric and gravitational forces. Power comes so naturally to them, they scoff at the fragile intelligences they crush on their way to Universal dominance.

Play at any time

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power. Alternate version of Macron. From Jack Reda: "Macron needs to have a bigger risk quotient. While it's nice to have the 16 when being attacked, it is far outweighed by the problems of having bases with only one token, and only collecting one in consolation and rewards. It isn't always sound game-playing to keep allying with the defense just to get an opportunity to move tokens to your external bases."

Wild: As ally or offensive player, you may put as many tokens into the cone as you have bases (including bases in your own system).

Super: Each of your tokens is worth four (you may still place up to four tokens in the cone).

MACRON [M:GK] Tokens Worth Three Gerald Katz (Revision)

You have the power of mass. Each of your tokens has a value of 3 when determining challenge totals. They only count as 1 for consolation and defensive rewards. You may put up to 4 tokens onto the cone as normal.

History: Coming from a gargantuan planet, the Macrons are accustomed to tremendous atmospheric and gravitational forces. Power comes so naturally to them, they scoff at the fragile intelligences they crush on their way to universal dominance.

Phase 8 - Reveal cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power. Alternate version of Macron. From Gerald Katz: "I felt that the original Macron power was weakened by only being able to place one token in the cone. That it's worth 4 is meaningless when token removal affects take place."

Wild1: As an ally or offensive player, you may put as many tokens in the cone as you have bases, including bases in your own system.

Super1: Each of your tokens counts as three for consolation and rewards.

Pro: Your tokens are worth 5 each.

Con: Macron may only put one token onto the cone. The token is worth four.

MACRON [M:rec.c] Tokens Are Worth Four BunnyThor (Revision)

You have the power of mass. Each of your tokens is worth four. You may only take up to two tokens into the Hyperspace Cone. For purposes of rewards and consolation, you still only receive one per token.

History: Beginning life on a gargantuan planet, the Macrons accustomed themselves to tremendous atmospheric and gravitational forces. Power comes so naturally to them, they scoff at the fragile intelligences they crush on their way to Universal dominance.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

MARTIAN [M:FFGfo] Immune To Other Powers Christopher Oliveira (Revision)

You have the power of reality. No Alien Power of any other player in the game can be used to effect you in any way whether positively or negatively. This includes Parasite allying with you, Tick-Tock losing a token upon your successful defense, Human allying with or against you, Oracle trying to make you play an encounter card face up, etc.

History: Often thought to be nothing more than imaginary "little green men", the Martians in time showed what they really were. The universe and all its fury seemingly has no effect on this primitive race, and they march on undaunted by all the other beings that share the expanse of space with them on towards cosmic mastery.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: No Artifact of any other player in the game can be used to effect you in any way whether positively or negatively.

Super: No Flare can be used by any other player in the game to effect you in any way whether positively or negatively.

PIRATE [O:rec.c:L] Raids Others' Lucre Rob Burns (Revision)

You have the power to raid. During any challenge in which you are involved as a main player or an ally, after allies have committed, you may declare the challenge to be a "raid" of the opposing main player's Lucre. After a "raid" has been declared, it cannot be rescinded, nor can the opposing main player spend the challenged Lucre. The challenge then proceeds as normal, except that the opposing main player's Lucre is doubled in value in figuring challenge totals. If you lose your power during the challenge, the "raid" is canceled and the opposing main player's Lucre is no longer at stake, but his Lucre still counts as double toward challenge totals. After tokens land (or not), if the Pirate's side wins, they get all of the opposing main player's Lucre + 5 extra Lucre from the box. The Pirate's side then has one minute to allocate this "booty"; if an agreement cannot be reached, the booty goes to the box. If both main players play Compromise cards, the raid is canceled and proceed with a normal deal situation.

History: Whispering rapacious orders into their ears, a small flock of rogue traders lead their minions into the far reaches of interstellar space.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

PIRATE [O:FB] Captures Ships for Booty Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the Power to Raid. When you are involved in an encounter on the offensive side and your side wins, you may use your power. You may capture one ship from the losing side of the encounter for each of your ships you choose to not land on the targeted planet. Your ships that did not land return to your colonies, and the captured ships are placed on your alien sheet.

During any Regroup, you may send up to four ships from your sheet to the warp and collect rewards for them. You may also ransom ships to a player for cards or anything else in accordance with rules for a deal. You may return ships to a player as part of a deal.

History: Whispering rapacious orders into their ears, a small flock of rogue traders lead their minions into the far reaches of interstellar space.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may choose to take cards drawn at random from the winning defensive player when collecting rewards.

Super: You may capture two opposing ships for each of your ships that you choose to return to your colonies when using your alien power.

SILENCER [O:Warp] Silences Other Players Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the power to Silence. As a main player, you may use this power before the launch phase. Give a Silence token to any other player who doesn\'t have one. For the rest of the encounter, if a player you just gave a Silence token to speaks, uses an optional power, invites allies, or accepts invitations to ally, he or she is penalized for being ”too noisy”. Penalize a player by sending any one of his or her ships not in the encounter to the warp, or drawing a card at random from his or her hand and discarding it. At the end of any encounter when all other players have a Silence token, collect all Silence tokens back.

History: Expanding outward with all matter since the dawn of creation, the Silencers have long dwelt in a state of pure meditation. Aghast at the sudden proliferation of jabbering life forms, they feel a holy duty to bring the blessings of quietude to all other species.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: As a main player you may stop your opponent from using his or her power. Give this card to Silencer after you play it, or discard it if Silencer is not in the game.

Super: You may give two players a Silence token (if neither has one) when you use your power.

STING [O:GK] Switches Dying Tokens Gerald Katz (Revision)

You have the power to substitute. Whenever you lose tokens, you may designate another player to lose them instead. Your tokens return to bases, and he chooses an equal number of his own to lose. He then may draw one card from your hand for each token he lost. If you have too few cards, he may draw the remainder from the deck or may take that many Lucre from you, at his choice.

History: Genetically sterile through a side-effect of their colony's energy shield, the Sting desperately sought a way to save themselves from extinction. In their quest, they stumbled upon a vampiric form of immortality. Emboldened, they now scour the Cosmos in search of a cure for their sterility, and woe to those who try to stop them.

Play at any time

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power. This version of Sting removes "involuntary" from its description.

Wild1: When you are required to give consolation, you may instead designate another player to give it instead.

Super: When you send another player's tokens to the Warp instead of yours, he gets nothing in return.

Pro: You choose the cards from your hand the player gets.

Con: Sting cannot choose you to lose tokens.

VAMPIRE [M:Warp] Uses Eliminated Ships Jack Reda (Revision)

Game Setup: Choose one unused player color and take the 20 ships in that color (16 in a 4-planet game) and place them next to your alien sheet.

You have the power to Enslave. When you win an encounter as a main player, instead of sending the losing ships to the warp, use this power to stack a ship from your alien sheet on top of each opposing ship. Place these enslaved ships on any of your colonies. Enslaved ships are only freed by a Mobius Tubes (even if the ships are not in the warp) returning to owners\' colonies. When ships are freed, your Vampire ships return to this alien sheet. Whenever you use your power, you may choose to release already enslaved ships, sending them to the warp, and use the Vampire ships on them to enslave the new ships. Enslaved ships count as 1 ship each, except against the player each was taken from, where they count as 2 ships (for totals, compensation, and rewards).

History: The Vampires sowed terror on their home planet for centuries before wiping out all other life forms, turning them into vampires one by one. Then they turned their attention, their blood lust, and their fangs to the blackness of the Cosmos.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: As a main player, you may take one other player's ships on any planet where you have a colony, switching his ships with yours from the warp.

Super: Your enslaved ships count as 4 each against their normal owners for encounter totals, compensation, and rewards.

WARPISH [M:Warp] Add tokens in the Warp or Praw to total Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the power of necromancy. When you are a main player, all tokens in either the Warp or the Praw (but not both) add to your total in a challenge. They do not count toward consolation, however. You must declare before cards are played which section will add to your total.

History: The race known as the Warpish claims to have been born from the Warp itself. Whether this is true or not (and opinion is dramatically divided), they easily have a greater knowledge of the Warp than any other race, to the point of creating a new Warp for their own personal use. Will these Masters of the Warp achieve the domination they seek? Only time will tell.

Phase 6 - Allies accept
Phase 8 - Reveal cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power. Alternate version of Warpish. From Jack Reda: "This version of Warpish is for when you have Praw in the game, which we usually do. It tempers Warpish a little."

Wild1: You may add your tokens in the Warp to your side's total in a challenge.

Super: You may add all tokens in the Warp and the Praw to your side's total as an ally.

Pro: You may have all tokens in the Warp or Praw add to your side in the challenge as an ally.

Con: As main player against Warpish, your tokens in the warp or the Praw do not add to his challenge total.

WITCH [O:BGG] Curses Other Players Bill Martinson (Revision)

You have the power to Curse. As a main player, if one or more of your ships are lost to the warp, removed from the game, or captured, you may use this power to curse any player(s) on the opposing side. Look through the cosmic or reward deck for up to 60 seconds. Choose one card for each player you wish to curse, placing it partway underneath his or her alien sheet, facedown, as a curse against that victim. Afterwards, shuffle whichever deck you searched. Players may accumulate more than one curse.

You alone may look at your unfulfilled curses, and may fulfill them against their victims whenever appropriate. You may play non-encounter-card curses, as if played normally from your hand, to negatively affect their victims. After encounter cards are selected but before they are revealed, you may use encounter-card and kicker curses to replace similar cards that are already on the table for their victims (even cards placed by game effects such as Deuce and Industrialist), discarding the replaced cards. All fulfilled curses are discarded after use, including flares.

If this sheet is turned facedown or removed from the game, discard all unfulfilled curses.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: As a main player or ally, after encounter cards are revealed, you may draw one card from the deck. If it is an encounter card, you may exchange it with any faceup encounter card in play. The card you end up holding is added to your hand or discarded (your choice).

Super: When using your power, instead of looking through a deck you may look through either the cosmic deck discard pile or the reward deck discard pile.

WITCH [M:BGG] Curses Opponents Ido Abelman (Revision)

Game Setup: Take the 15 curse cards, putting them on this alien sheet.

You have the power to curse. Whenever you lose an encounter as main player, use this power to give your opponent a curse card. Whenever you should recieve a curse card for any reason, use this power to discard it instead. Whenever a curse card is discarded, return it to this sheet.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power. Curse cards are Encounter cards that force a player to automatically lose the encounter. A player can not win the game if he or she has any Curse cards in hand.

WITCH [M:Warp] Curses Planets Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the power to Curse. Whenever you lose an encounter as a main player or ally, use this power to draw the top card of the destiny discard pile if it is a player color or a wild destiny. Place the card partially under a planet of the matching system color (or any planet if it is a wild destiny). That planet is now cursed. On any encounter where the targeted planet is a cursed planet, if you have not lifted the curse by the planning phase, the defense automatically loses the encounter. Skip the planning phase and go to the resolution phase. At any time before the planning phase, you may lift the curse by placing the destiny card on the bottom of the discard pile.

History: The Witches so concentrated their anger about life\'s injustices that their inner rage became a force they could project against others. Now they never seem quite as happy as when an ill turn of fate releases this power and they can bewitch their enemies.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You can use your power even if you have fewer than the required number of bases.

Super: You may choose any card in the destiny discard pile when you must curse a planet, so long as it is a player color or a wild destiny.

WORM [O:GK] Moves The Cone Gerald Katz (Revision)

You have the power to tunnel. At game set-up, you may place your tokens among your bases in any way desired. As offensive player, after Challenge Cards are revealed, you may move the cone so that it points to any other planet or moon where your opponent has tokens, not necessarily in the defensive system. Conclude the challenge. As defensive player, after Challenge Cards are revealed, you may move the cone so that it points to any other planet in your system, regardless of whether or not you have tokens there, but also neither does your opponent. You may move the cone to and from moons in this way, but only to an empty moon or one where you have tokens. Alternatively, you may also move the cone to any foreign base that you have where your opponent does not, including moons. Conclude the challenge.

History: The Worms learned hidden attack and surprise confrontations on the vast sandscapes of home. Now, as the first segments leave for space, who knows where they will surface.

Phase 8 - Reveal cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power. Alternate version of Worm.

Wild1: At the start of your turn, you may move tokens from your bases onto a planet in your home system where you have no base.

Super1: You may move the cone as per your power as an ally. Consider as if you were the main player for the main player on your side of the challenge.

Pro: As defensive player, you may move the cone to where your opponent already has a base in your system or any base you share.

Con: Worm can only use its unmodified version.

WRACK [M:FB] Tortures Opponents for Playing Cards Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the Power to Torture. As a main player, whenever a player on the opposing side plays a card, use this power. That player must send one of his or her ships from any of their colonies to the warp.

History: Sadistic to a degree unparalleled in recorded annals, the miserable Wracks haven\'t a decent sharn in their claydorns. After generations of bullying local flora and fauna, they now dream of intimidating the Universe.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: If you are a main player, the opposing main player must send one of his or her ships to the warp each time he or she uses their power during this encounter.

Super: You may use your power as an ally.

ZOMBIE [M:Warp] Ships Are Freed from the Warp Jack Reda (Revision)

You have the power of Immortality. At the start of every encounter, all of your ships in the Warp are freed to your colonies. Additionally, you may free another player's ships from the Warp as part of a deal.

History: Shadowy Forms on a dark and murky world, Zombies prized all sources of energy. They could flourish only by careful recycling of their own kind. Living on decomposed organic matter, they abhor the needless waste of war and have developed effective techniques to make sure their numbers will not be reduced.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power. Zombie collects compensation normally. Zombie is affected by aliens like Void and Fungus.

Wild: You may return other players' tokens (to bases) from the Warp as part of a deal.

Super: You may allow an ally to use all of his Warp ships in this encounter. If they survive, these tokens go to any of his colonies after the encounter.

Displayed 49 powers.