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LLOYD [O:rec.c] Taxes Lucre Transactions Dr. Jeremy Weinman (Revision)
You have the power of capital. You tax all lucre transactions at 50% rounded
up. You may buy tokens or cards at any time. Any opponent must pay you one
Lucre for every 4 available to them (or part thereof). If you cannot pay
Lloyd, you give tokens as security. Tokens count as Lucre to Lloyd. These
tokens may be recovered at any time. One lucre per token.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: Whenever you are required to pay lucre to another player, you may take
that lucre from the box in order to make the payment.
Super: You may loan 1 main player in a challenge any amount of lucre from
the box. At the end of the challenge lucre is returned to the box. Borrower
must pay Lloyd an agreed amount of interest. If borrower has insufficient
lucre to repay loan &/or interest they forfeit tokens as security to Lloyd.
These tokens may be regained for lucre at any time. Lloyd must pay lucre or
their own tokens to the box to cover unrepaid loans.
Displayed 1 powers.